console.log is omitting some key pairs? [duplicate] - node.js

This question already has answers here:
mongoose .find() method returns object with unwanted properties
(5 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Working with a strange problem here. This is an array of objects which is pulled from mongodb and passed into the following function.
I tried the following 3 logs sequentially within the forEach on the array pulled from the database:
e (the object element within the array) which returns correctly. as you can see all the properties (keys) exist:
{ paid: false,
hotelWebsite: '',
hotelAddress: '123 easy street',
...etc }
console.log(Object.keys(e)) is returning things that are not the keys...
[ '__parentArray',
'$init' ]
and finally:
for(key in e){
which returns an absolute mess of data, part of which DOES contain the actual keys of the object:
And a relevant sample of the code if needed:
studentsArray.forEach( (e, i) => {
if(task === 'nameTag'){
for(k in e){
I need access to the properties (keys) for further processing within the forEach function. I am very confused on what is causing this and have never run into this sort of issue before. For the record the objects exist, using a console.log(typeof e) it IS an object (not a data "string"). I can access the properties using the dot or bracket notation but NOT using Object.keys() or for (keys in obj).
Can anyone help me sort this out please?

for ... in iterates all enumerable properties, both own and inherited. This is not "a strange bug," this is in fact the intended behavior.
As for the Object.keys(), unless it was overwritten by a non-compliant implementation, those are in fact enumerable keys of the object itself, so you are most likely mistaken. The e object has a .toJSON() method in its prototype that is implicitly called when you do console.log(e), so that is probably the output you are seeing there, and is not likely going to reflect exactly the same property keys as the original object. Try calling console.log(e.toJSON()) and I'm guessing it will be the same output as in the first one.
If you want only the object's own properties, use Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).
If you want the keys printed in the first output, then use Object.keys(e.toJSON()).


Firestore finds undefined value in fully defined JSON, key does not even exist

I am trying to upload a JSON-object to Google Firestore.
When setting the Object to a Firestore Document my code throws the following Error:
Error: Value for argument "data" is not a valid Firestore document.
Cannot use "undefined" as a Firestore value
(found in field audit.`20`.requests.`0`.lrEndTimeDeltaMs).
Now the first thing I did was log the Object right before the upload to check for undefined values:
return database
Not only are all values defined in the object, but the mentioned field audit.`20`.requests.`0`.lrEndTimeDeltaMs does not even exist:
resultsToUpload = {
The data comes from a Google Lighthouse Audit.
Calculating the UTF-8 string length of the stringified JSON objects results in a size of 30 MB.
1) All values are defined (some are null, which should not be a problem).
2) The mentioned field does not even exist in the JSON.
My question is: How can this happen? How can a field just appear?
Also: How would I fix this issue?
using JSON.stringify on a Javascript-Object hides all "undefined" values (as well as their keys) and then stringifies what is left.
That is because JSON does not have such a thing as "undefined".
So the log showed a fully defined JSON, even though the actual JS-Object did contain "undefined" values.

Invoke Lambda's from a Loop and Passing Reference to Current Element

I have a lambda which sits on the business layer (GoalFeed), it's function is to aggregate data from two other lamdbas (Goals and Users).
The GoalFeed invokes Goals (RESTful/GET) and iterates over the results, something of this nature (excuse missing code for brevity):
lambda.invoke( goalsParms, function( err, data ) {
var items = data.Payload.body.Items;
items.forEach( function( element ) {
lambda.invoke( teamsParms, function( err, data ) {
// PROBLEM: element is always the *last* element here!!
So the issue I'm having is that I'd like to pass (reference) each element in the nested lambda.invoke callback, but I don't see a way to make that happen. Referencing element in the lambda.invoke (teams) call always gives me the last element in the list.
How do I go about passing the element/or properly referencing it inside the callback for the nested lambda.invoke (teams), so that when the nested invoke executes it will fetch data for the current element during the initial invoke?
I believe this was something to do with how I was handling promises further up the chain, though creating a separate function and calling it with element seems to have resolved the problem.

Passing parameters to db.query with arangojs

I'm having problems sending parameters with the ArangoJS library and was wondering if anyone could help.
With the example below, it is possible to execute db.query if parameter values are in the query, but as soon as I try to use bindVars I get silent errors and I can't extract any error details.
var db = require('arangojs')("");
The '_system' database contains a collection called 'test' that contains one document:
"a": 1,
"b": 2
// This works
db.query('FOR t IN test FILTER t.a == 1 RETURN t')
.then((cursor) => {
.then(vals => {
console.log("\nNo bindVars");
// This does not work
db.query("FOR t IN #first FILTER t.a == #second RETURN t", { first: "test", second: 1 })
.then((cursor) => {
.then(vals => {
console.log("\nUsing bindVars");
I'm new to Node.js and ArangoDB and would love to be able to use properly parameterized queries.
I'm also assuming that this use of parameters protects you from SQL Injection style attacks?
The problem isn't with the JavaScript driver or Node, the problem is with the query itself:
FOR t IN #first FILTER t.a == #second RETURN t
In AQL collection names can't be injected with ordinary bind parameters. This is because you're not actually trying to use the parameter as a string value but to refer to a collection with that name. To quote the AQL documentation:
A special type of bind parameter exists for injecting collection names. This type of bind parameter has a name prefixed with an additional # symbol (thus when using the bind parameter in a query, two # symbols must be used).
In other words, in AQL it has to be called ##first (instead of #first) and in the bind parameters argument to db.query it has to be called #first (instead of just first).
When using arangojs it's actually possible to avoid this entirely by using the aqlQuery template handler:
var aqlQuery = require('arangojs').aqlQuery;
var first = db.collection('test');
var second = 1;
FOR t IN ${first}
FILTER t.a == ${second}
cursor => cursor.all()
).then(vals => {
console.log('Using aqlQuery');
This way you don't have to think about bind parameter syntax when writing queries and can write more complex queries without having to mess with extremely long strings. Note that it will recognize arangojs collection instances and handle them accordingly. Using a string instead of a collection instance would result in the same problems as in your example.
Additionally note that the template handler also exists in the arangosh shell and in ArangoDB itself (e.g. when using Foxx).

How to observe all object property changes?

For arrays I know you can do something like this:
function() {
What I did was convert the object into an array and observe the properties with a #each, but is there a better way to observe object all property changes without converting it into an array?
You can observe isDirty to see if any of the object's values have been modified since last save (if you are using Ember Data).
Alternatively you can pass a comma separated list of properties to observes. This might be long if you have a lot of properties on your object, but will work.
A third approach could be to override setUnknownProperty() and set a property, a 'dirty flag' (or perform any action you may want in there.
There's also an old SO post that gives the following answer:
App.WatchedObject = Ember.Object.extend({
firstProp: null,
secondProp: "bar",
init: function(){
var self = this;
if(Ember.typeOf(self.get(key)) !== 'function'){
self.addObserver(key, function(){
You could probably split this out into a Mixin to keep your code DRY.
probably you could create something like a blabbermouth mixin and override the set method to get notified of property changes:
App.BlabbermouthMixin = Ember.Mixin.create({
set: function(keyName, value) {
this.set('updatedProperty', keyName);
this._super(keyName, value);
and observe the updatedProperty property?
You can get a list of properties in an object and apply them to a new property:
attrs = Ember.keys(observedObject);
var c = Ember.computed(function() {
// Do stuff when something changes
Ember.defineProperty(target, propertyName,, attrs));
Here is a working jsbin. Creating an observer instead of a property should be possible using a similar approach.

Cannot access properties on a populate()'d object from Mongoose?

This is very odd... I'm using populate() with a ref to fill in an array within my schema, but then the properties are inaccessible. In other words, the schema is like this:
new Model('User',{
'name': String,
'installations': [ {type: String, ref: 'Installations'} ],
'count': Number,
Of course, Insallations is another model.
Then I find & populate a set of users...
model.find({count: 0}).populate('installations').exec( function(e, d){
for(var k in d)
var user = d[k];
for(var i in user.installations)
} );
So far so good! I see nice data printed out, like this:
{ runs: 49,
hardware: 'macbookpro10,1/x86_64',
mode: 'debug',
version: '0.1' }
However, if I try to actually ACCESS any of those properties, they're all undefined! For example, if I add another console log:
Then I see "undefined" printed for this log.
If I try to operate on the object, like this:
Object.keys(user.installations[i]).forEach(function(key) { } );
Then I get a typical "[TypeError: Object.keys called on non-object]" error, indicating that user.installations[i] is not an object (even though it is outputted to the console as if it were). So, I even tried something ugly like...
var install = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(user.installations[i]));
console.log(install, install.mode);
And, again, the first output (install) is a nice object containing the property 'mode'... but the 2nd output is undefined.
What gives?
Finally, I solved this...
I tried doing a console.log(typeof user.installations[i]); and got "string" as the output. This seemed odd, given that printing the object directly created console output (above) that looked like a normal object, not a string. So, I tried doing a JSON.parse(); on the object, but received the error "SyntaxError: Unexpected token r"
Finally, I realized what was going on. The "pretty console output" I described above was the result of a string formatted with \n (newlines). I had not expected that, for whatever reason. The JSON.parse() error is due to the fact that there is a known necessity with the node.js parser when attempting to parse object keys without quotations; see the SO question here:
Why does JSON.parse('{"key" : "value"}') do just fine but JSON.parse('{key : "value"}') doesn't? .
Specifically, note that the JSON parser in my case is failing on the character 'r', the fist character of "runs," which is the first key in my JSON string (above). At first I was afraid I needed to get a custom JSON parser, but then the problem hit me.
Look back to my original schema. I used a String-type to define the installation ref, because the array field was storing the installations's _id property as a String. I assume the .populate() field is converting the object to a String on output.
Finally, I looked at the Mongoose docs a little closer and realized I'm supposed to be referencing the objects based upon Schema.ObjectID. This explains everything, but certainly gives me some fixing to do in my schemas and code elsewhere...
