So I’m working on a personal project to analyze data from a json on my apple watch and im stuck on serializing the json. In some parts of the json, some keys are present and in others there’s keys missing. I’ve created a struct (below) to organize the information correctly but I want to be able to check that they are all there or add a key with a default value if it is missing.
public struct dataParameters: Encodable, Decodable{
let key1: String
let key2: String
let key3: Int }
“dataParameters": [{“key1": "0", “key2": "0”}]
How can I check the keys present and then handle any missing one?
here is a screenshort of my code
actually i want o/p like
eg: "phone":"balance", using hashmap I convert mapping to string and return string because without hashmap i try alot but nothg done soo i try these, please contribute to solve my problem , If you have another option than edit my code and send but i want above mention in output ,thanks in advance......
We have a db table where we keep payload and type of the messages that sent to pubsub for retry purposes. The problem I am having is, I don't have the reference of the object but I have the type of it as a string.
I am wondering if it is possible to use that type string to initialise that object and update its attributes depending what I have in the payload.
Our objects are generated protobufs coming from proto files.
What I want to do is something like this but I couldn't find a way to do it.
msg_type = "<class 'example.protobuf.pubsub.example.example_pb2.ExampleMessage'>"
payload = {"key": "value", "key2": "value"}
example_message = create_protobuf_object(msg_type)
# then update its values with payload (Which I can figure out by myself).
I don't want to use hacky solutions like eval or having if else statements that generate object according to type.
How can I make standard json keys schema for multiple API service.
What if on original response I want to map to specific keys?
Maybe adding or removing keys too?
I'd like to have same json keys output for all api services
for example: api service output:
{ "hello" : "word" }
but i want to response:
{"foo" : originalResponse.hello }
I do not understand why the downvotes, the question seems legit to me.
In any case, you can achieve the use case by using the body modifier plugin we offer. Although it's not an official one, it should provide all you need to both add are move keys on a JSON payload based on any Javascript evaluable expression.
We have a .NET application that defines a DateTime in the schema like so:
[ProtoMember(20)]public DateTime? Birthdate;
The application is able to serialize the data using protobuf-net and later upon deserialization the date is retrieved accurately as expected.
I am now trying to deserialize the same buffer in our node.js application using protobuf.js. I've defined that data point in the .proto file like so:
google.protobuf.Timestamp Birthdate = 20;
Upon decoding it the resulting Birthdate is not the same date as the original data. For example, when the date is originally 10/10/1976, the deserialized date is:
"Birthdate": {
"seconds": "4948"
When creating a JavaScript Date from that (new Date(4948 * 1000)), the result is 1/1/1970. What is going wrong here?
This comes down to history. protobuf-net had support for DateTime a long time before there was a well-defined Timestamp in the shared libraries. So: it invented something that would allow round-trip between protobuf-net and itself. Many years later, along comes Timestamp, and ... put simply, it uses a different storage layout. The good news is: protobuf-net can talk that dialect, but because we couldn't break existing code, it is "opt in".
If you use a Timestamp in a .proto, you can see that protobuf-net generates, for that .proto:
[global::ProtoBuf.ProtoMember(20, DataFormat = global::ProtoBuf.DataFormat.WellKnown)]
public global::System.DateTime? Birthdate { get; set; }
or more simply, to match your existing code:
[ProtoMember(20,DataFormat=DataFormat.WellKnown)]public DateTime? Birthdate;
With that in place - it should be using the same data layout tand you should get the same values. This is the recommended option if you need to exchange data between platforms. However, note that this is a change to your existing layout. If you need tips on migrating without breaking existing usage, let me know - it is possible (the short version would be "leave field 20 as the old style; add a new property that acts similarly and uses the new format - only serialize the new one, but allow the old one to deserialize").
I'm running a node.js EB container and trying to store JSON inside an Environment Variable. The JSON is stored correctly, but when retrieving it via process.env.MYVARIABLE it is returned with all the double quotes stripped.
E.g. MYVARIABLE looks like this:
{ "prop": "value" }
when I retrieve it via process.env.MYVARIABLE its value is actualy { prop: value} which isn't valid JSON. I've tried to escape the quotes with '\' ie { \"prop\": \"value\" } that just adds more weird behavior where the string comes back as {\ \"prop\\":\ \"value\\" }. I've also tried wrapping the whole thing in single quotes e.g. '{ "prop": "value" }', but it seems to strip those out too.
Anyone know how to store JSON in environment variables?
EDIT: some more info, it would appear that certain characters are being doubly escaped when you set an environment variable. E.g. if I wrap the object in single quotes. the value when I fetch it using the sdk, becomes:
\'{ "prop": "value"}\'
Also if I leave the quotes out, backslashes get escaped so if the object looks like {"url": "http://..."} the result when I query via the sdk is {"url": "http:\\/\\/..."}
Not only is it mangling the text, it's also rearranging the JSON properties, so properties are appearing in a different order than what I set them to.
So I would say this seems to be a bug in AWS based on the fact that it seems to be mangling the values that are submitted. This happens whether I use the node.js sdk or the web console. As a workaround I've taken to replacing double quotes with single quotes on the json object during deployment and then back again in the application.
Use base64 encoding
An important string is being auto-magically mangled. We don't know the internals of EB, but we can guess it is parsing JSON. So don't store JSON, store the base64-encoded JSON:
a = `{ "public": { "s3path": "" } }`
x = btoa(a) // store this as B_MYVAR
// "eyAicHVibGljIjogeyAiczNwYXRoIjogImh0dHBzOi8vZDJ2NHAzcm1zOXJ2aTMuY2xvdWRmcm9udC5uZXQiIH0gfQ=="
settings = JSON.parse(atob(process.env.B_MYVAR))
// ""
// Or even:
process.env.MYVAR = atob(process.env.B_MYVAR)
// Sets MYVAR at runtime, hopefully soon enough for your purposes
Since this is JS, there are caveats about UTF8 and node/browser support, but I think atob and btoa are common. Docs.