Reply to message as threaded response in MS Teams using Azure Bot Sevices - azure

I have been referring to docs like this and this to send a reply to a proactive message as threaded message.
But, I am only able to send each message as independent message and not as reply message.
I want to have a reply like this:
I am pretty sure the channel allows reply, since the screenshot is from the channel itself.
My request payload :
Method: POST
"type": "message",
"from": {
"id": "bot-id",
"name": "bot name"
"conversation": {
"id": "19:channelId",
"name":"random name"
"recipient": {
"id": "recepientId",
"name": "name"
"text":"I want to reply to threadid",
This is supposed to be very simple, but I am struggling to find what I am doing wrong. Any help is appreciated.

I used the URL Like this:{channelId;messageid={activityId}/activities
and it worked like a charm!


I would like to add one more conversation to actions.json

I have an application within watson assistant that consumes many services from other endpoints. and I would like to call this conversation (from watson) within a google assistant conversation in a certain intention. for example i will develop a rich conversation on google assistant and in one of the options i will call watson's conversation.
I tried as follows, but it didn't work. does anyone know any example that can help me?
{"locale": "pt-BR",
"actions": [
"description": "Launch intent",
"name": "MAIN",
"fulfillment": {
"conversationName": "mainConversation"
"intent": {
"name": "actions.intent.MAIN"
"description": "Direct access",
"name": "BUY",
"fulfillment": {
"conversationName": "ExampleAction"
"intent": {
"name": "com.example.ExampleAction.BUY",
"trigger": {
"queryPatterns": [
"conversations": {
"mainConversation": {
"name": "mainConversation",
"url": "",
"fulfillmentApiVersion": 2
"BUY": {
"name": "ExampleAction",
"url": "",
"fulfillmentApiVersion": 2
That won't work because the webhook for everything published under the same project has to be the same URL. You are expected to handle all the Intents and "actions" at that webhook.
In your case, you would also need to make sure the request is formatted the way the Watson API would be expecting it. The Assistant will send it using the Conversation Webhook Format, and it sounds like you would send it using Watson's Analyze Text API.
You're not showing any of your code, so it is difficult to be sure - but the first would be in a JSON format that you can extract. You can then use a library in Node (such as request-promise to make the calls to Watson. Based on the result from Watson, you'd need to format the results as a response and return it to the Assistant.
It isn't clear why you'd need multiple webhooks specifically, although it is certainly possible that some Intents may make different API calls than others.
Keep in mind that your custom Intents will only be valid on invocation. Subsequent Intents will all be TEXT Intents.

Sending JSON Payload to Slack via AWS Lambda

I am trying to build a Slack app by using AWS lambda and NodeJs. The issue I am facing is that I don't understand in what format does the SlackBot need the JSON payload from my AWS lambda code to display it.
I followed the tutorial video suggested on Slack linked here. In the video, the following JSON object is created and returned from the AWS lambda.
const response = {
statusCode: 200,
body: "Sample Response",
The SlackBot posts the text entered in the 'body' property (i.e. 'Sample Response' in this case) as a response. This seems to be working well. But, I need some more flair than simple text so I looked into their Block Kit UI builder. But there seems to be no documentation for how to do this with a similar 'response' JSON object like this. How exactly am I supposed to use the JSON object created by the UI builder?
I do not know much about Web development so sorry if this seems like a very basic question. I wish there was a sample Slack app on their website which showed this.
The following may work for you (I use a similar one on the production);
"channel": "your-channel-name",
"username": "channel-username",
"attachments": [
"title": "some-title",
"fallback": "some message",
"text": "some text",
"fields": [
"title": "sub-title",
"value": "sub-title-value",
"short": true
"title": "some-other-title",
"value": "some-value"
"color": "red"
"icon_emoji": "gun"
This link or this one may provide some extra information.

Dialogflow Fulfillment URLnot sending any data

I am building a bot for google assistant. I have enabled fulfillment section for some intents. Dialog flow sends the request to the fulfillment url. The url is executed and a hard coded response is returned. I can see the response in the assistant simulator. Everything works fine except one thing. The request is empty.I can't access fields that are supposed to be present in the request.
I have accessed the same url using post request from a python code and it displays the parameters. So, there are no issues in the code. I think I am missing some configuration option.
I was expecting the post body in the following format:
POST body:
"responseId": "ea3d77e8-ae27-41a4-9e1d-174bd461b68c",
"session": "projects/your-agents-project-id/agent/sessions/88d13aa8-2999-4f71-b233-39cbf3a824a0",
"queryResult": {
"queryText": "user's original query to your agent",
"parameters": {
"param": "param value"
"allRequiredParamsPresent": true,
"fulfillmentText": "Text defined in Dialogflow's console for the intent that was matched",
"fulfillmentMessages": [
"text": {
"text": [
"Text defined in Dialogflow's console for the intent that was matched"
"outputContexts": [
"name": "projects/your-agents-project-id/agent/sessions/88d13aa8-2999-4f71-b233-39cbf3a824a0/contexts/generic",
"lifespanCount": 5,
"parameters": {
"param": "param value"
"intent": {
"name": "projects/your-agents-project-id/agent/intents/29bcd7f8-f717-4261-a8fd-2d3e451b8af8",
"displayName": "Matched Intent Name"
"intentDetectionConfidence": 1,
"diagnosticInfo": {},
"languageCode": "en"
"originalDetectIntentRequest": {}
But when I print the post data using print(request.POST), the actual post request shown is
One more thing: Does dialog flow append the action at the end of the fulfillment url? If so, I will have to handle the logic separately. I have done it without considering the action name. But a lot of my stuff is hacked, so I just want to be sure.
On another note, is dialogflow good enough? It has worked fine on a few examples similar to what it was trained on. How many training samples does it need to work properly? What is the underlying algorithm used in dialogflow? Or should I use the fulfillment url and handle everything on my own? I am inclined towards the later. I do not have too much faith in the existing chatbots.
Any help is appreciated.
If the Fallback Intent is the one being triggered, then you wouldn't get any parameters since this means that nothing else matched.
Got it. Used request.body. This solves the problem. Then parsed it using json.loads and accessed the parameters.

Request timeout in API.AI

I have an agent that sends a request (comes from the user) to a webhook which needs a lot of processing (more than 5 sec) to get the answer. As far as I know, that there is no way to increase the response timeout in
So, I have created 2 intents. The first one simply will call my webhook to start the processing the result, and at the same time the webhook will reply to the user, "Your request is under processing...".
The second intent has an event and action. The purpose of the new event is just to display the result to the user.
Once the result is ready, my backend application will send a curl statement to trigger the event in the second intent with the necessary parameter modifications like sessionID, v, and time zone … etc.
I have received the following JSON from API.AI (I created an example to simplify my case):
{ "id": "de31ee96-c42f-4f2d-8461-ee39279ec2ed", "timestamp": "2017-09-27T13:39:46.932Z", "lang": "en", "result": {
"source": "agent",
"resolvedQuery": "custom_event",
"action": "test",
"actionIncomplete": false,
"parameters": {
"user_name": "Sam"
"contexts": [
"name": "welcoming-followup",
"parameters": {
"name.original": "",
"user_name": "Sam",
"name": "",
"user_name.original": ""
"lifespan": 2
"metadata": {
"intentId": "c196a388-16ac-4966-b55c-7cd999a7d680",
"webhookUsed": false,
"webhookForSlotFillingUsed": "false",
"intentName": "Welcoming"
"fulfillment": {
"speech": "Hello Sam",
"messages": [
"type": 0,
"speech": "Hello Sam"
"score": 1.0 }, "status": {
"code": 200,
"errorType": "success" }, "sessionId": "67cb28fd-6871-750c-d668-d0b736b763ec" }
Here is the curl statement that was sent by my backend.
The curl statement is: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" -H "Authorization: Bearer I INSERTED THE CORRECT CODE HERE" --data "{'event':{ 'name': 'custom_event', 'data': {'name': 'Sam'}}, 'timezone':'America/New_York', 'lang':'en', 'sessionId':'a6ac2555-4b19-40f8-92ec-397f6a042dde'}" ""
As shown from the above JSON, the agent received the trigger successfully. But, The response that I have specified in the “Response Section” does not appear to the user.
I attached a screenshot for the second intent in the agent.
Note: I tried the agent in developer console, WebDemo and Slack. None of them shown to me (as a user) the specified response.
I am not sure if I did something wrong?
screenshot of the second intent
API.AI is not really meant to handle event-driven activities. It is meant to be the intermediary in a conversation - so the normal pattern is:
User says something
API.AI processes this, possibly with a webhook, and sends a response.
Devices such as Google Home do not have a way to get a notification, so unless the user says something (step 1), then you will never get to step 2.
When you try to trigger it manually, API.AI is treating your trigger as the step 1, and it is replying to your trigger. It has no way to send that reply back to the Assistant because it isn't having a conversation with the Assistant at that moment - it is having a conversation with however you manually triggered it.
There isn't really a good way to do what you want right now. We know notifications are coming to the Assistant eventually (it was announced at I/O 2017), but we don't know if it will have an API or what it will look like. The Transaction API does have notifications as part of it, but Transactions are meant for activities where you are purchasing or reserving something. If you need to, you can use something like Firebase Cloud Messaging to let your user know they can ask for the result, but that's a sub-optimal experience.

Outlook Mail REST API: send message with attachment

I'm trying to use next API method: Sending messages without attachments works just fine, but I can not understand how to send message with attachments.
According to docs, Message structure can contain array of Attachments with items of type . Problem is in the field ContentBytes -- it is impossible to dump bytes to JSON before sending request to this API method (actually dumping any BLOB to JSON is nonsense).
How should I pass Attachments using REST API at all?
There's an example of passing the attachment on that page:
I know I'm 3 years late but, you can look at this example: (if you don't get forwarded to the section "Create and send messages", please scroll manually).
I know it is 365 and not Microsoft Graph but request is absolutely same.
This is basically how JSON representation of the post method looks:
"Subject": "Meet for lunch?",
"Body": {
"ContentType": "Text",
"Content": "The new cafeteria is open."
"ToRecipients": [
"EmailAddress": {
"Address": ""
"Attachments": [
"#odata.type": "#Microsoft.OutlookServices.FileAttachment",
"Name": "menu.txt",
"ContentBytes": "bWFjIGFuZCBjaGVlc2UgdG9kYXk="
