Is full_access_as_app mandatory for to send email using EWS application by using OAuth - azure

I have application which uses EWS with basic authentication. As mentioned here. I'm trying to get away from basic authentication and use OAuth.
I want to know if it is mandatory to have full_access_as_app or I would be able to send emails if only Mail.Send permission is granted in azure?
Note : My application just wants to send email. Right now I'm getting 401 error and azure have only Mail.Send permission

Yes it is, EWS is a legacy API so doesn't support the more constrained permission that the Graph supports. If your app only sends email why not just migrate it to the Graph the Auth will be same and its really just one API call to send an email and you app will be a lot more secure.


Create a custom API to use Microsoft Graph to send emails

I want to develop a custom ASP.NET Web API which can be used to send out emails as a user using the Microsoft Graph API. I think this will be a Multi-tenant application. Below are few ideas I have and some questions:
I have a working ASP.NET MVC web application where different users can login using their unique credentials provided by us.
I have an "Email Setup" section in my web app. Every user will navigate to this section one-time and be redirected to the "{{client_id}}&response_type=code&redirect_uri={{redirect_uri}}&response_mode=query&"
On the consent screen user will sign in using their Microsoft Office 365 credentials and provide consent to my app.
On providing consent, user will be redirected back to my web app and I will get Access token for the code returned and store the access token in a SQL database.
User navigates to a page to send email, fills in the To, Subject, Body, Attachments etc. and clicks on the "Send" button.
On send button, my ASP.NET web app will call our custom Web API to send the email. The API will have an endpoint that knows the user and will get appropriate access token from the SQL database to send email on that user's behalf.
Do I need to register an Azure App with type "Multi-tenant" since I want to support users from different tenants?
What kind of scopes/permissions will be required in order to "Send Email" as the user?
Do I need Delegated/Application permissions on the Azure side?
How can I ensure that the email that is sent, also gets saved to that user's "Sent Items" folder on Outlook?
According to the sending email graph api, we can see it provides the Application api permission, that means you can create an azure ad application and assign the Mail.Send permission to this api and using client credential flow to generate access token to call this api, so it's not necessary to creating a multi-tenant azure ad application via this way.
And certainly, if you insist on auth code flow to generate access token to using delegate permission to call the api, you should creating a multi-tenant application so that users from different tenant can generate access token through this azure ad application.

Unable to get Token with Work Account for Teams OnlineMeeting API within MS Graph platform

Business Requirement:
We want to replace our Skype meeting URL with Teams meeting on our production system(within a ABAP daemon service without user integration). So I am trying to integrate with Teams using Microsoft Graph API to be able to generate one online meetings. Then this online meeting URL will send to our customer with a mail.
Target Graph API: For MS Graph API V1.0 verion, I think this in only one option Create onlineMeeting.(Graph API with /beta version is not a good option for production usage).
According the MS Graph documentation V1.0 Create onlineMeeting, this API only support permissions with Delegate type. I think we could only use use username/password authentication flow. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Issues: I'm trying to get token with user and password as describe with ROPC Microsoft identity platform and OAuth 2.0 Resource Owner Password Credentials, use following API to test it with my corporate mail.
POST /{{TennatId}}/oauth2/v2.0/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
SdkVersion: postman-graph/v1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
But, it will always get invalid_grant response: AADSTS50126: Error validating credentials due to invalid username or password.
I don't know why it cannot get token response with my corporate(work) mail/account **, I'm sure my password and other parameters are correct.
And if I use a new-test-user which is created by Azure Active Directory, I'll get token successfully. This user doesn't need Two-Step authentication when login to Azure. But this user does have Teams/OnlineMeeting license, so it couldn't generate onlineMeeting.
My Question:
Will it possible caused by MFA configuration from my org? Because I noticed that every time I login to, it has second authentication step, verify with my Phone message.
If yes, will it be possible to disable MFA to some test/dev account forever? Where should we config it? Within MS Azure or some where else? Who should I get support from?
For this Create onlineMeeting API, do we have other authentication flow for this Delegate permission type for a back-end daemon service?
Thanks and Best Regards,
MFA will definitely prevent you from using this authentication flow.
The Resource Owner Password Credentials flow and its use are discouraged.
There are many flows which are more secure, and usually you can use ones like authorization code flow to achieve what you want.
MFA is configured by your organization, you'll need to contact your IT about that.
But I would not recommend disabling MFA for this.
A back-end daemon application needs to either use application permissions or a refresh token.
If the API in question does not support application permissions, you can acquire a refresh token for a user through the authorization code flow, store it securely, and use it whenever you need a new token.
If you do this, be sure to overwrite the old refresh token with the new one that you get when you ask for an access token.

Using Google auth for both user sign in and background services

We have a web application where we log users in with Google's auth2.
We also have crone jobs that are used to reply to certain emails through the gmail api.
Is the authorization for signing in and for gmail's api the same? If it is, how can we sign users out of the web app while still authorizing crone jobs?
If what you meant by signing is by using Google+ Sign-in, it says from this documentation:
Why use Google for authentication?
Providing OAuth 2.0 user authentication directly or using Google+
reduces your development overhead. It also provides a trusted
and secure login system that's familiar to users, consistent across
devices, and removes the burden of users having to remember another
username and password.
Wherein Gmail uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authenticating a Google account and authorizing access to user data. This will be the same.
At a high level, all apps follow the same basic authorization pattern:
During development, register the application in the Google API Console.
When the app launches, request that the user grant access to data in their Google account.
If the user consents, your application requests and receives credentials to access the Gmail API.
Refresh the credentials (if necessary).
The difference is you will need to enable Gmail API for the credentials.
Here's the details for server-side authentication.

DocuSign SSO Authentication using SAML / AD

Within our application we provide a DocuSign integration which uses DocuSign.eSign.dll from DocuSign C# Client.
We currently use the Legacy Header Authentication to authenticate.
One of our customers, would like to enable single sign on using Azure Active Directory. They have set up their account as described on Tutorial: Azure Active Directory integration with DocuSign already (for the DocuSign App).
How do we change our integration to allow Single Sign On using SAML? What API methods do we use? Does the DocuSign C# Client support this?
Legacy Header does not support SSO Authentication. For legacy header to work, users must have a password.
You will either need to grant a Login Policy Exception (to allow them to bypass SSO) to each user that needs to authenticate via the API, or you will need to implement OAuth token authentication.
An example of OAuth token authentication in C# is available on GitHub:
Once SSO is implemented by your client and has enabled mandatory SSO in their DocuSign configuration, then you should use OAUTH either using Authorization Code Grant-User Application or JSON Web Token Grant-System Integration to generate AccessToken for your Client API user. JSON Web Token Grant is normally used when System Integration is happening in your Integration with DocuSign. In Either way, you need to ask Client API user to provide User Consent to your IntegratorKey, so that your IntegratorKey can generate AccessToken on Client API User's behalf. Obtaining Consent explains how to get User Consent for Either User Application or System Integration. In Providing the consent to your Integrator, Customers will login to DocuSign via their SSO setup, in the same way how they login to DocuSign to access DocuSign WebApp.

Microsoft Graph 501 Error - Get Emails

I have authenticated with Azure & OAuth to receive an access token. Now I want to read their Outlook emails through a Microsoft Graph endpoint from a native WPF desktop app using c#. However my request to get the emails, of the currently signed in user, fails with a 501 error. The delegated permissions my app has are:
View users' email address
Access user's data anytime
Sign users in
Read user mail
Sign in and read user profile
Here is my network trace.
Now I'm getting a 404 too
Based on the quest, were you authenticate the app with external user for the Azure AD?
If I understood correctly, the Microsoft Graph API only support for the users in the tenant.
