How to use MySQL with Vue SSR directly without REST API backend? - node.js

I would like to use MySQL as the data source when fetching for the content during server side rendering so I don't need to create an external API server for the purpose of fetching the data from the database.

Vue js is client side language. Not for server side.
For access mySql You must need to access via server side language like php, nodeJs, python.
You can also follow some official documentation for better understand about server side rendering


When ExpressJS serves API only, what template engine do I have to choose

I am studying NodeJS and React front-end. And I want to test what I have learned by making a web page.
I want to create two servers: back-end server to provide API, front-end server to manipulate data by communicating with back-end server through AJAX.
In backend server, I will use NodeJS(expressJS). I have been reading below link to install expressJS server.
enter link description here
but I am stuck on choosing which template engine do I use. Since I want my back-end server to be provider for just only API - besides, I am not sure what API means correctly, I guess it is for manipulating data throguh AJAX
So simply my question is,
What template engine do I have to adopt in my back-end server?

How to protect credential in Angular

I am using Angular 5 with Firebase, i understand the firebase credential in Angular has the chance to leak to client side when rendering the pages. But Firebase Products can use rules to secure it, i found it doesn't harm any to me.
But i have another question, what if I want to use SQL or any other services that require credential to perform authentication before executing an action, such as read/write from a SQL table.
When I using Node.js, the credential will declare in the server-side JS file, but apparently Angular is client-side framework. So i would like to know to solve this problem.
Thank you!
Code on your server/node app won't be available to the frontend.
Only data that's requested by the client via http requests is available to the Angular app.
So as long you don't return the critical data through your api you're good to go.

Does using React.js limits us on using a node.js server

I have been working on React.js for a month now. I have been using Webpack dev server which is a node.js Express server and enables us to render react.js on browser. I want to know whether using React.js will limit us on using only a node.js http server or is there a way we can use a simple http server as well with React.js.
I have also been wondering whether it is useful to use React.js for developing webpages that have mostly pre-fixed contents text fields, data etc. during request/response for any API operation.
Does using React.js limits us on using a node.js server
No. React is predominantly a client side library. It doesn't care how it is served to the client.
In the end you are just writing JavaScript. You can deliver the JavaScript code to the client whichever way you want.
It depends. Generally the answer is no. If you only want to use it as a client-side library, it doesn't matter what the web server is. But actually, react components can also be rendered on server side so you can develop universal/isomorphic apps. In that case you will need a node.js server.
Take a look at this universal example.
we are using php+yii2+react +redux+es6 without node.js server, but ngnix. At the end it is just javascript, so that we use gulp + babelify to translate es6 to es5 and then php yii2 application renders basic container to which react application renders himself.
Node.js is one of the options, you can use wathever server you want, just need something like gulp or webpack to compile your js and all dependencies to the ready to use standalone js.

node.js web application with client side rendering

I'm building a web application using node.js, this is my first time working with node. I'm using express framework and I have a question about client side rendering.
All the tutorials that I have found online talk about express and server side rendering. They talk about how you can use jade the express templating engine, to serve rendered templates as reponse to your web application.
My application is going to be client heavy and most of the rendering will be done client side. I want to call server to just get plain JSON response and then render it client side, so server side rendering is not of much use.
In this case, is express a right choice? I really like the way I can write APIS in express but I'm concerned about how to serve my application. If I don't want to use the server side rendering it would mean that I would have to serve static HTML at the first call which seems weird to me.
You might want to try Emberjs if you want most of the work done on the client side. But still, you need to send the data to the client so one way is to build your app totally on the client side just by sending a plain html and working your way up there. You can also precompile jade
What you are describing sounds like you are searching for an javascript MVC(or other) solution.
There are a lot of possibilities. Take the right tools for the right job.
Try the following link to get an nice overview of what is possible.
Helping you select an MV* framework

what's the best way to share html templates between node.js and the client

At the moment I'm using backbone.js to render my app on the client using underscore and using ejs in node.js on the server side.
I'd really like to be able to share the templates between the client and server so that I don't need to create the template twice. What is the best way to use the same templates on the client and on the server?
You should check out the Derby project for Node.js. I believe it uses Handlebars templates to render both server and client side.
As an alternative to Derby consider Meteor this is a very impressive screencast
Alternatively here are some options for serializing your model and sending it down the wire
