Need pagination for following Cassandra table - cassandra

identifier text,
post_id int,
score int,
reason text,
timestamp timeuuid,
PRIMARY KEY ((identifier, post_id), score, id, timestamp)
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS index_identifier ON feed ( identifier );
I want to run 2 types of queries where identifier = 'user_5' and post_id = 11; and where identifier = 'user_5';
I want to paginate on 10 results per query. However, few queries can have variable result count. So best if there is something like a *column* > last_record that I can use.
Please help. Thanks in advance.
P.S: Cassandra version - 3.11.6

First, and most important - you're approaching to Cassandra like a traditional database that runs on the single node. Your data model doesn't support effective retrieval of data for your queries, and secondary indexes doesn't help much, as it's still need to reach all nodes to fetch the data, as data will be distributed between different nodes based on the value of partition key ((identifier, post_id) in your case) - it may work with small data in small cluster, but will fail miserably when you scale up.
In Cassandra, all data modelling starts from queries, so if you're querying by identifier, then it should be a partition key (although you may get some problems with big partitions if some users will produce a lot of messages). Inside partition you may use secondary indexes, it shouldn't be a problem. Plus, inside partition it's easier to organize paging. Cassandra natively support forward paging, so you just need to keep paging state between queries. In Java driver 4.6.0, the special helper class was added to support paging of results, although it may not be very effective, as it needs to read data from Cassandra anyway, to skip to the given page, but at least it's a some help. Here is example from documentation:
String query = "SELECT ...";
// organize by 20 rows per page
OffsetPager pager = new OffsetPager(20);
// Get page 2: start from a fresh result set, throw away rows 1-20, then return rows 21-40
ResultSet rs = session.execute(query);
OffsetPager.Page<Row> page2 = pager.getPage(rs, 2);
// Get page 5: start from a fresh result set, throw away rows 1-80, then return rows 81-100
rs = session.execute(query);
OffsetPager.Page<Row> page5 = pager.getPage(rs, 5);


Avoiding filtering with a compound partition key in Cassandra

I am fairly new to Cassandra and currently have to following table in Cassandra:
CREATE TABLE time_data (
id int,
secondary_id int,
timestamp timestamp,
value bigint,
PRIMARY KEY ((id, secondary_id), timestamp)
The compound partition key (with secondary_id) is necessary in order to not violate max partition sizes.
The issue I am running in to is that I would like to complete the query SELECT * FROM time_data WHERE id = ?. Because the table has a compound partition key, this query requires filtering. I realize this is a querying a lot of data and partitions, but it is necessary for the application. For reference, id has relatively low cardinality and secondary_id has high cardinality.
What is the best way around this? Should I simply allow filtering on the query? Or is it better to create a secondary index like CREATE INDEX id_idx ON time_data (id)?
You will need to specify full partition key on queries (ALLOW FILTERING will impact performance badly in most cases).
One way to go could be if you know all secondary_id (you could add a table to track them in necessary) and do the job in your application and query all (id, secondary_id) pairs and process them afterwards. This has the disadvantage of beeing more complex but the advantage that it can be done with async queries and in parallel so many nodes in your cluster participate in processing your task.
See also

Cassandra get latest entry for each element contained within IN clause

So, I have a Cassandra CQL statement that looks like this:
This table is sorted by a timestamp column.
The functionality is fronted by a REST API, and one of the filter parameters that they can specify to get the most recent row, and then I appent "LIMIT 1" to the end of the CQL statement since it's ordered by the timestamp column in descending order. What I would like to do is allow them to specify multiple device id's to get back the latest entries for. So, my question is, is there any way to do something like this in Cassandra:
and still use something like "LIMIT 1" to only get back the latest row for each device id? Or, will I simply have to execute a separate CQL statement for each device to get the latest row for each of them?
FWIW, the table's composite key looks like this:
PRIMARY KEY ((application_id, partner_id, location_id, device_id, data_schema), activity_timestamp)
) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (activity_timestamp DESC);
IN is not recommended when there are a lot of parameters for it and under the hood it's making reqs to multiple partitions anyway and it's putting pressure on the coordinator node.
Not that you can't do it. It is perfectly legal, but most of the time it's not performant and is not suggested. If you specify limit, it's for the whole statement, basically you can't pick just the first item out from partitions. The simplest option would be to issue multiple queries to the cluster (every element in IN would become one query) and put a limit 1 to every one of them.
To be honest this was my solution in a lot of the projects and it works pretty much fine. Basically coordinator would under the hood go to multiple nodes anyway but would also have to work more for you to get you all the requests, might run into timeouts etc.
In short it's far better for the cluster and more performant if client asks multiple times (using multiple coordinators with smaller requests) than to make single coordinator do to all the work.
This is all in case you can't afford more disk space for your cluster
Usual Cassandra solution
Data in cassandra is suggested to be ready for query (query first). So basically you would have to have one additional table that would have the same partitioning key as you have it now, and you would have to drop the clustering column activity_timestamp. i.e.
PRIMARY KEY ((application_id, partner_id, location_id, device_id, data_schema))
double (()) is intentional.
Every time you would write to your table you would also write data to the latest_entry (table without activity_timestamp) Then you can specify the query that you need with in and this table contains the latest entry so you don't have to use the limit 1 because there is only one entry per partitioning key ... that would be the usual solution in cassandra.
If you are afraid of the additional writes, don't worry , they are inexpensive and cpu bound. With cassandra it's always "bring on the writes" I guess :)
Basically it's up to you:
multiple queries - a bit of refactoring, no additional space cost
new schema - additional inserts when writing, additional space cost
Your table definition is not suitable for such use of the IN clause. Indeed, it is supported on the last field of the primary key or the last field of the clustering key. So you can:
swap your two last fields of the primary key
use one query for each device id

Cassandra data modeling - Do I choose hotspots to make the query easier?

Is it ever okay to build a data model that makes the fetch query easier even though it will likely created hotspots within the cluster?
While reading, please keep in mind I am not working with Solr right now and given the frequency this data will be accessed I didn’t think using spark-sql would be appropriate. I would like to keep this as pure Cassandra.
We have transactions, which are modeled using a UUID as the partition key so that the data is evenly distributed around the cluster. One of our access patterns requires that a UI get all records for a given user and date range, query like so:
select * from transactions_by_user_and_day where user_id = ? and created_date_time > ?;
The first model I built uses the user_id and created_date (day the transaction was created, always set to midnight) as the primary key:
CREATE transactions_by_user_and_day (
user_ id int,
created_date timestamp,
created_date_time timestamp,
transaction_id uuid,
PRIMARY KEY ((user_id, created_date), created_date_time)
) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (created_date_time DESC);
This table seems to perform well. Using the created_date as part of the PK allows users to be spread around the cluster more evenly to prevent hotspots. However, from an access perspective it makes the data access layer do a bit more work that we would like. It ends up having to create an IN statement with all days in the provided range instead of giving a date and greater than operator:
select * from transactions_by_user_and_day where user_id = ? and created_date in (?, ?, …) and created_date_time > ?;
To simplify the work to be done at the data access layer, I have considered modeling the data like so:
CREATE transactions_by_user_and_day (
user_id int,
created_date_time timestamp,
transaction_id uuid,
PRIMARY KEY ((user_global_id), created_date_time)
) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (created_date_time DESC);
With the above model, the data access layer can fetch the transaction_id’s for the user and filter on a specific date range within Cassandra. However, this causes a chance of hotspots within the cluster. Users with longevity and/or high volume will create quite a few more columns in the row. We intend on supplying a TTL on the data so anything older than 60 days drops off. Additionally, I’ve analyzed the size of the data and 60 days’ worth of data for our most high volume user is under 2 MB. Doing the math, if we assume that all 40,000 users (this number wont grow significantly) are spread evenly over a 3 node cluster and 2 MB of data per user you end up with a max of just over 26 GB per node ((13333.33*2)/1024). In reality, you aren’t going to end up with 1/3 of your users doing that much volume and you’d have to get really unlucky to have Cassandra, using V-Nodes, put all of those users on a single node. From a resources perspective, I don’t think 26 GB is going to make or break anything either.
Thanks for your thoughts.
Date Model 1:Something else you could do would be to change your data access layer to do a query for each ID individually, instead of using the IN clause. Check out this page to understand why that would be better.
Data model 2: 26GB of data per node doesn't seem like much, but a 2MB fetch seems a bit large. Of course if this is an outlier, then I don't see a problem with it. You might try setting up a cassandra-stress job to test the model. As long as the majority of your partitions are smaller than 2MB, that should be fine.
One other solution would be to use Data Model 2 with Bucketing. This would give you more overhead on writes as you'd have to maintain a bucket lookup table as well though. Let me know if need me to elaborate more on this approach.

Cassandra/Redis: Way to create feed without Cassandra 'IN' secondary index?

I'm having a bit of an issue with my application functionality integrating with Cassandra. I'm trying to create a content feed for my users. Users can create posts which, in turn, have the field user_id. I'm using Redis for the entire social graph and using Cassandra columns solely for objects. In Redis, user 1 has a set named user:1:followers with all of his/her follower ids. These follower ids correspond with the Cassandra ids in the users table and user_ids in the posts table.
My goal was originally to simply plug all of the user_ids from this Redis set into a query that would use FROM posts WHERE user_id IN (user_ids here) and grab all of the posts from the secondary index user_id. The issue is that Cassandra purposely does not support the IN operator in secondary indexes because that index would force Cassandra to search ALL of its nodes for that value. I'm left with only two options I can see: Either create a Redis list of user:1:follow_feed for the post IDs then search Cassandra's primary index for those posts in a single query, or keep it the way I have it now and run an individual query for every user_id in the user:1:follower set.
I'm really leaning against the first option because I already have tons and tons of graph data in Redis, and this option would add a new list for every user. The second way is far worse. I would put a massive read load on Cassandra and it would take a long time to run individual queries for a set of ids. I'm kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place, as far as I see it. Is there any way to query the secondary indexes with multiple values? If not, is there a more efficient way to load these content feeds (RAM and speed wise) compared to the options of more Redis lists or multiple Cassandra queries? Thanks in advance.
Without knowing the schema of the posts table (and preferably the others, as well), it's really hard to make any useful suggestions.
It's unclear to me why you need to have user_id be a secondary index, as opposed to your primary key.
In general it's quite useful to key content like posts off of the user that created it, since it allows you to do things like retrieve all posts (optionally over a given range, assuming they are chronologically sorted) very efficiently.
With Cassandra, if you find that a table can effectively answer some of the queries that you want to perform but not others, you are usually best of denormalizing that table and creating another table with a different structure in order to keep your queries to a single CQL partition and node.
user_id int,
post_id int,
post_text text,
PRIMARY KEY (user_id, post_id)
This table can answer queries such as:
select * from posts where user_id = 1234;
select * from posts where user_id = 1 and post_id = 53;
select * from posts where user_id = 1 and post_id > 5321 and post_id < 5400;
The reverse clustering on post_id is to make retrieving the most recent posts the most efficient by placing them at the beginning of the partition physically within the sstable.
In that example, user_id being a partition column, means "all cql rows with this user_id will be hashed to the same partition, and hence the same physical nodes, and eventually, the same sstables. That's why it's possible to
retrieve all posts with that user_id, as they are store contiguously
retrieve a slice of them by doing a ranged query on post_id
retrieve a single post by supplying both the partition column(user_id) and the clustering column (post_id)
In effect, this become a hashmap of a hashmap lookup. The one major caveat, though, is that when using partition and clustering columns, you always need to supply all columns from left to right in your query, without skipping any. So in this case, that means you can't retrieve an individual post without knowing the user_id that the post_id belongs to. That is addressable in user-code(by storing a reverse mapping and doing the lookup when necessary, or by encoding the user_id into the post_id that is passed around your application), but is definitely something to take into consideration.

Cassandra or Hbase?

I have a requirement, where I want to store the following:
Mac Address // PKEY
TimeStamp // PKEY
Signal Strength
The insertion logic is as follows:
Store the above statistics for each active device (MacAddress) once every hour at each location (LocationID)
The entries are created at end of each hour, so the primary key will always be MAC+TimeStamp
There are no updates, only insertions
The queries which can be performed are as follows:
Give me all the entries for last 'N' hours Where MacAddress = "...."
Give me all the entries for last 'N' hours Where LocationID IN (locID1, locID2, ..);
Needless to say, there are billions of entries, and I want to use either HBASE or Cassandra. I've tried to explore, and it seems that Cassandra may not be correct choice.
The reasons for that is if I have the following in cassandra:
< < RowKey > MacAddress:TimeStamp > >
+ LocationID
+ OwnerName
+ Signal Strength
Both the queries will scan the whole database, right? Even if I add an index on LocationID, that is only going to help in the second query to some extent, because there is no index on timestamp (I believe that seaching on timestamp is not fast, as the MacAddress:TimeStamp composite Key would not allow us to search only on timestamp, and instead, a full scan would happen, is that correct?).
I'm stuck here big time, and any insights would really help, if we should opt HBase or Cassandra.
The right way to model this with Cassandra is to use a table partitioned by mac address, ordered by timestamp, and indexed on location id. See the Cassandra data model documentation, especially the section on clustering [predefined sorting]. None of your queries will require a full table scan.
You have to remember that NoSql instances like Cassandra allow horizontal scaling and make it a lot easier to shard the data. By developing a shard strategy (identifying shard key, etc) you could dramatically reduce the size of the data on a single instance and make queries (even when trying to query massive data sets) doable.
Either one would work for this query:
Give me all the entries for last 'N' hours Where MacAddress = "...."
In cassandra you would want to use an ordered partitioner so you can do easy scans. That way you would not have to scan the entire table. (I'm a little rusty on Cassandra).
In hbase it is always ordered by the rowkey so the scan becomes easy. You would just set a start and stop rowkey. Conceptually it would be:
And then it would only scan over the rows for the given mac address for the given time period--only a small subset of the data.
This query is much harder:
Give me all the entries for last 'N' hours Where LocationID IN
(locID1, locID2, ..);
Cassandra does have secondary indexes so it seems like it would be "easy" but I don't know how much data it would scan through. I haven't looked at Cassandra since it added secondary indexes.
In hbase you'd have to scan the entire table or create a second table. I would recommend creating a second table where the rowkey would be < location:timestamp > and you'd duplicate the data. Then you'd use that table to lookup the data by location using a scan and setting the start and end keys.
