OneDrive SDK : how can I use single tenant app to access onedrive files? - azure

AADSTS50194: Application 'censured'(-app) is not configured as a multi-tenant application. Usage of the /common endpoint is not supported for such applications created after '10/15/2018'. Use a tenant-specific endpoint or configure the application to be multi-tenant.
How can I use single-tenant specific endpoint? I want to create a file picker that permit user to browse its file and organization files. I already read this question but, without editing OneDrive.js (library), I can't change
Hope you can help me, thanks.

because the onedrive.js library has the common endpoint hard coded, your easiest way is to change it to point to your tenant login endpoint.
if you don't want to do that, have the user login before using the picker, then save the access token and endpoint and provide it to the js
similar to whats being done here:
as per the advanced options of the picker gives you options to specify the endpointhint and accesstoken.
hope that helps,
I just tried it this way and it seems to work. but I didn't try to do it with a token. just an endpointHint, when I used an endpointHint, it didn't give me the error about the multi-tenant issue.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function launchOneDrivePicker(){
var odOptions = {
clientId: "myappid-guid-thing",
action: "query",
multiSelect: true,
advanced: {endpointHint: "",},
<button onClick="launchOneDrivePicker()">Open from OneDrive</button>
Please make sure you get the endpoint url right, eg, notice the "-my" after your tenant name, that's necessary.


How to load typeform dynamically using Embed SDK ? Or is there any api to submit the form?

I am trying to embed typeform into my angular application using typeform’s Embed SDK.
<div data-tf-widget="<form-id>"></div>
<script src="//"></script>
But however, in my use case I need to dynamically pass the form-id which is obtained from the typeform API response to the above div element.
I have tried adding data-tf-widget="<form-id>" attribute to the element dynamically. It’s getting added but the form with the specified id is not getting rendered in the UI.
Is there are way to achieve this? or Is there any api/method/listener provided by the library, that helps me to re-render the element with the provided form-id?
If there is any API available for typeform submission, that would be helpful.
Thanks in advance.
I am trying to embed typeform into my angular application using typeform’s Embed SDK.
<div data-tf-widget="<form-id>"></div>
<script src="//"></script>
But however, in my use case I need to dynamically pass the form-id which is obtained from the typeform API response to the above div element.
I have tried adding data-tf-widget="<form-id>" attribute to the element dynamically. It’s getting added but the form with the specified id is not getting rendered in the UI.
You can use the createWidget method:
<div id="tf"></div>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//" />
<script src="//"></script>
<script>'<form-id>', {
container: document.getElementById('tf')
Have a look at the documentation for more information on how to pass more parameters, hidden fields...

Accessing logged in user roles and include in page source

We are intergrating an external JavaScript application into Acumatica and we have a need to be able to access the logged in users authorization / user access roles. Our thought is that if we can write the logged in users access roles to the page source as global scope variables our JavaScript app can handle the rest, but we are a bit challenged in figuring out how to do that. We know we can write the roles to the trace screen, but that doesn't help as we need it literally in the page source for this to work (ideally the page source and not the DOM - but we can look into if the DOM could work too).
Any help would be much appreciated.
The page source in ASP.Net is a ASPX.CS file that resides on the server, I doubt your JavaScript can hook into that. The communication from the server to the UI layer is a template engine.
You define the fields in the ASPX file and these template fields are populated with the DataViews current record. The minified JavaScript that is in the page runs that templating engine.
You can't simply generate dynamic HTML or access the JavaScript side of things from the server. So having fields values in the DOM is probably your best bet. You can make the controls invisible if required.
Example to read UI control values using JavaScript:
<%# MasterType VirtualPath="~/MasterPages/FormDetail.master" %>
<asp:content id="cont1" contentplaceholderid="phDS" runat="Server">
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
window.addEventListener('load', function () {
// Fetch a value from UI control
var control = px_alls["edControlID"];
var value = control.getValue();

Error 'Service has been disabled for this account' while running identity.getAuthToken for chrome extension

I am trying to create an extension that uses the selected data and saves it to google sheets. Sounds pretty simple though but I am stuck at the Auth2 part.
Here's what I have done so far:
I have created a manifest.json and uploaded it on the chrome developer dashboard to obtain the "key" and "id".
Used the "id" to get the auth client id and added it to my manifest.json.
Next I have added basic html in "popup.html" and the context menu code part in "options.js" which is defined as the background script in "manifest.json".
Next I am using the "getAuthToken " to get the token in "popup.js". When I run the extension everything works but once I click the button to get the token nothing happens and "undefined" token value is returned.The error message is
Unchecked runtime.lastError while running identity.getAuthToken: OAuth2 request failed: Service responded with error: 'Service has been disabled for this account.'
"version": "1.0",
"content_security_policy":"script-src 'self'; object-src 'self'",
<!doctype <!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="jquery-3.3.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="popup.js"></script>
<h1>random text</h1>
<h2> Data: <span id="data"></span></h2>
<input type="submit" id="button" value="Authorize">
$(function(){'datas', function(values){
alert("getting token......")
I have tried searching for similar issues but none solves my issue. kindly help what I am doing wrong.
You may be using an account with Google advanced protection which disables Gmail and Google Drive related API access for non-Google apps:
To keep your data secure, most non-Google apps and services won’t be able to access some data in your Google Account, like Google Drive or Gmail. *
Also see this announcement from Google:
Today we’re announcing plans to extend the same policy to Google Drive as part of Project Strobe.
With this updated policy, we’ll limit the types of apps that have broad access to content or data via Drive APIs.
You may refer with the suggestion in this link to make it work:
Go to Google Developers Console and create a new project.
Go to APIs & auth > Credentials in the panel to create new Client ID. The application ID of chrome app can be obtained from Chrome Developer Dashboard if your app is uploaded.
Go to APIs & auth > Consent screen and fill in Email Address and Product Name and Save.
Using another Google Account to sign in have worked for me and fixed the issue.

How to implement non personalized ads in Adsense ?

I dont get it, they say to Set the value:
But where do I set it, if i have ad like this:
<script async src="//
<!-- leaderboard -->
<ins class="adsbygoogle"
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
Ad code for non-personalized ads :
<title>Your site title</title>
<script async src=""></script>
// The line above makes sure you are requesting non-personalized ads. It needs to come before you use <script>(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});</script> and it suffices to have one such line per page.
<!-- One test unit for GDPR -->
<ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:inline-block;width:970px;height:250px"
<!-- Another test unit for GDPR -->
<ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:inline-block;width:250px;height:250px"
<script>(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});</script>
// This triggers the ad request.
I'm not sure how you can add this to the code you posted and whether it works or not, but here is a short guide to do this from your Google account:
To opt out of showing user-based ads:
Sign in to your AdSense account.
In the left navigation panel, click Allow & block ads > All my sites > Ad serving.
Under 'Personalised ads', use the control (switch) to opt out of user-based ads.
Like #Minister said, you can turn off personalized ads for your whole account.
However, it will not disable Remarketing ads ... so if you went to Sears, you will see ads from sears..
Unfortunately u can't turn of personal ads on site or ad unit level... its only for the whole account

Minimizing Azure QnA Chat bot to Website

I have recently made a chat bot and am seeking to further edit the components of the interface by adding a minimizing button and an anchor so that the Chatbot is statically secured to the bottom right of the page (which is the most common area). This is made with the Azure QnA framework, so I'm not sure how much I can really edit..
Is there any way that I can access the code so that I can minimize the chat bot or add a button?
I will show a photo to make things more clear: minimizing image
The webchat interface that you are using is coming from Microsoft GitHub's project named BotFramework-WebChat available here.
If you look at the documentation provided on GitHub's main page, you will see that you have several ways of implementing your webchat on your website, from the easiest iframe inclusion to more detailed solutions.
If you want to customize your interface, I would suggest an implementation like the following in your hosting page code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<div id="bot"/>
<script src=""></script>
directLine: { secret: direct_line_secret },
user: { id: 'userid' },
bot: { id: 'botid' },
resize: 'detect'
}, document.getElementById("bot"));
Here you are declaring the chat and using js and css files from the CDN.
All the code for the webchat component is in the js, so you should get it, make your customization and host it on your side to have what you want.
From the CDN it is minified, but you can rebuild the file using the process described here:
For example an interface that we made from those sources:
For this example, we have customized the header in js to :
add 1 button to maximize
add 1 button to close
Then the image of the buttons is made with CSS
