net.zero_grad() vs optim.zero_grad() pytorch - pytorch

Here they mention the need to include optim.zero_grad() when training to zero the parameter gradients. My question is: Could I do as well net.zero_grad() and would that have the same effect? Or is it necessary to do optim.zero_grad(). Moreover, what happens if I do both? If I do none, then the gradients get accumulated, but what does that exactly mean? do they get added? In other words, what's the difference between doing optim.zero_grad() and net.zero_grad(). I am asking because here, line 115 they use net.zero_grad() and it is the first time I see that, that is an implementation of a reinforcement learning algorithm, where one has to be especially careful with the gradients because there are multiple networks and gradients, so I suppose there is a reason for them to do net.zero_grad() as opposed to optim.zero_grad().

net.zero_grad() sets the gradients of all its parameters (including parameters of submodules) to zero. If you call optim.zero_grad() that will do the same, but for all parameters that have been specified to be optimised. If you are using only net.parameters() in your optimiser, e.g. optim = Adam(net.parameters(), lr=1e-3), then both are equivalent, since they contain the exact same parameters.
You could have other parameters that are being optimised by the same optimiser, which are not part of net, in which case you would either have to manually set their gradients to zero and therefore keep track of all the parameters, or you can simply call optim.zero_grad() to ensure that all parameters that are being optimised, had their gradients set to zero.
Moreover, what happens if I do both?
Nothing, the gradients would just be set to zero again, but since they were already zero, it makes absolutely no difference.
If I do none, then the gradients get accumulated, but what does that exactly mean? do they get added?
Yes, they are being added to the existing gradients. In the backward pass the gradients in respect to every parameter are calculated, and then the gradient is added to the parameters' gradient (param.grad). That allows you to have multiple backward passes, that affect the same parameters, which would not be possible if the gradients were overwritten instead of being added.
For example, you could accumulate the gradients over multiple batches, if you need bigger batches for training stability but don't have enough memory to increase the batch size. This is trivial to achieve in PyTorch, which is essentially leaving off optim.zero_grad() and delaying optim.step() until you have gathered enough steps, as shown in HuggingFace - Training Neural Nets on Larger Batches: Practical Tips for 1-GPU, Multi-GPU & Distributed setups.
That flexibility comes at the cost of having to manually set the gradients to zero. Frankly, one line is a very small cost to pay, even though many users won't make use of it and especially beginners might find it confusing.


How to perform de-normalization of last layer into labels in Keras, analogous to the preprocessing normalization layer (but inversed)?

It is my understanding that Artificial Neural Networks work best on normalized data, ie typically inputs and outputs should have, ideally, a mean of 0 and a variance of 1 (and even, if possible, a "near gaussian", or at least, "well behaved", distribution).
Therefore, I have seen / written quite a few Keras-using scripts when I first do some feature-wise normalization of the predictors and labels. This is a pain, as this means the need to keep track of a number of mean and std values, applying them correctly later at inference, etc.
I found out recently that there is now out-of-the-box functionality for doing the predictors normalization in Keras in an "adaptable, not trainable" way, which is very convenient, as all the normalization information gets stored and used out-of-the-box in the network object: see: , . This makes use / bookkeeping much simpler.
My question is: would it make sense / is there a simple way to similarly do in-Keras an "outputs de-normalization", i.e., assuming that the outputs from the network have mean 0 and variance 1, add an adaptable (adaptable not trainable; similar to the preprocessing normalization layer) layer that de-normalize these outputs into the correct mean and variance for each label?
I guess this is quite similar to the preprocessing normalization layer, except that what we would like is the "inverse transformation" of what would be obtained by applying the preprocessing normalization layer on the labels. I.e., when adapting the layer to labels, one gets a layer that "de-normalizes" a 0-mean 1-std distribution into a distribution with feature-wise mean and std corresponding to the labels.
I do not see some way to get this "inverse layer" or "de-normalization layer", am I missing something / is there a simple way to do it?
The normalization layer has an invert parameter:
If True, this layer will apply the inverse transformation to its
inputs: it would turn a normalized input back into its original form.
So, in theory you could use:
layer = tf.keras.layers.Normalization(invert=True)
to de-normalize. Currently, this is wrongly implemented and will not work (but seems like the bug is already fixed in the next keras version)

Ensuring that optimization does not find the trivial solution by setting weights to 0

I am trying to train a neural network which takes as input (input_t0) and an initial hidden state (call it s_t0) and produces a new hidden state (s_t1) by transforming the input via a series of transformations (neural network layers). At the next time step, a transformed input (input_t1) and the hidden state from the previous time step (s_t1) is passed to the same model. This process keeps repeating for a couple of steps.
The goal of optimization is to ensure the distance between s_t0 and s_t1 is small through self-supervision, as s_t1 is supposed to be an transformed version of s_t0. In other words, I want s_t1 to only carry new information in the new input. My intuition tells me taking the norm of the weights and ensuring the norm does not go to zero (is this even possible?) would be one way to achieve this. However, I'm afraid won't be the best thing to do necessarily, as it might not encourage the model to update the state vector with new information.
Currently the way I train the model is by taking the absolute distance between s_t0 and s_t1 via loss = torch.abs(s_t1 - s_t0).mean(dim=1). Then I call loss.backward() and optimizer.step() which changes the weights. Note that the reason that I use abs() is that the hidden states are produced after applying ReLU, so the only hold positive values. So what is the best way to achieve this and ensure the weights don't go to 0? Would I be able to somehow use mutual information for this?
However, I noticed that optimization quickly finds the trivial solution by setting weights to 0. This causes both s_t0 and s_t1 get smaller and smaller until their difference is 0, which satisfies the constraint but does not yield the behavior I expect. Is there a way to ensure weights do not go to zero during optimization?

Computing gradients only for the front-end network in Pytorch

I have a very simple question.
Let's say that I have two networks to train (i.e., net1, net2).
The output of net1 will be fed into net2 while training.
In my case, I would like to only update net1:
optimizer=Optimizer(net1.parameters(), **kwargs)
Although this will achieve what I'm aiming for, it takes up too much redundant memory since this will compute the gradients for net2 (causes OOM error).
Therefore I have tried out several attempts to solve this issue:
with torch.no_grad():
Didn't raise OOM but removed all the gradients including the ones from net1.
Raised OOM.
Didn't raise OOM but removed all the gradients including the ones from net1.
Raised OOM.
Is there any way to compute the gradients only for the front-end network (net1) for memory efficiency?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
First let's try to understand why your methods don't work.
This context manager disables all gradient computation.
Since net1 requires a gradient, the subsequent requires_grad=False are ignored.
If you detach at that state, this means the gradient computation already stops right there
Eval just sets net2 to eval mode, that doesn't influence the gradient computation at all.
Depending on your architecture, the OOM error could already come from saving all the intermediate values in your computation graph (frequently an issue in CNNs), or it could come from having to store gradients (more common in fully connected networks).
What you probably are looking for is called "checkpointing" which you don't even have to implement on your own, you can use the checkpointing API of pytorch, check out the documentation.
This basically lets you compute and process the gradient for net1 and net2 separately. Note that you do need all the gradient informatino to go through net2, otherwise you cannot compute the gradients wrt. net1!

What are the best normalization technique and LSTM structure for forecasting an output with jumps (outliers)?

I have a time series forecasting case with ten features (inputs), and only one output. I'm using 22 timesteps (history of features) for one step ahead prediction using LSTM. Also, I apply MinMaxScaler for input normalization, but I don't normalize the output. The output contains some rare jumps (such as 20, 50, or more than 100), but the other values are between 0 and ~5 (all values are positive). In this case, it's important to forecast both normal and outlier outputs correctly so I dont want to miss the jumps in my forecasting model. I think if I use MinMaxScaler for output, most of the values will be something near the zero but the others (outliers) will be near one.
What is the best way to normalize the output? Should I leave it without normalization?
What is the best LSTM structure to handle this issue? (currently, I'm using LSTM with relu and Dense layer with relu as the last layer so I the output will be a positive value). I think I should select activation functions correctly for this case.
I think first of all, you should decide on a metric to measure performance. For example, do you want to use MAE or MSE? Or some other metric you decide based on the task at hand. For example, you may tolerate greater error for the "rare jumps", but not for the normal cases, or vice versa. Once you are decided on the error metric, ideally, you should set that as the cost function that the LSTM network would be minimizing.
Now the goal would be to minimize the desired error metric you set. If this was a convex problem, the scaling of the output will not matter. But we now that this is not the case with the complex deep learning architectures. What this means is that while minimizing the cost function with gradient decent, it might get stuck in a local minimum with a very delayed convergence. In this case, normalizing the output might help. How?
Assume that your output has a mean value of 5. With last layers parameters initialized around zero and a bias value of zero (i.e. the linear transformation of relu), the network needs to learn that the bias should be around 5. Depending on the complexity of the network this could take some epochs. However, if you normalize the data, or initialize the bias at 5, then your network starts with a good estimate of the bias and thus converges faster.
Now back to your questions:
I would at least make the output zero mean and use Dense layer with linear output.
The architecture you have seems fine, you can try stacking 2-4 LSTM layers if you think your input has complex time dependencies.
Feel free to update the OP with the the code and the performance you get and we can discuss what else can be improved.

Temporal convolution for NLP

I'm trying to follow Kalchbrenner et al. 2014 ( (and basically most of the papers in the last 2 years which applied CNNs to NLP tasks) and implement the CNN model they describe. Unfortunately, although getting the forward pass right, it seems like I have a problem with the gradients.
What I'm doing is a full convolution of the input with W per row, per kernel, per input in the forward pass (not rotated, so it's actually a correlation).
Then, for the gradients wrt W, a valid convolution of the inputs with the previous delta per row, per kernel, per input (again, not rotated).
And finally, for the gradients wrt x, another valid convolution of the pervious delta with W, again, per row, per kernel, per input (no rotation).
This returns the correct size and dimensionality but the gradient checking is really off when connecting layers. When testing a single conv layer the results are correct, when connecting 2 conv layers - also correct, but then, when adding MLP, Pooling, etc. it starts looking bad. All other types of layers were also tested separately and they are also correct, thus, I'd assume the problem starts with the calculation of the grad. wrt W_conv.
Does anyone have an idea or a useful link to a similar implementation?
