ReaderT Design Pattern: Parametrize the Environment - haskell

I build a project based on the ReaderT design pattern. Instead of using a typeclass approach for dependency injection, I choose to use simple injection of handlers as function arguments. This part works fine as one is able to construct a dependency tree statically and define an environment dynamically.
The environment may contain configuration as well as a logging effect :: String -> IO (), an effect of time :: IO UTCDate etc. Consider the following minified example
import Control.Monad.Reader (runReaderT, liftIO, reader, MonadReader, MonadIO)
data SomeEnv
= SomeEnv
{ a :: Int
, logger :: String -> IO ()
class HasLogger a where
getLogger :: a -> (String -> IO())
instance HasLogger SomeEnv where
getLogger = logger
myFun :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader e m, HasLogger e) => Int -> m Int
myFun x = do
logger <- reader getLogger
liftIO $ logger "I'm going to multiply a number by itself!"
return $ x * x
doIt :: IO Int
doIt = runReaderT (myFun 1337) (SomeEnv 13 putStrLn)
Is it possible to generalize over the effect of the logger?
logger :: String -> m ()
With the motivation to use a logger which fits into the monad stack
myFun x = do
logger <- reader getLogger
logger "I'm going to multiply a number by itself!"
return $ x * x

We could try the following changes:
Parameterize the environment record with the "base" monad.
Make HasLogger a two-parameter typeclass that relates the environment to the "base" monad.
Something like this:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Kind (Constraint, Type)
type RT m = ReaderT (SomeEnv m) m
type SomeEnv :: (Type -> Type) -> Type
data SomeEnv m = SomeEnv
{ a :: Int,
logger :: String -> RT m (),
-- I'm putting the main fuction in the record,
-- perhaps we'll want to inject it into other logic, later.
myFun :: Int -> RT m Int
type HasLogger :: Type -> (Type -> Type) -> Constraint
class HasLogger r m | r -> m where
getLogger :: r -> String -> m ()
instance HasLogger (SomeEnv m) (RT m) where
getLogger = logger
_myFun :: (MonadReader e m, HasLogger e m) => Int -> m Int
_myFun x = do
logger <- reader getLogger
logger "I'm going to multiply a number by itself!"
return $ x * x
Now _myFun doesn't have the MonadIO constraint.
We can create a sample environment and run myFun:
env =
{ a = 13,
logger = liftIO . putStrLn,
myFun = _myFun
doIt :: IO Int
doIt = runReaderT (myFun env 1337) env
One disadvantage of this solution is that the function signatures in the environment become more involved, even with the RT type synonym.
Edit: In order to simplify the signatures in the environment, I tried these alternative definitions:
type SomeEnv :: (Type -> Type) -> Type
data SomeEnv m = SomeEnv
{ a :: Int,
logger :: String -> m (), -- no more annoying ReaderT here.
myFun :: Int -> m Int
instance HasLogger (SomeEnv m) m where
getLogger = logger
-- Yeah, scary. This newtype seems necessary to avoid an "infinite type" error.
-- Only needs to be defined once. Could we avoid it completely?
type DepT :: ((Type -> Type) -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type
newtype DepT env m r = DepT { runDepT :: ReaderT (env (DepT env m)) m r }
deriving (Functor,Applicative,Monad,MonadIO,MonadReader (env (DepT env m)))
instance MonadTrans (DepT env) where
lift = DepT . lift
env' :: SomeEnv (DepT SomeEnv IO) -- only the signature changes here
env' =
{ a = 13,
logger = liftIO . putStrLn,
myFun = _myFun
doIt :: IO Int
doIt = runReaderT (runDepT (myFun env' 1337)) env'
DepT is basically a ReaderT, but one aware that its environment is parameterized by DeptT itself. It has the usual instances.
_myFun doesn't need to change in this alternative definition.

I want to summarize some results from applying danidiaz approach.
As my project is currently at a GHC version which does not support the second approach, I've followed the first approach. The application consists out of two sub-applications
a servant application
type RT m = ReaderT (Env m) m
an internal application
type HRT m = CFSM.HouseT (ReaderT (AutomationEnvironment m) m)
the first approach avoids infinite recursive types at the cost of a relation between the monadic stack and the environment.
As the sub-applications use different monadic stacks, specific environment had to be introduced. It seems that this is avoidable by the second approach due to the introduction of DepT.
MonadIO constraints could be removed from functions, for example
:: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadReader e m, HasCurrentTime e, HasRandomUUID e)
=> C.InsertStatusRepository m
-> PostStatusService m
:: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader e m, HasCurrentTime e m, HasRandomUUID e m)
=> C.InsertStatusRepository m
-> PostStatusService m
Because the environment relates to the application stack, join is the substitute for liftIO
currentTime <- reader getCurrentTime >>= liftIO
-- becomes
currentTime <- join (reader getCurrentTime)
For unit testing, mock environments are constructed. Due to the removal of MonadIO, the mock environment can be constructed without side-effect monads.
An inspection of services which had MonadIO and MonadThrow were previously performed by defining mock environments like
data DummyEnvironment = DummyEnvironment (IO T.UTCTime) (IO U.UUID)
instance HasCurrentTime DummyEnvironment where
getCurrentTime (DummyEnvironment t _) = t
instance HasRandomUUID DummyEnvironment where
getRandomUUID (DummyEnvironment _ u) = u
with the new approach, the side-effects could be remove
type RT = ReaderT DummyEnvironment (CatchT Identity)
data DummyEnvironment = DummyEnvironment (RT T.UTCTime) (RT U.UUID)
instance HasCurrentTime DummyEnvironment RT where
getCurrentTime (DummyEnvironment t _) = t
instance HasRandomUUID DummyEnvironment RT where
getRandomUUID (DummyEnvironment _ u) = u
As I pointed out, the first approach connects the environment to a specific stack, thus the stack defines the environment.
Next step will be integrating the second approach as it seems to decouple the stack from the environment again using DepT.


Writing a "zooming" function for a ReaderT-like monad transformer

I have this ReaderT-like monad transformer (inspired by this answer):
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
import Control.Monad.Reader -- from "mtl"
import Data.Kind (Type)
type DepT :: ((Type -> Type) -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type
newtype DepT env m r = DepT {toReaderT :: ReaderT (env (DepT env m)) m r}
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader (env (DepT env m)))
instance MonadTrans (DepT env) where
lift = DepT . lift
And these two parameterized records, to which I give "rank-2 functor" instances:
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import qualified Rank2 -- form rank2classes
import qualified Rank2.TH
type Env :: (Type -> Type) -> Type
data Env m = Env
{ logger :: String -> m (),
logic :: Int -> m Int
$(Rank2.TH.deriveFunctor ''Env)
type BiggerEnv :: (Type -> Type) -> Type
data BiggerEnv m = BiggerEnv
{ inner :: Env m,
extra :: Int -> m Int
$(Rank2.TH.deriveFunctor ''BiggerEnv)
Intuitively, I expect to be able to write a conversion function with the type:
zoom :: forall a. DepT Env IO a -> DepT BiggerEnv IO a
This is because DepT Env IO a works with "less info" than DepT BiggerEnv IO a.
But I'm stuck. Is there a way to write zoom?
First, we could create a more general function, withDepT, which is similar to the withReaderT function.
withDepT :: forall env env' m a.
(env' (DepT env' m) -> env (DepT env m))
-> DepT env m a
-> DepT env' m a
withDepT f (DepT m) = DepT (withReaderT f m)
And then we can use this to implement zoom by providing a function like:
biggerEnvToEnv :: BiggerEnv (DepT BiggerEnv IO) -> Env (DepT Env IO)
biggerEnvToEnv (BiggerEnv (Env logger logic) _) = Env logger' logic'
logger' = mystery . logger
logic' = mystery . logic
zoom = withDepT biggerEnvToEnv
But then we need to implement mystery. Let's look at its type:
mystery :: forall a. DepT BiggerEnv IO a -> DepT Env IO a
Now we can see that mystery is the opposite of our desired zoom function:
zoom :: forall a. DepT Env IO a -> DepT BiggerEnv IO a
So we can conclude that it's impossible to naturally derive zoom unless BiggerEnv and Env are isomorphic, which they're not because of the extra value in BiggerEnv.
The general solution would be a function like:
withDepT ::
forall small big m a.
Monad m =>
( forall p q.
(forall x. p x -> q x) ->
small p ->
small q
) ->
(forall t. big t -> small t) ->
DepT small m a ->
DepT big m a
withDepT mapEnv inner (DepT (ReaderT f)) =
( ReaderT
( \big ->
let small :: small (DepT small m)
-- we have a big environment at hand, so let's extract the
-- small environment, transform every function in the small
-- environment by supplying the big environment and, as a
-- finishing touch, lift from the base monad m so that it
-- matches the monad expected by f.
small = mapEnv (lift . flip runDepT big) (inner big)
in f small
Where the first argument would be, in the case of Env, a function like
mapEnv :: (forall x. n x -> m x) -> Env n -> Env m
mapEnv f (Env {logger,logic}) =
Env { logger = f . logger, logic = f . logic }
which changes the monad of the environment. mapEnv corresponds to Rank2.<$> from rank2classes.

Why is FunctionalDependency needed for defining MonadReader?

I just managed to understand the definition of the class MonadReader
class Monad m => MonadReader r m | m -> r where
After reading the document of Functional Dependency in Haskell, now I can understand that | m -> r specifies that type variable r is uniquely decided by m. I think this requirement is reasonable based on the few typical instances of MonadReader I have seen so far (e.g. Reader), but it seems to me that we can still define instances like Reader even without this functional dependency clause.
My question is why we need functional dependency in the definition of MonadReader? Is this functionally necessary for defining MonadReader in a sense that MonadReader cannot be properly defined without it, or it is merely a restriction to limit the ways how MonadReader can be used so that the instances of MonadReader will all behave in a certain expected way?
It is needed to make type inference work in a way which is more convenient to the user.
For example, without the fundep this would not compile:
action :: ReaderT Int IO ()
action = do
x <- ask
liftIO $ print x
To make the above compile we would need to write
action :: ReadertT Int IO ()
action = do
x <- ask :: ReadertT Int IO Int
liftIO $ print x
This is because, without the fundep, the compiler can not infer that x is an Int. After all a monad ReadertT Int IO might have multiple instances
instance MonadReader Int (ReaderT Int IO) where
ask = ReaderT (\i -> return i)
instance MonadReader Bool (ReaderT Int IO) where
ask = ReaderT (\i -> return (i != 0))
instance MonadReader String (ReaderT Int IO) where
ask = ReaderT (\i -> return (show i))
-- etc.
so the programmer must provide some annotation which forces x :: Int, or the code is ambiguous.
This is not really an answer, but it's much too long for a comment. You are correct that it's possible to define the MonadReader class without a fundep. In particular, the type signature of each method determines every class parameter. It would be quite possible to define a finer hierarchy.
class MonadReaderA r m where
askA :: m r
askA = readerA id
readerA :: (r -> a) -> m a
readerA f = f <$> askA
-- This effect is somewhat different in
-- character and requires special lifting.
class MonadReaderA r m => MonadReaderB r m where
localB :: (r -> r) -> m a -> m a
class MonadReaderB r m
=> MonadReader r m | m -> r
ask :: MonadReader r m => m r
ask = askA
:: MonadReader r m
=> (r -> a) -> m a
reader = readerA
:: MonadReader r m
=> (r -> r) -> m a -> m a
local = localB
The main problem with this approach is that users have to write a bunch of instances.
I think the source of confusion is that in the definition of
class Monad m => MonadReader r m | m -> r where
{- ... -}
It is implicitly asumed that m contains r itself (for common instances). Let me use a lighter definiton of Reader as
newtype Reader r a = Reader {runReader :: r -> a}
When the r parameter is chosen you can easely define a monad instance for Reader r. That means that in the type class definition m should be substitute for Reader r. So take a look at how the expresion ends up being:
instance MonadReader r (Reader r) where -- hey!! r is duplicated now
{- ... -} -- The functional dependecy becomes Reader r -> r which makes sense
But why do we need this?. Look at the definition of ask within the MonadReader class.
class Monad m => MonadReader r m | m -> r where
ask :: m r -- r and m are polymorphic here
{- ... -}
Without the fun-dep nothing could stop me for defining ask in a way to return a different type as the state. Even more, I could define many instances of monad reader for my type. As an example, this would be valid definitions without func-dep
instance MonadReader Bool (Reader r) where
-- ^^^^ ^
-- | |- This is state type in the user defined newtype
-- |- this is the state type in the type class definition
ask :: Reader r Bool
ask = Reader (\_ -> True) -- the function that returns True constantly
{- ... -}
instance MonadReader String (Reader r) where
-- ^^^^^^ ^
-- | |- This is read-state type in the user defined newtype
-- |- this is the read-state type in the type class definition
ask :: Reader r String
ask = Reader (\_ -> "ThisIsBroken") -- the function that returns "ThisIsBroken" constantly
{- ... -}
So if I had a value val :: ReaderT Int IO Double what would be the result of ask. We'd need to specify a type signature as below
val :: Reader Int Double
val = do
r <- ask :: Reader Int String
liftIO $ putStrLn r -- Just imagine you can use liftIO
return 1.0
> val `runReader` 1
val :: Reader Int Double
val = do
r <- ask :: Reader Int Bool
liftIO $ print r -- Just imagine you can use liftIO
return 1.0
> val `runReader` 1
Aside from being senseless, it is unconvinient to be specifiying the type over and over.
As a conclusion using the actual definition of ReaderT. When you have something like val :: ReaderT String IO Int the functional dependency says Such a type might have only one single instance of MonadReader typeclass which is defined to be the one that uses String as r

Can the type of this function be declared in standard Haskell

The following program compiles under GHC 8.0.2 with no language extensions, and produces the expected two lines of output.
However, it does not compile if the (non-top-level) type declaration for the value write' is removed.
Also, I cannot find any (top-level) type declaration for the function write.
I find this rather odd. If this is acceptable standard Haskell, surely it should be possible to create a type declaration for the function write.
So my question is: is there such a type declaration?
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT, runMaybeT)
import Control.Monad.Writer (MonadTrans, Writer, lift, runWriter, tell, when)
import ListT (ListT, toList) -- Volkov's list-t package
logging = True
write x = when logging write' where
write' :: MonadTrans m => m (Writer [String]) ()
write' = lift $ tell [x]
f :: ListT (Writer [String]) String
f = do
write "Hello from f"
return "ABC"
g :: MaybeT (Writer [String]) Int
g = do
write "Hello from g"
return 123
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ runWriter $ toList f
print $ runWriter $ runMaybeT g
Using GHCi (remember to put this into a separate file and load it on GHCi's command line lest you get confused by GHCi's altered typing rules):
> :t write
write :: (Applicative (m (Writer [String])), MonadTrans m) =>
String -> m (Writer [String]) ()
Why? Well,
write' :: MonadTrans m => m (Writer [String]) ()
when :: Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
when logging :: Applicative f => f () -> f ()
so, when logging write' must unify write''s m (Writer [String]) with when loggings's f, causing the combined constraint (Applicative (m (Writer [String])), MonadTrans m). But wait, let's remove the type signatures and see what the most general type is:
-- equivalent but slightly easier to talk about
write = when logging . lift . tell . (:[])
(:[]) :: a -> [a]
tell :: MonadWriter w m -> w -> m ()
lift :: (Monad m, MonadTrans t) => m a -> t m a
tell . (:[]) :: MonadWriter [a] m => a -> m ()
lift . tell . (:[]) :: (MonadWriter [a] m, MonadTrans t) => a -> t m ()
when logging . lift . tell . (:[]) = write
:: (Applicative (t m), MonadWriter [a] m, MonadTrans t) => a -> t m ()
-- GHCi agrees
Per se, there's nothing wrong with this type. However, standard Haskell does not allow this. In standard Haskell, a constraint must be of the form C v or C (v t1 t2 ...) where v is a type variable. In the compiling case, this holds: the Applicative constraint has the type variable m on the outside, and the MonadTrans is just m. This is true in the non-compiling version, too, but we also have the constraint MonadWriter ([] a) m. [] is no type variable, so the type here is rejected. This constraint arises in the compiling version, too, but the type signatures nail the variables down to produce MonadWriter [String] (Writer [String]), which is immediately satisfied and does not need to appear in the context of write.
The restriction is lifted by enabling FlexibleContexts (preferably via a {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} pragma, but also maybe by -XFlexibleContexts). It originally existed to prevent things such as the following:
class C a where c :: a -> a
-- no instance C Int
foo :: C Int => Int
foo = c (5 :: Int)
-- with NoFlexibleContexts: foo's definition is in error
-- with FlexibleContexts: foo is fine; all usages of foo are in error for
-- not providing C Int. This might obscure the source of the problem.
-- slightly more insiduous
data Odd a = Odd a
-- no Eq (Odd a)
oddly (Odd 0) (Odd 0) = False
oddly l r = l == r
-- oddly :: (Num a, Eq (Odd a), Eq a) => Odd a -> Odd a -> Bool
-- Now the weird type is inferred! With FlexibleContexts,
-- the weird constraint can propagate quite far, causing errors in distant
-- places. This is confusing. NoFlexibleContexts places oddly in the spotlight.
But it happens to get in the way a lot when you have MultiParamTypeClasses on.

Create my own state monad transformer module hiding underlying state monad

I'm learning about mtl and I wish learn the proper way to create new monads as modules (not as typical application usage).
As a simple example I have written a ZipperT monad (complete code here):
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, FunctionalDependencies, MultiParamTypeClasses, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module ZipperT (
MonadZipper (..)
, ZipperT
, runZipperT
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State
class Monad m => MonadZipper a m | m -> a where
pushL :: a -> m ()
pushR :: a -> m ()
data ZipperState s = ZipperState { left :: [s], right :: [s] }
newtype ZipperT s m a = ZipperT_ { runZipperT_ :: StateT (ZipperState s) m a }
deriving ( Functor, Applicative
, Monad, MonadIO, MonadTrans
, MonadState (ZipperState s))
instance (Monad m) => MonadZipper s (ZipperT s m) where
pushL x = modify $ \(ZipperState left right) -> ZipperState (x:left) right
pushR x = modify $ \(ZipperState left right) -> ZipperState left (x:right)
runZipperT :: (Monad m) => ZipperT s m a -> ([s], [s]) -> m (a, ([s], [s]))
runZipperT computation (left, right) = do
(x, ZipperState left' right') <- runStateT (runZipperT_ computation) (ZipperState left right)
return (x, (left', right'))
it's works and I can compose with other monads
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.State
import ZipperT
length' :: [a] -> Int
length' xs = runIdentity (execStateT (runZipperT contar ([], xs)) 0)
where contar = headR >>= \x -> case x of
Nothing -> return ()
Just _ -> do
(lift . modify) (+1)
-- ^^^^^^^
But I wish to avoid the explicit lift.
What is the correct way to create modules like this?
Can I avoid the explicit lift? (I wish to hide the internal StateT structure of my ZipperT)
Thank you!
I think that if you can write an instance of MonadState for your transformer you can use modify without the lift:
instance Monad m => MonadState (ZipperT s m a) where
I must confess I am not sure about what part of the state modify should affect, though.
I've looked at the complete code. It seems that you already define
MonadState (ZipperState s) (ZipperT s m)
This already provides a modify which however modifies the wrong underlying state. What you actually wanted was to expose the state wrapped in m, provided that is a MonadState itself. This could theoretically be done with
instance MonadState s m => MonadState s (ZipperT s m) where
But now we have two MonadState instances for the same monad, causing a conflict.
I think I somehow solved this.
Here's what I did:
First, I removed the original deriving MonadState instance. I instead wrote
getZ :: Monad m => ZipperT s m (ZipperState s)
getZ = ZipperT_ get
putZ :: Monad m => ZipperState s -> ZipperT s m ()
putZ = ZipperT_ . put
modifyZ :: Monad m => (ZipperState s -> ZipperState s) -> ZipperT s m ()
modifyZ = ZipperT_ . modify
and replaced previous occurrences of get,put,modify in the ZipperT library with the above custom functions.
Then I added the new instance:
-- This requires UndecidableInstances
instance MonadState s m => MonadState s (ZipperT a m) where
get = lift get
put = lift . put
And now, the client code works without lifts:
length' :: [a] -> Int
length' xs = runIdentity (execStateT (runZipperT contar ([], xs)) 0)
where contar :: ZipperT a (StateT Int Identity) ()
contar = headR >>= \x -> case x of
Nothing -> return ()
Just _ -> do
modify (+ (1::Int))
-- ^^^^^^^

What is a clean way to handle one monad calling into another?

Here is an issue of gluing together monads. Not in a stack form, but in a form of needing to unwrap one monad to run the operation inside another.
Two domains: Weblog and App. But, keep in mind that the App domain will be calling into additional ones in the same way that it currently calls in to Weblog. Both have their own monad stacks. Both keep track of their own state.
newtype WeblogM a = WeblogM (ReaderT Weblog (ErrorT WeblogError IO) a)
deriving (Monad, MonadIO, Reader.MonadReader Weblog, Error.MonadError WeblogError)
newtype AppM a = AppM (ReaderT App (EitherT AppError IO) a)
deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad
, MonadReader App, MonadError AppError)
In order to run a WeblogM operation inside of an AppM function, I'm finding that I have to unwrap the WeblogM and rewrap it, using functions like this:
runWeblogHere :: forall a. Weblog.Weblog -> Weblog.WeblogM a -> AppM a
runWeblogHere weblog action =
runIO (left . WeblogError) (Weblog.runWeblog weblog action)
runIO :: (e -> EitherT AppError IO a) -> IO (Either e a) -> AppM a
runIO handler = AppM . lift . handleT handler . EitherT
However, that does leave my actual passthrough operations quite simple:
getPage :: Weblog.PageId -> AppM Weblog.WikiPage
getPage pageid = do
App{weblog} <- ask
runWeblogHere weblog $ Weblog.getWikiPage pageid
This bothers me already because I have other monadic libraries that I already know that I'm going to plug in to the AppM architecture, and I'm worried about writing a runXHere method, which is really boilerplate, for each one of them.
I have a suggestion to create a MonadWeblog class to correspond to WeblogM, in much the same way that MonadReader corresponds to ReaderT. That appeals to me more because I can start isolating the monad glue into my instance of MonadWeblog (or, really, MonadX).
If we ignore the newtypes, and convert both error transformers to ExceptT, the two monads stacks share a similar structure:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT, catchE)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
type M env err r = ReaderT env (ExceptT err IO) r
Using the withReaderT and mapReaderT functions, we we can define:
changeMonad :: (env' -> env)
-> (err -> ExceptT err' IO r)
-> M env err r
-> M env' err' r
changeMonad envLens handler = withReaderT envLens . mapReaderT (flip catchE handler)
Edit: To ease the wrapping and unwrapping of the newtypes, we can make them instances of Wrapped from the lens library, and define a more general conversion function:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
newtype N1 r = N1 { getN1 :: M (Int,Int) String r }
$(makeWrapped ''N1)
--instance Wrapped (N1 r) where
-- type Unwrapped (N1 r) = M (Int,Int) String r
-- _Wrapped' = iso getN1 N1
newtype N2 r = N2 { getN2 :: M Int Char r }
$(makeWrapped ''N2)
changeMonad' :: (Wrapped (n1 r),
Unwrapped (n1 r) ~ M env' err' r,
Wrapped (n2 r),
Unwrapped (n2 r) ~ M env err r)
=> (env' -> env)
-> (err -> ExceptT err' IO r)
-> n2 r
-> n1 r
changeMonad' envLens handler =
view _Unwrapped' . changeMonad envLens handler . view _Wrapped'
changeN2N1 :: N2 r -> N1 r
changeN2N1 = changeMonad' fst (\c -> throwE [c])
Wrapped is a typeclass that says: "I'm actually a newtype, here's a generic way to add/remove the newtype constructor".
If the lens dependency is too heavy, the newtype package provides similar functionality.
