Mongoose aggregate group items by tag - node.js

I'm trying to group items by tag. But I do not get what exactly I want to do.
There is schema Item (_id, name, tags) with tags is array of tags_id ( was referenced from Tag schema )
Item = new Schema({
id: Schema.ObjectId,
name: String,
tags: [ { type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'Tag' }]
Tag = new Schema({
id: Schema.ObjectId,
name: String
This is what I have done so far:
"$lookup": {
"let": { "tags": "$tags" },
"pipeline": [
"$match": {
"$expr": { "$in": ['$_id', '$$tags'] }
"$project": {
"_id": 1,
"name": 1
"as": 'tags'
"$group": {
"_id": "$tags._id",
"items": {
"$push": {
"id": "$_id",
"name": "$name",
This is what I get
"data": [
"_id": [
"items": [
"id": "5eb95e9fcae79713f1de0a28",
"name": "My Item 1"
"_id": [
"items": [
"id": "5eb95b1430f138131ed90f4f",
"name": "My Item 2"
"id": "5eb95ed0cae79713f1de0a29",
"name": "My Item 3"
I would like to get the name of each tag, and not only the _id possibly not within an array. Below the result that I would like to receive:
"data": [
"_id": "5eb95e8dcae79713f1de0a27",
"name": "My Tag name 1",
"items": [
"id": "5eb95e9fcae79713f1de0a28",
"name": "My Item 1"
"_id": "5eb9564dc4317411fe79e1bf",
"name": "My Tag name 2",
"items": [
"id": "5eb95b1430f138131ed90f4f",
"name": "My Item 2"
"id": "5eb95ed0cae79713f1de0a29",
"name": "My Item 3"
What am I doing wrong?

One way to to this is to add the tag-name to your $group operator:
"$group": {
"_id": "$tags._id",
"tagName": {$first: "$"},
"items": {
"$push": {
"id": "$_id",
"name": "$name",
Note that this will take the first matching entry for each group. Another option would be to use $replaceRoot and the $mergeObjects operator, like it was done here.


Mongo Query to get a result

My mongo collection name tests and whose having the following documents in it.
"title": "One",
"uid": "1",
"_metadata": {
"references": [
"uid": "2"
"asssetuid": 10
"title": "Two",
"uid": "2",
"_metadata": {
"references": [
"uid": "3"
"asssetuid": 11
"title": "Three",
"uid": "3",
"_metadata": {
"references": []
And I want the result in the following format (for uid:1)
"title": "One",
"uid": 1,
"_metadata": {
"references": [
"asssetuid": 10
"asssetuid": 11
"title": "Two",
"uid": "2",
"_metadata": {
"references": [
"title": "Three",
"uid": "3"
for uid:2 I want the following result
"title": "Two",
"uid": 2,
"_metadata": {
"references": [
"asssetuid": 11
"title": "Three",
"uid": "3"
Which query I used here to get a respected result. according to its uid. here I want the result in the parent-child relationship. is this possible using MongoDB graph lookup query or any other query that we can use to get the result. Please help me with this.
New Type Output
"title": "One",
"uid": 1,
"_metadata": {
"assets": [{
"asssetuid": 10,
"parent": 1
}, {
"asssetuid": 11,
"parent": 2
"entries": [{
"title": "Two",
"uid": "2",
"parent": 1
}, {
"title": "Three",
"uid": "3",
"parent": 2
Mongo supports the automatic reference resolution using $ref but for that, you need to change your schema a little and resolve resolution is only supported by some drivers.
You need to store your data in this format:
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000000"),
"_metadata": {
"references": [
"$ref": "collection",
"$id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000001"),
"$db": "database"
"asssetuid": 10
"title": "One",
"uid": "1"
For more details on $ref refer to official documentation: label-document-references
you can resolve the reference using the $graphLookup but the only problem with the $graphlookup is that you will lose the assetuid. Here is the query and it will resolve references and give output in flat map
$match: {
uid: "1"
$graphLookup: {
from: "collection",
startWith: "$_metadata.references.uid",
connectFromField: "_metadata.references.uid",
connectToField: "uid",
depthField: "depth",
as: "resolved"
"$addFields": {
"references": "$resolved",
"metadata": [
"_metadata": "$_metadata"
"$project": {
"references._metadata": 0,
"$project": {
"references": "$references",
"merged": {
"$concatArrays": [
"$project": {
results: [
merged: "$merged"
references: "$references"
"$unwind": "$results"
"$facet": {
"assest": [
"$match": {
"results.merged": {
"$exists": true
"$unwind": "$results.merged"
"$unwind": "$results.merged._metadata.references"
"$match": {
"results.merged._metadata.references.asssetuid": {
"$exists": true
"$project": {
_id: 0,
"asssetuid": "$results.merged._metadata.references.asssetuid"
"uid": [
"$match": {
"results.references": {
"$exists": true
"$unwind": "$results.references"
$replaceRoot: {
newRoot: "$results.references"
"$project": {
"references": {
"$concatArrays": [
Here is the link to the playground to test it: Mongo Playground

mongodb aggregate on array of objects

I'm trying to group my participants array in to such a way that for a single participant I should get all the meeting under that participant in an array.
"_id": "5fc73e7131e6a20f6c492178",
"participants": [
"_id": "5fc74bc5e7c54d0ea8f133ca",
"rsvp": "Yes",
"name": "Participant 1",
"email": ""
"_id": "5fc74e1254b8d337b4ae36d2",
"rsvp": "Not Answered",
"name": "Participant 2",
"email": ""
"title": "Meeting 1",
"startTime": "2020-11-01T18:30:00.000Z",
"endTime": "2020-11-03T18:30:00.000Z"
"_id": "5fc73f1cdfc45d3ca0c84654",
"participants": [
"_id": "5fc74bc5e7c54d0ea8f133ca",
"rsvp": "Yes",
"name": "Participant 2",
"email": ""
"title": "Meeting 2",
"startTime": "2020-11-01T18:30:00.000Z",
"endTime": "2020-11-03T18:30:00.000Z"
my expected result should be like
"participant": {
"_id": "5fc74bc5e7c54d0ea8f133ca",
"rsvp": "Yes",
"name": "Participant 1",
"email": ""
meetings: [{meeting1, meeting2, ...and so on}]
"participant": {
"_id": "5fc74bc5e7c54d0ea8f133ca",
"rsvp": "Yes",
"name": "Participant 2",
"email": ""
meetings: [{meeting2, meeting3, ...and so on}]
I'm kinda stuck for hours to figure it out. I tried the approach by using $group and $unwind but I was getting participants as an array consisting of a single participant(object). and on that I was unable to run $match to match according to the participant's email because participants field was an array.
I tried this
const docs = await Meeting.aggregate([
{ $unwind: '$participants' },
$lookup: {
from: 'participants',
localField: 'participants',
foreignField: '_id',
as: 'participants'
{ $match },
{ $group: { _id: "$participants", meetings: { $push: "$$ROOT" } } },
but this is not matching the expected result which I want it to be.
You can unwind to deconstruct the array and use group to get your desired output
"$unwind": "$participants"
$group: {
_id: "$participants._id",
participants: {
$first: "$participants"
meetings: {
"$addToSet": "$title"
Working Mongo playground

How can I update one document at nested array

"_id": "5e28b029a0c8263a8a56980a",
"name": "Recruiter",
"data": [
"_id": "5e28b0980f89ba3c0782828f",
"targetLink": "",
"name": "Dan Kelsall",
"headline": "Content Marketing & Copywriting",
"actions": [
"result": 1,
"name": "VISIT"
"result": 1,
"name": "FOLLOW"
"_id": "5e28b0980f89ba3c078283426f",
"targetLink": "",
"name": "56wergwer",
"headline": "asdgawehethre",
"actions": [
"result": 1,
"name": "VISIT"
Here is one of my mongodb document. I'd like to update data->actions->result
So this is what I've done
'data.targetLink': "",
'': "Follow"
}, {$set: {'data.$.actions.result': 0}})
But it seems not updating anything and even it can't find the document by this ''
You need the positional filtered operator since the regular positional operator ($) can only be used for one level of nested arrays:
{ "_id": "5e28b029a0c8263a8a56980a", "data.targetLink": "" },
{ $set: { "data.$.actions.$[action].result": 0 } },
{ arrayFilters: [ { "": "Follow" } ] }

MongoDB $lookup on one document's array of object

I have searched online but could not find any match my case. Here is the situation.
I am using aggregate to combine one collection and one document which is from another collection together
$match: {
_id: {
$in: idList
$lookup: {
from: "tags",
localField: "details.restaurantType",
foreignField: "details.restaurantType._id",
as: "types"
$project: {
restaurantName: "$details.restaurantName",
restaurantType: "$details.restaurantType",
type: {
$filter: {
input: "$types",
as: "type",
cond: {
$eq: ["$$type._id", "$details.restaurantType"]
currency: "$details.currency",
costPerPax: "$details.costPerPax"
current result
The 'type' field in my current result is [], I need a matched value instead
"id": "5c20c7a0036dda80a8baabcc",
"restaurantName": "Villagio Restaurant Sutera Mall",
"type": [],
"currency": "RM",
"costPerPax": 22,
"id": "5c20ceb07715216d3c217b7a",
"restaurantName": "Thai Food Thai Now Sutera Mall",
"type": [],
"currency": "RM",
"costPerPax": 16,
expected result
I need the 'type' fields has match tag name from another collection like this
"id": "5c20c7a0036dda80a8baabcc",
"restaurantName": "Villagio Restaurant Sutera Mall",
"type": "Western",
"currency": "RM",
"costPerPax": 22,
"id": "5c20ceb07715216d3c217b7a",
"restaurantName": "Thai Food Thai Now Sutera Mall",
"type": "Thai",
"currency": "RM",
"costPerPax": 16,
Extra Information
two document from restaurants collection
"details": {
"restaurantName": "Villagio Restaurant Sutera Mall",
"restaurantType": "5c01fb57497a896d50f498a8"
"_id": "5c20c7a0036dda80a8baabcc",
"status": "OP",
"__v": 0
"details": {
"restaurantName": "Kingshahi Japanese Shop",
"restaurantType": "5c01fb57497a896d50f49879"
"_id": "5c20cb4fb7e75180480690c2",
"status": "OP",
"__v": 0
One document from tag collection
"_id": "5c01fb57497a896d50f49876",
"details": {
"restaurantTypeId": "5c01fb57497a896d50f49877",
"restaurantTypes": [
"_id": "5c01fb57497a896d50f49879",
"name": "Asian",
"counter": 1
"_id": "5c01fb57497a896d50f4987a",
"name": "Bakery",
"counter": 0
You can use below optimised aggregation pipeline
{ "$lookup": {
"from": "tags",
"let": { "restaurantType": "$details.restaurantType" },
"pipeline": [
{ "$match": {
"$expr": { "$in": ["$$restaurantType", "$details.restaurantTypes._id"] }
{ "$unwind": "$details.restaurantTypes" },
{ "$match": {
"$expr": { "$eq": ["$details.restaurantTypes._id", "$$restaurantType"] }
"as": "types"
{ "$project": {
"restaurantName": "$details.restaurantName",
"restaurantType": "$details.restaurantType",
"type": { "$arrayElemAt": ["$", 0] },
"currency": "$details.currency",
"costPerPax": "$details.costPerPax"

add key to nested array with condition

I have a simple datastructure in mongodb:
_id: ObjectID,
name: 'Name',
birthday: '25.05.2001'
items: [
_id: ObjectID,
name: 'ItemName',
info: 'ItemInfo',
_id: ObjectID,
name: 'ItemName',
info: 'ItemInfo',
Now i want a query, that takes a ObjectID (_id) of an item as criteria and gives me back the object with all items in the array AND projects a new field "selected" with value true or false into a field in the result of each array item:
I tried that with this query:
{ $unwind: '$items' },
$project: {
selected: {
$cond: { if: { 'items._id': itemObjectID }, then: true, else: false },
but MongoDB gives me back an error:
MongoError: FieldPath field names may not contain '.'.
Have no clue why its not working, any help or ideas? Thank you very much!
What you are missing here is $eq aggregation operator which checks the condition for the equality.
You can try below aggregation here if you want to check for ObjectId then you need to put mongoose.Types.ObjectId(_id)
{ "$unwind": "$items" },
{ "$addFields": {
"items.selected": {
"$eq": [
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"name": { "$first": "$name" },
"items": {
"$push": {
"_id": "$items._id",
"selected": "$items.selected"
Will give following output
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000000"),
"items": [
"_id": 1111,
"selected": true
"_id": 2222,
"selected": false
"name": "Name"
You can check it here
#Ashish: Thank you very much for your help! Your answer helped me to build the right query for me:
$unwind: "$items"
$project: {
"": 0,
"birthday": 0
"$addFields": {
"items.selected": {
"$eq": [
$group: {
_id: "$_id",
"name": {
"$first": "$name"
items: {
$push: "$items"
$match: {
"items._id": {
$eq: 1111
and leads to a result that looks like:
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000000"),
"items": [
"_id": 1111,
"selected": true
"_id": 2222,
"selected": false
"name": "Name"
