Can't define function on user-defined data-type - haskell

I'm following a tutorial and have the following type definitions:
data Point = Point Float Float deriving (Show)
data Shape = Circle Point Float | Rectangle Point Point deriving (Show)
Loading the file with these definitions into ghci, and wanting to define a function, using
surface :: Shape -> Float
I get the error message Variable not in scope: surface :: Shape -> Float.
I don't even see where I do have a variable, let alone why I get this error! Any help highly appreciated.

GHCi finds the type signature for surface but can't parse the file because there's no body for that function. In Haskell functions cannot be declared but undefined.
If you still need to load your file you can add surface = undefined
data Point = Point Float Float deriving (Show)
data Shape = Circle Point Float | Rectangle Point Point deriving (Show)
surface :: Shape -> Float
surface = undefined

Use multiline input in ghci
Prelude> :{
Prelude| surface :: Shape -> Float
Prelude| surface = undefined
Prelude| :}


Algebraic Types - Haskell

I am working around with algebraic types in Haskell, doing some exercises from a worksheet. I got the following exercises:
Define an algebraic type Point for representing (the coordinates of) points in twodimensional space.
My code for this exercise:
data Point = Point Float Float
deriving (Show)
Using Point, define a modified version PositionedShape of the Shape data type which
includes the centre point of a shape, in addition to its dimensions.
Shape data previously defined:
data Shape = Circle Float |
Rectangle Float Float
deriving (Show)
My code for this exercise:
data PositionedShape = PositionedShape Shape Point
deriving (Show)
Now my question comes in this one:
Define a function:
haskell move :: PositionedShape -> Float -> Float -> PositionedShape
which moves a shape by the given x and y distances
My implementation for this was the following:
move :: PositionedShape -> Float -> Float -> PositionedShape
move (Shape (Point x y)) newX newY = Shape (Point newX newY)
This is returning me this error:
Week8.hs:103:7: error: Not in scope: data constructor ‘Shape’
Failed, modules loaded: none.
Can someone please explain me why this error and how can I solve it? I am getting a bit confused with algebraic types, I tried a lot of things but it just seems I can't get a solution.
You need to pattern match on data constructors (like Circle and Rectangle), not on type constructors as you're trying to do now (like Shape). For PositionedShape, they happen to have the same name, although you completely forgot the match on this one (and in fact, you don't need to care about the inner Shape at all except to copy it through). Also, move is meant to move the shape by the given distances, not to move it to a new given position;.
You need to use the PositionedShape constructor to break apart a PositionedShape You have used the Shape constructor instead.
Try starting with:
move (PositionedShape shape (Point old_x old_y)) [...]
How about
move (PointedShape s (Point x y)) dx dy = PointedShape s (Point (x+dx) (y+dy))

Iterating over custom data types in Haskell

I have a custom data type that looks like this:
data Circle = Circle
{ radius :: Float
, xPosition :: Float
, yPosition :: Float
I want to be able to write a scale function that can take a given circle and change its size like this:
aCircle = Circle 1.5 1 1
scaleFn aCircle 10
The desired output for this example with scale of 10 would be:
Circle 15 10 10
How can I create a function where I can iterate over each field and multiple the values by a constant? In my actual use case I need a way to map over all the fields as there are many of them.
Scaling by a factor is generally a vector space operation. You could do the following:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, DeriveGeneric #-}
import Data.VectorSpace
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
data Circle = Circle
{ radius :: Float
, xPosition :: Float
, yPosition :: Float
} deriving (Generic, Show)
instance AdditiveGroup Circle
instance VectorSpace Circle where
type Scalar Circle = Float
main = print $ Circle 1.5 1 1 ^* 10
(result: Circle {radius = 15.0, xPosition = 10.0, yPosition = 10.0}).
(requires vector-space >= 0.11, which has just added support for generic-derived instances.)
However I should remark that Circle as such is not really a good VectorSpace instance: adding two circles doesn't make any sense, and scaling by a negative factor gives a bogus radius. Only define such an instance if your real use case follows the actual vector space axioms.
What you really want for a type like Circle is something like diagrams' Transformable class. But I don't think there's any automatic way to derive an instance for that. In fact, since diagrams has – unfortunately IMO – switched from vector-space to linear, something like this has become considerably tougher to do even in principle.
You can use "scrap your boilerplate":
import Data.Generics
data Circle = Circle
{ radius :: Float
, xPosition :: Float
, yPosition :: Float
deriving (Show, Data)
circleModify :: (Float -> Float) -> Circle -> Circle
circleModify f = gmapT (mkT f)
Intuitively, above, mkT f transforms f into a function which is applicable to any type: if the argument of mkT f is a Float, then f is applied, otherwise the argument is returned as it is.
The newly constructed general function is called a "transformation": the T in mkT stands for that.
Then, gmapT applies the transformation mkT f to all the fields of the circle. Note that is a field contained, say, (Float, Bool) that float would be unaffected. Use everywhere instead of gmapT to recursively go deeper.
Note that I'm not a big fan of this approach. If for any reason you change the type of a field, that change will not trigger a type error but gmapT (mkT ...) will now simply skip over that field.
Generic programming can be convenient, but sometimes a bit too much, in that type errors can be silently transformed into unexpected results at runtime. Use with care.

Haskell Data Declarations

Codes below are from Programming in Haskell by Hutton (p.101).
data Shape = Circle Float | Rect Float Float
square :: Float -> Shape
square n = Rect n n
area : Shape -> Float
area(Rect x y) = x * y
In ghci, if I type area(Rect 3 5), I get 15.
But if I type square 5(thinking that I would get Rect 5 5 as a result), I get an error message:
"No instance for (Show Shape) arising from a use of ‘print’
In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it".
Why is that?
Behind the scenes, GHCi is trying to call print (square 5). Unfortunately this requires Shape to implement something called the Show typeclass. You can make the error go away by adding deriving Show to the end of the data Shape = Circle Float | Rect Float Float deriving Show.
There's a great section on the Show typeclass in Learn You a Haskell and a great answer on deriving in Stack Overflow.

How to make function useable only for a certain data constructor of an ADT?

I'm currently playing around with ADTs in Haskell and try to build an ADT Figure:
data Figure = Rect { x :: Integer, y :: Integer, width :: Integer, height :: Integer}
| Circle { x :: Integer, y :: Integer, radius :: Integer}
| CombiFigure Figure Figure
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
Now I came across the question how to implement a function that should not accept every Figure, but e.g. only a Circle.
Do I already have a bad design? Or is there some best-practice how to do this?
As example, think about a diameter function. All that came to my mind (I'm a complete beginner in Haskell) are the following two options, using undefined or Maybe:
diameter :: Figure -> Integer
diameter (Circle _ _ r) = 2 * r
diameter _ = undefined
diameter :: Figure -> Maybe Integer
diameter (Circle _ _ r) = Just (2 * r)
diameter _ = Nothing
Are there more preferable ways on how to accomplish that?
You are correct that there is something not right here. The best way of thinking about it would be to start at the function diameter and decide what it's type should ideally be. You would likely come up with
diameter :: Circle -> Integer
diameter (Circle _ _ r) = 2 * r
because diameters are only defined for circles.
This means that you will have to augment your data structure by splitting out Circle (and Rect too):
data Figure = RectFigure Rect
| CircleFigure Circle
| CombiFigure Figure Figure
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
data Rect = Rect { rectX :: Integer, rectY :: Integer, rectWidth :: Integer, height :: Integer}
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
data Circle = Circle { circleX :: Integer, circleY :: Integer, circleRadius :: Integer}
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
which is nice because it is now more flexible: you can write functions that don't care what Figure they are applied to, and you can write functions that are defined on specific Figures.
Now, if we are in a higher-up function and have a reference to a Figure and we want to compute its diameter if it's a CircleFigure, then you can use pattern matching to do this.
Note: using undefined or exceptions (in pure code) is likely a code smell. It could probably be solved by rethinking your types. If you have to indicate failure, then use Maybe/Either.
Your type definition by itself (i.e data Figure = ...) is introducing partial functions. e.g. even though width is of type width :: Figure -> Integer it can only work on Rect values:
\> width $ Rect 1 2 3 4
\> width $ Circle 1 2 3
*** Exception: No match in record selector width
so, you already have defined functions which can work on one figure but not another (similar to diameter function in the question).
That said, a 3rd solution would be to define Circle, Rectangle etc, as separate types; then, define a Figure type class which defines the common interface of these types.
class Figure a where
area, perimeter :: a -> Double
instance Figure Circle where
area = ...
perimeter = ...
Additionally each type may have their own exclusive functions. Or, you may add more interfaces, (i.e. type classes) which cover some but not all the figure types.
An advantage of type classes is that they are easier to extend; e.g. if one wants to add, say, a Triangle type later on, he can opt-in any type class which applies to a triangle, and define an instance only for those type classes.
Whereas in the data Figure = ... approach, you need to find every function which can take a Figure as argument and make sure it will handle a Triangle as well. If you are shipping a library then you do not have access to all these functions.
>> for the reference, there was a similar recent discussion of data declaration vs type classes on haskell cafe mailing list.

How to add an element to a list of a data type in Haskell

I have defined two data types: Point and Curve. Point has two doubles for its coordinates and a Curve has a starting Point and a list of Points representing the rest of the Curve. I need to make a function that creates this Curve given a starting Point and a list of Points but I can't quite understand how am I supposed to add an element to the list of Points inside the Curve.
Here is my code:
data Point = Point Double Double deriving (Eq, Show)
point :: (Double, Double) -> Point
point (x, y) = Point x y
data Curve = Curve Point [Point] deriving (Eq, Show)
curve :: Point -> [Point] -> Curve
curve x [] = Curve x []
curve x [y] = Curve x [y]
curve x (y:ys) = curve x (y:ys)
I am pretty sure my recursion in the end is wrong. So could you give me maybe some guidelines on how to add a point in the list?
myCurve = Curve (Point 2 2) [Point 3 3, Point 4 4, Point 5 5]
Wait, what, you say? Indeed, Curve is already that function you want. It is both a type constructor (the left-hand-side in the data definition) and a value constructor (the right hand side.)
If you probe Curve with ghci, you will find...
Prelude> :t Curve
Curve :: Point -> [Point] -> Curve
The same goes for Point. In other words, the entirety of your code looks like this:
data Point = Point Double Double deriving (Eq, Show)
data Curve = Point [Point] deriving (Eq, Show)
EDIT: An ultra-small primer on value constructors.
When you create a new datatype, you automatically create a value constructor, which is a function that creates a value of the new type. It's not entirely clear in your example because the type and value constructors have the same name, which is permissible in Haskell because one lives in the type level and the other in the value level. Let's try and make it a bit more obvious:
data MyIntType = MakeIntType Int
Now, MakeIntType is a function that takes one argument, an Int, and creates a value of type MyIntType. Let's check that in ghci:
Prelude> :t MakeIntType
MakeIntType :: Int -> MyIntType
Now, we could write an identical function, like you're proposing:
makeIntType :: Int -> MyIntType
makeIntType x = MakeIntType x
or, dropping the explicit points (arguments):
makeIntType = MakeIntType
Both equation shows that we've duplicated work. There is no functional difference between makeIntType and MakeIntType. They are completely equivalent, and since you will always get the value constructor function "for free," makeIntType is a completely superfluous alias for something that's already there.
I hope that clears things up a bit.
Edit 2: Creating a new modified Curve based on an existing one
addPointToStartOfCurve p (Curve p' ps) = Curve p (p':ps)
Here, we create a new Curve from an existing one by pushing the first element of the existing Curve onto the list of points and adding a new starting point. Another variant would add a point to the end of an existing Curve.
addPointToEndOfCurve p (Curve p' ps) = Curve p' (ps ++ [p])
Note that because of immutability, the original curves aren't altered, we're just producing new values.
