Why am I getting ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dpkt'? - python-3.x

When I run
import dpkt
It gives
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dpkt'
But I already installed dpkt.
install dpkt cmd
Does anyone know how I can fix this?
I am using window10, python3.

I had the same issue today. I found out that when I installing the dpkt module, it was getting installed onto an environment different than the one I was using in pyCharm.
I found the answer to this post very helpful to explain my issue: https://stackoverflow.com/a/52608375/2411380
I fixed my issue by using the terminal inside pyCharm to install dpkt, then it worked.
I also found a suggestion to use all packages installed in conda inside pyCharm: https://stackoverflow.com/a/49097897/2411380


ModuleNotFoundError: No module named pickle for py3.7

I am receiving this error from command prompt: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pickle' running in python 3.7,
I have it setup like this:
import pickle as thisPickle
What can be the reason why I having this import issue, appreciate any help. Thanks.
pickle is a part of the Standard Library and is pre-included in the Python package. There should not be a reason that it does not work. Make sure that no other versions of python exist on your computer. The command prompt may be using outdated versions that still exist. Also, see if other modules install correctly on your machine.

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'keybord'

I am using python 3.x. I have installed pip and I actually made a path to \Scripts in windows. Then I installed module named keyboard. However when I try to import it to my project I get error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'keybord'. I have read some others answers with problems like this but I couldn't find right answer.
just install keyboard and that will solve your problem.
pip install keyboard

How to solve this ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_sqlite3' in docker-debian

While trying to run scrapy spider in docker-debian every time I get an error:
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/scrapy/crawler.py", line 82, in
yield self.engine.open_spider(self.spider, start_requests)
builtins.ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_sqlite3'
python version 3.6.3
scrapy 1.6.0
tried instruction from this post - ImportError: No module named '_sqlite3' in python3.3
still see this error.
when type sqlite3 command in terminal it shows sqlite3 version and start sqlite terminal.
SQLite version 3.16.2 2017-01-06
when type python and write next command in terminal:
import sqlite3
get this error:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_sqlite3'
is there any way to solve this problem? looks like there is some misconfiguration but I can't find where it's
I have the same error with sqlite3 while I was trying to start my crawler using scrapy crawl my-crawler, after some searches and tried out different solutions, I found this answer useful to my error. Just remember that you need to download your specific python version, mine was 3.8.1 and it worked thanks to their answer. I have already install sqlite3 using sudo apt install libsqlite3-dev. Hope it works in your case, too. So, at first install it then reconfigure your python via instructions in the link.
I had same problem in centos, I just fix it. I install multiple python version in pyenv, so I switch the python version from 3.6 to 3.4.1, then problem solved.Maybe the problem was caused by pyenv,or it's python version's problem. If you don't have pyenv,maybe you need to reinstall python,or install a diffrent version of python.Hope be helpful.

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'flask_wtf' in python

I'm new to python so please be patient if i ask a silly question.
I am trying to use flask wtf class as seen in a tutorial.
My first line of the program is
from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
It gives me the error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'flask_wtf'
I have followed the following steps to make sure i have activated the virtual environment and flask wtf was installed in the virtual environment and not global.
Step 1: Went to the virtual environment and activated the environment C:\Users\Shraddha\PycharmProjects\FlaskProject\venv\scripts activate
Step 2: Installed flask wtf
C:\Users\Shraddha\PycharmProjects\FlaskProject\venv\scripts pip install flask-wtf
I see that flask-wtf is installed correctly in the folder C:\Users\Shraddha\PycharmProjects\FlaskProject\venv\Lib\site-packages
However when i try to run it using command prompt it does not give me anything and when i try to run it using sublime text it gives me ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'flask_wtf' error.
I know this is a flask_wtf import error because other programs are executing as expected. Any help ?
If you start your virtual environment in the same dir as the file you are running doesn't that give access to the libraries in the install (ie everything shown in 'pip freeze' for the env)?
I faced same issue and tried all the approaches given on stackoverflow ImportError: No module named flask_wtf but didn't work for me.
I am using ubuntu 20.04 LTS operating system.
Note: To follow the given step you must activate your virtual environment.
I used:
pip3 freeze
which listed following directories
libries in my virtual environment
Then i tried the below command in the same directory
git clone git://github.com/lepture/flask-wtf.git
cd flask-wtf/
python3 setup.py install
Through the above commands i successfully installed flask_wtf as show below
installed flask_wtf
but then i faced the below error as i used email_validator in my forms.py file:
Exception: Install 'email_validator' for email validation support
Then I installed email_validator using following command
pip3 install email_validator
Then i successfully run my flask application. I am sure it will work for you too.

IPython Notebook showing `ImportError`

I am using Ubuntu 15.04 and I just installed IPython 4.0.
Now, when I type ipython notebook in the terminal, I get the following error message:
ImportError: No module named notebook.notebookapp
I have read related questions on this site but I could not solve this situation.
Since, I have no working knowledge of IPython,so I could really use some advice to fix this.
Try pip install "ipython[notebook]"
and take a look here:
This should install all the dependencies and get you up and running.
