Enterprise SharePoint 2013: Changing Font Size and Color for Text Body everywhere - sharepoint

I have around 100 odd pages in my application help files in SharePoint, and users are complaining that the font size and color is not suitable for their reading.
Apart from using CSS in every single page, how do I change the settings of my site, so that any paragraph text used is changed to the new settings?
I just need to update the font color to a darker shade of black and increase the size by 2 - 4 px.
Is there an easy way to achieve this?

you can add the link to your css in the Site Master Page.
either inside oslo.master or seattle.master based on which template you used with your site.
<SharePoint:CssRegistration name="<% $SPUrl:~SiteCollection/Style Library/YourStyleSheet.css%>" runat="server"/>

If you enabled publishing feature, you may set master page Alternate CSS url(site settings->master page).
//your css
font-family: Impact, Charcoal, sans-serif;


Can I add larger Font text to the markdown widget on https://portal.azure.com dashboard?

In https://portal.azure.com I would like to make a dashboard with big labels.
The idea is that we'd get the stats on a big TV so we could see the state of our services at a glance. Big labels will make it easier to consume.
I'm trying to add larger than h1 font to my markdown tiles but the inline CSS <font size="8">Test env</font> does not parse.
Does anyone know how to get this to work or if azure dashboards even support this?
Click here to see example of the text size I want (Top label added using paint) vs h1 (Bottom label added using h1 markup)
Turns out the scope of this question was just a markdown one!
The following works:
<span style="font-size:200px;">CAT</span>
See:Make one word within sentence bigger in markdown

Internet Explored messing with my Photoshop template

I'm not good at all this website creating. But i need my web portfolio for graphic design. So i created template on photoshop. Sliced it. And saved for web. Then i opened it in Dreamweaver. All i did rollover for my buttons. And here how it looks in IE
check it in Opera, Safari, Firefox - looks perfect. But in Internet Explorer ist all messed up. Maybe there is a fix. Please help me out.
When you put images inside anchor tags, IE adds border around it. But Photoshop takes exact width and height of the sliced images. Because of the border added around the images, it creates layout issue.
To fix this, remove border around images inside anchor tags.
Add following code in head section.
a img {
border-width : 0;

Creating a cross browser icon webfont

I have been making my own webfont taking as a starting point articles from web designer depot and intridea.
I know different engines render fonts differently and but the issue I'm having is that firefox renders the font higher than chrome - at the size I am displaying the font this is very noticeable (3 or 4 px - which on a button means they're totally misaligned).
I have also referenced Github's octicon documentation - when checking out how octicons compare browser they look great! No noticeable difference as far as I can see. How did they achieve this?
I am using inkscape and have tried a couple of different svg starter templates. Setup is Set width: 1024 and have tried the icons at various sizes with no different outcome. i.e. 512pt square and aligned just under the baseline.
My question is what rules do I need to impliment when creating a webfont to get the smallest difference between browser rendering of the font?
This is a complicated question that involves something called vertical metrics. A font has three sets of these. the first set, found in the 'hhea' table, are generally specific to Mac. The other two sets, found in the 'OS/2' table relate to Windows (and Linux). The idea is to get these values equalized. Our Generator has a feature called oddly enough 'Fix Vertical Metrics' which does a best guess at these. Note that Github used the Generator for finishing their icons.
I know this doesn't relate specifically to SVG fonts, but I'm pretty sure this is where your problems lie. Having different vertical metrics values screws up the baselines across platforms.
Some reading:
There's a webapp, icomoon : http://icomoon.io/app/
It make the job pretty well but you have to test the rendering of the different icons.
They offert a lot of icons if you don't want do design everything.
I had the same problem, and solved it by manually setting the metrics for all three types.
You can see my working solution with screenshots of the settings here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/20609766/955413
I used the Icomoon App to create the Emoji icon font as well as for creating custom icon fonts on a per project basis.
The Icomoon App allows you to do each of the following :
Get one or more icons from several popular icon fonts
Upload other fonts, which may be icon fonts but also regular fonts
Upload SVG files to use as icons
Combine any number of icons from any number of available fonts
Set the UNICODE hex value for whichever characters you need
Export and/or save the font set you create
For more details, see Create webfont with Unicode Supplementary Multilingual Plane symbols.

Dynamic layout like google

I am looking of a good example for dynamic 3 columns layout like this one from Google Search. I have see, that if the layout fits to every browser resulution. That menas, there is never a scroller if the resulution is 800, 1024 or >1024 . What kind of solution, can I use to become such effect? I have see, that the center content is floating, but how is it possible to fit for every resolution and is there a minimum of the width of the center, because if the browser goes smaller and smaller, there is a point, where the scroller is coming.
It will be great if anyone can redirects me to an similar example, please! I am interested in centered design, not left oriented like Google!
There is one CSS feature..
Here it is Google HTML5 site, where included this feature... Just try to change width of browser and scrollbar will not appear.. because css file has styles like
#media only screen and (min-width: 641px) and (max-width: 800px) { /* styles */ }
i.e. for some resolution you have some other styles..
take a look they css
Have a look at the CSS float tutorial, which I refer to every time I want to do a multicolumn. http://css.maxdesign.com.au/floatutorial/

Font size is bigger while displaying in Chrome

Env: MathJax 1.1
We modified the styles element in default.js to modify some of the display settings. As you see below, the font-size has been set to 50% which causes MathJax to render properly in Firefox (with 50%) but a much higher font size in Chrome.
If we remove the font-size, it appears properly in Chrome but shows up smaller in Firefox.
What would be the right way to manage the font-size, so that it appears properly on all browsers?
What would be the preferred mechanism to add custom changes to MathJax (such as the one given below), so that we don't break much on a future upgrade.
// This allows you to change the CSS that controls the menu
// appearance. See the extensions/MathMenu.js file for details
// of the default settings.
styles : {
".MathJax" : {
"font-family" : "Arial",
"font-size": "50%"
See my post on the MathJax users forum for details.
The font size is set dynamically by MathJax to try to match the surrounding text properly, so you should not be setting the font-size for MathJax explicitly. If that isn't happening properly, I would like to see the situation where it fails so that the font-size- matching can be improved. It may be that other CSS on the page is interfering with that, so I would need to see a complete page where the problem exists.
You should set the "scale" parameter in the HTML-CSS section of your configuration rather than using CSS directly if you want to change the size of the mathematics relative to the surrounding text. You should not set font-size directly, as this will almost surely cause MathJax to fail.
