Convert from .ZIP to .IPA - ipa

I have recently had a view of inside an IPA file from an app off the App Store and tweaked it slightly (nothing major).
I did this by converting the .IPA file to a .ZIP and then extracting that. When I do it in complete reverse (compress the folder to ZIP then change the file extension to .IPA), I can’t load it on to my phone and the apparent issue/error is:
This file doesn’t seem to be a valid app or has been tampered with
I tried another IPA and did the exact same thing without modifying any of the files inside and it still came up with the same error.
How can I convert an IPA file to a ZIP file and vice versa without damaging the file to where it can be accepted to load on the phone (I'm using a Mac)

I managed to add a file into the .IPA file by loading the .IPA file into WINRAR and importing a file into it that way. I then uploaded the file using 3uTools and it loaded perfectly onto my iPhone.


What kind of .apk file is stored in <project-name>/<module-name>/app/release?

I've been looking for the signed file for uploading to an online emulator, but I can't seem to find a legit file. I've been forced to use the .apk in //release/apk instead of the "suggested" //build/outputs/apk/.
The reason I don't use the suggestion is that there's no file whatsoever under outputs-apk (only a debug file).
What do? Thanks

How do you make Android Studio automatically include the proguard mapping file in a signed bundle?

I recently switched to uploading bundles instead of .apk files to Google Play. I'd like to include the mapping.txt file in the bundle automatically so I don't have to keep uploading them separately every time. It appears that this can be done automatically (search this page for "ProGuard") but I couldn't find instructions.
The process is indeed automaticallly done, you do not need to upload the mapping file separately.
AndroidStudio puts the mapping file in your bundle's BUNDLE-METADATA/ folder. After generating the bundle there should be a file inside.

xamarin form ios missing required icon file 167x167

for my xamarin forms ios project I am getting an error when uploading an ipa file via the application uploader to apple.
missing required icon file ipad of exactly 167x167 for ipad pro.
The weird thing is I have actually included this file already in the media.xcassets.
any idea how to fix this?
So here is what I have found regarding this:
First, I would check that all the information found in this article is done (it talks about making sure your .csproj file has the needed references to the files):
Second, I would check for miss-match of the case of letters in the file name between the json file in the Assets.xcassets/AppIcons.appiconset folder and your ios csproj file. For example ipad176.png is not the same as iPad176.png. This article explains it well.
Finally, neither of these resolved my problem. For me it seemed that one of the entries in my json file had something weird about it (event though visually it looked fine). I noticed that every icon entry in the json file AFTER the one that had something weird about it, showed as missing when I attempt to publish the archive. For me the easiest way to find the offending entry was to look for the first (i.e. earliest in the json list) icon entry that generated a missing icon error message when I published. Then, I unloaded my iOS project, opened the .csproj file for the iOS project in Visual Studio, and found the entry for that first app icon. I then copied the file name from the .csproj file and replace the file name in the json with the copied name, saved the json file and magically, I could publish my archive to the App Store.

How do I reference a text file from an Azure WebJob?

I'm creating a web job on Azure that is going to be a c# console application (.exe). Inside this program I need to read a text file from the file system. Is there a way to include the text file I need in the executable? Where do I put the file and how do I reference it?
I also don't want anyone (via the website) be able to access the file.
Just deploy the text file alongside the executable, and you'll be able to open it in the current folder.
If deploying the WebJob from Visual Studio, make sure to mark the text file's properties as 'Copy if newer' to make sure it gets deployed.
Follow instead of putting a file location in the value as parameter
just put this as I show you here
Put it in Appconfig file for path as
to copy this text file into your bin/debug folder to
Make zip folder as usual, put that test file int ""

File format for submitting iPhone app in App Store

When I am building my app,Xcode generates it in .app format. Usually when I install app from AppStore they are in .ipa format. How does this format get generated? Will it be done by guys at AppStore while reviewing app or what? In which format should I compress my .app file?
An .ipa file is simply a zipped archive of a .app bundle. Previously, you would simply zip up the compiled application bundle (by right-clicking on it and choosing Compress "") before submission, but newer versions of Xcode now do this for you with their Build and Archive or Archive options.
In fact, you might be able to learn things by unzipping other application .ipa files you get via the App Store and inspecting their contents (like Info.plist settings or bundled resources). I know I have.
