Azure Blob Storage - Static Site analytics - azure-web-app-service

I've got a static web site hosted in Azure Blob Storage with Cloudflare as my CDN. It's such a small site (not even 1Mb and only 1 blog post), but I'm getting 1.1-1.2Gb of requests each month for the past 6 months or so with no explanation. Is there a way to find out what is being requested? In Azure, I can only find information about the performance, up-time, etc, but nothing about url's and I need to pay to get this info from Cloudflare (I believe). Has anyone else experience such strange requests?

I suggest you open Diagnostic settings and download Azure Storage Explorer to view the logs.
When you finished settings, u can check logs by tools. You can see request urls and http status info.
The previous data should not be visible, but you can monitor and analyze future requests.

When I did a lookup on those two IP's, they were both registered to Cloudflare, one makes sense given I'm using their service, but to have what appears to be their bot hit my site with this frequency doesn't... Wonder if there's a setting


Azure static web site count unique clients

I am hosting Azure static web site using Azure Storage, CDN Profile and End Point. I want to see the outgoing traffic. Currently I can only see that for the storage account but I can't see where I can actually count unique site visitors. Please, help. I am OK if it can only be done through powershell script.
There is no built in feature available to get the user visits count, However there are two ways to achieve that:
By Enabling Application Insights: Once you enable you will be able to view the user device,name,count etc
View Storage Analytics Logs: This is like a backend view, You can view the storage analytics logs to view the operations performed on blobs

Azure Traffic Logs - see geography of requests

Is there any way to see, on an Azure Website, a log of all the requests divided by geographic area / IP?
Today we experienced a lot of requests (4 times than the average) and I'd like to know if is some kind of DDoS or similar.
I ended up enabling diagnostics on the application.
Go on the app, under "Monitoring" select "Diagnostics logs".
Then I enabled every kind of log with storage on the Blob.
After logs have been generated I analyzed them using "Weblog Expert".

Azure CDN - With Local Web Server

Hello I'm looking at a method for speeding up a website and providing a 5MB download (Windows App + Later this year Android version) to international customers. The numbers etc are not known at this stage but would like to know what options are available. The web server is based in NZ currently and is a WordPress install.
I'm new to these subject areas, so not 100% sure on the best move. So have a few Questions?
Would a Proxy such as Varnish be enough for a few 100 downloads a day (Possibly Hopeful)? - if hosted in NZ - its likely to be slow for international customers - without testing would be hard to know - have had a Google and haven't found anything to answer this thoroughly yet.
Could I use Azure CDN and point that at my current web server - if so where would I find good documentation on this? Or could someone provide some measure of cost here, the CDN pricing refers to the locations - I assume that would refer to each edge server - so perhaps would need to purchase a few locations to get a thorough coverage?
I assume once its setup it isn't too much hassle to add in more locations if needed + I think if we had an Australian location (Perhaps first location) - it should in theory be quite a bit faster than from NZ (Not that Azure offers)
Will keep looking in the meantime...
Azure CDN would be a good solution. However, you don't "point" Azure CDN at your server. You upload and manage content in Azure BLOB Storage and enable CDN capabilities that basically duplicates your content to all Azure data centers and uses the CDN capability to pull from the location closest to the client. The CDN provides a CDN based URL or custom URL to link your content in a website.

Azure CDN returning 404 while origin url doesn't

I've created a cdn service and set the origin url to a azure website which runs iis-node that serves a NodeJS web application, when trying to access static resources the cdn always return 404 while the same pathname works when accessing the resource through the origin url,
anything that i might be missing here?
Turns out it takes at least an hour until the content is being populated, during that time the CDN return 404.
Based on the article
A content delivery network (CDN) is a distributed network of servers
that can efficiently deliver web content to users. CDNs store cached
content on edge servers in point-of-presence (POP) locations that are
close to end users, to minimize latency.
Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) offers developers a global
solution for rapidly delivering high-bandwidth content to users by
caching their content at strategically placed physical nodes across
the world
What you can do though to fasten the process is to just log in to Azure portal, go to the
CDN profiles section, pick your CDN, And Click on Purge on the top menu.
It should automatically update the content of the cache memory for your endpoint/s and you shouldn't wait hours.
Hope it helps. Cheers
In case anyone else comes across this thread - I built an Azure CDN (Verizon Standard) and it took almost 24 hours for the images/files to pull up using the Endpoint Hostname.
Unfortunately, in my case I thought I was doing something wrong so I kept changing it which probably prolonged it. When I finally realized I did everything correct I decided to wait it out.
I had the same issue but the cause for me was that the Azure CDN only serves content under the /CDN path. So if you are trying to access anything on you'll get a 404 (unless you have a URL rewwrite in place)

Getting web page hit count with IIS logs in Azure

I have a website hosted in Azure as a cloud service (not as a website), and I need to get the hit count for every web page of the site.
I enabled Azure Diagnostics, and I see the IIS logs copied to my blob storage, however this logs contain very few data (only one hit to a javascript file).
Furthermore, putting "Verbose" or "All" in the diagnostics configuration of the web role doesn't seem to affect the results, I get only one line (an access to a css file, or an image file, etc).
I'm using Azure SDK 2.0.
Is it possible to use the included IIS logs generated by azure to get a hit count? What should I need to change in the diagnostics configuration?
Or should I need a different approach to achieve this?
The IIS logs it produces are the same ones you'd find on a Windows Server anywhere. Note that depending on the settings you provided to the diagnostics it might take a little while before the data is moved to the storage account. Setting the level of verbosity for the configuration determines what is moved from the instances over to the storage account. Did you give it plenty of time to move the data over before looking at the file in storage again? Sometimes it just brings over what it has, and of course, there could be buffering which means when the file was brought over not everything was in it, etc.
You should be able to get this information from the logs, and yes, you should be able to do it from the IIS logs. That being said, if what you are after is a hits per page I would suggest actually a different approach. Look at an analytics provider like Google Analytics or one of the competitors to that. You'll get a massive amount of information beyond just page hits and no need to worry about parsing log files, etc.
