Cross Site Request Forgery prevention via 'Referer' header - jsf

We recently received result from IBM AppScan DAST and some of the result don't make much senses.
2.Medium -- Cross-Site Request Forgery
Risk(s): It may be possible to steal or manipulate customer session and cookies, which might be used to impersonate a legitimate
user, allowing the hacker to view or alter user records, and to perform transactions as that user
Fix: Validate the value of the "Referer" header, and use a one-time-nonce for each submitted form
The following changes were applied to the original request:
Set header to ''
The test result seems to indicate a vulnerability because the Test Response is identical to the
Original Response, indicating that the Cross-Site Request Forgery attempt was successful, even
though it included a fictive 'Referer' header.
POST /**/main.xhtml HTTP/1.1 -- **This xhtml only opens a default menu on page load**
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MS
The recommend fix
Validate the value of the "Referer" header, and use a one-time-nonce for each submitted form.
javax.faces.ViewState has an implicit CSRF protection.
I could also do explicit CSRF protection using protected-views. This explicit CSRF protection adds a token for all cases, and additionally adds checks for the “referer” and “origin” HTTP headers. (Reference Bauke & Arjan Book Definitive Guide)
The report also marks /javax.faces.resource/ like CSS , JS , fonts which i believe are false positive in the report.
Looking for feedback and some insight.

This is indeed needless in JSF. This kind of attack is in JSF only possible when there's already an open remote code execution hole such as XSS (and thus the hacker has access to among others the session cookies and can therefore copy them via the phishing site), or when the view is stateless via <f:view transient="true"> (because you lose the javax.faces.ViewState hidden input field as implicit CSRF protection for the "normal" case when there's no remote code execution hole), or when you use HTTP instead of HTTPS (because a man-in-middle attacker can then plainly see all transferred bits and extract the session cookies from them).
All you need to make sure is that the enduser's session cookies are never in some way exposed to the world. The advised fix is not at all helpful in that. It only makes it the attacker more difficult to perform a successful CSRF attack when you sooner or later accidentally introduce a remote code execution hole. But then you have really way much bigger problems than only CSRF. All these efforts advised by this tool are only useful to give the hacker slightly less time to perform a successful attack, and to give yourself slightly more time to fix the remote code execution hole.
If all you want is to "suppress" this warning, then create a Filter which does the desired job. Here's a kickoff example, map it on /*.
if (!"GET".equals(request.getMethod())) {
String referrer = request.getHeader("referer"); // Yes, with the legendary typo.
if (referrer != null) {
String referrerHost = new URL(referrer).getHost();
String expectedHost = new URL(request.getRequestURL().toString()).getHost();
if (!referrerHost.equals(expectedHost)) {
else {
// You could also send 403 here. But this is more likely to affect real users.
chain.doFilter(request, response);
see also:
CSRF, XSS and SQL Injection attack prevention in JSF


Difference between CSRF and HPP (HTTP Parameter Pollution)?

I went through this link to understand about HPP (HTTP Parameter Pollution) attacks.
In HPP attacks it seems like, attacker modifies the HTTP parameters and sends the modified URL to the victim. Isn't this same as CSRF attacks? If not can somebody tell me what is the difference between CSRF & HPP?
HTTP Parameter Pollution is when your application makes a back-end HTTP request to another system and these parameters can be manipulated by input into your main application. HPP is defined by the fact the attacker causes a duplicate parameter name to be passed to the back-end request, which overrides the parameter value being explicitly passed by the application. A similar vulnerability, HTTP Parameter Injection is defined by the attacker adding a new parameter to the back-end request which is interpreted by the other system. So HPI causes a new parameter to be added, whereas HPP causes an existing parameter to be ignored or interpreted in a new way.
See my answer here for a solid example of HPP.
CSRF doesn't require any back-end HTTP request. This is a front-end request, but made by the victim without their knowledge. It basically means that a malicious request is made using the victim's browser and the victim's authorisation cookies. It could be as simple as a hidden image on the attacker's page:
<img src="" />
This will be triggered whenever the victim visits the attacker's page (e.g. following a link emailed to them, or something posted on a forum).
See my answer here for another example using the POST method.
Sometimes a HPP vulnerability can be exploited via CSRF. For example, one that requires the victim to be the one logged into the system that is exploitable via HPP. e.g. the POST to could be made by the attacker's site, passing the toAccount=9876 POST parameter causing the victim to transfer money to an unauthorised account using their autorisation cookie for
Regarding the article in your question, I don't think that is a realistic HPP attack because any actions that cause a state change should be implemented via the POST method and not a GET link as the article demonstrates, so you wouldn't actually get an action link being constructed from the current page (but hey, anything is possible). This is why HPP is really more around back-end requests in practice.
From what the linked article describes, it seems that HPP is a specific type of injection attack, where you modify the request parameters in order to modify the contents of the returned page. In a sense, its a more generalized version of a reflected XSS attack; whereas with XSS you are attempting to inject and execute malicious javascript through tampering with a request, in HPP you are trying to modify any data (in the example given, data used to generate URLs) to inject malicious data.
The term CSRF, however, is usually used to describe an attack where an entirely valid request is sent to a server in a context that leads to unexpected or unwanted behavior. The somewhat standard example would be tricking a user into clicking a link on your site, which sends a request to the user's banking site (as the user) to transfer money from their account to yours.
There is nothing preventing an attacker from using a HPP or XSS attack with a CSRF attack. An XSS or HPP attack takes advantage of a lack of validation in the processing of user input that is later returned as part of a response, while a CSRF attack takes advantage of "sequence breaking" in application flow to cause unintended behavior.

are precautions against CSRF needed for view-only pages?

All the examples of CSRF exploits tend to be against pages which process the incoming request.
If the page doesn't have a form processing aspect do I need to worry about CSRF ?
The situation I'm looking # :
the page in question contains sensitive data
as such users need to establish a session to view the page
... my understanding is that a malicious page will be able to redirect a client to this page by embedding a link to it, however since there's no action on the target to perform there's no harm that can result, right ?
There's no way for said malicious site can view the sensitive page, correct ?
Why I ask: I want the url to the page with sensitive data to have a 'simple' URL which allows people to email the link to other people (who will in turn need a session to view the page). The token-based solution I've seen for most CSRF solutions remove this possibility, and so I'd like to avoid them if possible.
There's no way for said malicious site can view the sensitive page, correct ?
Correct in terms of CSRF.
The blog you linked is talking about Cross-Origin Script Inclusion, which is a different animal. To be vulnerable to XOSI your sensitive page would have to be interpretable as JavaScript, and you'd have to be either serving it without a proper HTML MIME type, or the browser would have to be an old one that didn't enforce type checking on scripts.
You might also potentially worry about clickjacking, where another site includes yours in a frame and overlays misleading UI elements. There are some sneaky ways that has been used to extract sensitive data (see the next generation clickjacking paper and this amusing info leak in Firefox) so you may wish to disallow framing with the X-Frame-Options header.
Why I ask: I want the url to the page with sensitive data to have a 'simple' URL which allows people to email the link to other people (who will in turn need a session to view the page). The token-based solution I've seen for most CSRF solutions remove this possibility
You definitely shouldn't be putting a CSRF token in a GET URL. Apart from the ugliness, and breakage of navigation, URLs are easy to leak from the browser or other infrastructure, potentially compromising the confidentiality of the token.
Normal practice is not to put CSRF protection on side-effect-free actions.
In general, CSRF is independent from whether the request causes any side effects or not. The CWE describes CSRF (CWE-352) as follows:
The web application does not, or can not, sufficiently verify whether a well-formed, valid, consistent request was intentionally provided by the user who submitted the request.
So CSRF is a general request intention authenticity problem.
However, although CSRF is not really feasible without any effects other than data retrieval as the same-origin policy restricts the attacker from accessing the response, the attacker could exploit another vulnerability to profit from retrieval-only requests as well and gain access to sensitive data.

Why bother requiring CSRF token on POST requests?

My understanding is that CSRF prevents an attacker using an <img> tag to get the victim's browser to send a request that would be authenticated using the session cookie. Given that <img>s are always submitted using a GET request, not POST, then why is it necessary to require a CSRF token in a POST request?
Also, the attacker wouldn't be able to submit a form in the webpage without being able to run code (ie. an XSS attack), in which case they can circumvent your CSRF protections anyway.
The attacker can host a form on their own site, but it does not require the form to be submitted by the user. They can use JavaScript to do this:
<form method="post" action="">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="deleteAllUsers">
IFrame injection is more of a XSS vulnerability. A XSS vulnerability is more serious than a CSRF one because more damage can be done and it will always override any CSRF protection you have. Make sure you are always correctly encoding output for the context that the output is in (e.g. encode for HTML or for JavaScript as appropriate).
Check out the Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Prevention Cheat Sheet - their best recommendation is to use the Synchronizer Token Pattern which seems similar to the link in your answer but can work in combination with cookies.
Also, here's a link to the XSS (Cross Site Scripting) Prevention Cheat Sheet.
Cross Site Request Forgery is when a site (let's say can force a visiting user to make requests to another site (let's say It's not really forcing a user since embedding a image that (HTTP GET request) or POST request via form submission or javascript is not that difficult.
You should not make state or data changes via HTTP GET requests. img tags (get request) shouldn't be able to make any kind of change what so ever. If you allow this ... stop it. :)
POST requests need to contain a value that is not guessable by a remote attacker. Typically this is a per request random value.
So yes, CSRF is a a demonstrated, known vulnerability that you should bother protecting against.
Having done some further investigation:
It's possible for the attacker to host a <form> on their own site which submits to the target site (your site). All they need to do is get the victim to submit this form and it'll be submitted with their cookies and potentially their authentication.
It's also possible for the attacker to inject an <iframe> into your site, which would then be able to display this malicious <form>.
I'm thinking that a token-based approach is a better solution for my use case.

How to fix CSRF in the HTTP protocol spec?

What changes to the HTTP protocol spec, and to browser behaviour, would be required to prevent dangerous cases of cross-site request forgery?
I am not looking for suggestions as to how to patch my own web app. There are millions of vulnerable web apps and forms. It would be easier to change HTTP and/or the browsers.
If you agree to my premise, please tell me what changes to the HTTP and/or browser behaviour are needed. This is not a competition to find the best single answer, I want to collect all the good answers.
Please also read and comment on the points in my 'answer' below.
Roy Fielding, author of the HTTP specification, disagrees with your opinion, that CSRF is a flaw in HTTP and would need to be fixed there. As he wrote in a reply in a thread named The HTTP Origin Header:
CSRF is not a security issue for the Web. A well-designed Web
service should be capable of receiving requests directed by any host,
by design, with appropriate authentication where needed. If browsers
create a security issue because they allow scripts to automatically
direct requests with stored security credentials onto third-party
sites, without any user intervention/configuration, then the obvious
fix is within the browser.
And in fact, CSRF attacks were possible right from the beginning using plain HTML. The introduction of nowadays technologies like JavaScript and CSS did only introduce further attack vectors and techniques that made request forging easier and more efficient.
But it didn’t change the fact that a legitimate and authentic request from a client is not necessarily based on the user’s intention. Because browsers do send requests automatically all the time (e. g. images, style sheets, etc.) and send any authentication credentials along.
Again, CSRF attacks happen inside the browser, so the only possible fix would need to be to fix it there, inside the browser.
But as that is not entirely possible (see above), it’s the application’s duty to implement a scheme that allows to distinguish between authentic and forged requests. The always propagated CSRF token is such a technique. And it works well when implemented properly and protected against other attacks (many of them, again, only possible due to the introduction of modern technologies).
I agree with the other two; this could be done on the browser-side, but would make impossible to perform authorized cross-site requests.
Anyways, a CSRF protection layer could be added quite easily on the application side (and, maybe, even on the webserver-side, in order to avoid making changes to pre-existing applications) using something like this:
A cookie is set to a random value, known only by server (and, of course, the client receiving it, but not a 3rd party server)
Each POST form must contain a hidden field whose value must be the same of the cookie. If not, form submission must be prevented and a 403 page returned to the user.
Enforce the Same Origin Policy for form submission locations. Only allow a form to be submitted back to the place it came from.
This, of course, would break all sorts of other things.
If you look at the CSRF prevention cheat sheet you can see that there are ways of preventing CSRF by relying upon the HTTP protocol. A good example is checking the HTTP referer which is commonly used on embedded devices because it doesn't require additional memory.
However, this is weak form of protection. A vulnerability like HTTP response splitting on the client side could be used to influence the referer value, and this has happened.
cookies should be declared 'local' (default) or 'remote'
the browser must not send 'local' cookies with a cross-site request
the browser must never send http-auth headers with a cross-site request
the browser must not send a cross-site POST or GET ?query without permission
the browser must not send LAN address requests from a remote page without permission
the browser must report and control attacks, where many cross-site requests are made
the browser should send 'Origin: (local|remote)', even if 'Referer' is disabled
other common web security issues such as XSHM should be addressed in the HTTP spec
a new HTTP protocol version 1.2 is needed, to show that a browser is conforming
browsers should update automatically to meet new security requirements, or warn the user
It can already be done:
Referer header
This is a weaker form of protection. Some users may disable referer for privacy purposes, meaning that they won't be able to submit such forms on your site. Also this can be tricky to implement in code. Some systems allow a URL such as to pass the referrer check for Finally, any open redirect vulnerabilities on your site may allow an attacker to send their CSRF attack through the open redirect in order to get the correct referer header.
Origin header
This is a new header. Unfortunately you will get inconsistencies between browsers that support it and do not support it. See this answer.
Other headers
For AJAX requests only, adding a header that is not allowed cross domain such as X-Requested-With can be used as a CSRF prevention method. Old browsers will not send XHR cross domain and new browsers will send a CORS preflight instead and then refuse to make the main request if it is explicitly not allowed by the target domain. The server-side code will need to ensure that the header is still present when the request is received. As HTML forms cannot have custom headers added, this method is incompatible with them. However, this also means that it protects against attackers using an HTML form in their CSRF attack.
Browsers such as Chrome allow third party cookies to be blocked. Although the explanation says that it'll stop cookies from being set by a third party domain, it also prevent any existing cookies from being sent for the request. This will block "background" CSRF attacks. However, those that open full page or in a popup will succeed, but will be more visible to the user.

CSRF: Can I use a cookie?

Is it ok to put the CSRF token in a cookie? (and in every form, as a hidden input, so I can check if they match, of course) I heard someone say that doing so, beats the whole purpose of the token, though I don't understand why. It seems secure to me.
And if it is secure, is it any less secure than puting the token in the URL's ?
Is there any other method?
Where can I read more on the subject?
UPDATE: So far no one can tell me how is the cookie method insecure, if it still has to match the token from the form, which the attacker shouldn't be able to get, unless he uses another hack like XSS, which is a different matter, and still doesn't make a difference between using cookie and url token.
UPDATE 2: Okay, seems like some famous frameworks use this method, so it should be fine. Thanks
Using cookies works, and is a common practice (e. g. Django uses it). The attacker cannot read or change the value of the cookie due to the same-origin policy, and thus cannot guess the right GET/POST parameter.
Check out the Encrypted Token Pattern, which allows stateless CSRF protection without the need to store tokens on the server.
If you decide to put the CSRF-token in a cookie then remember to mark that cookie as HttpOnly. If your site has a cross-site scripting vulnerability the hacker won't be able to read the CSRF-token. You can check the cookies that can be read by JavaScript using the command console.log(document.cookie) in any modern browser console. If you have session cookies or other sensitive cookies these should also be marked as HttpOnly.
Further reading:
"CSRF works because many sites use GET requests to execute commands.", so, many sites don't use the GET method as expected, because these request must be idempotent: see the rfc2616.
"The CSRF parameter is already there in the cookie and it gets sent along with the session.", so how?
The cookie is only used has a token storage, as the DOM when we set the token in a hidden input field. A piece of javascript must get the token value from this cookie, and set it as a parameter in the URL, the request body or in the request header. It will be check on the server with the value stored in the session. That's the Django way to handle the CSRF token.
Javascript can't access the cookie from another domain, due to the cross domain browser protection, so I don't know how a malicious user can force someone to send the correct token along a forged request. With an XSS, yes, but XSS defeat the common CSRF countermeasures.
I prefer giving this clarification, because I think it's an important question and not so easy to handle.
GET request must be used to get a resource and/or display its data, it must not be used to change its state (deletion, property incrementation or any changes).
The CSRF validation must be done server-side, it seems to be obvious, but I put it as a reminder. This method can't be a vector of attack if you observe this recommandations.
Using a cookie defeats the purpose of CSRF. Here's why:
CSRF works because many sites use GET requests to execute commands. So say Bob has some kind of administrative web account and he's logged into it. Some request could be made like:
So now Bob gets linked to an attack site (someone is trying to mess with his data). The attacker then loads the above URL in an image, probably with another ID and deletes some other record. The browser loads it because Bob is already logged into his admin site so he has a valid session.
CSRF seeks to eliminate this by adding a secure parameter to the transaction. That parameter should rotate on every request and then be resent by the browser. Making the URL look something like this:<some long checksum>
The idea is that now the attacker has to guess "some long checksum" to create an attack. And if that checksum rotates on every request well it should be virtually impossible.
BUT if you store that checksum in a cookie you're back at square 1. The attacker no longer has to guess it. He just crafts the original URL. The CSRF parameter is already there in the cookie and it gets sent along with the session. It doesn't stop the insecure behavior from happening.
