Save user ID in JSON file - node.js

Today I'm trying to make a json data to link discord account to another account (League of Legends, Dota, etc...)
To make my database, I'm using this code:
message.reply(`Your account is link to **${args[1]}**`).then(msg => {
timeout: 5000
userID =;
let link = require('../link.json')
link.userID = {
name: `${}`,
lol: `${args[1]}`,
var string = JSON.stringify(link, null, '\t');
fs.writeFile('./link.json', string, function(err) {
if (err) return console.error(err);
If bob writes /link lol boby02 and I (StarKleey 帅哥) write /link lol StarKleey the json will be:
"userID": { //here I would like "#<565465478767545>": {
"name": "bob",
"lol": "boby02"
"userID": { //and here "#<456465574385735>": {
"name": "StarKleey 帅哥",
"lol": "StarKleey"
How can I do that?
This is what I'm currently using: = {
name: `${}`,
lol: `${args[1]}`,
Reload :
"#<565465478767545>": {
"name": "bob",
"lol": "boby02"
"#<456465574385735>": {
"name": "StarKleey 帅哥",
"lol": "StarKleey"

You're currently storing the username, while you seem to want to store the user id: you should try using = {
name: `${}`,
lol: `${args[1]}`,


How to post and populate bill

I've got a relational json called "client" inside Bill's model. This is my code:
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const { Schema } = mongoose;
const billSchema = new Schema({
number: Number,
date: { type: Date, default: },
type: String,
local: String,
client: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "clients", required: true },
detail: [
quantity: Number,
product: { code: Number, name: String, price: Number },
undertotal: Number
total: Number
mongoose.model("bills", billSchema);
this is my post route:"/api/bills", async (req, res) => {
const { number, type, local, client, detail, total } = req.body;
await Client.findById(req.body.client._id).then(client => {
if (!client) {
return res.status(404).json({
message: "client not found"
const bill = new Bill({
date: new Date(),
try {
let newBill = await;
} catch (err) {
if ( === "MongoError") {
//my get route
app.get("/api/bills", function(req, res) {
Bill.find({}, function(err, bills) {
Client.populate(bills, { path: "clients" }, function(err, bills) {
I want something like this:
"number": 302,
"type": "c",
"local": "porstmouth",
"client": {
"address": {
"street": "victoria street",
"number": 1001,
"floor": "2",
"flat": 4
"_id": "5dab929613fb682b48e4ca6b",
"name": "luke skywalker",
"mail": "",
"cuil": "39193219",
"phone": 128391,
"__v": 0
"detail": [
"quantity": 500,
"product": {
"code": 300,
"name": "P2",
"price": 800
"undertotal": 5000
"total": 11000
But I see this result:
"date": "2019-10-20T12:27:17.162Z",
"_id": "5dac52a577e09b4acc45718d",
"number": 302,
"type": "c",
"local": "porstmouth ",
"client": "5dab929613fb682b48e4ca6b",
"detail": [
"_id": "5dac52a577e09b4acc45718e",
"quantity": 500,
"product": {
"code": 300,
"name": "P2",
"price": 800
"undertotal": 5000
"total": 11000,
"__v": 0
I don't want to see id client only. I want to see all content from client inside bill.
I tried to do with populate method, but I haven't results.
So, Which is form to post and populate a nested json relational object in this case?
While posting only clientId is enough.
So your post route can be like this (you both used await and then, which is incorrect, so I refactored it to use only await)'/api/bills', async (req, res) => {
const { number, type, local, client, detail, total } = req.body;
let existingClient = await Client.findById(req.body.client._id)
if (!existingClient) {
return res.status(404).json({
message: "client not found"
const bill = new Bill({
date: new Date(),
client: req.body.client._id
try {
let newBill = await;
} catch (err) {
if ( === 'MongoError') {
And in the get route to retrieve all the client info you need to populate it like this:
app.get('/api/bills', async (req, res) => {
try {
const bills = await Bill.find({}).populate("clients");
} catch (err) {

Is there any way to rename the path while we select the complex object from mongodb using mongoose in nodejs?

I want to rename the path of the fields which are coming from the response.
My Query:
const allLeads = await Lead.find().select({
"basic.mobileNumber": 1
res.send({ allLeads });
Response I'm Getting
"allLeads": [
"_id": "5d9f0e2118d1a445bae077aa",
"basic": {
"mobileNumber": "1223654789"
"_id": "5d9f16a8cba7744902acb422",
"basic": {
"mobileNumber": "1123654789"
how I want the response
_id: 5d9f0e2118d1a445bae077aa,
mobileNumber: "1223654789"
_id: 5d9f16a8cba7744902acb422,
mobileNumber: "1123654789"
So is there any way yo archive this using mongoose?
I did it like this. Is there any other and better way to do this?
let simpleLeadInfo = [];
await SwatiLead.find()
_id: 1,
"basic.mobileNumber": 1,
.exec((err, data) => {
if (!err) {
for (lead in data) {
const obj = {
id: data[lead]._id,
mobileNumber: data[lead].basic.mobileNumber,
simpleLeadInfo = [...simpleLeadInfo, obj];
return res.send({ error: false, status: "OK", simpleLeadInfo });

Find when the keys are unkown in mongodb

How can I getthe data that has email as in mongoDB?I don't know the Key Name and I want to iterate through all the data.
I have data like this:
But the object key is not known at the time of searching. I want to iterate through all the data and get matched data that has specific email.
If I know the key name like test1,test2 etc then I can use find({test1:{...}}) but Here I don't know the key value.
So, how can I do that?
You can use below aggregation using $objectToArray in mongodb 3.4 and above
{ "$addFields": {
"field": { "$objectToArray": "$$ROOT" }
{ "$match": { "": "" }},
{ "$project": { "field": 0 }}
I am assuming you get the objects in array type.
I made a method named findObject. This method will take the object array and the desired email.
Finally, return the first object, that matched with the email.
const data = [{
"email": "",
"phoneNo": "123456897",
"email": "",
"phoneNo": "123456897",
"email": "",
"phoneNo": "123456897",
"endpointId": "test3"
const findObject = (data, email) => {
for (let index=0; index<data.length; index++) {
const currentData = data[index];
for (let property in currentData) {
if (property != '_id' && currentData[property].email == email) {
return currentData;
return null;
let desiredObject;
const desiredEmail = '';
desiredObject = findObject(data, desiredEmail);
And the output will be
{ _id: '5c0a1589a5a41b2ae707317b',
{ email: '',
phoneNo: '123456897',
endpointId: 'test1' } }
I think you can't do query on totally unknown field! if you could change your schema see here for more info, also you could write script to migrate to a new DB with new schema:
// new doc instance
"obj": {
"name": "test1"
"obj": {
"name": "test2"
"obj": {
"name": "test3"
otherwise, check this may works correctly. if all of them is not effective so make a query to get all of your data as an Array and use filter method on it:
Model.find({}, (err, docs) => {
const result = docs.filter((doc) => {
for (key in doc) {
if (doc[key].email === '')
return doc;

GraphQL - show list or single object

I have managed to get following data through GraphQL:
"data": {
"city": {
"name": "Eldorado",
"users": [
"username": "lgraham1"
"username": "ehowell"
"username": "cbauch"
I have QueryType, CityType and UserType. In my QueryType I fetch city and display users by GraphQLList(UserType). What should I do if I want to display single user if there is an id provided?
My API looks like this:
all cities:
single city:
users for particular city:
single user:
You'll need to add a user query to your main Query object.
Assuming your id is an Integer, you would do this
const Query = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'RootQuery',
fields: {
// ...
user: {
type: User,
args: {
id: {
type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLInt)
resolve: function(rootValue, args) {
return db.users.findOne(args)
const Schema = new GraphQLSchema({
query: Query,
// ...
Then you can query using
user (id: 12345) {
Or you could make a function
query findUser ($id: Int!) {
user (id: $id) {

Unable to fetch list in react relay

I am following schema same as mentioned here
I want to fetch all users so I updated my schema like this
var Root = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Root',
fields: () => ({
user: {
type: userType,
resolve: (rootValue, _) => {
return getUser(rootValue)
post: {
type: postType,
args: {
postID: {type: GraphQLString}
resolve: (rootValue, args) => {
return getPost(args.postID).then(function(data){
return data[0];
return err;
type: new GraphQLList(userType),
resolve: (root) =>getUsers(),
And in database.js
export function getUsers(params) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
User.find({}).exec({}, function(err, users) {
if (err) {
} else {
I am getting results in /graphql as
users {
and results as
"data": {
"users": [
"id": "VXNlcjo1Nzk4NWQxNmIwYWYxYWY2MTc3MGJlNTA=",
"fullName": "Akshay"
"id": "VXNlcjo1Nzk4YTRkNTBjMWJlZTg1MzFmN2IzMzI=",
"fullName": "jitendra"
"id": "VXNlcjo1NzliNjcyMmRlNjRlZTI2MTFkMWEyMTk=",
"fullName": "akshay1"
"id": "VXNlcjo1NzliNjgwMDc4YTYwMTZjMTM0ZmMxZWM=",
"fullName": "Akshay2"
"id": "VXNlcjo1NzlmMTNkYjMzNTNkODQ0MmJjOWQzZDU=",
"fullName": "test"
but If I try to fetch this in view as
export default Relay.createContainer(UserList, {
fragments: {
userslist: () => Relay.QL`
fragment on User #relay(plural: true) {
I am getting error Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment for the full error message and additional helpful warnings.
Please tell me what I am missing .
I tried a lot with and without #relay(plural: true).
Also tried to update schema with arguments as
type: new GraphQLList(userType),
args: {
names: {
type: GraphQLString,
resolve: (root, {names}) =>connectionFromArray(getUsers(names)),
but I got error Cannot read property 'after' of undefined in implementing react-relay
Thanks in Advance.
Relay currently only supports three types of root fields (see facebook/relay#112):
Root field without arguments, returning a single node:
e.g. { user { id } } returning {"id": "123"}
Root field with one argument, returning a single node:
e.g. { post(id: "456") { id } } returning {"id": "456"}
Root field with one array argument returning an array of nodes with the same size as the argument array (also known as "a plural identifying root field"):
e.g. { users(ids: ["123", "321"]) { id } } returning [{"id": "123"}, {"id": "321"}]
A workaround is to create a root field (often called viewer) returning a node that has those fields. When nested inside the Viewer (or any other node), fields are allowed to have any return type, including a list or connection. When you've wrapped the fields in this object in your GraphQL server, you can query them like this:
viewer {
users {
The Viewer type is a node type, and since there will just be one instance of it, its id should be a constant. You can use the globalIdField helper to define the id field, and add any other fields you want to query with Relay:
const viewerType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Viewer',
interfaces: [nodeInterface],
fields: {
id: globalIdField('Viewer', () => 'VIEWER_ID'),
type: new GraphQLList(userType),
resolve: (viewer) => getUsers(),
On the client you'll need to change the root query in your route to { viewer } and define the fragment on Viewer:
export default Relay.createContainer(UserList, {
fragments: {
viewer: () => Relay.QL`
fragment on Viewer {
users {
local {
images {
