I'm try to use the primefaces calendar with popup in this way:
<p:calendar pattern="yyyy-MMM-dd" value="#{controller.beginDate}" mask="true" navigator="true">
<f:ajax event="valueChange" listener="#{controller.onChange}" />
And here is the relative controller:
public class Controller {
private Date beginDate;
public Date getBeginDate() {
return beginDate;
public void setBeginDate(Date beginDate) {
this.beginDate = beginDate;
public void onChange() {
// do somethings
The problem: if I change the value from the input field, the event will be execute, but if I change it from the popup, the event will NOT execute.
Can anyone help me?
The valueChange event is only triggered by HTML DOM change event. This is indeed not triggered when the input value is manipulated by JavaScript means.
You need the dateSelect event instead. And, in PrimeFaces components, you'd better use <p:ajax> instead of <f:ajax>.
<p:calendar ...>
<p:ajax event="valueChange" listener="#{controller.onChange()}" />
<p:ajax event="dateSelect" listener="#{controller.onChange()}" />
See also:
PrimeFaces Users Guide
Try using the PrimeFaces dateSelect event.
From PrimeFaces documentation:
Calendar provides a dateSelect ajax behavior event to execute an instant ajax selection whenever a date is selected. If you define a method as a listener, it will be invoked by passing an org.primefaces.event.SelectEvent instance.
<p:calendar value="#{calendarBean.date}">
<p:ajax event="dateSelect" listener="#{bean.handleDateSelect}" />
Is it possible to do a conditional update with Ajax. I have two calendar components and the code is as follows
Calendar component 1 (workDate)
<h:outputLabel value="#{lbl.WorkDate}" for="workDate" rendered="#{!userManager.customerUser}"/>
<p:calendar id="workDate" value="#{jobs_Builder.selected.workDate}" pattern="dd/MM/yyyy" mask="true" rendered="#{!userManager.customerUser}" mindate="Date()">
<p:ajax event="dateSelect" update="requestedDeliveryDate" />
Calendar component 2(requestedDeliveryDate)
<h:outputLabel value="#{lbl.RequestedDeliveryDate}" for="requestedDeliveryDate" rendered="#{!userManager.customerUser}"/>
<p:calendar id="requestedDeliveryDate" value="#{jobs_Builder.selected.requestedDeliveryDate}" pattern="dd/MM/yyyy" mask="true" rendered="#{!userManager.customerUser}" mindate="#{jobs_Builder.selected.workDate}"/>
The behavior is whenever the date is set in wordkdate, the requestedDeliveryDate is reset, but what I want is to get that reset only if the requestedDeliveryDate is earlier than the workDate.
Is this something which I can do?
Change your dateSelect event not to update anything but use a Java listener instead like..
<p:ajax event="dateSelect" listener="#{controller.onDateSelect}" />
In your Java method check for your two dates and if your condition is met update the UI component from this method.
public void onDateSelect() {
if (date1 > date2) {
// update other calendar
I have two p:datePicker and they work fine:
<p:outputLabel for="filterStartDate" value="Start Date:" />
<p:datePicker id="filterStartDate" value="#{historyController.filterStartDate}" timeOnly="true" pattern="HH:mm" converter="#{localTimeConverter}">
<p:ajax event="dateSelect" listener="#{historyController.filterStartDateSelect}"/>
<p:outputLabel for="filterEndDate" value="End Date:" />
<p:datePicker id="filterEndDate" value="#{historyController.filterEndDate}" timeOnly="true" pattern="HH:mm" converter="#{localTimeConverter}">
<p:ajax event="dateSelect" listener="#{historyController.filterEndDateSelect}"/>
On my backend my methods who catch the ajax event are:
private LocalTime filterStartDate;
private LocalTime filterEndDate;
public void filterStartDateSelect(SelectEvent event) {
filterStartDate = ((LocalTime) event.getObject());
public void filterEndDateSelect(SelectEvent event) {
filterEndDate = ((LocalTime) event.getObject());
This works fine, the problem is when I want to initialize the objects filterStartDate and filterEndDate to null. The ajax event dateSelect it's never called when the value is empty.
If you take a look at the "Ajax Behavior Events" section of the p:datePicker documentation, you'll see that the only explicitly documented event is dateSelect. But there is a note:
In popup mode, DatePicker also supports regular ajax behavior events like blur, keyup and more.
So you can add an Ajax listener and handle all the changes and use that to handle null values. Or only use the change event to handle all changes, which saves you extra Ajax calls being made to the server.
Hello I am here to ask your help following a difficult i meet in my project .Your different point of vue are welcome.
I am using primefaces Schedule to perform a given task but I don't know how
I can pass a parameter to my backing bean.I would like to use this parameter in backing bean when a schedule event triggered like SelectEvent or dateSelect . For example if I have a parameter personeID I would pass this
parameter to the bean so that when actionListener will activate this
setting can be initialized in the bean so that I can use.
that my code
<p:schedule id="schedule" value="#{inscrireAgendaBean.eventModel}" widgetVar="myschedule" process="#form" axisFormat="HH:mm" columnFormat="dddd D/MM" firstHour="08" locale="fr" timeZone="GMT+1" timeFormat="HH:mm">
<p:ajax event="dateSelect" listener="#{inscrireAgendaBean.onDateSelect}" update="eventDetails" oncomplete="PF('eventDialog').show();" />
<p:ajax event="eventSelect" listener="#{inscrireAgendaBean.onEventSelect}" update="eventDetails" oncomplete="PF('eventDialog').show();" />
I just want to know if there is a possibility to add a parameter to my bean when eventSelect or dateSelect triggered
Thank you !!!
I understand from your question that you want to triger a listener when you select an event, so you have to add a p:ajax with a eventSelect event :
<p:schedule id="scheduleLocale" value="#{managedBean.schedule}" draggable="false" resizable="false" axisFormat="HH:mm" columnFormat="dddd D/MM" firstHour="08" locale="fr" timeZone="GMT+1" timeFormat="HH:mm" >
<p:ajax event="eventSelect" listener="#{managedBean.onEventSelect}" update="eventDetails" oncomplete="PF('eventDialog').show();" />
and on you managedBean the onEventSelect method will be as follows:
public void onEventSelect(SelectEvent selectEvent) {
event = (ScheduleEvent) selectEvent.getObject();
so getObject() will allow you to retrieve informations like personeID, and depends if you actually put personelID when you first created the event with event = new DefaultScheduleEvent()
to add an event by selecting a date on a schedule, you use p:ajax with dateSelect event:
<p:ajax event="dateSelect" listener="#{managedBean.onDateSelect}" update="eventDetails" oncomplete="PF('eventDialog').show();" />
this will show up a dialog, you can put any information you want to add to the event, the user will enter it, so no need to pass any parameters.
I am automatically selecting a value for radio button when the user types something in an input text using ajax.
The problem is: when the user types something in the input text and directly submits the form by clicking Get, the form does not submit but only the ajax is called because of the change event and the radio is updated.
A second click on the Get button, submits the form.
I also do not want to use keyup since it migth disturb the user while typing.
I use primefaces 5.1
here is my code:
<h:form id="myForm">
value="#{myBean.include}" id="IncludeRadio">
<f:selectItem itemValue="Include" itemLabel="Include" />
<f:selectItem itemValue="Exclude" itemLabel="Exclude" />
<p:ajax process="#this" update="#form" />
<p:radioButton id="IncludeRadio0" for="IncludeRadio" itemIndex="0"/>
<p:radioButton id="IncludeRadio1" for="IncludeRadio" itemIndex="1"/>
<p:ajax process="#this" update="#form" />
<p:commandButton id="GetButton"
and the bean:
public class MyBean {
public void setFieldValue(final String fieldValue) {
if (fieldValue != null && !fieldValue.trim().isEmpty()) {
if (!"Include".equals(getInclude())
&& !"Exclude".equals(getInclude())) {
} else {
public void setInclude(String include) {
this.include = include;
public String getInclude() {
return this.include;
public void execute() {
// do something
submit button does not submit but only triggers InputText's onChange event
That happened because the blur event of the input field ajax-updates the submit button around the moment you click it. This way the JavaScript/Ajax logic associated with submit button is not guaranteed to work anymore, because the source element is removed from the DOM.
Make sure that you don't cover the submit button in the ajax update.
Instead of updating the entire form,
<p:ajax ... update="#form" />
update only the pieces which really need to be updated, which are only the inputs in your specific case:
<p:ajax ... update="IncludeRadio FieldValueInputText" />
Or if you'd rather like to not keep track of all those IDs when you have many inputs, grab PFS:
<p:ajax ... update="#(#myForm :input)" />
How to toggle disable in primefaces components selectOneMenu and calendar ?
Question is when user inputs value in calendar then selectOneMenu should be disabled. But when he removes value from calendar selectOneMenu should be enabled again.
I have tried with this solution but since those components dont have action attribute I couldnt figure it out.
I dont have validation button I wolud like to use some event.
You could use the ajax event to find out if the value has been changed.
<p:calendar ... >
<p:ajax event="change" listener="#{bean.dateChange}" update="selectOneMenuId"/>
Then use something like this in your bean:
private boolean disableSelectOneMenu = true;
public void dateChange(DateSelectEvent event) {
Date date = event.getDate();
if (date == null) {
disableSelectOneMenu = true;
} else {
disableSelectOneMenu = false;
and use the disableSelectOneMenu property in you disable tag of you selectOneMenu.
Both <p:calendar/> and <p:selectOneMenu> has disabled properties. Both component has ajax events, <p:calendar/> has dateSelect and <p:selectOneMenu/> has change.
So, you need to make a bean method which will return true or false according to which selection has been made and bind it to disabled properties and update these components when selection has been made.
For example JSF part:
<p:calendar id="calendar" value="#{bean.calendar}" disabled="#{bean.calendarDisabled}">
<p:ajax event="change" update="selector calendar" process="#this"/>
<p:selectOneMenu id="selector" disabled="#{bean.calendarDisabled != true}">
<p:ajax event="change" update="selector calendar" process="#this"/>
And bean part:
public boolean calendarDisabled(){
if(calendar != null){
return false;
//...do whatever you needs basing on your requirements
Also please take a look at Primefaces manual