How do I properly proxy a request to the Google Maps Embed API? - node.js

I'm attempting to use the Google Maps Embed API to embed a map matching an address that a user enters. Following the developer guide, I acquired an API Key to add to my API requests. I'm able to successfully pull up a map when I request it via the "src" attribute of an iframe in my React client, like so:
But this leaves my API key exposed to the client.
In Google's API Key Best Practices, it's recommended that the API key be stored in an environment variable and that a proxy server be used to safeguard keys. However when I try proxying the request (code below), it seems to return the appropriate map for a split second, but then the iframe replaces the map with an "Oops! Something went wrong" message, and the browser console displays this error:
Google Maps JavaScript API error: UnauthorizedURLForClientIdMapError
Your site URL to be authorized:[my_encoded_parameters]
I'm just developing locally at the moment, so I've tried registering* as an authorized URL as the error documentation suggests, and I've also tried removing all website restrictions on the API key just to see if I was authorizing the wrong URL, but both of those attempts still produced the same error.
I haven't found many resources on setting up a proxy other than this Google Codelabs project, but I haven't been able to pick anything out of it to help with this issue.
Here's the code I'm using in my React front end:
And in my Express Node.js back end:
router.get('/api/maps', async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
try {
const parameters = req.query.parameters;
const map = await MapDataAccessObject.getOne(parameters);
return res.status(OK).send(;
} catch (err) {
export class MapDataAccessObject {
public static async getOne(parameters: string) {
const apiUrl = this.getMapsEmbedUrl(parameters);
const map = await axios.get(apiUrl);
return map;
private static getMapsEmbedUrl(parameters: string) {
const encodedParams = encodeURI(parameters);
return `${process.env.MAPS_API_KEY}&q=${encodedParams}`;
I'm running my React front end and my Node.js back end in Docker containers.
My best guess is that I'm missing a request header that the Maps API is expecting, but I haven't found any documentation on that, or maybe I'm misunderstanding something more fundamental. Any guidance would be very much appreciated.

There is no way to protect your google maps key on a website from being "spied on" because it is always public. The only way to protect your key from foreign usage is to restrict it's access to only the allowed domain/ip-addresses - so if it is used from someone else, it will not work or take anything from your credits (google will show an error message).


How to access json response data using Axios, node/express backend

I have this project I’m working on and I am using node/express + Axios to retrieve data from a third-party API.
I am attaching an image of the response I am getting from my postman but,
I am having an issue figuring out a way to access and manipulate a specific set of data.
If there are any resources anyone could share that would help I would appreciate it.
as of now I just have:
.then((response) => {
const cardData =;
This is the response I get:
for example, I’d like to access the “abilities” property.
Since that property is within the “0" object within the response object, I’m a bit confused as to how to navigate this in the code.
I’ve tried but that doesn’t seem to work.
function retrieve(callback){
//I don't get why you are using request.send here. Are you routing the response elsewhere?
//If you are just consuming a service, use Axios with a callback instead.
//If you're not routing it you won't need Express.
axios.get('apiUrl').then(response => callback(response));
function clbk(response){
let obj = JSON.parse(response); //In case you are receiving a stringified JSON
//Do whatever you want with the data
//If you have a number as a key, access it by using []. So, considering your example:[0]

How can i pass a secure/sensitive string from my back (nodejs) to my front (angular) hidden from user?

I am currently working on a project composed by:
Front: Angular ; Back: NodeJS
The backend compiles angular static files with the command: response.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, 'dirname', 'index.html'));
I have stored my API keys into my backend using dotenv. Then, when i start (in main.ts file) my Angular app, i do an API call to my back to get these API keys. But the response is visible from user POV, so i encrypted it. But now, I have to hide the encryption key. That's the string I want to pass from my back to my front.
Anyone has an idea ?
There is no way to hide such information from a very experienced and determined user / attacker. All types of obfuscation can be broken because your code for de-obfuscation / decryption will run at the client side and can thus be re-enigeered, as I already stated in my comment.
To be safe you should build a proxy layer for the unprotectable keys (SendInBlue, Stripe). The proxy can be built quite lightweight by using the same routes as the actual APIs extended by some prefix like, e.g. /sendinblue. This way you can use a single request handler and just add the authorization information (code not tested, just a hint):
const axios = require('axios');
app.get('/sendinblue/:remainder', (request, response, next) => {
// I am not sure, if this takes the whole remainder or just until
// the next slash /
// If not you have to parse the url-attribute of the request object
let originalurl = request.params.remainder;
axios.get(sendinblueBaseUrl + '/' + originalurl, {
headers: {
'Authorization': // API key here
.then(result => {
The code can be reduced even more by using axios interceptors.
I know, that is not satisfying but frustrating. Nonetheless, you should not try to implement some amateurish (no offense!) encryption or obfuscation.

How to display binary images retrieved from API in React.js?

✨ Hello everyone!✨
General Problem:
I have a web app that has about 50 images that shouldn't be able to be accessed before the user logs into the site. This should be a simple answer I suspect, there are plenty of sites that also require this basic protection. Maybe I do not know the right words to google here, but I am having a bit of trouble. Any help is appreciated.
App details:
My web app is built in typescript react, with a node.js/express/mongoDB backend. Fairly typical stuff.
What I have tried:
My best thought so far was to upload them into the public folder on the backend server hosted on heroku. Then I protected the images with authenication middlewear to any url that had "/images/" as a part of it. This works, partially. I am able to see the images when I call the api from postman with the authenication header. But I cannot figure out a way to display that image in my react web app. Here is the basic call I used.
headers: {
and then the actual response is just an empty object when I try to copy it
but I also get this when I console log the pure response, some kind of readable stream:
from following related question
I came up with the following: (which is normally wrapped in a asyc function)
const image = await fetch(url,{headers:{ Authorization:token}});
const theBlob = await image.blob();
which gives me the link: http://localhost:3000/b299feb8-6ee2-433d-bf05-05bce01516b3 which only displays a blank page.
Any help is very much appreciated! Thanks! 😄
After lots of work trying to understand whats going on, here is my own answer:
const image = await axios(url, { responseType: "blob", headers: {Authorization: token }});
const srcForImage = URL.createObjectURL(
Why it makes sense now
So I did not understand the innerworkings of what was going on. Please correct me, but the following is my understanding:
So the image was being sent in binary. What I had to do to fix that was to set the reponseType in axios as "blob", which then sent a blob, which I believe means its base 64 encoded instead. Then the function URL.createObjectURL does some magic, and must save it to the browser as part of the page. Then we can just use that as the image url. When you visit it yourself, you must type the 'blob:' part of the url it give you too, otherwise its blank, or stick it in <img src={srcForImage}/> and it works great. I bet it would've worked in the original fetch example in the question, I just never put the url in a tag or included 'blob:' as part of the URL.
That's correct, you send the auth token and the backend uses that to auth the user (check that he exists in the DB, that he has the correct Role and check the jwt too)
The server only responds with the images if the above is true
If your server is responding with an empty object then the problem is the backend not the frontend, console.log what you're sending to the frontend

Spotify JWT Flow

Tech stack: NodeJS backend Angular10 front end
I am implementing the Spotify API into my application. I'm having some issues with the flow.
To start off I have no issues authenticating or retrieving a token, but I am having an issue figuring out what to do with it. Assuming we understand the Spotify flow and are on the same page there is an issue presented for client-side rendered apps and that is how to get our JWT into the storage.
The reason this is an issue is because of the flow Spotify constrains us to, it requires a callback where the token is passed in as a query param.
This callback is on my backend NodeJS server, the endpoint is functioning fine but this issue starts here - I cannot pass in my user_id or any other user information it simply returns a JWT at this point the only thing I can do is send a template to the client but it's of a different domain.
Option (1)
Somehow use the Iframe hack to set a storage item in my other tab that's running my front end; I do not like this cause it's hacky and does not feel the right way to handle this.
Option (2)
Perform some kind of hack that maps user ids from the initial request and maps the correct user id to the correct token and then sending it to the client somehow ( database then GET ) I also don't like this it's hacky
What we don't want is to keep the client secret and other credentials on the front end like some examples I have seen, this is fine for personal stuff but not real apps for very obvious reasons.. All client secrets and passwords should be on the backend never sent to the client only their user JWT
So the issue here summarized, How do I return the JWT to the client without doing something hacky? the code below returns this to the client but brings us to option (1) above and obviously returns a template style which is undesirable cause I have a client-side rendered app!; I want something clean and professional, thank you.
router.get('/musicAuthCallback', function (req, res) {
const spotifyCode: string = req.query.code;
if (production.ROUTE_LOGGING) {'Spotify endpoint callback hit');
const _spotifyService = new SpotifyService();
.then((jwt: any) => {
if (jwt === false) {
res.send({ "message": "Unable to get JWT for Spotify", "status": REQUEST_FAILED, "title": "Authentication Error" });
} else {
const template = `<h1> Success! </h1> <script>
main.setItem('spotify_jwt', ${jwt});
.catch((error) => {
res.send({ "message": "Something went really wrong..", "status": REQUEST_FAILED, "title": "Please Try Again.." });
This is silly but kind of illusive until you poke around the docs more.. the docs didnt make it clear to me I could use "state" as a query param.. in this i was able to pass the users ID into here so &state=600 and this is passed into the users callback URL which makes it possible to attach a user to a specific JWT given by Spotify**state=123** <- this can be what you want! and can retrieve it in your callback URL sitting on your NodeJS server like this..
const spotifyCode: string = req.query.code; // jwt
const userID: string = req.query.state; // value you passed in

Trying to use oauth flow in Electron desktop app (with spotify API)?

I have a React app in Electron, and I'm trying to access the spotify API using the spotify-web-api-node library. However, I'm not sure exactly how the oauth flow is meant to work inside of an Electron app... Firstly, for the redirect URL, I used this question and added a registerFileProtocol call to my file. Then I added a specific ipcMain.on handler for receiving the spotify login call from a page, which I've confirmed works with console logs. However, when I get to actually calling the authorizeURL, nothing happens?
This is part of my main.js:
app.whenReady().then(() => {
(request, callback) => {
console.log("oauthdesktop stuff: ", request, callback);
//parse authorization code from request
(error) => {
if (error) console.error("Failed to register protocol");
ipcMain.on("spotify-login", (e, arg) => {
const credentials = {
clientId: arg.spotifyClientId,
clientSecret: arg.spotifySecret,
redirectUri: "oauthdesktop://test",
const spotifyApi = new SpotifyWebApi(credentials);
console.log("spapi: ", spotifyApi);
const authorizeURL = spotifyApi.createAuthorizeURL(
["user-read-recently-played", "playlist-modify-private"],
console.log("spurl: ", authorizeURL);
I'd expect the typical spotify login page popup to show up, but that doesn't happen. I'd also expect (possibly) the registerFileProtocol callback to log something, but it doesn't. What am I meant to be doing here? The authorization guide specifically mentions doing a GET request on the auth url, which is what I'm doing here...
In a desktop app it is recommended to open the system browser, and the Spotify login page will render there, as part of creating a promise. The opener library can be used to invoke the browser.
When the user has finished logging in, the technique is to receive the response via a Private URI Scheme / File Protocol, then to resolve the promise, get an authorization code, then swap it for tokens. It is tricky though.
I have some blog posts on this, which you may be able to borrow some ideas from, and a couple of code samples you can run on your PC:
Initial Desktop Sample
Final Desktop Sample
The second of these is a React app and uses a Private URI scheme, so is fairly similar to yours. I use the AppAuth-JS library and not Spotify though.
