How to run Chrome as a different user - atata

I'm running the automation test using Atata framework in a domain network which automatically detects the current user using Windows Authentication so we kind of facing the issue not be able to use a different user for our test. Therefore, I wonder is there a way to run Chrome as a different user?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Kind regards,

I've just started learning test automation, but it works for me to set base url in format DOMAIN%5CUSERNAME:PASSWORD#ADDRESS


Why do we need extensions in azure VM?

when we can manually connect to remote desktop and install software we desire, why we need extensions? Custom Script extension and Desired State configuration works same way. They run the same powershell script. why do we need many extension that basically does same thing. Please give me an idea on this.
when we can manually connect to remote desktop and install software we
desire, why we need extensions?
You can connect to remote desktop to install software, but sometimes if you can't connect to it, you can use custom script extension to install it, or change some configuration.
For example, if you can't RDP to windows VM(RDP service disabled), you can use custom script extension to enable it.
Custom extension will use wagent to run this script.
Main reason to use those - automation. How would you connect to 10000vms and install same software? What time would it take you? How many errors will you make?
This question is basically asking - what is the purpose of automation? we can do the same thing manually. Well, good luck with that :)

Blueprism Application Modeller showing Launch instead of Identify when spying

I am using BluePrism v6.1.0 and I am trying to identify elements from a launched application in Application Modeller. (I used the Windows application type in the modeler configuration)
From some tutorials I saw, the launch button changes to Identify button after the app is launched, however, mine is still showing "Launch". Please see screenshot below
You need to launch the application from the application modeller, not on your own.
Since you are using Windows 10, the built in applications are use differently than normal in windows 7. Here is how you can add the code to make it work with your system Screenshot. Also for future applications use this code in Windows Power Shell to get information about the application you wanted to work with in Window 10 : "Get-AppxPackage"
Not fully explained here but this can also mean not only is the app not launched but blueprism can't "see" the app is launched. Two ways to solve this so close the application and relaunch it then it will change to identify, OR you can attach the current instance of the object to the running application.
Either way the outcome is you're making blueprism see the active application so it will change the launch to an identify option.
Edit: watch out as well, if you connect your application to blue prism and then detach it blue prism will no longer see the running application hence will revert the identify option into a launch option.

Authenticating dialog box in Linux environment using Selenium

The Base URL in my Web Driver class asks for authentication for username and password. My Scripts run perfectly on Windows environment using AutoIT for authentication using the below mentioned code line.
`System.setProperty("", this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("data/chromedriver_win32.exe").getFile());`
But I need to run on Linux environment and I want to replace this server authentication in place of AutoIT.
I have googled it and I got the results that I can still run the scripts using wine but the results are not perfect. If anyone found solution for this kind of problem please help me.
This may not be a secure approach, but would it help to put user name & password in the URL?
I mention it is not a secure way since it is for an automated test and you'd have to take safeguards to ensure who the viewing audience is, since you don't want security risks.
If your application typically challenges with htpassword box, you might want to see

is there any way i can use Application Loader on windows?

I have just created an iPhone app and need to upload the .ipa file, but I downloaded application loader and I am not able to open it via windows 7. is there any way around this?
I know this is an old question, but it came up on my search for a solution to the same problem. I wanted to share that I found a service that offers remote access to Mac OS called
I gave it a try, and it's surprisingly easy. Documentation isn't great, but it's not that difficult once you have access to the remote mac. Depending on how much time you're going to need to spend, there are a few pricing options, the cheapest of which is $12/week, but you can cancel any time (we'll see).
Of course it's very late for answering this, but maybe someone need this service. There is a desktop application that allows you to send your generated .ipa as well as Application Loader.
See here:
You can have Mac OS on your PC Virtual Machine, then easily install Application Loader there
When in search "Application Uploader" in Google, the following result comes at no. 3. Apparently they charge $5 to upload your app.

Coded UI Tests automation

I want to automate the process of running coded UI tests.
Do i need to have user logged in to the system?
Or is it possible to run it using XYNT service?
We are able to run our coded ui tests in an automated fashion using windows scheduler and the command line MSTest.exe. Take a look at the following MSDN article on how to accomplish this:
I believe you can use Microsoft's Test Manager to accomplish this as well but we don't have TFS (yet) so I can't vouch for it.
As far as I know, CodedUI Tests require an active desktop session, so running them under a service account without an open desktop session may work, but not without a session.
I used the mstest to run the coded ui test and use Windows TaskScheduler to schedule the test.
You can find detail in MSTest.exe command-line documentation.
When you want to run it automatically, there are two things you should pay attention:
1. Set auto log on
2. Close the screen saver
You need to take the snapshot of your enviroment with user logged in and then you can run your test through MS Test Manager or TFS (nightly build process)
Write the test's in Visual Studio 2010/2012, this means you can manually edit the test's the code, then you should run them in Test Manager,
BTW you need TFS and Test Manager to be the same year otherwise it won't work.
I've being doing a lot of these recently if you have any questions post it online and send me a message, I'll be happy to help.
