Can docker on Azure Linux App Service authenticate with the ACR without us specifying the password in the app settings? - azure

We deploy a Linux App Service to Azure using terraform. The relevant configuration code is:
resource "azurerm_app_service" "webapp" {
app_settings = {
DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_URL = "https://${local.ctx.AcrName}"
DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_USERNAME = data.azurerm_key_vault_secret.acr_admin_user.value
DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_PASSWORD = data.azurerm_key_vault_secret.acr_admin_password.value
The problem is that terraform does not consider app_settings a secret and so it outputs in the clear the DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_PASSWORD value in the Azure DevOps output (I obfuscated the actual values):
So, I am wondering - can docker running on an Azure Linux App Service host authenticate with the respective ACR without us having to pass the password in a way that makes it so obvious to every one who can inspect the pipeline output?
The following article seems relevant in general -, but it is unclear how we can apply it in my context, if at all.
Also, according to Microsoft has started working on something relevant, but looks like this is still a work in progress (almost 5 months).

I'm afraid you must set the environment variables about DOCKER_REGISTRY_* to pull the images from the ACR, it's the only way to do that designed by Azure. But for the sensitive info about the password, it also provides a way to hide it. You can use the Key Vault to store the password in secret, and then get the password from the secret. Take a look at the document Use Key Vault references for App Service. So you can change the app_setting for the password like this:
DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_PASSWORD = "#Microsoft.KeyVault(SecretUri="
DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_PASSWORD = "#Microsoft.KeyVault(VaultName=myvault;SecretName=mysecret;SecretVersion=ec96f02080254f109c51a1f14cdb1931)"
Then it just shows the reference of the Key Vault, not the exact password.

Unfortunately Azure Web Apps do not support interacting with ACR using a managed identity, you must pass those Environment Variables to the App Service.
Terraform does not currently support applying a "sensitive" flag to arbitrary values. You can define outputs as sensitive, but it will not help with values you want to hide during the plan phase.
I would suggest checking out, using the TFMASK_RESOURCES_REGEX configuration to block the output you want to hide during your pipeline. If you're averse to adding dependencies, similar effect could be achieved by piping terraform apply through grep --invert-match "DOCKER_REGISTRY" instead.
#charles-xu has a good answer as well if you want to set up mappings between keyvault and your web app then push your tokens into kv secrets.

Now it's possible to use managed identity to pull images from ACR.
You may do the next:
go to your Container Registry page in the Azure portal
Open the tab Access Control (IAM)
The open Role assignments tab
Add role assignment AcrPull to your App Service or Function App
In the Deployment Center of your App Service choose Managed Identity for the Authentication setting.
Or you may use CLI by following the steps from the official documentation (link below):
After you added role assignment DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_URL, DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_USERNAME and DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_PASSWORD settings may be removed from App Service's App Settings.


Azure Key Vault with App Service connection error

I'm trying to set up a new app slot for my azure website.
Here is my error:
I've looked at a few articles online and then made sure the app slot was using System assigned identities.
But I still get the above error?
What am I missing?
Here is what it looks like on the Configuration section
Make sure you have done the steps below, then it should work.
1.After enabling the system-assigned identity(MSI) of your slot, navigate to your keyvault in the portal -> Access policies -> add the MSI of your slot to the access policy with the correct secret permission, just search for your web app name, the MSI of the slot has the format as webappname/slots/slotname, details here.
2.If you use the SecretUri, the format of the connection string in your slot should be like below, double-check it.
You could get the SecretUri in your secret in the portal.
It works fine on my side.

How safe/protect Azure service principal secret

My deploy task using PowerShell script, which use Service Principal for connection to Azure KeyVault for pull secret. Secret (password) store in PowerShell script's code as plain text. Maybe there is another solution how to minimize token viewing.
And also i use powershell inline mode (not separate script) with Azure DevOps Secret Variable in deploy task, but this solution difficult to support (script has several different operations, so you have to keep many versions of the script).
Script is store in Git repository, anyone who has access to it will be able to see the secret and gain access to other keys. Perhaps I don't understand this concept correctly, but if keys cannot be stored in the code, then what should I do?
I devops you can use variable groups and define that the variables is pulled directly from a selected keyvault (if the service principal you have selected have read/list access to the KV) LINK.
This means that you can define all secrets in keyvault, and they would be pulled before any tasks happens in your yaml. To be able to use them in the script you can define them as a env variable or parameter to your script and just reference $env:variable or just $variable, instead of having the secret hardcoded in your script.

How to find the value for aadSessionkey when deploying a Kubernetes template in Azure DevOps

I am trying to use a template to deploy a managed Kubernetes cluster (AKS). My problem is that the template has a parameter aadSessionKey that I seem to be unable to locate.
I assume the expanded name of the parameter is Azure AD SessionKey. When I look in the portal, I can see that my Azure AD has a Name, Application ID and Object ID, but nothing that looks like a session key, nor a way to generate such a thing.
I am using a free trial account if that matters.
Can you try entering any random value and try deploying it. It seems like this is system generated value which is not to be filled by clients. This has been present in template for some other reason.
Ref -

where to store the azure service principal data when using with terraform from CI or docker

I am reading all the terraform docs about using a service principal with a client secret when in CI or docker file or whatever and I quote:
We recommend using either a Service Principal or Managed Service Identity when running Terraform non-interactively (such as when running Terraform in a CI server) - and authenticating using the Azure CLI when running Terraform locally.
It then goes into great detail about creating a service principal and then gives an awful example at the end where the client id and client secret are hardcoded in the file by either storing them in environment variables:
export ARM_CLIENT_ID="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
export ARM_CLIENT_SECRET="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
export ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
export ARM_TENANT_ID="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
or in the terraform provider block:
provider "azurerm" {
# Whilst version is optional, we /strongly recommend/ using it to pin the version of the Provider being used
version = "=1.43.0"
subscription_id = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
client_id = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
client_secret = "${var.client_secret}"
tenant_id = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
It does put a nice yellow box about it saying do not do this but there is no suggestion of what to do.
I don't think client_secret in an environment variable is a particularly good idea.
Should I be using the client certificate and if so, the same question arises about where to keep the configuration.
I want to avoid azure-cli if possible.
Azure-cli will not return the client secret anyway.
How do I go about getting these secrets into environment variables? Should I be putting them into a vault or is there another way?
For your requirements, I think you're a little confused that how to choose a suitable one from the four ways.
You can see that the Managed Service Identity is only available for the services with the Managed Service Identity feature. So docker cannot use it. And you need also to assign it with appropriate permission as the service principal. You don't want to use Azure CLI if possible, I don't know why, but let's skip it first.
The service principal is a good way I think. It recommends you do not put the secret into a variable inside the Terraform file. So you can only use the environment variable. And if you also do not want to set the environment variable, then I don't think there is a way to use the service principal. The certificate for the service principal only needs to set the certificate path more than the other one.
And there is a caution for the service principal. You can see the secret of the service principal only one time when you finish creating it and then it will do not display anymore. If you forget, you can only reset the secret.
So I think the service principal is the most suitable way for you. You can set the environment variables with the parameter --env of the command docker run. Or just set them in the Dockerfile with ENV. The way to store the secret in the key vault, I think you can get the answer in my previous answer.

Terraform: Add resource-specific secrets

I know that you can pass general secrets to a resource through terraform variables. Is there a way to configure secrets which change at the resource level?
Specifically, I'm using terraform as a back-end to an app which allows users to set up a server with a password. That password is different for each server. Is there some way to set something like self.password for a single instance so that it:
Is not visible in the github repo where I track the terraform files
Can be changed for each individual instance
Right now I'm just going to be creating terraform files like password=var.{unique_id}_password but if feels like there should be a better way
More detail on the use-case:
I have a web application to provision servers for users running another web app. The password for that server is set-up by my application. The password is configured right now using a set-up script that I would like to port to terraform.
The passwords change for each server because a user can set the password for their server only, and that variable should not effect other resources
Here's a super-simplified version of the expected output when a user tries to provision a server
resource "digitalocean_droplet" "new_server" {
name = "new_server"
password = "${var.get_the_password_somehow}"
provisioner "remote-exec" {
inline = [
"set-password ${self.password}"
You can use the random_password provider to generate a random string.
Not sure if your use case requires management or storage of the password, but that is also possible depending on your needs. I see that you are using DO for provisioning resources.
Maybe you can put Hashicorp Vault in place to manage the randomly generated passwords. I'm an AWS guy so I would stick the password in secrets manager.
