"Version string empty" error in gprestore in greenplum - database-administration

I am trying to restore a database in greenplum with gprestore using following command:
gprestore --backup-dir /data/greenplum/gpbackups/ --timestamp 20200511110837 --redirect-db restoredDB
But I am facing following error:
restore status: Failure
restore error: Version string empty
Can anyone help me regarding what can be the possible cause of this issue ?
Version info:
gpbackup version 1.17.0+dev.45.g697096e
PostgreSQL 9.4.24 (Greenplum Database 6.3.0 build commit:77aa1b6e4486adbaede9f5f2864a04fc3a512e93)

Could you provide more detail:
Version of Greenplum
Version of gpbackup/gprestore utilities.
This will help us troubleshoot.


ArangoDB: Unable to initialize RocksDB engine: IO error

I'm not able to run ArangoDB due to below error.
FATAL [fe3df] {startup} unable to initialize RocksDB engine: IO error: No such file or directoryNewRandomAccessFile failed to Create/Open: C:\Users\Waseeq\Downloads\ArangoDB3-3.8.1_win64\ArangoDB3-3.8.1_win64\var\lib\arangodb3\engine-rocksdb/000062.ldb: The system cannot find the file specified.\r\n; Maybe your filesystem doesn't provide required features? (Cifs? NFS?)
ArangoDB version: 3.8.1
Can someone help me on this?
Run the installer once you download Arango, don't just extract the file and run it out of there.

bash: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/mongo: Permission denied [MongoDB 4.4 set up on AWS cloud 9 IDE]

I'm trying to install Mongodb version 4.4 on a AWS IDE (using a Mac and Ubuntu set up). I receive the following error message:
bash: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/mongo: Permission denied
It seems it's a permission issue, however I have no idea to to rectify this. Any ideas or steps to take to resolve this?
it seems there is already a discussion about this error on the MongoDB forum.
Here is the link
They closed it as Won't fix.
The final answer was provided by Mathew Robinson as:
Closing this as Won't Fix, it seems that Linuxbrew is a very small
subset of homebrew users and we support from source builds as well as
Linux packages for all distributions we support.
In the case of Linuxbrew it would just be a way to run our from source
builds that we already document how to do.
I have the same problem
the problem is that you use homebrew and the files are in a restricted area which means Linux can't modify it.
I solved it by:
full this guide to Install MongoDB Community Edition :
then, instead of using mongod use mongosh which allows you to add data to the table.
I tried mongod and it never works and I don't know why.
it give aborting after fassert() failure\n\n"} so mongosh work fine.

Issue while starting Cassandra 3.11.2 due to space in installation path

We recently upgraded from Cassandra version 3.11 to 3.11.2 and we are facing an issue in starting Cassandra. We have a space in our path where we install Cassandra like :
C:\Program Files\XYZ Software\cassandra
which gives me the following error
Error: Could not find or load main class Files\XYZ
Any pointers at resolving this ?
Seems like there is a bug in cassandra`s cassandra-env.ps1 script.
Open cassandra-env.ps1 present under cassandra_home/conf and check line number 380 where it is setting up JVM_OPTS.
This trick worked for me when I replace line here
$env:JVM_OPTS = "$env:JVM_OPTS -XX:CompileCommandFile=$env:CASSANDRA_CONF\hotspot_compiler"
$env:JVM_OPTS = "$env:JVM_OPTS -XX:CompileCommandFile=""$env:CASSANDRA_CONF\hotspot_compiler"""
At other places this case was well handled.
Below is the issue created to get this fix in the future releases.

Unable to open Pyspark Shell

I am running ./bin/pyspark at to open the pyspark shell but I get the following error :
`py4j.protocol.PY4JNetworkError: An error occurred while trying to connect to the Java Server`
Searched about it a lot. Couldn't find a solution.
How should I resolve this ?
This issue seems like your Java issue
Please use commands to check your java process in your machine
ps -ef|grep java
If doesn't works then please try to update your Java JDK to new.

datetime error while transferring from mysql to postgres using mysql2pgsql

While transferring data from MySQL to Postgres using mysql2pgsql I am getting the following error
Exception: unknown datetime(6)
I am using ubuntu 14.04, Mysql5.6 and Postgres9.3
What version of mysql2pgsql are you using?
Does your version include the fix for this issue?
Is the traceback (found in logs) similar?
