OneDrive Personal Daemon Api Access - python-3.x

I have a Personal OneDrive Account Purchased (not Free Tier).
What am I trying to do ?
To write a Daemon in Python that will connect to OneDrive Personal Account Folders and upload / show contents.
What did I tried doing ?
I learned Microsoft Graph is the way to go to access all personal business accounts.
So I signed in with Azure (Free) Portal with my OneDrive Credentials , after signing in it created a Azure Default Directory with as principal user.
Followed Tutorial and created App under App Registration granted it all the Permissions and Also admin Consent through the portal and generated Client Secret and Downloaded the sample code from QuickStart under Portal->Azure Directory-> App Reg..
Ran it on my computer with just one change in the code. After getting the Access Token , I changed the Graph Endpoint to /me/drives/root and I got a "Tenant does not have SPO License" , also I noticed when I change the graph endpoint to /users it yields me as principal account name. When I expect
So in graph Explorer I tried and it yields me proper principal account name as also lists all the onedrive personal files as expected.
Problem ?
I cannot authenticate myself properly , since my application will be a Daemon I can't present myself a Login Page with redirect URLs so "Code Flow" type of Acquiring Authentication Token for Personal Accounts will not work for me as mentioned in the Tutorials.
Also if I forcefully query /me it says "Please use consumer endpoint" if I change the Authentication Endpoint it says invalid Client ID and Credentials (Because I think that principal name cannot be used to query OneDrive Personal which belongs to )
What do I request ?
An idea of how would others implement this daemon with brief if not detailed steps of configuration in Azure and Code , if possible a Sample code and an Algorithm.
I am new bla bla....hehe , actually I am new to Azure and is also using OAuth First Time. Thanks in advance. I will edit the question if someone needs more information on this to help me.

You cannot use daemon to access personal account OneDrive files.
Daemon app will use Application permission (without user) to do the operation.
But based on the Microsoft Graph Get Files Permissions, Only Delegated permission is supported for personal Microsoft account. And Delegated Permission means app + user permission.
Currently you have to implement Get access on behalf of a user and use auth code flow to access personal account OneDrive files with Microsoft Graph API.


Interactive Browser Credential "You can't sign in here with a personal account. Use your work or school account instead."

I am attempting to implement Interactive Browser Credential with Azure Identity (JS) in my app so that users can authenticate to their own Azure accounts for my dev tool. I got advice that app registration in Azure AD would be required on a Reddit thread ( I have now done so.
I have registered localhost:8083 and localhost:8085 as redirect URIs and selected the option to allow Account in any organizational directory. However, I am still getting the error "You can't sign in here with a personal account. Use your work or school account instead." Every answer(Access with personal account to multi-tenant application AAD) I have read on the topic says that I need to set "signInAudience": "AzureADandPersonalMicrosoftAccount" in the manifest. However, that is how my manifest already is and has been since the beginning. How do I fix the error?
This error may occur in one of the below two scenarios.
1. Resource being different from client application
Please ensure the request resource is added to the applications required API permissions and the resource API has been consented to .Resource for which you want an access token, you can pass either the Resource URI of a Web APP, or the client Id of the target Web API. It's important to note that the token contains the resource as requested (audience).
If you have a permission something like user_impersonation, try by giving scope as
Please check if you need to add api version as query string as per Azure REST API reference documentation | Microsoft Docs.
Make sure you see the app in the app registrations >all applications blade while Searching for the appId present in the error provided.
2: Resource and client is the same app registration
In app registrations ,after exposing the api and adding permissions and scope, Ensure the app has been consented to permission.
For example:

How do I add administrator accounts for granting static permissions to my Azure AD App?

I have set up a Azure Active Directory App so that I can access the Microsoft Graph API with MSAL. However, I want to perform API calls without a user ( and as such I have added a few permissions that require "Admin consent" to my app. However, I cannot find a way to grant my app these permissions.
I've tried looking around the Azure portal for a way to grant these permissions but without success. I have also tried using the{tenant}/adminconsent&... link to grant permissions, but unsucessfully so.
The response I received was
AADSTS500201: We are unable to issue tokens from this API version for
a Microsoft account. Please contact the application vendor as they
need to use version 2.0 of the protocol to support this.
I do not have an Azure subscription (not even the free one), but seeing as I was able to add apps to Azure AD as well as get access tokens and then make API calls on behalf of the authorized users I assumed I might not need a subscription.
I just made another app and now I have the grant consent button when I open the API Permissions view.

Identical Azure apps do not work in different tenants

I use Azure apps to sign users in to a web app and a desktop app. I also query for user information via Microsoft Graphs /user/ endpoint.
So we have to apps registered in Azure; one is a web app / api with permissions to sign users in and read all user profiles from graph. The other is a native app with permissions to the first app, and permissions to sign users in.
In one tenant, this works fine. However in the other tenant the web api har permissions to sign users in, but Graph declines access to the /users/ endpoint due to insufficient privileges. The error is: Authorization_RequestDenied, Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.
However the exact same privileges work fine in another tenant. In the faulty tenant we get a token from graph but when we use the token on the user endpoint it throws the insufficient priv. error.
Signing in users via the desktop app (we use owin) works in one tenant but in the faulty one it sais that app does not exist in
The app uri is correct in the settings and the app has the same privileges in both tenants.
We tried recreating the apps since this has solved similiar issues when developing things like this before. This time it doesnt seem to work however. Now I'm at my wits end here. Could there be some other issue blocking here?
The faulty tenant is part of a multi-tenant. However we only poll for users in one tenant as of now.
The apps have also been given consent by an admin via the azure portal. What am I missing here? How should i proceed with trying to fix this error?
Edit: I added a new directory in my tenant and it does not work in this new directory. Same error as with our clients tenant.
Working token for directory A:
non working token for directory B:
You need to receive Admin Consent for an administrator of the tenant. I'm assuming that because this happens when hitting /users, you've requested either User.Read.All or User.ReadWrite.All. Both of these require Admin Consent before a normal user can authenticate and provide User Consent.
I wrote an article a while back that you might find this helpful here: User vs Admin Consent. The examples target the v2 Endpoint while it sounds like you're using v1. That said, the same consent models and workflow apply to both v1 and v2.

How do I register an app in client's active directory using my multi tenant app in microsoft azure?

I have registered a multi-tenant app in my Azure subscription. using this App, I want to create an OAuth flow for my client to be able to give me permissions to create an app in his active directory.
We are using OpenID connect flow to access the Azure AD graph API.
In spite of making our app multi-tenanted via the console, we are getting the following error when the client ( tries to sign in:
User account '' from identity provider '' does not exist in tenant 'Default Directory' and cannot access the application 'bf5ca806-xxxx-xxxx-xxx-xxxx' in that tenant. The account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Sign out and sign in again with a different Azure Active Directory user account
I used the following endpoint to get an access token:
Please help me to resolve this error
Unfortunately, you cannot use a guest user to login Azure AD Graph Explorer for now.
I came across the same issue as yours long time ago and I understand it's very important for customers. So, you can post your idea in this User Voice Page and the Azure Team will see it. I will also upvote for it.
But there are other solutions if you don't mind:
Solution 1: Try to use an internal account of that directory which upn ends with
Solution 2: Try to use other tools to get access token with a guest user(this account also need to be an admin of that directory), such as postman. Then you can use Postman to call Azure AD Graph API. You can refer to this blog to use Azure AD Graph API with Postman.
Hope this helps!

Azure Active Directory SSO - Account Mapping

iam currently researching how to implement Single Sign On for our WebService.
This is what i came up with so far.
If a customer of our WebService has an AzureActiveDirectory they can log on with their active directory user account to our WebService if we provide the nessecary interfaces for SAML, Oauth2, OpenID or whatever authorization protocoll we chose and azure supports.
The customers could also have their local network Active Directory synced to their Azure AD and use their Domain accounts to log on to our WebApplication.
Customers need to use the portal to "wrap" authentication.
Once everything is set up correctly the Identity Provider (AzureAD) would provide use with (e.g) an authenticated User Identity.
Here is were my problem begins.
Of course i need to somehow map the identity provided by the AzureAD to a certain Account for our WebService - we cannot simply use the provided identity.
As far as i understand it, you can grant AzureAD the right to create an Account on the target WebService in the name of the user which is currently signing in.
(Its called : enabling automatic user provisioning in the azure management portal).
However, when testing this with the Box, Canvas or Google apps i failed. Either i got an error or in the case of google apps i was just promted to login with my azure AD test account and then asked for a password and username of my google account (i set up SSO as an azure AD trust relation- so this should not happen)
Can someone provide some insights on how to accomplish the following?
Once the user is authenticated by SSO I want to create an account for our WebSerivce and then save the credentials for that user only in the Active directory of that particular user.
So if the user logs in the second time we can check wether there is an account already existing and log in the user with this account.
(I was told by microsoft that this might be possible with Azure Rights Management, but i cannot really find good documentation on that)
Storing the relationship: "Microsoft AD Identity <-> our WebServiceAccount Credentials" on our side is not desired because we cannot securly encrypt the data in a way that we DONT know whats in there. (or there is , and i dont know of it yet)
"Bonus Question":
Can i support SSO for a desktop application too? (Do i need a provide proxy web application or can the desktop app do this directly?)
Please see my answer to a similar question here: azure active directory user profile data
However - I'm trying to understand if you need something different. Are you expecting your customers to already have a directory and Azure AD accounts (maybe through having Office 365 subscriptions), and use those to sign in to your web app, or does your app scenario require creation/provisioning of user accounts into your customer's Azure AD directory? Provisioning can be done through graph API (as per your link), as long as the admin of your customer grants consent to allow your app to write to their directory. You can find some samples on github, and I recommend you look through and for code samples.
I think, without testing it. That using the Graph API enables me to save custom data for any Directory User effectively enabling my desired functionality.
This is the documentation i found very usefull.
