Why is this spatial query returning empty? - spatial-query

Using the simple table below, I'm trying to select the 'latlng POINT' that is within the POLYGON given. But the return is always empty, what am I missing?
id int not null auto_increment,
latlng POINT not null,
primary key(id)
(1 , POINT( 39.274, -94.4233 )),
(2 , POINT( 39.5, -94.3483 ));
SELECT id, x(latlng), y(latlng)
FROM mypoi
WHERE MBRContains(GeomFromText('POLYGON((39.48025, -94.73566 , 39.48025, -94.09021 , 39.09122, -94.09021 , 39.09122, -94.73566))'),latlng);

WKT polygons are closed by including the original point at the end of the sequence of points. They also have each point separated by a comma (i.e. x1 y1, x2 y2, ..., x1 y1). There are just some formatting issues in the polygon text.
SELECT id, x(latlng), y(latlng)
FROM mypoi
WHERE MBRContains(GeomFromText('POLYGON((39.48025 -94.73566, 39.48025 -94.09021, 39.09122 -94.09021, 39.09122 -94.73566, 39.48025 -94.73566))'),latlng);


SQL Server 2017 - Dynamically generate a string based on the number of columns in another string

I have the following table & data:
CREATE TABLE dbo.TableMapping
[GenericMappingKey] [nvarchar](256) NULL,
[GenericMappingValue] [nvarchar](256) NULL,
[TargetMappingKey] [nvarchar](256) NULL,
[TargetMappingValue] [nvarchar](256) NULL
INSERT INTO dbo.TableMapping
I would need to be able to automatically generate my GenericMappingValue string dynamically based on the number of column pairs in the TargetMappingValue column.
Currently, there are 6 column mapping pairs. However, if I only had two mapping column pairs in my TargetMapping such as the following...
then I would like for the GenericMappingValue to be automatically generated (updated) such as the following since, as a consequence, I would only have 2 column pairs in my string...
I've started building the following query logic:
DECLARE #Mapping nvarchar(256)
SELECT #Mapping = [TargetMappingValue] from TableMapping
print #Mapping
SELECT count(*) ColumnPairCount
FROM String_split(#Mapping, ';')
The above query gives me a correct count of 6 for my column pairs.
How would I be able to continue my logic to achieve my automatically generated mapping string?
I think I understand what you are after. This should get you moving in the right direction.
Since you've tagged 2017 you can use STRING_AGG()
You'll want to split your TargetMappingValue using STRING_SPLIT() with ROW_NUMER() in a sub-query. (NOTE: We aren't guaranteed order using string_split() with ROW_NUMBER here, but will work for this situation. Example below using OPENJSON if we need to insure accurate order.)
Then you can then use that ROW_NUMBER() as the column indicator/number in a CONCAT().
Then bring it all back together using STRING_AGG()
Have a look at this working example:
[GenericMappingKey] [NVARCHAR](256) NULL
, [GenericMappingValue] [NVARCHAR](256) NULL
, [TargetMappingKey] [NVARCHAR](256) NULL
, [TargetMappingValue] [NVARCHAR](256) NULL
INSERT INTO #TableMapping (
, [GenericMappingValue]
, [TargetMappingKey]
, [TargetMappingValue]
VALUES ( 'Generic'
, 'Col1Source|Col1Target;Col2Source|Col2Target;Col3Source|Col3Target;Col4Source|Col4Target;Col5Source|Col5Target;Col6Source|Col6Target'
, 'Target'
, 'Fruit|Apple;Car|Red;House|Bungalo;Gender|Female;Material|Brick;Solution|IT' );
SELECT [col].[GenericMappingKey]
, STRING_AGG(CONCAT('Col', [col].[ColNumber], 'Source|Col', [col].[ColNumber], 'Target'), ';') AS [GeneratedGenericMappingValue]
, [col].[TargetMappingKey]
, [col].[TargetMappingValue]
) AS [ColNumber]
FROM #TableMapping
CROSS APPLY STRING_SPLIT([TargetMappingValue], ';')
) AS [col]
GROUP BY [col].[GenericMappingKey]
, [col].[TargetMappingKey]
, [col].[TargetMappingValue];
Here's an example of what an update would look like assuming your primary key is the GenericMappingKey column:
--This what an update would look like
--Assuming your primary key is the [GenericMappingKey] column
UPDATE [upd]
SET [upd].[GenericMappingValue] = [g].[GeneratedGenericMappingValue]
SELECT [col].[GenericMappingKey]
, STRING_AGG(CONCAT('Col', [col].[ColNumber], 'Source|Col', [col].[ColNumber], 'Target'), ';') AS [GeneratedGenericMappingValue]
, [col].[TargetMappingKey]
, [col].[TargetMappingValue]
) AS [ColNumber]
FROM #TableMapping
CROSS APPLY [STRING_SPLIT]([TargetMappingValue], ';')
) AS [col]
GROUP BY [col].[GenericMappingKey]
, [col].[TargetMappingKey]
, [col].[TargetMappingValue]
) AS [g]
INNER JOIN #TableMapping [upd]
ON [upd].[GenericMappingKey] = [g].[GenericMappingKey];
Shnugo brings up a great point in the comments in that we are not guarantee sort order with string_split() and using row number. In this particular situation it wouldn't matter as the output mappings in generic. But what if you needed to used elements from your "TargetMappingValue" column in the final "GenericMappingValue", then you would need to make sure sort order was accurate.
Here's an example showing how to use OPENJSON() and it's "key" which would guarantee that order using Shnugo example:
SELECT [col].[GenericMappingKey]
, STRING_AGG(CONCAT('Col', [col].[colNumber], 'Source|Col', [col].[colNumber], 'Target'), ';') AS [GeneratedGenericMappingValue]
, [col].[TargetMappingKey]
, [col].[TargetMappingValue]
SELECT [tm].*
, [oj].[Key] + 1 AS [colNumber] --Use the key as our order/column number, adding 1 as it is zero based.
, [oj].[Value] -- and if needed we can bring the split value out.
FROM #TableMapping [tm]
CROSS APPLY OPENJSON('["' + REPLACE([tm].[TargetMappingValue], ';', '","') + '"]') [oj] --Basically turn the column value into JSON string.
) AS [col]
GROUP BY [col].[GenericMappingKey]
, [col].[TargetMappingKey]
, [col].[TargetMappingValue];
if the data is already in the table and you want to break it out into columns, this should work
,left(v.value, charindex('|',v.value) -1) col1
,reverse(left(reverse(v.value), charindex('|',reverse(v.value)) -1)) col2
from String_split(#mapping,';') v

U-Sql not allowing non-equijoins

I have stumbled across a bit of an issue with U-SQL which for me is a problem I haven't yet found a workaround for.
It seems U-SQL doesnt support anything else but == in joins, so you can't put > or < in the join itself.
For the use case below which I have done in oracle:
create table trf.test_1(
number_col int
insert into trf.test_1 VALUES (10);
insert into trf.test_1 VALUES (20);
insert into trf.test_1 VALUES (30);
insert into trf.test_1 VALUES (60);
drop table trf.test_2;
create table trf.test_2(
number_col int
insert into trf.test_2 VALUES (20);
insert into trf.test_2 VALUES (30);
SELECT t1.number_col, t2.number_col
FROM trf.test_1 t1
LEFT JOIN trf.test_2 t2 ON t1.number_col < t2.number_col
I get the following:
How might I do that in u-sql without the < join?
I tried a cross join, but if you include the < in the where clause it just turns into an inner and you don't get the rows with the nulls.
Any ideas appreciated.
#t1 =
) AS T(num_col);
#t2 =
) AS T(num_col);
#result =
SELECT t1.num_col, t2.num_col AS num_col_2
FROM #t1 AS t1
WHERE t1.num_col < t2.num_col;
#result2 =
SELECT t1.num_col, t2.num_col AS num_col_2
FROM #t1 AS t1
LEFT JOIN #result AS t2 ON t1.num_col == t2.num_col;
OUTPUT #result2
TO "/Output/ReferenceGuide/Joins/exampleA.csv"
USING Outputters.Csv();
Edit - I added the left join from the #t1 dataset back to the #result set which seems to work but would be interested if there are any better solutions out there. Seems a bit of a work around.
This is a known feature and discussed extensively in the article "U-SQL SELECT Selecting from joins".
Some quotes from that article:
Join Comparisons
U-SQL, like most scaled out Big Data Query languages
that support joins, restricts the join comparison to equality
comparisons between columns in the rowsets to be joined...
If one has a non-equality comparison or a more complex expression (such as a method invocation) in the comparison, one can move the comparison to the SELECT’s WHERE clause. Or the more complex expression can be placed in an earlier SELECT statement’s column and then that alias can be referred to in the join comparison.
Basically they don't scale particularly well on a distributed platform like ADLA.

MDX calculated Member not allowed multiple hierarchy tuple

I've using a sql Table to generate filters on each dimensions for a value in a SSAS Cube.
The MDX Query is based on the column Query below, the calculated member is:
IIF(Query= "" or ISEMPTY(Query),
StrToTuple('('+ Query+')')
I have to work with pivot Table in Excel. It works perfectly, the value is correctly filter on each dimension member. If i use a query like this, it's ok.
But now i need adding the possibility to filter on multiple dimensions members. For exemple, using a query :
It doesn't works, i've try changing the query like this:
but the StrToTuple() function causes error. I don't know how to filter in multiple values for a same dimension hierarchy.
If it will always be a tuple then no need to use AGGREGATE just a tuple should return the value:
Query= "" OR ISEMPTY(Query),
,StrToTuple('('+ Query +',[Measures].[Value])')
Or this version:
+ IIF(
Query= "" OR ISEMPTY(Query)
possible approach for decision between tuple and set
Add a column to your control table "TupleOrSet" with values of either "T" or "S". Then you could amend your code to something like this:
Query= "" OR ISEMPTY(Query),
TupleOrSet = "T"
,StrToTuple('('+ Query +',[Measures].[Value])')
,AGGREGATE( StrToSet('{'+ Query +'}'), [Measures].[Value])
A tuple is a definite point in the cube space so cannot therefore be made up of two members from the same hierarchy - this would create coordinates that are non-determinant

SQL Pivot to Return more than 1 value

Here's the issue. I have 2 tables that I am currently using in a pivot to return a single value, MAX(Date). I have been asked to return additional values associated with that particular MAX(Date). I know I can do this with an OVER PARTITION but it would require me doing about 8 or 9 LEFT JOINS to get the desired output. I was hoping there is a way to get my existing PIVOT to return these values. More specifically, let's say each MAX(Date) has a data source and we want that particular source to become part of the output. Here is a simple sample of what I am talking about:
Create table #Email
pk_id int not null identity primary key,
email_address varchar(50),
optin_flag bit default(0),
unsub_flag bit default(0)
Create table #History
pk_id int not null identity primary key,
email_id int not null,
Status_Cd char(2),
Status_Ds varchar(20),
Source_Cd char(3),
Source_Desc varchar(20),
Source_Dttm datetime
Insert into #Email
Insert into #History
(1,'OP','OPT-IN','WB','WEB','1/2/2015 09:32:00'),
(1,'OP','OPT-IN','WB','WEB','1/3/2015 10:15:00'),
(1,'OP','OPT-IN','WB','WEB','1/4/2015 8:02:00'),
(2,'OP','OPT-IN','WB','WEB','2/1/2015 07:22:00'),
(2,'US','UNSUBSCRIBE','EM','EMAIL','3/2/2015 09:32:00'),
(2,'US','UNSUBSCRIBE','ESP','SERVICE PROVIDER','3/2/2015 09:55:00'),
(2,'US','UNSUBSCRIBE','WB','WEB','3/2/2015 10:15:00')
;with dates as
[OP] as [OptIn_Dttm],
[US] as [Unsub_Dttm]
from #history
) as src
pivot (min(source_dttm) for status_cd in ([OP],[US])) as piv
e.pk_id as email_id,
/*WANT TO GET THE OPTIN SOURCE HERE*/ /*<-------------*/
/*WANT TO GET THE UNSUB SOURCE HERE*/ /*<-------------*/
from #Email e
left join dates d on e.pk_id = d.email_id

Oracle spatial data operator - SDO_nn - Not getting any results for sdo_num_res = 1

I am using SDO_NN operator to find the nearest hydrant next to a building.
( "NAME" VARCHAR2(10),
I have setup spatial indexes properly for buildings.shape and I run the query to get the nearest hydrant to the building 'Motel'
select b1.name as name, h.point.x as x, h.point.y as y from buildings b1, hydrants h where b1.name ='Motel' and
SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY( h.point.x,h.point.y)), 'sdo_num_res=1')= 'TRUE';
Here's the problem:
When I set the parameter sdo_num_res=1, I get zero tuples.
And when I make sdo_num_res=2, I get one tuple.
What is the reason for the weird behavior ?
Note: I am getting zero rows only when building.name= 'Motel', for all other tuples I am getting 1 row when sdo_num_res = 1
Insert queries
Insert into buildings (NAME,SHAPE) values ('Motel',MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2003,NULL,NULL,MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,1003,1),MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(564,425,585,436,573,458,552,447)));
Insert into hydrants (name,POINT) values ('p57',MDSYS.SDO_POINT_TYPE(589,448,0));
To perform spatial comparisons between a point to a polygon, the SDO_GEOMETRY is defined with SDO_SRID=2001 and center set to a SDO_POINT_TYPE-> which we want to compare.
First of all, your query does not do what you say it does: it actually returns the nearest building called "Motel" from any of your hydrants. To do what you want (i.e. the opposite) you need to reverse the order of the arguments to SDO_NN: all spatial operators search the first argument, using the value of the second argument.
Then the insert into your HYDRANTS table is wrong:
Insert into hydrants (name,POINT) values ('p57',MDSYS.SDO_POINT_TYPE(589,448,0));
The SDO_POINT_TYPE object is not designed to be used that way: it is only used inside the SDO_GEOMETRY type. The proper way is this:
insert into hydrants (name,POINT) values ('p57',sdo_geometry(2001, null, SDO_POINT_TYPE(589,448,null), null, null));
And of course you need to change your table definition accordingly.
Then your building is also incorrectly created: a polygon must always close, i.e. the last point must be the same as the first point. So the proper shape should be like this:
insert into buildings (NAME,SHAPE) values ('Motel', SDO_GEOMETRY(2003,NULL,NULL,SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,1003,1),SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(564,425,585,436,573,458,552,447,564,425)));
Here is the full example:
Create the tables:
create table buildings (
name varchar2(40) primary key,
shape sdo_geometry
create table hydrants(
name varchar2(10) primary key,
point sdo_geometry
Populate the tables:
insert into buildings (NAME,SHAPE) values ('Motel', SDO_GEOMETRY(2003,NULL,NULL,SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,1003,1),SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(564,425,585,436,573,458,552,447,564,425)));
insert into hydrants (name,POINT) values ('p57',sdo_geometry(2001, null, SDO_POINT_TYPE(589,448,null), null, null));
Confirm that the geometries are all correct:
select name, sdo_geom.validate_geometry_with_context (point, 0.05) from hydrants;
select name, sdo_geom.validate_geometry_with_context (shape, 0.05) from buildings;
Setup spatial metadata and create spatial indexes:
insert into user_sdo_geom_metadata (table_name, column_name, diminfo, srid)
values (
sdo_dim_array (
sdo_dim_element ('X', 0,1000,0.05),
sdo_dim_element ('Y', 0,1000,0.05)
create index buildings_sx on buildings (shape)
indextype is mdsys.spatial_index;
insert into user_sdo_geom_metadata (table_name, column_name, diminfo, srid)
values (
sdo_dim_array (
sdo_dim_element ('X', 0,1000,0.05),
sdo_dim_element ('Y', 0,1000,0.05)
create index hydrants_sx on hydrants (point)
indextype is mdsys.spatial_index;
Now Try the properly written query:
select h.name, h.point.sdo_point.x as x, h.point.sdo_point.y as y
from buildings b, hydrants h
where b.name ='Motel'
and sdo_nn(h.point, b.shape, 'sdo_num_res=1')= 'TRUE';
which returns:
---------------- ---------- ----------
p57 589 448
1 row selected.
