NodeJS monitor for Google Forms submissions - node.js

I am trying to set up a NodeJS application that monitors for new responses on a Google Form so that they can be displayed on a dashboard.
My original idea was to use the responses spreadsheet, but I can't find a way to convert it into readable JSON. The next problem is identifying which responses are new. The storage of the app is very very limited and having a copy of the spreadsheet is out of the question. What I wanted to is just ping the table every 1 hour and if there's a new response, run some code to print the data.
I am open to any ideas or suggestions!

You can maintain a counter in the app, or in a shared file/database. The counter will point to number of rows seen in the spreadsheet. Next time you query the spreadsheet, you'd know rows after counter are new.
As per extracting the data, if you have the sheet as a file, you can use some package like xlsx to parse the sheet into JSON. If not, then you can fetch the spreadsheet from Google APIs in JSON format.


Is it possible to get data from a webpage in real-time to an excel file?

I would like to create an Excel Tool that would act as a Monitoring Tool for our agents on the floor.
Right now we don't have an exclusive WFM tool that would monitor and call out agents with their activities and productivity, the only thing we have is a dashboard to view all agents status and the durations of their status or calls. This is a web-based viewer of our dialer that would only shows agents with their current status but they won't trigger or notify if an agent is going over our set thresholds for their wrap up time, over breaks or lunch.
Currently, I have an existing excel file that would look up values from another sheet to populate the table with information that I need such as the name of agent, their current status and current duration of the call.
The another sheet I've mentioned above is a blank sheet where I would simply paste all the data from the webpage of our dialer. So basically I am just doing copy-paste method where I am selecting all the contents from this webpage which is our dialer and pasting it in on the blank excel sheet that I created and the table that I made will find all the values that I setup from that blank sheet.
I really don't have enough knowledge but I still tried Data>Get Data>From Web and I am not getting anything.
I tried pasting the web link, but I don't seem to pull up any data.
I know as I've mentioned, I don't really have enough knowledge and maybe I need some basics doing this method.
What I would like to happen is if there's a way to link a webpage, sync its data to an excel sheet and is it possible to make it real-time so that way I can have an improvised WFM Tool that would help me monitor our agents activities?
Thank you in advanced!
Getting data from the Internet through a standard mechanism (Data >Get Data > From Web) is not always successful. Excel can recognize tables on a web page, but not always in the way that the human eye recognizes them.
Actually, there are two options here:
write a macro that parses specifically those pages from which you are currently getting data manually (“…I am just doing copy-paste method…”).
prepare web pages so that data from them can be automatically downloaded via Data >Get Data>From Web via standard Excel functionality.
Both require programming specifically for your task.
For example, I could write a parser, but for this I need access to the web page from which you are copying and pasting.
Or the programmer who wrote the web page can create new pages with the same data, but in a format that Excel understands. But this programmer needs to specify exactly how to design web pages.

How to copy only updated rows from Google Sheets to Excel

Currently, I'm connecting Jotform to Google sheets where information with the submissions are uploaded. We primarily use excel for the bulk of our operations and would like to connect the submissions uploaded from google sheets to excel. I can use import data from web which excel offers but it more so just copies the entire table even if you delete some rows on excel.
I want to do something similar to what zapier offers where the connection is not just a copy of the entire table and it only uploads new rows uploaded to google sheets onto excel and refreshes frequently.
Is there a way I can do this? My best bet is to use Google sheets API's? But i'm not sure where to get started.
What are "new" submissions? Excel need to know that.
You can directly import the data from jotform to Excel, no need to do it via google sheets.
Yes, even then all submissions are downloaded, that will always be the case. But not all need to be displayed. You can choose in and with Power Query what shall remain and loaded to Excel.
If you don't use a date for what you consider new, you have to store all old data in Excel as well, so Excel can see whether a submission is already downloaded before or not. You could load all data to the Data Model, where it uses very little space.
You need to learn PowerQuery for this. It is very worth it, because with little learning you can do a lot of fantastic things to your submissions and other data.

How to extract data from online react-table to csv

I would like to have some way of obtaining the data from's stats page which I believe is a react table and has no tag. An example would be the following:,gte,1&sort=points,wins
I have tried making an Excel query, but the table doesn't show up in Excel's web browser. I tried just manually copy-pasting from the webpage to Excel/Sheets, but all the data is pasted in the first column.
Any way of getting this information to a csv would be appreciated, especially some sort of automated way given a set of filters to pass into the URL.

Can we store a database in firebase, make changes and retrieve?

I have a data set in excel and I want to store it in a Firebase. I have to make changes in it like adding some columns using website and retrieve the values for the changes.
How to proceed?
If I understand your problem, You want sync your excel changes to firebase.If so,then take your data on spread sheet from excel file
you can go with Google Spread Sheets and Zapier
What you need,
1.Zapier Account
2.Google Acount
On Zapier account,make a Zap which will get data from your Spread Sheet and instert it at specified locaion on firebase
Once you have setup then it will automatically insert your sheet data to firebase. But note one thing,setup your Zap first before taking your data to spread sheet from excel beacuase Zapier will not check for existing rows.It always start checking rows after you have setup Zap

Screen scraping a separate program

I have this application called IRESS that has data that I then manually copy and paste to a spreadsheet to do certain calculations. I was wondering if there is any possible way of automating this process.
There is a web services interface to IRESS which you can find more about here. So if you send a correctly formatted message to IRESS, it will respond with a message containing the data you requested and you can then update your spreadsheet with that data
