I'm trying to create a Parking Lot in OOP. i want to check if any key is already in my dictionary.
for example i dont want the same "plate number" in my dict.
I'm using the command:
if plate in p1.carsAndEnterTime:
print("This plate number already exists in the system")
plate = input("Please enter the plate number:\n")
But it didnt found any key.
This is my full code:
class Cars:
def __init__(self, phone, car_type, plate):
self.__phone = phone
self.__car_type = car_type
self.__plate = plate
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__plate}, {self.__phone}, {self.__car_type}"
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.__plate}, {self.__phone}, {self.__car_type}"
class ParkingLot:
def __init__(self, name, capacity=1):
''' return a ParkingLot object with name "name" '''
self.name = name
self.capacity = capacity
self.earnings = 0
self.rate = 15
self.carsAndEnterTime = {}
def SetCapacity(self, newCap):
''' change the capacity from the default 1 '''
if newCap < 1:
raise RuntimeError("Error: parking lot size cannot be less than 1")
self.capacity = newCap
def GetCapacity(self):
''' return parking lot capacity '''
return self.capacity
def GetEarnings(self):
''' return how much much parking has made '''
return self.earnings
def VehicleEnters(self, vehicle):
''' vehicle enters parking lot'''
# put car and its enter time in a dictionary
self.carsAndEnterTime[vehicle] = datetime.datetime.now()
if self.capacity == 0:
raise RuntimeError("Error: Parking lot full!")
self.capacity -= 1
def SetSecondlyRate(self, rate=20):
self.rate = rate
def VehicleLeaves(self, vehicle):
''' vehicle leaves parking lot. when it leaves, charges money '''
secondsDiff = datetime.datetime.now() - self.carsAndEnterTime[vehicle]
hour_roundup = math.ceil(secondsDiff.seconds / 3600)
self.earnings += self.rate * hour_roundup
# after earned money, delete vehicle from dictionary
del self.carsAndEnterTime[vehicle]
self.capacity += 1
When i do the following:
>>> p1 = ParkingLot(p1,2)
>>> plate = 12345
>>> car_type = "Public"
>>> phone = "05555555"
>>> c = c1 = Cars(plate, car_type, phone)
when i try to check if the palte inside the dict
but its ignores, Although palte exists dict.
if plate in p1.carsAndEnterTime:
print("This plate number already exists in the system")
plate = input("Please enter the plate number:\n")
for example i print my dict:
and you can see the 12345 is found twise in my dict.
{12345, 55555, p: datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 10, 23, 0, 36, 557859), 12345, 5555, p: datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 10, 23, 0, 44, 568150)}
What am I doing wrong and how do I fix it?
You do not put the cars into your parking lot by their Plate - you put full car-instances into your dictionary. If you put in 2 different car instances with the same values the id(car1) and id(car2) are different because 2 different objects. Hence no equality.
A crude way around that would be to check:
def CarAlreadyParked(self, vehicle):
"""Returns true if the exact car is already parked."""
return any(str(c) == str(vehicle) for c in self.carsAndEnterTime)
before letting the car in - could be a forged identity car. All in all it would be better to redesign and maybe store cars by there plate in a dict:
dict [ PlateNr] = (VehicleInstance, CheckinTime)
so you can quickly find them by plateNr and have the vehicle-object in a tuple on the value
I have the following method of a certain class:
def make_payment(self, cost):
and the following at the main file:
why is it returning this? (I am following a code-along session and everything seems to be fine with his code)
TypeError: MoneyMachine.make_payment() missing 1 required positional argument: 'cost'
from menu import Menu, MenuItem
from coffee_maker import CoffeeMaker
from money_machine import MoneyMachine
"""1print report
2check resources sufficies
process coins
check transaction successful
make coffee
coffee_maker = CoffeeMaker()
menu = Menu()
money_machine = MoneyMachine
is_on = True
while is_on:
order = input("your order: ")
if order == 'off':
is_on = False
elif order == "report":
drink = menu.find_drink(order)
if coffee_maker.is_resource_sufficient(drink):
if money_machine.make_payment(drink.cost):
class MoneyMachine:
"quarters": 0.25,
"dimes": 0.10,
"nickles": 0.05,
"pennies": 0.01
def __init__(self):
self.profit = 0
self.money_received = 0
def report(self):
"""Prints the current profit"""
print(f"Money: {self.CURRENCY}{self.profit}")
def process_coins(self):
"""Returns the total calculated from coins inserted."""
print("Please insert coins.")
for coin in self.COIN_VALUES:
self.money_received += int(input(f"How many {coin}?: ")) * self.COIN_VALUES[coin]
return self.money_received
def make_payment(self, cost):
"""Returns True when payment is accepted, or False if insufficient."""
if self.money_received >= cost:
change = round(self.money_received - cost, 2)
print(f"Here is {self.CURRENCY}{change} in change.")
self.profit += cost
self.money_received = 0
return True
print("Sorry that's not enough money. Money refunded.")
self.money_received = 0
return False
Per your comments, the issue is that you are not instantiating your class correctly.
Overall your instantiation code should be more like this, which is the correct way to instantiate a class:
money_machine = MoneyMachine()
then calling methods would insatiate it correctly and you pass self in, so money_machine.make_payment(drink.cost) would then work as expected.
Instantiating a class is essentially calling the class's __init__() method, this is also where you would define any required arguments if needed when creating a copy of the class. For example:
class MoneyMachine():
def __init__(self, currency_type):
# here you must instantiate with currency_type defined
self.currency_type = currency_type
self.profit = 0
self.money_received = 0
usa_money_machine = MoneyMachine(currency_type='USD')
So when running the code, it works as intended except for the fact that when looped a second time, the if statement doesn't work. May I ask for some help please.
stuff={"potato": 50, "apple": 35, "orange": 40, "banana": 25, "popcorn": 120, "water": 20, "cola":
def main():
print("Thanks for using checkout")
print("(1) make a transaction")
customer_input=int(input("What would you like to do:"))
if customer_input==1:
global order_input
order_input=input("What would you like to order:")
There are a couple of ways to implement what you want to do.
Using Functions, which is the approach you seem to be trying to implement
Using classes, which would be a more Object oriented approach
The Functional Approach
In the functional approach all operations are managed by individual functions, and many of the essential variables are passed to these functions. Here are the implemented functions:
# The Functional Approach
def getInput(prompt, respType= None):
"""Simple Function To Gather input and verify it's type,
Returns the User input converted to the requested type
if it is consistent with the type specifier"""
while True:
resp = input(prompt)
if respType == str or respType == None:
resp = respType(resp)
except ValueError:
print('Invalid input, please try again')
return resp
def list_stock(inv):
"""Returns a printable list of all items currently in inventory """
kylist = sorted(list(inv.keys()))
s = "The Items currently in stock include:\n"
for i in range(len(kylist)):
s += f'{i+1:4}\t{kylist[i]:10} {inv[kylist[i]]} each\n'
return s
def add_to_cart(item, qty, cart):
"""Adds Item to cart and returns updated cart"""
cdi = cart.pop(item, 0)
cdi += qty
cart[item] = cdi
return cart
def contents(cart, inv):
"""Returns printable list of cart contents"""
ckys = cart.keys()
s = "The Items currently in your cart include:\n"
s += 'Item\tQty\tCost\n'
for ky in ckys:
qty = cart[ky]
cost= qty* inv[ky]
s += f'{ky}\t{qty}\t{cost}\n'
return s
def total_bill(cart, inv):
"""Returns the Total Cost of"""
total = 0
for itm, qty in cart.items():
total += qty*inv[itm]
return total
def load_cart(cart, inv):
stock = sorted(list(inv.keys()))
while True:
itm = stock[getInput('Please enter an item number to add to your cart', int)-1]
qty = getInput(f'please enter the number of {itm} you want added to your cart', int)
add_to_cart(itm, qty, cart)
if getInput("Do you have more to add? (y/n)").lower() != 'y':
The main function which then controls process flow and manages calling necessary functions includes:
# The Main Method for Functional Appraoch
stuff={"potato": 50, "apple": 35, "orange": 40, "banana": 25, "popcorn": 120, "water": 20, "cola":
cart = dict()
print("Thanks for using checkout")
while True:
if getInput('Would you like to load a cart? (Y/N)').lower()[0] == 'y':
load_cart(cart, stuff)
print(contents(cart, stuff))
print (f'Your total bill = {total_bill(cart, stuff)}' )
print('Have a nice day!')
A typical execution of this main routine would look like:
Thanks for using checkout
Would you like to load a cart? (Y/N) y
The Items currently in stock include:
1 apple 35 each
2 banana 25 each
3 cola 40 each
4 orange 40 each
5 popcorn 120 each
6 potato 50 each
7 water 20 each
Please enter an item number to add to your cart 3
please enter the number of cola you want added to your cart 2
Do you have more to add? (y/n) n
The Items currently in your cart include:
Item Qty Cost
cola 2 80
Your total bill = 80
Would you like to load a cart? (Y/N) n
Have a nice day!
A more Object Oriented Approach
In the OO approach, many of the basic operations are implemented as methods within a Cart Class. Using the Cart Class groups methods together and keeps them associated with the cart. The following gives an implementation using the Cart Class.
class Cart:
def __init__(self, inventory):
self._cart = dict()
self._inv = inventory
def in_inventory(self, item):
return item in self._inv.keys()
def stock(self):
return sorted(list(self._inv.keys()))
def price(self, itm):
return self._inv[itm]
def inventory(self):
kylist = self.stock
s = "The Items currently in stock include:\n"
for i in range(len(kylist)):
s += f'{i+1:4}\t{kylist[i]:10} {self._inv[kylist[i]]} each\n'
return s
def add_to_cart(self, item, qty= 1):
cdi = self._cart.pop(item, 0)
cdi += qty
self._cart[item] = cdi
def contents(self):
ckys = self._cart.keys()
s = "The Items currently in your cart include:\n"
s += 'Item\tQty\tCost\n'
for ky in ckys:
qty = self._cart[ky]
cost= qty* self._inv[ky]
s += f'{ky}\t{qty}\t{cost}\n'
return s
def bill(self):
total = 0
for itm, qty in self._cart.items():
total += qty*self.price(itm)
return total
Using the Cart Class for most of the needed methods, leaves only 1 separate function
def load_cart(cart):
stock = cart.stock
while True:
itm = stock[getInput('Please enter an item number to add to your cart', int)-1]
qty = getInput(f'please enter the number of {itm} you want added to your cart', int)
cart.add_to_cart(itm, qty)
if getInput("Do you have more to add? (y/n)").lower() != 'y':
The main function which manages the entire application would then look like:
# The main routine to execute the Object Oriented Appraoch
stuff={"potato": 50, "apple": 35, "orange": 40, "banana": 25, "popcorn": 120, "water": 20, "cola":
cart = Cart(stuff)
print("Thanks for using checkout")
while True:
if getInput('Would you like to load a cart? (Y/N)').lower()[0] == 'y':
print (f'Your total bill = {cart.bill}' )
print('Have a nice day!')
Executing this Main method would produce results like:
Thanks for using checkout
Would you like to load a cart? (Y/N) y
The Items currently in stock include:
1 apple 35 each
2 banana 25 each
3 cola 40 each
4 orange 40 each
5 popcorn 120 each
6 potato 50 each
7 water 20 each
Please enter an item number to add to your cart 4
please enter the number of orange you want added to your cart 3
Do you have more to add? (y/n) n
The Items currently in your cart include:
Item Qty Cost
orange 3 120
Your total bill = 120
Would you like to load a cart? (Y/N) n
Have a nice day!
Put all of your code under def main() and use main() just call the the function. You can then use while loops to keep asking for user input and provide a way for user to exit by entering -1 or something similar:
stuff={"potato": 50, "apple": 35, "orange": 40, "banana": 25, "popcorn": 120, "water": 20, "cola":40}
def main():
global price_total
print("Thanks for using checkout")
print("(1) make a transaction. (-1) to exit.")
customer_input = int(input("What would you like to do: "))
while customer_input == 1:
global order_input
order_input = input("What would you like to order? (-1) to finish: ")
if order_input == "-1":
print(f'You bought {cart} for total price of {price_total}.')
price_total += stuff[order_input]
# Import Modules
from Dice import dice
d10 = dice(10,1) #I use dice, but you could just as easily use random.randint()
d4 = dice(4,1)
d20 = dice(20,1)
# Assign Classes
class Player_Character:
inventory = []
def __init__(self, HP, MaxHP, AC, ToHitAdjustment, Surprise_Adjustment,
Initiative_Adjustment, Exp, \
MaxExp, Gold, Damage):
self.HP = int(HP)
self.MaxHP = int(MaxHP)
self.AC = int(AC)
self.ToHitAdjustment = int(ToHitAdjustment)
self.Surprise_Adjustment = int(Surprise_Adjustment)
self.Initiative_Adjustment = int(Initiative_Adjustment)
self.Exp = int(Exp)
self.MaxExp = int(MaxExp)
self.Gold = int(Gold)
self.Damage = int(Damage)
this next section may be where the error is, although I doubt it because when I run through the code the character is assigned exp and gold and they seem to grow at the correct rate.
def attack(self, goblin, Player_Character):
Player_attack_roll = d20.die_roll() + Player_Character.ToHitAdjustment
if (Player_attack_roll >= goblin.AC):
print('you did', Player_Character.Damage, 'damage')
goblin.HP -= Player_Character.Damage
if (goblin.HP <= 0):
print("congratulations you killed the goblin")
Player_Character.Exp += goblin.ExpReward
if (Player_Character.Exp >= Player_Character.MaxExp):
print("Congratulations you have leveled up")
print('you have', Player_Character.Exp, 'exp ')
Player_Character.Gold += goblin.Gold
print("you have", Player_Character.Gold, 'gold ')
del goblin
print("You miss ")
def flee(self):
print("you run away ")
def heal(self, Player_Character):
Player_Character.HP += d10.die_roll()
if Player_Character.HP >= Player_Character.MaxHP:
Player_Character.HP = Player_Character.MaxHP
print("You have reached max HP ")
this may be where the error is, I expect it to assign the variable name 'MrHezy' which was previously assigned to Player_Character to FighterLvl1, but when I run the code it continuously says that I am leveling up, which I am unsure if that means that the character is remaining as Player_Character, or if there is something else wrong
def LevelUp(self):
MrHezy = FighterLvl1(25, 25, 15, 10, 2, 2, 25, 75, 20, d10.die_roll()+5)
This next section has code is where my question of inheritance comes into play. Even though FighterLvl1 has inherited from (Player_Character) my IDE says things like "unresolved attribute reference 'Exp' for FighterLvl1" Also I am unsure if adding the 'attack' method under FighterLvl1 does anything; I expect it to overwrite the 'attack' method from Player_Character
class FighterLvl1(Player_Character):
def attack(self, goblin, Player_Character):
Player_attack_roll = d20.die_roll() + Player_Character.ToHitAdjustment
if (Player_attack_roll >= goblin.AC):
print('you did', Player_Character.Damage, 'damage')
goblin.HP -= Player_Character.Damage
if (goblin.HP <= 0):
print("congratulations you killed the goblin")
FighterLvl1.Exp += goblin.ExpReward
if (FighterLvl1.Exp >= FighterLvl1.MaxExp):
print("Congratulations you have leveled up")
print('you have', FighterLvl1.Exp, 'exp ')
FighterLvl1.Gold += goblin.Gold
print("you have", FighterLvl1.Gold, 'gold ')
del goblin
def LevelUp(self):
MrHezy = FighterLvl2(Player_Character)
class FighterLvl2(Player_Character):
def LevelUp(self):
MrHezy = FighterLvl3(Player_Character)
class FighterLvl3(Player_Character):
def MaxLevel(self):
print("Congratulations you are level 3, this is the highest programmed level in the game
class goblin:
def __init__(self, HP, MaxHP, AC, ToHitAdjustment, Surprise_Adjustment,
Initiative_Adjustment, \
ExpReward, Gold, Damage):
self.HP = int(HP)
self.MaxHP = int(MaxHP)
self.AC = int(AC)
self.ToHitAdjustment = int(ToHitAdjustment)
self.Surprise_Adjustment = int(Surprise_Adjustment)
self.Initiative_Adjustment = int(Initiative_Adjustment)
self.ExpReward = int(ExpReward)
self.Gold = int(Gold)
self.Damage = int(Damage)
def attack(self, Player_Character, goblin):
if (goblin.HP <= 0):
print("the goblin is inert")
goblin_attack_roll = d20.die_roll() + goblin.ToHitAdjustment
if (goblin_attack_roll >= Player_Character.AC):
goblin_damage = d4.die_roll()
print("you take", goblin_damage, 'damage')
Player_Character.HP -= goblin_damage
if (Player_Character.HP <= 0):
print("oh dear you have died")
del Player_Character
print("the goblin misses ")
MrHezy = Player_Character(20, 20, 10, 5, 0, 0, 0, 25, 0, d10.die_roll())
def spawn_goblin(goblin):
G1 = goblin(5, 10, 8, 2, 0, 0, 25, 5, d4.die_roll())
return G1
goblin1 = spawn_goblin(goblin)
def battle(goblin1):
# user input
player_initiative_adjustment = MrHezy.Initiative_Adjustment
monster_initiative_adjustment = goblin1.Initiative_Adjustment
#define while loop for the battle
while True:
if (goblin1.HP <= 0):
print('oh dear looks like we need a new goblin')
#use random.randint(a,b) to generate player and monster base initiative
player_base_initiative = d10.die_roll()
monster_base_initiative = d10.die_roll()
#subtract the adjustment to get player and monster initiative
player_initiative = player_base_initiative - player_initiative_adjustment
monster_initiative = monster_base_initiative - monster_initiative_adjustment
#compare the initiatives and display the results
if (player_initiative < monster_initiative):
attack_flee_heal = input("congratulations you go first. Would you like to attack,
flee, or heal?")
if attack_flee_heal == 'attack':
MrHezy.attack(goblin1, MrHezy)
elif attack_flee_heal == 'heal':
print("the goblin attacks")
elif attack_flee_heal == 'flee':
print("uhoh, the monsters go first, they attack!")
goblin1.attack(MrHezy, goblin1)
attack_flee_heal = input("Would you like to attack, flee, or heal? ")
if attack_flee_heal == 'attack':
MrHezy.attack(goblin1, MrHezy)
elif attack_flee_heal == 'heal':
print("the goblin attacks")
goblin1.attack(MrHezy, goblin1)
elif attack_flee_heal == 'flee':
#main game loop
while True:
print("spawn another goblin")
goblin1.HP = 0
goblin1.HP += d10.die_roll()
This code runs perfectly well, please enter it into your IDE.
The problem that I have is a logic error, when a goblin is killed instead of leveling up the character first to level 1 then level 2 then level 3 instead the character levels up to level 1 over and over and over.
I agree with Danny Varod, in that there are very many improvements that need to be made, and I definitely recommend following his advice.
However if you are simply looking to make what you have work you need to specify in your level up methods that you are referencing the global MrHezy variable.
def LevelUp(self):
global MrHezy
MrHezy = FighterLvl2(Player_Character)
The level up replaces a variable in the object, what you should do, if you want to use a class per level (not necessarily a good idea) is:
Create a Character class.
In Character class define an implementation field.
Initialize implementation field e.g. implementation = SomeSpeciesLevel1().
To "level-up": implementation = implementation.level_up()
This way you have a constant wrapper that doesn't change which wraps the level-changing implementation.
A better design would be to have one class with functionality based on level-dependant formulas.
class CharImpl:
def can_level_up() -> bool:
return NotImplemented
def next_level() -> CharImpl:
return NotImplemented
class Character:
def __init__(initial_impl: CharImpl=None):
self.impl = initial_impl.copy() if initial_impl else HumanLevel1()
def level_up():
if self.impl.can_level_up():
self.impl = self.impl.next_level()
class Human(CharImpl):
class HumanLevel1(Human):
def __init__(src: Human):
# TODO: copy relevant fields from src
def can_level_up() -> bool:
return True
def next_level() -> CharImpl:
return HumanLevel2(self)
class HumanLevel2(Human):
def __init__(src: Human):
# TODO: copy relevant fields
def can_level_up() -> bool:
return False
def next_level() -> CharImpl:
return self
ok so this is my program so far to operate as an ordering system of a cafe with multiple items. My goal is to calculate the price of an order, store that order to keep count of which coffee was ordered and how many of that coffee was ordered. Right now I am stuck on calculating the order total for an order. The main problem im stuck on is getting the coffee price of a coffee based on what the user wants, say if i want x coffee, i need to get the price of that coffee. I've stored instances of coffee in an array and right now I am not sure of how to get the price of a coffee to be used in the calculation of the total price
class Coffee(object):
def __init__ (self, coffee_type, price):
self.coffee_type = coffee_type
self.price = price
class Order(object):
def __init__(self, coffee_type, coffee_amount):
self.coffee_type = coffee_type
self.coffee_amount = coffee_amount
if name =="main":
coffee_available=[Coffee("1 : Flat White", 3.50),
Coffee("2 : Long Black", 3.50),
Coffee("3 : Cappuccino", 4.00),
Coffee("4 : Espresso", 3.25),
Coffee("5 : Latte", 3.50)]
ordering = 'Y'
total_cost = 0
while ordering == 'Y':
print("Coffee Type\t\tPrice")
for coffee in coffee_available:
print("{}\t- - -\t$ {}".format(coffee.coffee_type,coffee.price))
order_coffee = int(input("What is the number of the coffee you want? "))
order_amount = input("How many would you like to order? ")
new_order = None
if order_coffee >= 1 and order_coffee <=5:
coffee_choice = coffee_available[coffee.price]
new_order = Order(coffee_choice, order_amount)
total_cost = new_order.coffee_type * order_amount
print ("Please enter a valid number")
dine_in = input('You like to dine in? (Y/N)')
dine_in = dine_in.upper()
if dine_in == 'Y' or 'YES':
total_cost = total_cost + (total_cost * 0.1)
print (total_cost)
Ordering = 'N'
elif dine_in == 'N' or 'No':
total_cost = total_cost
print("Please enter a valid input")
It's better to split the id of the coffee from the name:
class Coffee(object):
def __init__ (self, coffee_id, coffee_type, price):
self.coffee_id = coffee_id
self.coffee_type = coffee_type
self.price = price
Then when you create object use:
Coffee(1, "Flat White", 3.5)
And when you want the price use:
def get_price(coffee_available, coffee_id):
for coffee in coffee_available:
if coffee.coffee_id == coffee_id:
return coffee.price
return None
I am working on a simple text based battle game, and I have come across a(nother) problem. I have a main function and a battle function and in the battle function once you finish the battle, you gain a certain amount of XP, which is then (or should be) remembered by changing the value of player1.xp. Right after the battle sequence I set it so in the code if player1.xp >= 1 it will change the value of player1.level to "2". Though, whenever I run the code, for some reason the xp value gets lost when the battle function is finished. I know this because it prints out the value of player1.xp after the battle function, and it says "0". Here is the code:
import random
xp1 = random.randint(1,2)
class player:
def __init__ (self, name, health, strength, defense, potion, xp, level):
self.health = health
self.strength = strength
self.defense = defense
self.name = name
self.potion = potion
self.xp = xp
self.level = level
def changeHealth(self, h):
self.health = h
def addLevel(self):
self.level += 1
def subHealth(self, num):
self.health -= num
return self.health
def subPotion(self):
self.potion -= 1
return self.health
def addPotion(self, num1):
self.potion += num1
def addHealth(self):
self.health +=2
def addXP(self):
self.xp += xp1
def battle1(enemy, player1, name1):
player1 = player(name1, player1.health, player1.strength, player1.defense, player1.potion, player1.xp, player1.level)
enemy = player("Rat", enemy.health, enemy.strength, enemy.defense, player1.potion, enemy.xp, enemy.level)
s = 0
while s == 0:
attack =input("Type 1 to attack, type 2 to use a potion.")
if attack == "1":
elif attack == "2":
if player1.potion > 0:
print("You used a potion.")
elif player1.potion <= 0:
print("You don't have any potions! You are forced to attack.")
print("Your life depends on this!")
if enemy.health <= 0:
print("Congratulations, you won! You recieved", xp1, "xp!")
s = 2
def main():
name1 = input("What would you like your name to be?")
print("Hello,", name1, "you are on a quest to save otis from the evil Dongus. You must slay him, or Otis will poop.")
player1 = player(name1, 10, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1)
enemy = player("Rat", 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
pick = input("You were walking along the path and found a potion! Press 'p' to pick it up.")
if pick == "p":
print("You added a potion to your inventory.")
player1.addPotion = 1
print("You have no potions, you should probably pick this one up.")
print("You added a potion to your inventory.")
player1.addPotion = 1
battle1(enemy, player1, name1)
if player1.xp >= 1:
print("You leveled up. You are now level 2.")
print("You have 0 xp.")
Does anybody have a clue why this is happening? Thanks!
In main you create two player (should be Player) instances, and pass them to battle1:
player1 = player(name1, 10, 2, 1, 0, 1)
enemy = player("Rat", 15, 0, 0, 0, 0)
battle1(enemy, player1, name1)
In battle1 you create two new player instances, based on the two argument instances, modify the new instances, and don't return anything:
# take three parameters (one of which is unnecessary)
def battle1(enemy, player1, name1):
# replace two of the arguments with copies
player1 = player(name1, player1.health, player1.strength, player1.defense, player1.xp, player1.level)
enemy = player("Rat", enemy.health, enemy.strength, enemy.defense, enemy.xp, enemy.level)
# original arguments now inaccessible
It is not clear why you expected that this would work, but the minimal fix is to stop creating new instances in battle1. Also, it might be clearer if you moved xp1 = random.randint(1,2) inside battle1.