Do I need to configure azureAD for powerapps? - azure

I am new to powerapps, and I need to create an app with AzureAD authentication. But I am confused by this authentication. Do I understand correctly that I don't have to implement user sign-up and login screens, because every user which will be added to AzureAD would be able to login to microsoft account and will have an access to my powerapp?
So, I don't have to write any code for user signup/login/forgot password?
But in the Internet I saw that some people use AzureAD.getUser() and Office365.User. When do I need it?

PowerApps is building enterprise apps for your organization staffs. This app has to be developed, published and shared to AD users, and users can sign-in using Active directory single sign-on.
You can invite/share with AD individuals, security group or O365 group. But not Distribution groups. You can share the app to all users by sharing with “Everyone”.
Even PowerApps can be shared with external users (guests) but they must be guest users of an Azure Active Directory tenant.
How to share a PowerApp?
Yes, no signup or login other than Microsoft AD login/challenge screen.
Those snippets will be used to get current logged in user details.

Everything #ArunVinoth said and to add a little more info about:
But in the Internet I saw that some people use AzureAD.getUser() and Office365.User. When do I need it?:
These are PowerApps connectors (API wrappers) that allow you to surface AD/O365 data within the app for your users.
You may have a way for users to lookup contact information for people within the org.
You would add the Office365Users connector to your application
Then execute the .SearchUser method from that connector to display contact info based on user input.
These connectors are not for authenticating to the app, but rather providing lookup capabilities for your users. Or automating these lookups for your app logic.


Azure AD B2C: Users that can be part of multiple organizations?

I currenly have an application that is used by multiple organisations(my customers) of which their employees can login to the application.
These organisations can have their own customers. Currenly these customers cannot login or do anything. I want to make it possible for these customers to login and view specific data about themselves. I thought Azure AD B2C would be a good solution for this, but I’m starting to have some doubt about that.
Because these organisations(my customers) all operate in the same field it is possible for their customers to also be a customer of an other organisatie. Users can only exist once in the B2C directory, so how to differentiate between these organisations. Is it possible to use Azure AD B2C for this situation(and would it be a good solution) and if possible how can I implement this?
It would not be very difficult to search the other directories and check if the user exists but what would it really achieve?
The user could just sign up with a different email address in the second B2C environment unless you restrict the email addresses that can be used to self signup.
As for how to implement this there is plenty of documentation how to do this or if you have specific problems with your implementation code please feel free to ask new questions for them.
Is it possible to federate B2C with these organisations?
If so, each federation will be different since the login address will be different e.g. vs joe at
These users won't be local; they effectively use shadow accounts and so a user can be in B2C multiple times.

How to query another Azure Active Directory tenant from Graph Explorer

I am using Azure Graph API Explorer. I want to query the apps list in a tenant. I am user in tenant_x (where user was originally created) as well as admin in tenant_y (created later with my user). I understand that when I log in I go directly in the origin tenant (so tenant_x) therefore Graph Explorer does not allow me to query tenant_y. So as admin of tenant_y I have added a new user in tenant_y. I log in now with that user but still I am not able to query the applications that are in tenant_y. So how can I query apps in tenant_y? Is there a way? thanks.
The API I am calling (with new user log-in) to first retrieve all applications:
Response is:
"#odata.context": "$metadata#applications",
"value": []
Of course I have apps in that tenant.
Based on our communication, you have used a personal account as guest of tenant_y to query the apps list in tenant_y.
Unfortunately, Microsoft Graph Explorer will not recognize your personal account as a guest user. It will still treat it as a personal account.
So it will query the apps list for the personal account rather than tenant_y.
So now you have two choices:
Create a new user in tenant_y by following add a new user and
then use this new user to log into Microsoft Graph Explorer to query
the apps list.
Implement Get access on behalf of a user and make sure that you
call {your tenant} endpoint rather than common endpoint while
requesting the access token. And you should use another tool (for
example Postman) instead of Microsoft Graph Explorer.
You can modify the permissions in Microsoft Graph Explorer like this:
Click on the "modify permissions" under your username in Microsoft Graph Explorer and check the Directory.Read.All permission.
Today that's possible if you pass the tenant query string parameter like this:
Note that you need to logout before going to this URL with the tenant query string. It'll ask you to login again. After login you can issue queries against the other tenant you have access to (not your home tenant where your account was originally created on).
If you get a 401 while running the specific query, make sure you grant the required permissions on "Modify permissions" tab and click the Consent button in each required permission. After that your query should return a 200 success result.
Graph Explorer today does not support signing in to the tenanted endpoint. A tenanted endpoint is used in the following format{tenantId}/V2.0
Once your user account from tenant_x is made a guest user in tenant_y, to effectively query tenant_y using your guest user account, an app (like Graph explorer) has to sign you in the other tenant. Instead Graph Explorer uses the /Common endpoint, which will always sign you in your home tenant (tenant_x).
The only available workaround is to develop a application quickly and sign-in to a tenant of your choice and run Apis in it.
Graph explorer is a tool to help developer's discover and learn about the Graph Api and thus might shy away from introducing too much complexity. But it does not hurt to ask for this feature at their Github repo.

Does Azure Active Directory support having a single user tied to multiple profiles, with each profile belonging to its own groups?

My goal is to have the user authenticate with Azure AD and then be presented with a drop-down of profiles they want to access. Based on which profile is selected, the user will have different permissions on the site. I'm trying to avoid a user having to have multiple logins to enforce the different permissions per profile.
Can Azure AD handle this or do I need to tie in custom code in a database?
No, Users have one identity and can have a set of roles on an app.
Well, just one role unless you have group-based role assignment available :)
This concept sounds like something you will have to build in your app.
Or you will have to have multiple users registered for this one person.

Control Access to Microsoft Azure Account

Our company has a Microsoft Azure account (Pay-As-You-Go).
We had a programmer that developed our web app. We gave him full access to our Azure account. So, he had access to everything.
We intend to hire another developer to make modifications to the web app, so he'll need access to the App Services and SQL Databases. Our intention is to just allow him access to those features.
We did our research and came across the documentation, Resources, roles, and access control in Application Insights. We followed it step by step, but there's an issue. Doc LINK
We tested the procedure by adding one of our IT staff's Microsoft account (personal account) and assigning him the Contributor role, and sent him an invite. He's not seeing the invite. We did the same for another staff, but it's the same problem.
Can we get some assistance please?
It was not working earlier .I tried with one gmail id. Now it is working perfectly fine and I am able to receive the invitation email.
To send invitation, you need to go to active directory. Add user's email as a guest under add user option (Add guest user).

Automatic creation of active Yammer account for O365 user

I'm seeking a method of automatically provisioning an ‘active’ Yammer user account for a new O365 user account (and existing ones, as a once off), without requiring the user to ‘click the Yammer tile’ or otherwise login to Yammer.
The default process (as articulated in this post) is:
The Office 365 admin creates a user in Office 365 (or Azure AD).
The user logs on to Office 365 using the identity provider that is configured for the tenant.
The user clicks the Yammer tile in the app launcher to go to Yammer.
A new Yammer user is created for the Office 365 user.
The user's profile properties from Azure Active Directory are automatically populated in the user's Yammer profile.
We're building an employee app, which currently displays company news. We wish to add social functionality, leveraging the Yammer platform, via the REST API. We have developed a solution to impersonate existing users and like/comment on behalf their behalf.
However, most employees are ‘unsophisticated’ blue-collar workers, and it is anticipated that they will not complete steps 2, 3 & 4 above to ‘create/activate’ their Yammer user account (the activation steps).
Methods considered or explored so far:
Using the REST API to create a new user – this creates a user in the ‘pending’ state, which remains pending until the activation steps are completed.
Using the Bulk Update Users to create new users from a CSV:
a) If a password is set, then a new ‘active’ user is successfully created (great!). However, that user account appears to be entirely disconnected from the corresponding O365 user account (meaning changes to user profile properties will not sync to/from Azure AD, passwords may be different, and users who are deleted/suspended in AAD will not sync to Yammer). These accounts are only linked if/when the activation steps are completed.
b) If a password is not set, then the new user is created in a ‘pending’ state, much the same as using the REST API.
Is there any other way to create an 'active' user in Yammer, which is linked to the user’s O365 account?
Could a provider hosted app be used to impersonate a user and complete the activation steps on their behalf?
Not that it solves the problem, but does the REST API allow you to update a user’s state from 'pending' to 'active' (or create an 'active' user in the first place)?
Your steps about the default process are pretty acurate but I would add that once a user is created in AD users can simply go to (either on web or on iphone/android) and sign in through there. Iphone and Android use an Azure Authentication library that will find the users Office account.
Is there any other way to create an 'active' user in Yammer, which is linked to the user’s O365 account?
There isn't at this time.
Could a provider hosted app be used to impersonate a user and complete the activation steps on their behalf?
This isn't supported at this time.
Not that it solves the problem, but does the REST API allow you to update a user’s state from 'pending' to 'active' (or create an 'active' user in the first place)?
There is not an api for this.
