There are samples out there how to connect SSMS database to NodeJS.
However they show it using your own credentials like example on this link:
Question is, how to connect it without using own credentials? Directly may be with window authentication instead?
So that your application (NodeJS) connected with SSMS database without your own credential being saved in the server.
Thanks in advance.
I want to connect an SQL Server Database hosted in Azure configured with MFS from Oracle SQL-Developer.
Currently I am able to connect to this db server using SSMS just by putting the Server Name, user name & password, Default Network Protocol and choosing the Authentication type as 'Azure Active Directory - Universal with MFA.
But when using SQL-Developer it asks for Http/Https, Hostname, Port, Server Path & Service Name where I don't know what should be entered.
I tried by only entering the URL (the server Name I use is SSMS), but it failed to connect.
Do anyone know how I can make the connection successful?
To access the Azure SQL database in the Oracle SQL developer tool, you must download the JTDC driver which will be useful to connect to third party database.
I am able to make the successful connection from SQL developer tool to Azure SQL database by following below procedure:
Download the latest JTDC jar file from the URL below:
Upload the jar file in the below path: Tools>>preferences>>Database>>Third Party JDBC driver
After that, trigger the new connection from the developer tool and then you can get option to select SQL server
Give the connection name, credentials and host name to access the database.
From SSMS:
From SQL Developer tool:
I'm currently building a website that I would like to privately host so it can only be used internally. My goal is to store file uploads into a google cloud bucket then document certain things into a cloud sql db for filtering later on.
I've been able to store and pull my files from a bucket and I was also able to set up my database in cloud sql however I'm not totally sure how to send SQL query's to my database from my website. I've tried going through the documentation but I'm a bit lost as to what I need. So if anyone knows what I should be looking at that would be a lot of help. Anything like a guide on the google documentation, because I'm not sure which I need to follow or anything.
Additional information
Currently my website is hosted locally because I haven't decided on a
website hosting service yet any recommendations would be helpful.
I was using a postgres database as practice for creating endpoints and developing my database
I am using a PERN stack so postgres, express, react and node.js
If there's anything else you would like specified I'm more then happy to provide any additional information.
I was able to connect my postgres db to cloudsql. I would explain how but this video does a great job of it.
How to connect psql db to cloud sql
However I'm running into an issue when I try to connect using an SSL connection. I have the files my only issue is I don't know where to store these files.
The general recommendation is to use the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy to connect to your Cloud SQL instance.
Basically you'd run the proxy wherever you're running your webapp and then have your webapp connect to the proxy as if it were a local database.
You'll start the proxy like this:
./cloudsql_auth_proxy -instances=<INSTANCE_CONNCECTION_NAME>=tcp:5432
That will start a listener on 5432 on localhost that you can connect your webapp to.
Alternatively, you could use Authorized Networks to allow-list the IP address of the machine where your app runs.
Check out the docs here:
I'm having trouble connecting to my SQL Server in an Azure Logic App.
I've just created a fresh SQL Server and database and am now attempting to connect to it in my logic app. However, it doesn't appear to be showing when I enter my credentials. I've been following this tutorial.
Does anyone know why this might be the case? Is it perhaps a permission thing that I may have missed?
I've also found that if i do an AD connection, I get this:
Try this for connecting to your DB:
first of all, try to connect with Azure AD Integrated here, and if you don't see your SQL Server and DB in the list try the next step
go to Resource Group where you created LogicApp and find the connection name that you used when trying to connect with Azure AD Integrated. You need to open it and click on Edit API Connection. In Authentication Type use SQL Server Authentication and other data to connect to your DB here.
Make sure you are allowing azure services to access your database server at
SQL Server > Firewalls and virtual networks > Allow Azure services and resources to access this server = Yes
I created new application using Kotlin by Android Studio and I have a connection between my and SQL server Database.
The problem is Anyone can unpack my APK file and see my Connection Info
like SQL Server IP and database name and user and password of this database
i want to secure this Connection Info and none can see it. How can I do so?
You will need to create an API on the server and thus your Android application will only know how to connect the API, while the db data will be known by the API only. This would mean a restructuring of your project, so instead of being connected directly to a database you will only be connected to the API.
Has anyone ever connected ASP (ASP, aka classic not .NET) to an Azure db? I've had three experts looks at connection strings, endpoints, firewalls, db accounts and they're finding
the database works and contains data
the database is accessible remotely by our local machines via Visual Studio and SQL Server Manager
ASP runs on web server on the VM machine
All the connection strings offered by Azure fail
All db related ports are open
If you're connecting to the Azure DB from SSMS, everything is probably configured properly.
Which client library are you using to connect to the Azure SQL instance? You may need to download and install the MS SQL Native Client on the VM, which I know works.
Are you using ADO in your app? If so, and assuming you have installed the Native Client, this connection string will work:
Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};Server=tcp:[serverName]; Database=myDataBase;Uid=[LoginForDb]#[serverName];Pwd=myPassword;Encrypt=yes;