securityContext getVariables - security

How get userdata after login , please help
public String login(#RequestParam(value = "error", required = false) String error,
#RequestParam(value = "logout", required = false)String logout,Model model) {
Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication() ;
String name = auth.getName() ;
User us = user.findByUsername(name) ;
String errorMessge = null;
if(error != null) {
errorMessge = "Username ou Password est incorrect !";
if(logout != null) {
errorMessge = "hello" ;
System.out.println(name) ;
model.addAttribute("prenom", us.getNom());
model.addAttribute("errorMessge", errorMessge);
model.addAttribute("prenom",name) ;
return "admin.jsp" ;
*** display the name at my home page like this:

public void info(Model model) {
UserPrincipal aut = (UserPrincipal)SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal() ;
String name = aut.getUsername();
User us = user.findByUsername(name) ;
model.addAttribute("prenom",us.getPrenom()) ;
#RequestMapping(value="/login", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String login(#RequestParam(value = "error", required = false) String error,
#RequestParam(value = "logout", required = false)String logout,Model model) {
String errorMessge = null;
if(error != null) {
errorMessge = "Username ou Password est incorrect !";
if(logout != null) {
errorMessge = "hello" ;
// model.addAttribute("prenom", us.getNom());
// model.addAttribute("prenom", us.getNom());
model.addAttribute("errorMessge", errorMessge);
// model.addAttribute("prenom",name) ;
return "admin.jsp" ;


Get posted file over HTTP Listener in c#

I have make a simple http server using c#. And I know how to get posted data and output them. Here is my c# code
public static void start(){
HttpListener listener = new HttpListener();
listener.Prefixes.Add(new Uri("http://localhost:8080").ToString());
HttpListenerContext con = listener.GetContext();
con.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound;
string data = "Uploaded successful";
byte[] output = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data);
con.Response.ContentType = "text/html";
con.Response.ContentLength64 = output.Length;
con.Response.OutputStream.Write(output , 0, output.Length );
public static void showPostedData(HttpListenerRequest request){
if (!request.HasEntityBody)
System.IO.Stream body = request.InputStream;
System.Text.Encoding encoding = request.ContentEncoding;
System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(body, encoding);
string text;
if (request.ContentType != null)
text = reader.ReadToEnd();
Console.WriteLine( text );
My client html form has input box named file: <input type="file" name"file">
In the console output is like that :
file='Path of Choosed file not a file'
So How i get POSTED files and copy them to upload directory..?
Sorry for my english and thanks in advance...
public static void start(){
HttpListener listener = new HttpListener();
listener.Prefixes.Add(new Uri("http://localhost:80").ToString());
HttpListenerContext con = listener.GetContext();
var values = new HttpNameValueCollection(ref con);
File.WriteAllText(values.Files["file"].FileName, values.Files["file"].FileData, Encoding.Default);
catch (Exception tr)
class HTTPFormData
public class File
private string _fileName;
public string FileName { get { return _fileName ?? (_fileName = ""); } set { _fileName = value; } }
private string _fileData;
public string FileData { get { return _fileData ?? (_fileName = ""); } set { _fileData = value; } }
private string _contentType;
public string ContentType { get { return _contentType ?? (_contentType = ""); } set { _contentType = value; } }
private NameValueCollection _post;
private Dictionary<string, File> _files;
private readonly HttpListenerContext _ctx;
public NameValueCollection Post { get { return _post ?? (_post = new NameValueCollection()); } set { _post = value; } }
public NameValueCollection Get { get { return _ctx.Request.QueryString; } }
public Dictionary<string, File> Files { get { return _files ?? (_files = new Dictionary<string, File>()); } set { _files = value; } }
private void PopulatePostMultiPart(string post_string)
var boundary_index = _ctx.Request.ContentType.IndexOf("boundary=") + 9;
var boundary = _ctx.Request.ContentType.Substring(boundary_index, _ctx.Request.ContentType.Length - boundary_index);
var upper_bound = post_string.Length - 4;
if (post_string.Substring(2, boundary.Length) != boundary)
throw (new InvalidDataException());
var current_string = new StringBuilder();
for (var x = 4 + boundary.Length; x < upper_bound; ++x)
if (post_string.Substring(x, boundary.Length) == boundary)
x += boundary.Length + 1;
var post_variable_string = current_string.Remove(current_string.Length - 4, 4).ToString();
var end_of_header = post_variable_string.IndexOf("\r\n\r\n");
if (end_of_header == -1) throw (new InvalidDataException());
var filename_index = post_variable_string.IndexOf("filename=\"", 0, end_of_header);
var filename_starts = filename_index + 10;
var content_type_starts = post_variable_string.IndexOf("Content-Type: ", 0, end_of_header) + 14;
var name_starts = post_variable_string.IndexOf("name=\"") + 6;
var data_starts = end_of_header + 4;
if (filename_index != -1)
var filename = post_variable_string.Substring(filename_starts, post_variable_string.IndexOf("\"", filename_starts) - filename_starts);
var content_type = post_variable_string.Substring(content_type_starts, post_variable_string.IndexOf("\r\n", content_type_starts) - content_type_starts);
var file_data = post_variable_string.Substring(data_starts, post_variable_string.Length - data_starts);
var name = post_variable_string.Substring(name_starts, post_variable_string.IndexOf("\"", name_starts) - name_starts);
Files.Add(name, new File() { FileName = filename, ContentType = content_type, FileData = file_data });
var name = post_variable_string.Substring(name_starts, post_variable_string.IndexOf("\"", name_starts) - name_starts);
var value = post_variable_string.Substring(data_starts, post_variable_string.Length - data_starts);
Post.Add(name, value);
private void PopulatePost()
if (_ctx.Request.HttpMethod != "POST" || _ctx.Request.ContentType == null) return;
var post_string = new StreamReader(_ctx.Request.InputStream, _ctx.Request.ContentEncoding).ReadToEnd();
if (_ctx.Request.ContentType.StartsWith("multipart/form-data"))
public HTTPFormData(ref HttpListenerContext ctx)
_ctx = ctx;

how to upload audio to server: Blackberry

I'm trying to upload an .amr file to the server. My Code as follows:
private static void uploadRecording(byte[] data) {
byte[] response=null;
String currentFile = getFileName(); //the .amr file to upload
StringBuffer connectionStr=new StringBuffer("http://www.myserver/bb/upload.php");
PostFile req;
try {
req = new PostFile(connectionStr.toString(),
"uploadedfile", currentFile, "audio/AMR", data );
response = req.send(data);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("====Exception: "+e.getMessage());
System.out.println("Server Response : "+new String(response));
public class PostFile
static final String BOUNDARY = "----------V2ymHFg03ehbqgZCaKO6jy";
byte[] postBytes = null;
String url = null;
public PostFile(String url, String fileField, String fileName, String fileType, byte[] fileBytes) throws Exception
this.url = url;
String boundary = getBoundaryString();
String boundaryMessage = getBoundaryMessage(boundary, fileField, fileName, fileType);
String endBoundary = "\r\n--" + boundary + "--\r\n";
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
this.postBytes = bos.toByteArray();
String getBoundaryString()
return BOUNDARY;
String getBoundaryMessage(String boundary, String fileField, String fileName, String fileType)
StringBuffer res = new StringBuffer("--").append(boundary).append("\r\n");
res.append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"").append(fileField).append("\"; filename=\"").append(fileName).append("\"\r\n")
.append("Content-Type: ").append(fileType).append("\r\n\r\n");
return res.toString();
public byte[] send(byte[] fileBytes) throws Exception
HttpConnection hc = null;
InputStream is = null;
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte[] res = null;
hc = (HttpConnection);
hc.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + getBoundaryString());
hc.setRequestProperty(HttpProtocolConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH ,Integer.toString(fileBytes.length));
OutputStream dout = hc.openOutputStream();
int ch;
is = hc.openInputStream(); // <<< EXCEPTION HERE!!!
if(hc.getResponseCode()== HttpConnection.HTTP_OK)
while ((ch = != -1)
res = bos.toByteArray();
System.out.println("res loaded..");
else {
System.out.println("Unexpected response code: " + hc.getResponseCode());
return null;
catch(IOException e)
System.out.println("====IOException : "+e.getMessage());
catch(Exception e1)
System.out.println("====Exception : "+e1.getMessage());
if(bos != null)
if(is != null)
if(hc != null)
catch(Exception e2)
System.out.println("====Exception : "+e2.getMessage());
return res;
Highlighted above is the code line which throws the exception: Not Connected.
Can somebody tell me what can be done to correct this? Thanks a lot.
public static String getString()
String connectionString = null;
String uid = null;
// Wifi
connectionString = ";interface=wifi";
ServiceBook sb = ServiceBook.getSB();
net.rim.device.api.servicebook.ServiceRecord[] records = sb.findRecordsByCid("WPTCP");
for (int i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {
if (records[i].isValid() && !records[i].isDisabled()) {
if (records[i].getUid() != null &&
records[i].getUid().length() != 0) {
if ((records[i].getCid().toLowerCase().indexOf("wptcp") != -1) &&
(records[i].getUid().toLowerCase().indexOf("wifi") == -1) &&
(records[i].getUid().toLowerCase().indexOf("mms") == -1) ) {
uid = records[i].getUid();
if (uid != null)
connectionString = ";deviceside=true;ConnectionUID="+uid;
// the carrier network
if((CoverageInfo.getCoverageStatus() & CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_DIRECT) == CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_DIRECT)
String carrierUid = getCarrierBIBSUid();
if (carrierUid == null) {
// Has carrier coverage, but not BIBS. So use the
// carrier's
// TCP network
System.out.println("No Uid");
connectionString = ";deviceside=true";
} else {
// otherwise, use the Uid to construct a valid carrier
// request
System.out.println("uid is: " + carrierUid);
connectionString = ";deviceside=false;connectionUID="
+ carrierUid + ";ConnectionType=mds-public";
//(BlackBerry Enterprise Server)
else if((CoverageInfo.getCoverageStatus() & CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_MDS) == CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_MDS)
connectionString = ";deviceside=false";
// If there is no connection available abort to avoid bugging
// the user unnecessarily.
else if (CoverageInfo.getCoverageStatus() == CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_NONE) {
System.out.println("There is no available connection.");
// In theory, all bases are covered so this shouldn't be
// reachable.
else {
System.out.println("no other options found, assuming device.");
connectionString = ";deviceside=true";
return connectionString;
* Looks through the phone's service book for a carrier provided BIBS
* network
* #return The uid used to connect to that network.
private static String getCarrierBIBSUid() {
try {
net.rim.device.api.servicebook.ServiceRecord[] records = ServiceBook.getSB().getRecords();
int currentRecord;
for (currentRecord = 0; currentRecord < records.length; currentRecord++) {
if (records[currentRecord].getCid().toLowerCase().equals(
"ippp")) {
if (records[currentRecord].getName().toLowerCase()
.indexOf("bibs") >= 0) {
return records[currentRecord].getUid();
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("====Exception : "+e.toString());
return null;

SharePoint SPWeb.GetFile method with using server url and not using it at all

I notice that when we use SPWeb.GetFile method, we can pass the whole URL or only the part of the url.
Let's say my file exists in servername/sites/SiteA/DocumentLibrary/Folder/file.txt.
(i omit http)
SiteA = servername/sites/SiteA
using (SPWeb oWebsiteFrom = new SPSite(SiteA).OpenWeb())
SPFile oSrcSPFile = oWebsiteFrom.GetFile(ServerURL + "/" + DocLibrary+ "/" + Folder + "/" + fileName);
This one is also OK to use without ServerURL in GetFile.
using (SPWeb oWebsiteFrom = new SPSite(SiteA).OpenWeb())
SPFile oSrcSPFile = oWebsiteFrom.GetFile(DocLibrary+ "/" + Folder + "/" + fileName);
What is the difference between using serverURL and not using serverURL in GetFile method?
Basically it is the same.
Lot of SharePoint methods(not all) using Url as parameter will call an internal method named "GetWebRelativeUrlFromUrl" to handle the Url
And below are the code of the methods invoked when you call SPWeb.GetFile
As you can see, the string will parse as UriScheme object and if your string is a ServerRelative uriScheme, the method will "convert" it to absolute url.
internal SPFile GetFile(string strUrl, byte iLevel)
string webRelativeUrlFromUrl = this.GetWebRelativeUrlFromUrl(strUrl);
if (webRelativeUrlFromUrl.Length == 0)
throw new ArgumentException();
return new SPFile(this, webRelativeUrlFromUrl, iLevel);
internal string GetWebRelativeUrlFromUrl(string strUrl)
return this.GetWebRelativeUrlFromUrl(strUrl, true, true);
internal string GetWebRelativeUrlFromUrl(string strUrl, bool includeQueryString, bool canonicalizeUrl)
string str;
char[] chrArray;
if (strUrl == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
if (strUrl.Length == 0)
return strUrl;
if (canonicalizeUrl || !includeQueryString)
strUrl = Utility.CanonicalizeFullOrRelativeUrl(strUrl, includeQueryString, out flag);
canonicalizeUrl = 0;
includeQueryString = 1;
UriScheme uriScheme = SPWeb.GetUriScheme(strUrl);
if (uriScheme == UriScheme.ServerRelative)
string serverRelativeUrl = this.ServerRelativeUrl;
if (!SPUtility.StsStartsWith(strUrl, serverRelativeUrl))
throw new ArgumentException();
str = strUrl.Substring(serverRelativeUrl.Length);
if (str.Length > 0)
if (str.get_Chars(0) == 47)
return str.Substring(1);
if (uriScheme == UriScheme.Http || uriScheme == UriScheme.Https)
if (uriScheme == UriScheme.Http && strUrl.Contains(":80/"))
strUrl = strUrl.Remove(strUrl.IndexOf(":80/"), ":80/".Length - 1);
bool flag2 = false;
if (!SPUtility.StsStartsWith(strUrl, this.Url))
using (SPSite sPSite = new SPSite(strUrl))
if (sPSite.ID != this.Site.ID)
throw new ArgumentException();
UriBuilder uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(new Uri(strUrl));
uriBuilder.Scheme = sPSite.Protocol.TrimEnd(new char[] { 58 });
uriBuilder.Host = sPSite.HostName;
uriBuilder.Port = sPSite.Port;
strUrl = uriBuilder.Uri.ToString();
flag2 = SPUtility.StsStartsWith(strUrl, this.Url);
flag2 = true;
if (flag2)
str = strUrl.Substring(this.Url.Length);
if (str.Length > 0)
if (str.get_Chars(0) == 47)
return str.Substring(1);
throw new ArgumentException();
if (!strUrl.StartsWith("_"))
bool flag3 = true;
if (false || -1 == strUrl.IndexOf(58) || null != new Uri(strUrl))
flag3 = false;
if (!flag3)
throw new ArgumentException();
str = strUrl;
return str;

Exchange WebService - Errorcode ErrorIncorrectUpdatePropertyCount when updateing contact

I use the fallowing method to update a contact in Exchange over EWS:
private void UpdateContact(Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Contact exContact, ContactInfo contact) {
var pathList = new List<string>();
try {
log.DebugFormat("Process ExchangeContact '{0}' with Contact '{1}'", (exContact.IsNew ? "<new>" : exContact.DisplayName), contact.Id);
exContact.GivenName = contact.AdditionalName;
exContact.Surname = contact.Name;
exContact.FileAsMapping = FileAsMapping.SurnameCommaGivenName;
exContact.CompanyName = "";
if (contact is PersonInfo) {
var person = (PersonInfo) contact;
if (person.PersonCompany != null && person.PersonCompany.Company != null) {
exContact.CompanyName = person.PersonCompany.Company.DisplayName;
exContact.ImAddresses[ImAddressKey.ImAddress1] = person.MessengerName;
exContact.ImAddresses[ImAddressKey.ImAddress2] = person.SkypeName;
// Specify the business, home, and car phone numbers.
var comm = contact.GetCommunication(Constants.CommunicationType.PhoneBusiness);
exContact.PhoneNumbers[PhoneNumberKey.BusinessPhone] = (comm != null ? comm.Value : null);
comm = contact.GetCommunication(Constants.CommunicationType.PhonePrivate);
exContact.PhoneNumbers[PhoneNumberKey.HomePhone] = (comm != null ? comm.Value : null);
comm = contact.GetCommunication(Constants.CommunicationType.PhoneMobile);
exContact.PhoneNumbers[PhoneNumberKey.MobilePhone] = (comm != null ? comm.Value : null);
comm = contact.GetCommunication(Constants.CommunicationType.MailBusiness);
exContact.EmailAddresses[EmailAddressKey.EmailAddress1] = (comm != null ? new EmailAddress(comm.Value) : null);
comm = contact.GetCommunication(Constants.CommunicationType.MailPrivate);
exContact.EmailAddresses[EmailAddressKey.EmailAddress2] = (comm != null ? new EmailAddress(comm.Value) : null);
// Specify two IM addresses.
// Specify the home address.
var address = contact.AddressList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AddressType != null && x.AddressType.Id == Constants.AddressType.Private);
if (address != null) {
var paEntry = new PhysicalAddressEntry
Street = address.Street,
City = address.City,
State = address.Region,
PostalCode = address.PostalCode,
CountryOrRegion = address.CountryName
exContact.PhysicalAddresses[PhysicalAddressKey.Home] = paEntry;
if (contact.PostalAddress == address) {
exContact.PostalAddressIndex = PhysicalAddressIndex.Home;
} else {
exContact.PhysicalAddresses[PhysicalAddressKey.Home] = null;
address = contact.AddressList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AddressType != null && x.AddressType.Id == Constants.AddressType.Business);
if (address != null) {
var paEntry = new PhysicalAddressEntry
Street = address.Street,
City = address.City,
State = address.Region,
PostalCode = address.PostalCode,
CountryOrRegion = address.CountryName
exContact.PhysicalAddresses[PhysicalAddressKey.Business] = paEntry;
if(contact.PostalAddress == address) {
exContact.PostalAddressIndex = PhysicalAddressIndex.Business;
} else {
exContact.PhysicalAddresses[PhysicalAddressKey.Business] = null;
// Save the contact.
if (exContact.IsNew) {
} else {
pathList.AddRange(this.AddFileAttachments(this.Access.IndependService.GetContact(exContact.Id.UniqueId), contact.GetDocuments()));
} catch(Exception e) {
log.Error("Error updating/inserting Contact in Exchange.", e);
} finally {
foreach (var path in pathList) {
When I do this for update, I get an Exception with Errorcode ErrorIncorrectUpdatePropertyCount on the line exContact.Update(ConflictResolutionMode.AlwaysOverwrite);
Can someone help me, what is the problem? - Thanks.
The solution is that I have to check, if the string-values are empty strings and in this case to set null. On this way, all is working.

Filter a SharePoint list by audience

I am very new to Sharepoint development. I have the following code that I need to have display the list items by targeted audience. I know I am suppose to add something like this
AudienceLoader audienceLoader = AudienceLoader.GetAudienceLoader();
foreach (SPListItem listItem in list.Items)
// get roles the list item is targeted to
string audienceFieldValue = (string)listItem[k_AudienceColumn];
// quickly check if the user belongs to any of those roles
if (AudienceManager.IsCurrentUserInAudienceOf(audienceLoader,
But I have no idea where to place it in my code below. Please I would appreciate any of your advise.
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
namespace PersonalAnnouncements.PersonalAnnouncements
public class PersonalAnnouncements : Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPart
// Fields
private string _exceptions = "";
private AddInsEnum DE = AddInsEnum.HyperLink;
private const AddInsEnum DefaultAddInsEnum = AddInsEnum.HyperLink;
private const TheDateFormat DefaultDateFormat = TheDateFormat.MonthDayYear;
private const PeriodEnum DefaultPeriod = PeriodEnum.Five;
private const string defaultText = "Your text here";
private const string DefaultURL = "DispForm.aspx";
private TheDateFormat DF = TheDateFormat.MonthDayYear;
private string endField = "Image URL";
private const string imgTURL = "/_layouts/NewsViewer/banner1_thumb.jpg";
private const string imgURL = "/_layouts/NewsViewer/banner1.jpg";
protected Label lblError;
private const string listText = "";
private string listViewFields = "";
private PeriodEnum Period = PeriodEnum.Five;
private string sImageURL = "/_layouts/NewsViewer/banner1.jpg";
private string siteURLtext = "Your Site here";
private string startField = "Body";
private string sTImageURL = "/_layouts/NewsViewer/banner1_thumb.jpg";
private string sTimeField = "/_layouts/NewsViewer/style_smaller.css";
private string sYAxisTitle = "15";
private string text = "Your text here";
private string ThumbImageField = "";
private const string timer = "/_layouts/NewsViewer/style_smaller.css";
private string titleField = "";
private string urltocalendar = "DispForm.aspx";
private const string yaxistit = "15";
// Methods
protected override void CreateChildControls()
HtmlTable table;
HtmlTableRow row;
HtmlTableCell cell;
bool controlsAdded = false;
SPWeb theWeb = new SPSite(this.SiteURL).OpenWeb();
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(theWeb.Url))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
SPList list = web.Lists[this.Text];
if (list.BaseTemplate == SPListTemplateType.GenericList)
this.lblError = new Label();
this.lblError.Text = "Error:";
this.lblError.Visible = true;
HtmlTable child = new HtmlTable();
row = new HtmlTableRow();
cell = new HtmlTableCell();
string str = "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" + this.CSSField + "\" /><script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"/_layouts/NewsViewer/jquery-1.3.2.min.js\"></script><script type=\"text/javascript\">var X = jQuery.noConflict();X(document).ready(function() {\t X(\".main_image .desc\").show(); X(\".main_image .block\").animate({ opacity: 0.85 }, 1 ); X(\".image_thumb ul li:first\").addClass('active'); X(\".image_thumb ul li\").click(function(){ var imgAlt = X(this).find('img').attr(\"alt\"); var imgTitle = X(this).find('a').attr(\"href\"); var imgDesc = X(this).find('.block').html(); \t var imgDescHeight = X(\".main_image\").find('.block').height();\t\t if (X(this).is(\".active\")) { return false; } else { X(\".main_image .block\").animate({ opacity: 0, marginBottom: -imgDescHeight }, 250 , function() { X(\".main_image .block\").html(imgDesc).animate({ opacity: 0.85,\tmarginBottom: \"0\" }, 250 ); X(\".main_image img\").attr({ src: imgTitle , alt: imgAlt}); }); } X(\".image_thumb ul li\").removeClass('active'); X(this).addClass('active'); return false;}) .hover(function(){ X(this).addClass('hover'); }, function() { X(this).removeClass('hover');}); X(\"a.collapse\").click(function(){ X(\".main_image .block\").slideToggle(); X(\"a.collapse\").toggleClass(\"show\"); });}); </script><div id=\"main\" class=\"container\">";
string sideNav = this.GetSideNav();
string mainContent = this.GetMainContent();
cell.InnerHtml = str + mainContent + sideNav + "</div></div>";
controlsAdded = true;
catch (Exception exception)
if (controlsAdded)
this._exceptions = this._exceptions + "CreateChildControls_Exception: " + exception.Message;
table = new HtmlTable();
row = new HtmlTableRow();
cell = new HtmlTableCell();
if (!this.Text.Contains("Your text here"))
cell.InnerHtml = "Error: " + exception.Message;
if (!controlsAdded)
table = new HtmlTable();
row = new HtmlTableRow();
cell = new HtmlTableCell();
if (!this.Text.Contains("Your text here"))
cell.InnerHtml = "Please choose the Personal Announcement list: " + this.Text + " - Site:" + this.SiteURL;
cell.InnerHtml = "Please setup Personal Announcement by clicking Modify Shared WebPart";
private string FirstWords(string input, int numberWords)
int num = numberWords;
for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
if (input[i] == ' ')
if (num == 0)
return input.Substring(0, i);
catch (Exception)
return string.Empty;
private string GetMainContent()
string str = "";
this.lblError.Text = this.lblError.Text + " -> GetMainContent()";
SPSite site = new SPSite(this.SiteURL);
SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb();
SPUserToken userToken = site.SystemAccount.UserToken;
using (SPSite site2 = new SPSite(web.Url, userToken))
using (SPWeb web2 = site2.OpenWeb())
SPView view = web2.Lists[this.Text].Views[this.ListViewFields];
view.RowLimit = 1;
SPListItemCollection items = web2.Lists[this.Text].GetItems(view);
int num = 0;
int num2 = this.getNumber(this.NumEvents.ToString());
string str2 = "";
if (items.Count > 0)
foreach (SPListItem item in items)
if (num == 0)
object obj2;
string imageURL = "";
string format = "";
if (this.DateFormat.ToString() == "DayMonthYear")
format = "d/M/yyyy HH:mm tt";
format = "M/d/yyyy HH:mm tt";
if (item[this.ImageURLField] != null)
if (this.TheColumnType.ToString() != "HyperLink")
if (item[this.ImageURLField].ToString().Trim() != string.Empty)
imageURL = item[this.ImageURLField].ToString();
imageURL = this.ImageURL;
else if (item[this.ImageURLField].ToString().Trim() != string.Empty)
imageURL = item[this.ImageURLField].ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' })[0];
imageURL = this.ImageURL;
imageURL = this.ImageURL;
str2 = str2 + "<div class=\"main_image\">";
str2 = str2 + "<img src=\"" + imageURL + "\" alt=\"BNNewsbanner\" />";
str2 = str2 + "<div class=\"desc\" >Close Me!";
if (item[this.TitleField] != null)
obj2 = str2;
str2 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj2, "<div class=\"block\"><h2><a href=\"", web.Url, "/Lists/", this.Text, "/DispForm.aspx?ID=", item.ID, "\" >", item[this.TitleField].ToString(), "</a></h2>" });
obj2 = str2;
str2 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj2, "<div class=\"block\"><h2><a href=\"", web.Url, "/Lists/", this.Text, "/DispForm.aspx?ID=", item.ID, "\" >No Title Text Found</a></h2>" });
str2 = str2 + "<small>" + Convert.ToDateTime(item["Created"].ToString()).ToString(format) + "</small>";
if (item[this.BodyField] != null)
obj2 = str2;
// str2 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj2, "<p>", this.FirstWords(this.StripTagsCharArray(item[this.BodyField].ToString()), Convert.ToInt32(this.NumWords)), "... <br/><a href=\"", web.Url, "/Lists/", this.Text, "/DispForm.aspx?ID=", item.ID, "\" >read more</a></p></div></div></div>" });
str2 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj2, "<p>", this.FirstWords(this.StripTagsCharArray(item[this.BodyField].ToString()), Convert.ToInt32(this.NumWords)), "... <br/><a href=\"", web.Url, "/Lists/", this.Text, "/DispForm.aspx?ID=", item.ID, "\" >read more</a></p></div></div></div>" });
obj2 = str2;
str2 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj2, "<p>", this.FirstWords(this.StripTagsCharArray("No Body Text Found"), Convert.ToInt32(this.NumWords)), "... <br/><a href=\"", web.Url, "/Lists/", this.Text, "/DispForm.aspx?ID=", item.ID, "\" >read more</a></p></div></div></div>" });
str = str + str2;
return str;
public int getNumber(string number)
switch (number)
case "One":
return 1;
case "Two":
return 2;
case "Three":
return 3;
case "Four":
return 4;
case "Five":
return 5;
case "Six":
return 6;
case "Seven":
return 7;
case "Eight":
return 8;
case "Nine":
return 9;
case "Ten":
return 10;
return 0;
private string GetSideNav()
this.lblError.Text = this.lblError.Text + " -> GetSideNav()";
string str = "<div class=\"image_thumb\"><ul>";
SPSite site = new SPSite(this.SiteURL);
SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb();
SPUserToken userToken = site.SystemAccount.UserToken;
using (SPSite site2 = new SPSite(web.Url, userToken))
using (SPWeb web2 = site2.OpenWeb())
SPView view = web2.Lists[this.Text].Views[this.ListViewFields];
SPListItemCollection items = web2.Lists[this.Text].GetItems(view);
int num = 0;
int num2 = this.getNumber(this.NumEvents.ToString());
string str2 = "";
if (items.Count > 0)
foreach (SPListItem item in items)
if (num < num2)
object obj2;
string imageThumbURL = "";
string imageURL = "";
string format = "";
if (this.DateFormat.ToString() == "DayMonthYear")
format = "d/M/yyyy HH:mm tt";
format = "M/d/yyyy HH:mm tt";
if (item[this.ImageURLField] != null)
if (this.TheColumnType.ToString() != "HyperLink")
if (item[this.ImageURLField].ToString().Trim() != string.Empty)
imageURL = item[this.ImageURLField].ToString();
imageURL = this.ImageURL;
else if (item[this.ImageURLField].ToString().Trim() != string.Empty)
imageURL = item[this.ImageURLField].ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' })[0];
imageURL = this.ImageURL;
imageURL = this.ImageURL;
if (item[this.ThumbImageURLField] != null)
if (this.TheColumnType.ToString() != "HyperLink")
if (item[this.ThumbImageURLField].ToString().Trim() != string.Empty)
imageThumbURL = item[this.ThumbImageURLField].ToString();
imageThumbURL = this.ImageThumbURL;
else if (item[this.ThumbImageURLField].ToString().Trim() != string.Empty)
imageThumbURL = item[this.ThumbImageURLField].ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' })[0];
imageThumbURL = this.ImageThumbURL;
imageThumbURL = this.ImageThumbURL;
str2 = str2 + "<li><a href=\"" + imageURL + "\">";
str2 = str2 + "<img src=\"" + imageThumbURL + "\" alt=\"\" /></a>";
if (item[this.TitleField] != null)
obj2 = str2;
str2 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj2, "<div class=\"block\"><h2><a href=\"", web.Url, "/Lists/", this.Text, "/DispForm.aspx?ID=", item.ID, "\" >", item[this.TitleField].ToString(), "</a></h2>" });
obj2 = str2;
str2 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj2, "<div class=\"block\"><h2><a href=\"", web.Url, "/Lists/", this.Text, "/DispForm.aspx?ID=", item.ID, "\" >No List Title Found</a></h2>" });
str2 = str2 + "<small>" + Convert.ToDateTime(item["Created"].ToString()).ToString(format) + "</small>";
if (item[this.BodyField] != null)
obj2 = str2;
str2 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj2, "<p>", this.FirstWords(this.StripTagsCharArray(item[this.BodyField].ToString()), Convert.ToInt32(this.NumWords)), "... <br/><a href=\"", web.Url, "/Lists/", this.Text, "/DispForm.aspx?ID=", item.ID, "\" >read more</a></p></div></li>" });
obj2 = str2;
str2 = string.Concat(new object[] { obj2, "<p>", this.FirstWords(this.StripTagsCharArray("No Body Text Found"), Convert.ToInt32(this.NumWords)), "... <br/><a href=\"", web.Url, "/Lists/", this.Text, "/DispForm.aspx?ID=", item.ID, "\" >read more</a></p></div></li>" });
str = str + str2;
return (str + "</ul>");
public override ToolPart[] GetToolParts()
ToolPart[] partArray = new ToolPart[3];
WebPartToolPart part = new WebPartToolPart();
CustomPropertyToolPart part2 = new CustomPropertyToolPart();
partArray[0] = part2;
partArray[1] = part;
partArray[2] = new CustomToolPart();
return partArray;
protected override void RenderContents(HtmlTextWriter writer)
catch (Exception exception)
this._exceptions = this._exceptions + "RenderContents_Exception: " + exception.Message;
if (this._exceptions.Length > 0)
private string StripTagsCharArray(string source)
char[] chArray = new char[source.Length];
int index = 0;
bool flag = false;
for (int i = 0; i < source.Length; i++)
char ch = source[i];
if (ch == '<')
flag = true;
else if (ch == '>')
flag = false;
else if (!flag)
chArray[index] = ch;
return new string(chArray, 0, index);
// Properties
public string BodyField
return this.startField;
this.startField = value;
[WebDisplayName("Style Sheet URL"), WebDescription("Specifies the path to the css file"), SPWebCategoryName("General Settings"), Personalizable(true), WebBrowsable(true)]
public string CSSField
return this.sTimeField;
this.sTimeField = value;
[WebBrowsable(true), Personalizable(true), WebDisplayName("Date Format"), WebDescription("Date Format of your News Items"), SPWebCategoryName("General Settings")]
public TheDateFormat DateFormat
return this.DF;
this.DF = value;
[WebBrowsable(true), WebDescription("Thumb Image URL to use when no image is found"), SPWebCategoryName("General Settings"), Personalizable(true), WebDisplayName("No Thumb Image URL")]
public string ImageThumbURL
return this.sTImageURL;
this.sTImageURL = value;
[Personalizable(true), SPWebCategoryName("General Settings"), WebBrowsable(true), WebDisplayName("No Image URL"), WebDescription("Image URL to use when no image is found")]
public string ImageURL
return this.sImageURL;
this.sImageURL = value;
public string ImageURLField
return this.endField;
this.endField = value;
public string ListViewFields
return this.listViewFields;
this.listViewFields = value;
[WebDescription("Number of news items to show"), WebDisplayName("Number of news items to show"), WebBrowsable(true), SPWebCategoryName("General Settings"), Personalizable(true)]
public PeriodEnum NumEvents
return this.Period;
this.Period = value;
[WebDisplayName("Number of words to show from the Body"), Personalizable(true), SPWebCategoryName("General Settings"), WebDescription("Specifies the number of words to show from the body in the main webpart, under the Title"), WebBrowsable(true)]
public string NumWords
return this.sYAxisTitle;
this.sYAxisTitle = value;
public string SiteURL
return this.siteURLtext;
this.siteURLtext = value;
public string Text
return this.text;
this.text = value;
[Personalizable(true), SPWebCategoryName("General Settings"), WebDisplayName("Image Column Type")
You can put the code in CreateChildControls() method.
