Any suggestions about how to publish a huge amount of messages within one round of request / response? - node.js

If I publish 50K messages using Promise.all like below:
const pubsub = new PubSub({ projectId: PUBSUB_PROJECT_ID });
const topic = pubsub.topic(topicName, {
batching: {
maxMessages: 1000,
maxMilliseconds: 100,
const n = 50 * 1000;
const dataBufs: Buffer[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const data = `message payload ${i}`;
const dataBuffer = Buffer.from(data);
const tasks =, idx) =>
topic.publish(d).then((messageId) => {
console.log(`[${new Date().toISOString()}] Message ${messageId} published. index: ${idx}`);
// publish messages concurrencly
await Promise.all(tasks);
// send response to front-end
I will hit this issue: pubsub-emulator throw error and publisher throw "Retry total timeout exceeded before any response was received" when publish 50k messages
If I use for loop and async/await. The issue is gone.
const n = 50 * 1000;
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const data = `message payload ${i}`;
const dataBuffer = Buffer.from(data);
const messageId = await topic.publish(dataBuffer)
console.log(`[${new Date().toISOString()}] Message ${messageId} published. index: ${i}`)
// some logic ...
// send response to front-end
But it will block the execution of subsequent logic because of async/await until all messages have been published. It takes a long time to post 50k messages.
Any suggestions about how to publish a huge amount of messages(about 50k) without blocking the execution of subsequent logic? Do I need to use child_process or some queue like bull to publish the huge amount of messages in the background without blocking request/response workflow of the API? This means I need to respond to the front-end as soon as possible, the 50k messages should be the background tasks.
It seems there is a memory queue inside #google/pubsub library. I am not sure if I should use another queue like bull again.

The time it will take to publish large amounts of data depends on a lot of factors:
Message size. The larger the messages, the longer it takes to send them.
Network capacity (both of the connection between wherever the publisher is running and Google Cloud and, if relevant, of the virtual machine itself). This puts an upper bound on the amount of data that can be transmitted. It is not atypical to see smaller virtual machines with limits in the 40MB/s range. Note that if you are testing via Wifi, the limits could be even lower than this.
Number of threads and number of CPU cores. When having to run a lot of asynchronous callbacks, the ability to schedule them to run can be limited by the parallel capacity of the machine or runtime environment.
Typically, it is not good to try to send 50,000 publishes simultaneously from one instance of a publisher. It is likely that the above factors will cause the client to get overloaded and result in deadline exceeded errors. The best way to prevent this is to limit the number of messages that can be outstanding for publish at one time. Some of the libraries like Java support this natively. The Node.js library does not yet support this feature, but likely will in the future.
In the meantime, you'd want to keep a counter of the number of messages outstanding and limit it to whatever the client seems to be able to handle. Start with 1000 and work up or down from there based on the results. A semaphore would be a pretty standard way to achieve this behavior. In your case the code would look something like this:
var sem = require('semaphore')(1000);
var publishes = []
const tasks =, idx) =>
sem.take(function() => {
publishes.push(topic.publish(d).then((messageId) => {
console.log(`[${new Date().toISOString()}] Message ${messageId} published. index: ${idx}`);
// Await the start of publishing all messages
await Promise.all(tasks);
// Await the actual publishes
await Promise.all(publishes);


Cloud Run PubSub high latency

I'm building a microservice application consisting of many microservices build with Node.js and running on Cloud Run. I use PubSub in several different ways:
For streaming data daily. The microservices responsible for gathering analytical data from different advertising services (Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, etc.) use PubSub to stream data to a microservice responsible for uploading data to Google BigQuery. There also are services that stream a higher load of data (> 1 Gb) from CRMs and other services by splitting it into smaller chunks.
For messaging among microservices about different events that don't require an immediate response.
Earlier, I experienced some insignificant latency with PubSub. I know it's an open issue considering up to several seconds latency with low messages throughput. But in my case, we are talking about several minutes latency.
Also, I occasionally get an error message
Received error while publishing: Total timeout of API google.pubsub.v1.Publisher exceeded 60000 milliseconds before any response was received.
I this case a message is not sent at all or is highly delayed.
This is how my code looks like.
const subscriptions = new Map<string, Subscription>();
const topics = new Map<string, Topic>();
const listenForMessages = async (
subscriptionName: string,
func: ListenerCallback,
secInit = 300,
secInter = 300
) => {
let logger = new TestLogger("LISTEN_FOR_MSG");
let init = true;
const _setTimeout = () => {
let timer = setTimeout(() => {
console.log(`Subscription to ${subscriptionName} cancelled`);
subscription.removeListener("message", messageHandler);
}, (init ? secInit : secInter) * 1000);
init = false;
return timer;
const messageHandler = async (msg: Message) => {
await func(JSON.parse(;
// wait for next message
timeout = _setTimeout();
let subscription: Subscription;
if (subscriptions.has(subscriptionName)) {
subscription = subscriptions.get(subscriptionName);
} else {
subscription = pubSubClient.subscription(subscriptionName);
subscriptions.set(subscriptionName, subscription);
let timeout = _setTimeout();
subscription.on("message", messageHandler);
console.log(`Listening for messages: ${subscriptionName}`);
const publishMessage = async (
data: WithAnyProps,
topicName: string,
options?: PubOpt
) => {
const serializedData = JSON.stringify(data);
const dataBuffer = Buffer.from(serializedData);
try {
let topic: Topic;
if (topics.has(topicName)) {
topic = topics.get(topicName);
} else {
topic = pubSubClient.topic(topicName, {
batching: {
maxMessages: options?.batchingMaxMessages,
maxMilliseconds: options?.batchingMaxMilliseconds,
topics.set(topicName, topic);
let msg = {
data: dataBuffer,
attributes: options.attributes,
await topic.publishMessage(msg);
console.log(`Publishing to ${topicName}`);
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Received error while publishing: ${err.message}`);
A listenerForMessage function is triggered by an HTTP request.
What I have already checked
PubSub client is created only once outside the function.
Topics and Subscriptions are reused.
I made at least one instance of each container running to eliminate the possibility of delays triggered by cold start.
I tried to increase the CPU and Memory capacity of containers.
batchingMaxMessages and batchingMaxMilliseconds are set to 1
I checked that the latest version of #google-cloud/pubsub is installed.
High latency problem occurs only in the cloud environment. With local tests, everything works well.
Timeout error sometimes occurs in both environments.
The problem was in my understanding of Cloud Run Container's lifecycle. I used to send HTTP response 202 while having PubSub working in the background. After sending the response, the container switched to the idling state, what looked like high latency in my logs.

Do not process next job until previous job is completed (BullJS/Redis)?

Basically, each of the clients ---that have a clientId associated with them--- can push messages and it is important that a second message from the same client isn't processed until the first one is finished processing (Even though the client can send multiple messages in a row, and they are ordered, and multiple clients sending messages should ideally not interfere with each other). And, importantly, a job shouldn't be processed twice.
I thought that using Redis I might be able to fix this issue, I started with some quick prototyping using the bull library, but I am clearly not doing it well, I was hoping someone would know how to proceed.
This is what I tried so far:
Create jobs and add them to the same queue name for one process, using the clientId as the job name.
Consume jobs while waiting large random amounts of random time on 2 separate process.
I tried adding the default locking provided by the library that I am using (bull) but it locks on the jobId, which is unique for each job, not on the clientId .
What I would want to happen:
One of the consumers can't take the job from the same clientId until the previous one is finished processing it.
They should be able to, however, get items from different clientIds in parallel without problem (asynchronously). (I haven't gotten this far, I am right now simply dealing with only one clientId)
What I get:
Both consumers consume as many items as they can from the queue without waiting for the previous item for the clientId to be completed.
Is Redis even the right tool for this job?
Example code
// ./setup.ts
import Queue from 'bull';
import * as uuid from 'uuid';
// Check that when a message is taken from a place, no other message is taken
// TO do that test, have two processes that process messages and one that sets messages, and make the job take a long time
// queue for each room
// Make a job not be called stalled, waiting enough time
export async function sleep(ms: number): Promise<void> {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
export interface JobData {
id: string;
v: number;
export const queue = new Queue<JobData>('messages', 'redis://');
queue.on('error', (err) => {
console.error('Uncaught error on queue.', err);
export function clientId(): string {
return uuid.v4();
export function randomWait(minms: number, maxms: number): Promise<void> {
const ms = Math.random() * (maxms - minms) + minms;
return sleep(ms);
// Make a job not be called stalled, waiting enough time
// eslint-disable-next-line #typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
queue.LOCK_RENEW_TIME = 5 * 60 * 1000;
// ./create.ts
import { queue, randomWait } from './setup';
const MIN_WAIT = 300;
const MAX_WAIT = 1500;
async function createJobs(n = 10): Promise<void> {
await randomWait(MIN_WAIT, MAX_WAIT);
// always same Id
const clientId = Math.random() > 1 ? 'zero' : 'one';
for (let index = 0; index < n; index++) {
await randomWait(MIN_WAIT, MAX_WAIT);
const job = { id: clientId, v: index };
await queue.add(clientId, job).catch(console.error);
console.log('Added job', job);
export async function create(nIds = 10, nItems = 10): Promise<void> {
const jobs = [];
await randomWait(MIN_WAIT, MAX_WAIT);
for (let index = 0; index < nIds; index++) {
await randomWait(MIN_WAIT, MAX_WAIT);
await randomWait(MIN_WAIT, MAX_WAIT);
await randomWait(MIN_WAIT, MAX_WAIT);
await Promise.all(jobs)
(function mainCreate(): void {
create().catch((err) => {
// ./consume.ts
import { queue, randomWait, clientId } from './setup';
function startProcessor(minWait = 5000, maxWait = 10000): void {
.process('*', 100, async (job) => {
console.log('LOCKING: ', job.lockKey());
await job.takeLock();
const name =;
const processingId = clientId().split('-', 1)[0];
try {
console.log('START: ', processingId, '\tjobName:', name);
await randomWait(minWait, maxWait);
const data =;
console.log('PROCESSING: ', processingId, '\tjobName:', name, '\tdata:', data);
await randomWait(minWait, maxWait);
console.log('PROCESSED: ', processingId, '\tjobName:', name, '\tdata:', data);
await randomWait(minWait, maxWait);
console.log('FINISHED: ', processingId, '\tjobName:', name, '\tdata:', data);
} catch (err) {
} finally {
await job.releaseLock();
.catch(console.error); // Catches initialization
This is run using 3 different processes, which you might call like this (Although I use different tabs for a clearer view of what is happening)
npx ts-node consume.ts &
npx ts-node consume.ts &
npx ts-node create.ts &
I'm not familir with node.js. But for Redis, I would try this,
Let's say you have client_1, client_2, they are all publisher of events.
You have three machines, consumer_1,consumer_2, consumer_3.
Establish a list of tasks in redis, eg, JOB_LIST.
Clients put(LPUSH) jobs into this JOB_LIST, in a specific form, like "CLIENT_1:[jobcontent]", "CLIENT_2:[jobcontent]"
Each consumer takes out jobs blockingly (RPOP command of Redis) and process them.
For example, consumer_1 takes out a job, content is CLIENT_1:[jobcontent]. It parses the content and recognize it's from CLIENT_1. Then it wants to check if some other consumer is processing CLIENT_1 already, if not, it will lock the key to indicate that it's processing CLIENT_1.
It goes on to set a key of "CLIENT_1_PROCESSING" , with content as "consumer_1", using the Redis SETNX command (set if the key not exists), with an appropriate timeout. For example, the task norally takes one minute to finish, you set a timeout of the key of five minutes, just in case consumer_1 crashes and holds on the lock indefinitely.
If the SETNX returns 0, it means it fails to acquire the lock of CLIENT_1 (someone is already processing a job of client_1). Then it returns the job (a value of "CLIENT_1:[jobcontent]")to the left side of JOB_LIST, by using Redis LPUSH command.Then it might wait a bit (sleep a few seconds), and RPOP another task from the right side of the LIST. If this time SETNX returns 1, consumer_1 acquires the lock. It goes on to process job, after it finishes, it deletes the key of "CLIENT_1_PROCESSING", releasing the lock. Then it goes on to RPOP another job, and so on.
Some things to consider:
The JOB_LIST is not fair,eg, earlier jobs might be processed later
The locking part is a bit rudimentary, but will suffice.
I've figured another way to keep tasks in order.
For each client(producer), build a list. Like "client_1_list", push jobs into the left side of the list.
Save all the client names in a list "client_names_list", with values "client_1", "client_2", etc.
For each consumer(processor), iterate the "client_names_list", for example, consumer_1 get a "client_1", check if the key of client_1 is locked(some one is processing a task of client_1 already), if not, right pop a value(job) from client_1_list and lock client_1. If client_1 is locked, (probably sleep one second) and iterate to the next client, "client_2", for example, and check the keys and so on.
This way, each client(task producer)'s task is processed by their order of entering.
EDIT: I found the problem regarding BullJS is starting jobs in parallel on one processor: We are using named jobs and where defining many named process functions on one queue/processor. The default concurrency factor for a queue/processor is 1. So the queue should not process any jobs in parallel.
The problem with our mentioned setup is if you define many (named) process-handlers on one queue the concurrency is added up with each process-handler function: So if you define three named process-handlers you get a concurrency factor of 3 for given queue for all the defined named jobs.
So just define one named job per queue for queues where parallel processing should not happen and all jobs should run sequentially one after the other.
That could be important e.g. when pushing a high number of jobs onto the queue and the processing involves API calls that would give errors if handled in parallel.
The following text is my first approach of answering the op's question and describes just a workaround to the problem. So better just go with my edit :) and configure your queues the right way.
I found an easy solution to operators question.
In fact BullJS is processing many jobs in parallel on one worker instance:
Let's say you have one worker instance up and running and push 10 jobs onto the queue than possibly that worker starts all processes in parallel.
My research on BullJS-queues gave that this is not intended behavior: One worker (also called processor by BullJS) should only start a new job from the queue when its in idle state so not processing a former job.
Nevertheless BullJS keeps starting jobs in parallel on one worker.
In our implementation that lead to big problems during API calls that most likely are caused by t00 many API calls at a time. Tests gave that when only starting one worker the API calls finished just fine and gave status 200.
So how to just process one job after the other once the previous is finished if BullJS does not do that for us (just what the op asked)?
We first experimented with delays and other BullJS options but thats kind of workaround and not the exact solution to the problem we are looking for. At least we did not get it working to stop BullJS from processing more than one job at a time.
So we did it ourself and started one job after the other.
The solution was rather simple for our use case after looking into BullJS API reference (BullJS API Ref).
We just used a for-loop to start the jobs one after another. The trick was to use BullJS's
method to get a Promise.resolve once the job is finished. By using await inside the for-loop the next job gets just started immediately after the job.finished Promise is awaited (resolved). Thats the nice thing with for-loops: Await works in it!
Here a small code example on how to achieve the intended behavior:
for (let i = 0; i < theValues.length; i++) {
const job = await this.processingQueue.add(
value: theValues[i],
// delay: i * 90000,
// lifo: true,
)[] = {
jobType: 'socket',
jobSocketId: BackgroundJobTasks.UPDATE_VALUES,
data: {
value: theValues[i],
jobCount: theValues.length,
jobNumber: jobCounter,
await job.finished()
.then((val) => {
console.log('job finished:: ', val)
The important part is really
await job.finished()
inside the for loop. leasingValues.length jobs get started all just one after the other as intended.
That way horizontally scaling jobs across more than one worker is not possible anymore. Nevertheless this workaround is okay for us at the moment.
I will get in contact with optimalbits - the maker of BullJS to clear things out.

How does pubsub know how many messages I published at a point in time?

Code for publishing the messages here:
async function publishMessage(topicName) {
console.log(`[${new Date().toISOString()}] publishing messages`);
const pubsub = new PubSub({ projectId: PUBSUB_PROJECT_ID });
const topic = pubsub.topic(topicName, {
batching: {
maxMessages: 10,
maxMilliseconds: 10 * 1000,
const n = 5;
const dataBufs: Buffer[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const data = `message payload ${i}`;
const dataBuffer = Buffer.from(data);
const results = await Promise.all(, idx) =>
topic.publish(dataBuf).then((messageId) => {
console.log(`[${new Date().toISOString()}] Message ${messageId} published. index: ${idx}`);
return messageId;
console.log('results:', results.toString());
As you can see, I am going to publish 5 messages. The time to publish is await Promise.all(...), I mean, for users, We can say send messages at this moment, but for internal of pubsub library maybe not. I set maxMessages to 10, so pubsub will wait for 10 seconds(maxMilliseconds), then publish these 5 messages.
The exuection result meets my expectations:
[2020-05-05T09:53:32.078Z] publishing messages
[2020-05-05T09:53:42.209Z] Message 36854 published. index: 0
[2020-05-05T09:53:42.209Z] Message 36855 published. index: 1
[2020-05-05T09:53:42.209Z] Message 36856 published. index: 2
[2020-05-05T09:53:42.209Z] Message 36857 published. index: 3
[2020-05-05T09:53:42.209Z] Message 36858 published. index: 4
results: 36854,36855,36856,36857,36858
In fact, I think topic.publish does not directly call the remote pubsub service, but pushes the message into the memory queue. And there is a window time to calculate the count of the messages, maybe in a tick or something like:
// internal logic of #google/pubsub library
setTimeout(() => {
// if user messages to be published gte maxMessages, then, publish them immediately
if(getLength(messageQueue) >= maxMessages) {
}, /* window time = */ 100);
Or using setImmediate(), process.nextTick()?
Note that the conditions for sending a message to the service is an OR not an AND. In other words, if either maxMessages messages are waiting to be sent OR maxMilliseconds has passed since the library received the first outstanding message, it will send the outstanding messages to the server.
The source code for the client library is available, so you can see exactly what it does. The library has a queue that it uses to track messages that haven't been sent yet. When a message is added, if the queue is now full (based on the batching settings), then it immediately calls publish. When the first message is added, it uses setTimeout to schedule a call that ultimately calls publish on the service. The publisher client has an instance of the queue to which it adds messages when publish is called.

Nodejs Cluster Architecture reading from single REDIS instance

I'm using Nodejs cluster module to have multiple workers running.
I created a basic Architecture where there will be a single MASTER process which is basically an express server handling multiple requests and the main task of MASTER would be writing incoming data from requests into a REDIS instance. Other workers(numOfCPUs - 1) will be non-master i.e. they won't be handling any request as they are just the consumers. I have two features namely ABC and DEF. I distributed the non-master workers evenly across features via assigning them type.
For eg: on a 8-core machine:
1 will be MASTER instance handling request via express server
Remaining (8 - 1 = 7) will be distributed evenly. 4 to feature:ABD and 3 to fetaure:DEF.
non-master workers are basically consumers i.e. they read from REDIS in which only MASTER worker can write data.
Here's the code for the same:
if (cluster.isMaster) {
// Fork workers.
for (let i = 0; i < numCPUs - 1; i++) {
cluster.on('exit', function(worker) {
console.log(`Worker ${}::type(${worker.type}) died`);
// Start consuming on server-start
console.log(`Master running with process-id: ${}`);
} else {
console.log('CLUSTER type', cluster.worker.process.env.type, 'running on',;
if (
cluster.worker.process.env &&
cluster.worker.process.env.type &&
cluster.worker.process.env.type === ServerTypeEnum.EXPRESS
) {
// worker for handling requests
Everything works fine except consumers reading from REDIS.
Since there are multiple consumers of a particular feature, each one reads the same message and start processing individually, which is what I don't want. If there are 4 consumers, 1 is marked as busy and can not consumer until free, 3 are available. Once the message for that particular feature is written in REDIS by MASTER, the problem is all 3 available consumers of that feature start consuming. This means that the for a single message, the job is done based on number of available consumers.
const stringifedData = JSON.stringify(req.body);
const key = uuidv1();
const asyncHsetRes = await asyncHset(type, key, stringifedData);
if (asyncHsetRes) {
await asyncRpush(FeatureKeyEnum.REDIS.ABC_MESSAGE_QUEUE, key);
res.send({ status: 'success', message: 'Added to processing queue' });
} else {
res.send({ error: 'failure', message: 'Something went wrong in adding to queue' });
Consumer simply accepts messages and stop when it is busy
module.exports.startHeartbeat = startHeartbeat = async function(config = {}) {
if (!config || !config.type || !config.listKey) {
heartbeatIntervalObj[config.type] = setInterval(async () => {
await asyncLindex(config.listKey, -1).then(async res => {
if (res) {
await getFreeWorkerAndDoJob(res, config);
Ideally, a message should be read by only one consumer of that particular feature. After consuming, it is marked as busy so it won't consume further until free(I have handled this). Next message could only be processed by only one consumer out of other available consumers.
Please help me in tacking this problem. Again, I want one message to be read by only one free consumer and rest free consumers should wait for new message.
I'm not sure I fully get your Redis consumers architecture, but I feel like it contradicts with the use case of Redis itself. What you're trying to achieve is essentially a queue based messaging with an ability to commit a message once its done.
Redis has its own pub/sub feature, but it is built on fire and forget principle. It doesn't distinguish between consumers - it just sends the data to all of them, assuming that its their logic to handle the incoming data.
I recommend to you use Queue Servers like RabbitMQ. You can achieve your goal with some features that AMQP 0-9-1 supports: message acknowledgment, consumer's prefetch count and so on. You can set up your cluster with very agile configs like ok, I want to have X consumers, and each can handle 1 unique (!) message at a time and they will receive new ones only after they let the server (rabbitmq) know that they successfully finished message processing. This is highly configurable and robust.
However, if you want to go serverless with some fully managed service so that you don't provision like virtual machines or anything else to run a message queue server of your choice, you can use AWS SQS. It has pretty much similar API and features list.
Hope it helps!

can I limit consumption of kafka-node consumer?

It seems like my kafka node consumer:
var kafka = require('kafka-node');
var consumer = new Consumer(client, [], {
is fetching way too many messages than I can handle in certain cases.
Is there a way to limit it (for example accept no more than 1000 messages per second, possibly using the pause api?)
I'm using kafka-node, which seems to have a limited api comparing to the Java version
In Kafka, poll and process should happen in a coordinated/synchronized way. Ie, after each poll, you should process all received data first, before you do the next poll. This pattern will automatically throttle the number of messages to the max throughput your client can handle.
Something like this (pseudo-code):
while(isRunning) {
messages = poll(...)
for(m : messages) {
(That is the reason, why there is not parameter "fetch.max.messages" -- you just do not need it.)
I had a similar situation where I was consuming messages from Kafka and had to throttle the consumption because my consumer service was dependent on a third party API which had its own constraints.
I used async/queue along with a wrapper of async/cargo called asyncTimedCargo for batching purpose.
The cargo gets all the messages from the kafka-consumer and sends it to queue upon reaching a size limit batch_config.batch_size or timeout batch_config.batch_timeout.
async/queue provides saturated and unsaturated callbacks which you can use to stop the consumption if your queue task workers are busy. This would stop the cargo from filling up and your app would not run out of memory. The consumption would resume upon unsaturation.
module.exports = function(key){
return new asyncTimedCargo(function(tasks, callback) {
var length = tasks.length;
var postBody = [];
for(var i=0;i<length;i++){
var message ={};
var task = JSON.parse(tasks[i].value);
message = task;
var postJson = {
"json": {"request":postBody}
}, batch_config.batch_size, batch_config.batch_timeout)
cargo = cargo-service()
consumer.on('message', function (message) {
if(message && message.value && utils.isValidJsonString(message.value)) {
var msgObject = JSON.parse(message.value);
else {
logger.error('Invalid JSON Message');
// sms-queue.js
var sms_queue = queue(
times: queue_config.num_retries,
errorFilter: function (err) {"inside retry");
if (err) {
return true;
else {
return false;
}, function (task, callback) {
// your worker task for queue
}), queue_config.queue_worker_threads);
sms_queue.saturated = function() {
logger.warn('Queue saturated Consumption paused: ' + sms_queue.running());
sms_queue.unsaturated = function() {
consumer.resume();'Queue unsaturated Consumption resumed: ' + sms_queue.running());
From FAQ in the README
Create a async.queue with message processor and concurrency of one (the message processor itself is wrapped with setImmediate function so it will not freeze up the event loop)
Set the queue.drain to resume() the consumer
The handler for consumer's message event to pause() the consumer and pushes the message to the queue.
As far as I know the API does not have any kind of throttling. But both consumers (Consumer and HighLevelConsumer) have a 'pause()' function. So you could stop consuming if you get to much messages. Maybe that already offers what you need.
Please keep in mind what's happening. You send a fetch request to the broker and get a batch of message back. You can configure the min and max size of the messages (according to the documentation not the number of messages) you want to fetch:
// This is the minimum number of bytes of messages that must be available to give a response, default 1 byte
fetchMinBytes: 1,
// The maximum bytes to include in the message set for this partition. This helps bound the size of the response.
fetchMaxBytes: 1024 * 1024,
I was facing the same issue, initially fetchMaxBytes value was
fetchMaxBytes: 1024 * 1024 * 10 // 10MB
I just chanbed it to
fetchMaxBytes: 1024
It worked very smoothly after the change.
