How to selectively bring up helm resources - resources

I have different multiple StatefulSet resources present in the templates/ directory. Is there a way, they can be selectively brought up?
For example: If I have statefulSet kind resource defined in a.yaml in the templates/ and I only want this to be brought up in a testing environment, not production. Is that possible using some tags/conditions/values.yaml?


How terraform handle nested structure in one state file

I am a bit confused on how complex terraform folder structure would be managed in a single terraform state file.
Assuming I have the following structure:
modules folder is a reusable code.
backend-app is not a module, but an actual resources which describe my backend "stuff".
frontend-app is not a module, but an actual resources which describe my frontend "stuff".
root-infra - let's assume I have additional folder called "root-infra" which is running all my VPC/gateway/network and some common infra stuff.
I can't understand how everything would be triggered to run in a single state file?
for example, if I add some resources in my backend-app, I would run plan/apply from backend-app folder, but this will result all my common infra + frontend be deleted.
So I'm assuming that even if I make a change in my backend-app folder, I still need to run plan/apply from my root-infra folder, assuming that the there include the backend-app (and also the frontend, etc.).
Am I right?
if so, how would I import my backend/frontend folders into my root-infra and why is backend/frontend are any different from a regular module?
From the structure you provided, it seems you should actually be having multiple state files - one for root-infra, one for backend-app and one for frontend-app.
Each of those directories' state file will then manage the resources located in them. Using one single state file like you mentioned (Assuming you're using a remote state here, as local state files would already solve that problem), means that when you run it in the root-infra, terraform 'thinks' that these are the only resources you're deploying.
Next, when you move to backend-app and try to deploy from there, but with the same state file used in root-infra, terraform doesn't see the root-infra resources anymore in this directory, but instead sees new backend-app resources. It will attempt to delete the root-infra resources and replace them with backend-app etc. The same thing will happen later when you're deploying frontend-app.
The only solution here is to have different state files managing unique stack of resources. root-infra, backend-infra and frontend-infra are each one stack which should be managed individually.
If you wanted to manage all of them from one single state file, your structure should change and the entire thing should be one or two stack max. One for infra, one for applications. As if you were deploying all resources from one single directory instead, and you could just identify the different apps individually by having different tf files in the same directory. E.g.:

Terraform Best Practice Multi-Environment, Modules, and State

Enviornment Isolation: Dirs v. Workspaces v. Modules
The Terraform docs Separate Development and Production Environments seem to take two major approaches for handling a "dev/test/stage" type of CI enviornment, i.e.
Directory seperation - Seems messy especially when you potentially have multiple repos
Workspaces + Different Var Files
Except when you lookup workspaces it seems to imply workspaces are NOT a correct solution for isolating enviornments.
In particular, organizations commonly want to create a strong separation between multiple deployments of the same infrastructure serving different development stages (e.g. staging vs. production) or different internal teams. In this case, the backend used for each deployment often belongs to that deployment, with different credentials and access controls. Named workspaces are not a suitable isolation mechanism for this scenario.
Instead, use one or more re-usable modules to represent the common elements, and then represent each instance as a separate configuration that instantiates those common elements in the context of a different backend. In that case, the root module of each configuration will consist only of a backend configuration and a small number of module blocks whose arguments describe any small differences between the deployments.
I would also like to consider using remote state -- e.g. azurerm backend
Best Practice Questions
When the docs refer to using a "re-usable" module, what would this look like if say I had na existing configuration folder? Would I still need to create a sepreate folder for dev/test/stage?
When using remote backends, should the state file be shared across repos by default or separated by repo and enviornment?
terraform {
backend "azurerm" {
storage_account_name = "tfstorageaccount"
container_name = "tfstate"
key = "${var.enviornment}.terraform.tfstate"
terraform {
backend "azurerm" {
storage_account_name = "tfstorageaccount"
container_name = "tfstate"
key = "cache_cluster_${var.enviornment}.terraform.tfstate"
When the docs refer to using a "re-usable" module, what would this look like if say I had na existing configuration folder? Would I still need to create a sepreate folder for dev/test/stage?
A re-usable module for your infrastructure would essentially encapsulate the part of your infrastructure that is common to all your "dev/test/stage" environments. So no, you wouldn't have any "dev/test/stage" folders in there.
If, for example, you have an infrastructure that consists of a Kubernetes cluster and a MySQL database, you could have two modules - a 'compute' module that handles the k8s cluster, and a 'storage' module that would handle the DB. These modules go into a /modules subfolder. Your root module ( file in the root of your repo) would then instantiate these modules and pass the appropriate input variables to customize them for each of the "dev/test/stage" environments.
Normally it would be a bit more complex:
Any shared VPC or firewall config might go into a networking module.
Any service accounts that you might automatically create might go into a credentials or iam module.
Any DNS mappings for API endpoints might go into a dns module.
You can then easily pass in variables to customize the behavior for "dev/test/stage" as needed.
When using remote backends, should the state file be shared across repos by default or separated by repo and enviornment?
Going off the Terraform docs and their recommended separation:
In this case, the backend used for each deployment often belongs to that deployment, with different credentials and access controls.
You would not share tfstorageaccount. Now take this with a grain of salt and determine your own needs - essentially what you need to take into account is the security and data integrity implications of sharing backends/credentials. For example:
How sensitive is your state? If you have sensitive variables being output to your state, then you might not want your "production" state sitting in the same security perimeter as your "test" state.
Will you ever need to wipe your state or perform destructive actions? If, for example, your state storage provider only versions by folder, then you probably don't want your "dev/test/stage" states sitting next to each other.

Is it possible to compose a Kustomize file?

I would like to define the yaml for a particular container in one file, then pull that container config into a deployment config when the depyment is built. Is it possible to do this, since a lone container is not a Kubernetes resource?
Currently, it is not possible.
Patches won't work since the path of the podTemplate is not always the same across all workload resource types.
Variables don't support whole objects at the moment (I believe there was some talk about it on github), but strings only.
On some versions of k8s you could use something called a PodPreset, but it doesn't seem to be supported anymore.
The best you can do to avoid discrepancies between your podTemplates across all your resources would be to isolate the parts that are similar and/or error prone and use specific transformers/generators.
For example use the images transformer to ensure that all your pods use the same image. Use a ConfigMap generator and envFrom to keep all the environment variables are the same.

How to share enviroment-agnostic resources between projects that have separate tfstate files?

I have a shared module called "releases". releases contains the following resources:
These resources are used by ec2 instances belonging to an ASG to pull code deployments when they provision themselves. The release resources are created once and will rarely/never change. This module is one of a handful used inside an environment-specific project (qa-static) that has it's own tfstate file in AWS.
Fast Forward: It's now time to create a "prd-static" project. This project wants to re-use the environment agnostic AWS resources defined in the releases module. prd-static is basically a copy of qa with beefed up configuration for the database and cache server, etc.
The Problem:
prd-static sees the environment-agnostic AWS resources defined in the "releases" module as new resources that don't exist in AWS yet. An init and plan call shows that it wants to create these from scratch. It makes sense to me since prd-static has it's own tfstate - and tfstate is essentially the system-of-record - that terraform doesn't know that no changes should be applied. But, ideally terraform would use AWS as the source of truth for existing resources and their configuration.
If we try to apply the plan as is, the prd-static project just bombs out with an Entity Already Exists error. Leading me to this post:
what is the best way to solve EntityAlreadyExists error in terraform?
^-- logically I could import these resources into the tfstate file for prd-static and be on my merry way. Then, both projects know about the resources and in theory would only apply updates if the configuration had changed. I was able to import the bucket and the role and then re-run the plan.
Now terraform wants to delete the s3 bucket and recreate the role. That's weird - and not at all what I wanted to do.
TLDR: It appears that while modules like to be shared, modules that create single re-usable resources (like an S3 bucket) really don't want to be shared. It looks like I need to pull the environment-agnostic static resources module into it's own project with it's own tfstate that can be used independently rather than try and share the releases module across environments. Environment-specific stuff that depend on the release resources can reference them via their outputs in my build-process.
Should I be able to define a resource in a module, like an S3 bucket where the same instance is used across terraform projects that each have their own tfstate file (remote state in S3). Because I cannot.
If I really shouldn't be able to do this is the correct approach to extract the single instance stuff into its own project and depend on the outputs?

Is it possible to link a terraform workspace to an AWS account

If one has two AWS accounts, one for development and one for live (for example) I am aware that one can use terraform workspaces to manage the state of each environment.
However, if i switch workspace from "dev" to "live" is there a way to tell terraform it should now be applying the state to the live account rather than the test one?
One way I thought of, which is error prone, would be swap my file each time i switch workspace since I presume when running with a different access key (the one belonging to the "live" account) the AWS provider will then be applying to that account. However, it'd be very easy to swap workspace and have the wrong credentials present which would run the changes against the wrong environment.
I'm looking for a way to almost link a workspace with an account id in AWS.
I did find this but it refers to the deprecated env command, this comment looked somewhat promising in particular
I have found some information on GitHub where I left this comment as a reply to an earlier comment which recommended considering modules instead of workspaces and actually indicates that workspaces aren't well suited to this task. If anyone can provide information on how modules could be used to solve this issue of maintaining multiple versions of the "same" infrastructure concurrently I'd be keen to see how this improves upon the workspace concept.
Here's how you could use Terraform modules to structure your live vs dev environments that point to different AWS accounts, but the environments both have/use the same Terraform code.
This is one (of many) ways that you could structure your dirs; you could even put the modules into their own Git repo, but I'm going to try not to confuse things too much. In this example, you have a simple app that has 1 EC2 instance and 1 RDS database. You write whatever Terraform code you need in the modules/*/ subdirs, making sure to parameterize whatever attributes are different across environments.
Then in your dev/ and live/ dirs, should be the same, while and terraform.tfvars reflect environment-specific info. would call the modules and pass in the env-specific params.
|-- ec2_instance/
|-- rds_db/
|-- # --> uses the 2 modules
|-- # --> has info about dev AWS account
|-- terraform.tfvars # --> has dev-specific values
|-- # --> uses the 2 modules
|-- # --> has info about live/prod AWS account
|-- terraform.tfvars # --> has prod-specific values
When you need to plan/apply either env, you drop into the appropriate dir and run your TF commands there.
As for why this is preferred over using Terraform Workspaces, the TF docs explains it well:
In particular, organizations commonly want to create a strong separation between multiple deployments of the same infrastructure serving different development stages (e.g. staging vs. production) or different internal teams. In this case, the backend used for each deployment often belongs to that deployment, with different credentials and access controls. Named workspaces are not a suitable isolation mechanism for this scenario.
Instead, use one or more re-usable modules to represent the common elements, and then represent each instance as a separate configuration that instantiates those common elements in the context of a different backend. In that case, the root module of each configuration will consist only of a backend configuration and a small number of module blocks whose arguments describe any small differences between the deployments.
BTW> Terraform merely changed the env subcommand to workspace when they decided that 'env' was a bit too confusing.
Hope this helps!
Terraform workspaces hold the state information. They connect to user accounts based on the way in which AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY are used in the environment. In order to link any given workspace to an AWS account they'd have to store user credentials in some kind of way, which they understandably don't. Therefore, I would not expect to see workspaces ever directly support that.
But, to almost link a workspace to an account you just need to automatically switch AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY each time the workspace is switched. You can do this by writing a wrapper around terraform which:
Passes all commands on to the real terraform unless it finds
workspace select in the command line.
Upon finding workspace select in the command line it parses out the
workspace name.
AWS account which you want to link to the workspace
Finish by passing on the workspace command to the real terraform
This would load in the correct credentials each time
terraform workspace select <WORKSPACE>
was used
