electron-updater auto update on linux - linux

i am desperately in need for help. I have been trying this for so long and i got no results at all.
So, my problem is. I am using the electron-updater package to auto update my electron app. It's working on windows but on linux is another story. I have been looking everywhere and i can't find anything about it.
I am using electron-builder integrated with quasar to package my application, and, i did read about it in the documentations, it's only supported by AppImage formats. Okay that's fair, but what should i even do with that? I am using a custom url-schema and it just doesnt work, it doesn't install it anywhere. It just opens my electron app and that's not the behavior i am expecting.
I have tried using AppImage Launcher but i am getting this silly error (which i dont know why it happens), doesn't provide any description about it and i think i will just give up the project for linux (already did for MacOS) too. I have setup the desktop file, set the executable name, indeed it compiles and it installs perfectly on a .deb package, but i just don't know what to do with this .appimage extension.
My linux configuration on electron-builder looks like this (it will be interpreted by quasar)
linux: {
target: "AppImage",
executableName: "portscanner",
desktop: {
Name: "Port Scanner",
"Generic Name": "Port Scanner",
StartupWMClass: "portscanner",
Terminal: false,
Type: "Application",
MimeType: "application/portscanner;x-scheme-handler/portscanner;",
Categories: "Networking"
category: "Networking"
I will gladly take any help on this. Thank you guys in advance.
I took note of the error i got on AppImageLauncher and it's the following:
Error registering AppImage in the system via libappimage
And in the terminal i have this error:
ERROR: appimage_register_in_system : Malformed desktop entry: Unexpected token ENTRY_KEY at line 8
But i have no ENTRY_KEY in my desktop config :/
I fixed it by removing most of the things of the linux desktop file (except for mimetype) but now i am facing this issue in electron-builder which is the following: "APPIMAGE env is not defined, current application is not an AppImage"
I know i have to put the path to the appimage application but which path? The one generated in the dist folder? A path pointing to $HOME? (tried that and didn't work). None of them work btw. I dont know what to do anymore.


How can I set Make Path in Makefile VS Code extension from Linux?

I'm new on this Makefile thing, and I'm having some issues trying to install the Makefile Extension from the VS Code Marketplace.
First of all, I'm using VS Code to connect to a remote machine, with RedHat8 kernel. It uses makefile and it works perfectly on a linux terminal, but now we are trying to migrate to VS Code.
So I was searching and I found this Makefile Extension.
On the extension settings, I have my Makefile Path defined, and it works, but I have some problem with the Make Path, because it is expecting a make.exe kind but I don't have any, because it's a linux server.
I know my make path is on /usr/bin/make, but it says it cannot find make path.
What should I put in there?
PS: Sorry for my bad english, and thank you!
You should not have to set the "Make Path" to anything, it should default to make.
By default the "Makefile Path" is ${workspaceFolder}/Makefile, but you can change it to whatever is required.
If you have a separate build folder, then it's better to set the "Make directory" instead.
For example, Debian packages are built under debian/build/main so set the makeDirectory like this:
"makefile.makeDirectory": "${workspaceFolder}/debian/build/main"

VSCode integrated terminal failed to launch

VSCode integrated terminal failed to launch and the error showed up:
The terminal process failed to launch: Path to shell executable "bash" is not a file of a symlink.
Tried to look for solution in official troubleshoot page but can't really figured the cause of the problem.
Starting an external terminal (gnome-terminal) using CtrlAltT is fine.
Also tried to re-install VSCode, removing cache etc. still the same issues. Happens to almost all my Ubuntu computer.
There is a similar fix in Windows https://stackoverflow.com/a/64020049/16346600, but how to do it in Linux? More particularly I can't find this terminal.integrated.shell.linux.
OS: Ubuntu18.04 LTS
VSCode: Version 1.57.1
It seems like VSCode somehow cannot find the path to executable for default profile "bash".
I fix by providing the exact binary path to bash.
Inside settings.json:
"terminal.integrated.profiles.linux": {
"bash": {
"path": "/bin/bash"

How to add Node.js path in WebStorm using Linux

I am using WebStorm 19.3.1 on Linux Mint Cinnamon 19. I am trying to add a path for node.js to debug my code in WebStorm. The path for node.js is /usr/bin/nodejs, when I go to this directory I can find nodejs file there, but when I open WebStorm and try to access this path from there, It doesn't show node.js file inside.
The permissions for node.js are Read And write, should I add execute too for the root?
If you know how to solve the problem please help me to fix it out.
Thanks in advance.
I've seen people on internet simply opening the path from Webstorm, but in my case it doesn't show.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7ydvEh9WLQ check out this link.
//There is no code actually
Expecting to have configurations correctly set up)

Adding blackberry10 platform in cordova(3.0.0) is showing "Error: node cannot be found on the path. Aborting"

I had installed blackberry 10 required software.
Error: node cannot be found on the path. Aborting.
I'm having the same problem. It works when I specify android but not when I specify blackberry10.
As pointed out by Ludivoc above, node is in my path. My command sequence is:
mydir>cordova create test com.example.test Test
mydir>cd test
mydir\test>cordova platform add android
mydir\test>cordova platform add blackberry10
[Error: node cannot be found in path. Aborting.
mydir\test>where node
C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe
I have also verified that the bbndk is in my path:
mydir\test>where blackberry-signer
FWIW, I'm running Windows 7 Professional (64bit)
It seems to me that this problem is specific to the cordova scripts for blackberry10 and not to the node installation.
SOLVED: I've had some luck with this problem and there is an answer posted on my thread at http://supportforums.blackberry.com/t5/Web-and-WebWorks-Development/lt-img-gt-images-not-being-cached-in-BB10-Webworks-app/m-p/2649771/highlight/false#M41350. The thread actually discusses another problem, but I was able to get this one solved as well (I think:-)). Essentially, you have to make some edits to the init.bat file at C:\Users\.cordova\lib\blackberry10\cordova\3.1.0\bin
We had the same problem and managed to fix it.
The first problem "Error: node cannot be found on the path. Aborting." is related to a file called check_reqs.bat which can be found in the .cordova dir, normally situated in your users home eg. C:\Users\.cordova\lib\blackberry10\cordova\3.1.0\bin\check_reqs.bat
This script tries to check for some files using a variable called %CORDOVA_NODE% e.g.
if not exist "%CORDOVA_NODE%\node.exe" (
No matter what I do, this variable is NEVER set when I call cordova so I just set it by hand
SET %CORDOVA_NODE%=somepath_dont_use_quotes
You might also have to adjust %CORDOVA_BBTOOLS%, on one of our machines it worked, on one it didn't, I was NOT in the mood figuring out why.
The same CORDOVA_NODE issue has to be fixed in your build.bat situated at
Last but not least we had a problem in packager.js. There is a logger used in there which gives an error whenever the packager tries to call it so we just put it under comments.
I know this is a little bit of a hack us the %CORDOVA variables should be taken from your system but as those paths shouldn't change we are h appy with the solution.
Open the check_reqs.bat file under C:\Users.cordova\lib\blackberry10\cordova\3.1.0\bin\check_reqs.bat and:
replace %CORDOVA_NODE% with your path to nodejs, mine is C:\Program Files\nodejs.
Then repalce %CORDOVA_BBTOOLS% with the path the blackberry sdk, mine is: C:\bbndk\host_10_2_0_15\win32\x86\usr\bin.
Finally replace the last line "%CORDOVA_NODE%\node" "%~dp0\check_reqs.js" %* by "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" "%~dp0\check_reqs.js" %*
It works for me
I believe you would get this error if 1) you have not installed node.js or 2) you have installed node.js but not yet added it to your system path.
These two pages provide further detail that may be helpful:
If you install nodejs in the default location, it should be installed in a location that is already in the system path on MacOS
i have updated cordova to 3.2.0,now everything is working fine in win7.
Thank you all
Have u downloaded the Blackberry SDK. You have install the blackberry sdk manually from blackberry's website. only then u can use it in phonegap.
This error occurs in C:\Users\{username}\.cordova\lib\blackberry10\cordova\{version}\bin\init.bat
The fix for me was to add a new environment variable:
Value: C:\Program Files\BlackBerry\BB10 WebWorks SDK\cordova-blackberry\bin\dependencies\bb-tools\bin
Your path might not be the exact same. If you can't find it do a search for blackberry-nativepackager.bat and the folder that contains that is the directory you need to set as the value.

unable to symbolicate crash log from a MonoTouch program

I have a MonoTouch app that I built in debug and uploaded to the device. I ran the app in the debugger and the app died without the debugger catching anything. I have a .crash log for it. I ran:
symbolicatecrash myapp.crash myapp.dSYM
It got symbol information for Apple stuff like CFRunLoopRunInMode and UIApplication, but not for anything in my program.
Is there a different way I need to symbolicate MonoTouch crash logs?
We had this same problem and we created a work around...
When we ran symbolicatecrash with the -v parameter (verbose) we saw it was complaining about not having a binary file inside the dSYM package. So we manually copied the binary file from within the app package into the dSYM package and that worked. Something like [MyProject].app/[MyProject] to [MyProject].app.dSYM/[MyProject].
We then created this as a Custom Command to run After Build:
cp ${TargetDir}/${ProjectName}.app/[MyProject] ${TargetDir}/${ProjectName}.app.dSYM/${ProjectName}
Note the [MyProject] portion as the binary created in the app package is a different name than the project name for us for some reason.
Now all builds symbolicate fine from terminal and within Xcode organizer. I hope there's a less band-aid way, but we were in a time crunch and this worked.
I had this problem and posted a patched version of symbolicatecrash to github. Replace /usr/local/bin/symbolicatecrash with this and you should be back in business.
tholsens answer is correct but when using Xcode >=4.3 (which is installed as an application) you need to run xcode-select first:
sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
Otherwise you'll get strange errors like 'does not contain slice armv6', etc.
