Game Results in Excel - excel

I would much appreciate it if someone could help me with the needed formulas for this case.
I have multiple matches that I want to determine their winners based on their score. I also want to do a couple of stats based on the results.
A sample of how the game result should be entered
My requests are:
1- Return winner team name based on the original time result, if a tie then the extra time result, if a tie then penalties result. I also need the winner cell to have no values if no game result is entered.
2- If the game ends in original time, OTC counter increases by 1.
3- If the game ends in extra time, ETC counter increases by 1.
4- If the game ends in penalties, PC counter increases by 1.
I am guessing the counters would be done using the same method but you are the expert here.
Thank you so much for your time and effort.

(This information is too big to fit a comment, hence I put it as an answer)
I don't think you'll get answers on this site, as you have not done any effort yourself. But I have the impression that this is due to the fact that you don't know where to start, so let me give you some starting advice.
The functions you'll need to perform this task are mostly Max(), Sum(), IF(), CountIF() and maybe SumIF() (or CountIFS() and SumIFS() in case of multiple criteria).
As for the finding of the winner, you might use the Max() function in order to find the best result, and use a Lookup() function in order to know where you might encounter that result.
It might be helpful to add a helper column, containing a value (like 1) for all winning teams. By adding all those ones, you might fill the information in your other columns.
Now you have a starting point. Please try this out and if you have any specific questions, feel free to ask.

Thanks to Dominique, This is where I got so far regarding deciding on the match winner.
I used a combination of IF(), MAX() and LOOKUP functions. I am now determining results based on 2 cases: original time and penalties.
This is how the match appears
And this is how my formula looks like to determine the winner
My issue now is that I want to count for human error when entering the results. With this formula, it returns Team B as the winner if the penalties result is a draw which cannot happen. I need it to show an error or not return an output if the result entered in the penalties score are equal.
Thank you for your support.


Excel: Calculations with two variables, that both share the same ID

I have been working on a little project in which I analyze some data from a game that I play. My dataset looks like this:
As you can see, it consists of:
Match ID
Map the match was played on
Team name
First pick, second pick and third pick (characters/players)
Points the teams won from this match
What side they played on (A or B)
Who won
Whether they're in the top 64 teams
Currently I am trying to analyze how certain picks perform against other picks. For example, I would like to see how the Xelor first pick (cell D2) performs against all other first picks. To do this, I would need to count the amount of times the Xelor first pick played against all other first pick, and how many times the Xelor pick won. I don't have any problems doing that, but the catch is that I need to make sure I only compare the Xelor first picks with other first picks from the same match (same match ID). For example, I would compare the Xelor first pick (D2) vs the Steamer first pick (D3), as they share the same match ID.
I came up with a messy solution earlier with simple formulas, but it made for a table that had no data every other row, which resulted in some problems analyzing the data. I am now struggling with the Index and Match functions to make a pretty table for my needs, but I am having a hard time.
If anyone could give me a hand on how to do this, or has any clever ideas on how to analyze all picks vs other picks, let me know!
So, it turns out that both the Unique function and the Xlookup functions made this an easy problem to solve.
First, I made a new column showing just the unique match ID values:
Then, next to that column I looked up the first pick of the A side team using Xlookup:
I then did the same in another column for the team on the other side using an inverse search direction:
Lastly, to see which of the two first picks won, I used this formula in a fourth column:
This resulted in the following table (M:P):
Thanks for the help, David!
You could try something like this in M2 cell:
TB_GAMES[Pick 1],L2,TB_GAMES[Match],$K$2))
Then you can expand the formula down.
In L column you have the unique values from users given the Match (K2) and the Pick 1 column values.
In case you want to calculate the scores for all the Pick 1 players at once. You can try the following:
=LET(winSet, FILTER(TB_GAMES[Pick 1], TB_GAMES[W/L/D]="Win"),
matches,XMATCH(winSet, UNIQUE(winSet)),
freq,FREQUENCY(matches, UNIQUE(matches)), SORT(HSTACK(UNIQUE(winSet),
FILTER(freq, freq<>0)),2,-1)
Note: Because we are using a FILTER function we cannot use as range input argument for COUNTIF or COUNTFS, so we try to use XMATCH/FREQUENCY as a way to achieve the same result. For more information about this see my answer to the question: How to count the number of trades made on a Excel spreadsheet using a custom conditional formula?, we use here the same idea and the explanation would be the same.
The HSTACK function is used just to combine the result having the winners and the number of wins for each player. Finally the result is sorted by score.
This would be the result on O2 cell:

Spotfire DenseRank by category, do I use OVER?

I'm trying to rank some data in spotfire, and I'm having a bit of trouble writing a formula to calculate it. Here's a breakdown of what I am working with.
Group: the test group
SNP: what SNP I am looking at
Count: how many counts I get for the specific SNP
What I'd like to do is rank the average # of counts that are present for each SNP, within the group. Thus, I could then see, within a group, which SNP ranks #1, #2, etc.
TL;DR Disclaimer: You can do this, though if you are changing your cross table frequently, it may become a giant hassle. Make sure to double-check that logic is what you'd expect after any modification. Proceed with caution.
The basis of the Custom Expression you seem to be looking for is as follows:
Max(DenseRank(Count() OVER (Intersect([Group],[SNP])),"desc",[Group]))
This gives the total count of rows instead of the average; I was uncertain if "Count" was supposed to be a column or not. If you really do want to turn it into an average, make sure to adjust accordingly.
If all you have is the Group and the SNP nested on the left, you're done and good to go.
First issue, when you want to filter it down, it gives you the dense rank of only those in the filtered set. In some cases this is good, and what you're looking for; in others, it isn't. If you want it to hold fast to its value, regardless of filtering, you can use the same logic, but throw it in a Calculated column, instead of in the custom expression. Then, in your CrossTable Aggregation, get the max of the Calculated Column value.
Calculated Column:
DenseRank(Count() OVER (Intersect([Group],[SNP])),"desc",[Group])
Second Issue: You want to pivot by something other than Group and SNP. Perhaps, for example, by date? If you throw the Date across the top, it's going to show the same numbers for every month -- the overall numbers. This is not particularly helpful.
To a certain extent, Spotfire's Custom Expressions can handle this modification. If you switch between using a single column, you could use the following:
Max(DenseRank(Count() OVER (Intersect([${Axis.Columns.ShortDisplayName}],[Group],[SNP])),"desc",[Group],[${Axis.Columns.ShortDisplayName}]))
That would automatically pull in the column from the top, and show you the ranking for each individual process date.
However, if you start nesting, using hierarchies, renaming your columns, or having multiple aggregations and throwing (Column Names) across the top, you're going to start having to pay a great deal to your custom expression. You'll need to do some form of string replacement around the Axis.Column, or use expression instead of Short Names, and get rid of Nests, etc.
Any layer of complexity will require this sort of analysis, so if your end-users have access to modify the pivot table... honestly, I probably wouldn't give them this column.
Third Issue: I don't know if this is an issue, exactly, but you said "Average Counts" -- Average per day? Per Month? When averaging, you will need to decide if, for example, a month is the total number of days in month or the number of days that particular payor had data. However you decide to aggregate it, make sure you're doing it on the right level.
For the record, I liked the premise of this question; it's something I'd thought would be useful before, but never took the time to try to implement, since sorting a column or limiting a table to only show the top 10 values is much simpler

problems with excel showing producs when insterting measurments with multiple results

Hello i'm having problems with getting this to work. What i'm trying to do is when you insert a set of measurements i want excel to show the ( In this case products) which are closest to those measurements.
here is a picture:
The result i'm trying to reach is when you type in the measurements you get product(s) and the manufacturer which are closest to those measurements.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
In essence, what you are after is an index+match function. It will allow you to find a value in one list, given a corresponding variable. In this case, given a measurement, it will find a manufacturer and product combo in your list.
Your problem is that you will need to adapt your data to allow for this. For example, you need to decide whether you only want the closest match for measurements or if you need the closest match that is greater than the measurement you provide.
It is also possible that you'll need to split your measurement column into two different columns (unless all you need is the total area irrespective of individual lengths).
You could potentially avoid the index+match by using conditional formatting, but that would still require the data manipulation.
Given the information you provided, the answer will never be much more informative than this. But this should get you started and the following steps can be made easier with help from google.

Excel formula score and award a place - Rank based on multiple parameters

Let me share the problem, where I am trying to decide the winner list comparing multiple parameters:
First of all, I need to compare the fault points. The less you have the better place you get. If the fault points are equal, then I need to compare the time. Comparing the time, the faster you performed the greater place you get (green column represents the right result).
I have used this formula:
However, I get a wrong comparison for the time parameter. My guess is that it is either a small issue I am having or the formula itself is completely wrong.
Thanks in advance.
Use this formula instead:
See image for reference:
Looks like this might be helpful. They have an example related to breaking ties that I think will work for your scenario.
Excel Functions: Rank

MS Excel IF statement confusion

I'm trying to make a spreadsheet for some calendars that I'm selling. I have a pricing scheme which depends on how many calendars a customer buys. I want to be able to keep track of sales, but I don't want to have to input the price per unit for each sale. I set up an IF statement that seems to work except for the last variable. Here's a screenshot:
As you can see, it works all the way to the last one. After the number reaches 11, the price per unit should drop to 6, but it doesn't! I know it must be a simple fix, but I don't know much about IF statement, so I'm stuck. Please help!
If you set up your price table similar to my set-up below, you can use a VLOOKUP formula to make it more flexible.
The formula in H10 is:
Enter and drag down.
The benefit of this approach is that you can change the lower bound count on the left and you'll get an adjustment without having to update the formula. Try changing the 2 in Count to 3 and you'll see the adjustments right away.
An added benefit is you can add some more values to the table for further pricing brackets.
If you must use an IF statement, try:
=IF(G10=1,9,IF(G10<=5,8,IF(AND(G10>5, G10<11),7,IF(G10>=11,6,IF(G10="","")))))
The problem with yours is it will never read the if(G10>=11 part because it has already evaluated if(G10>5
If it should have no output when G10 is blank, use the following variant:
=IF(ISBLANK(G10),"",IF(G10=1,9,IF(G10<=5,8,IF(AND(G10>5, G10<11),7,IF(G10>=11,6,IF(G10="",""))))))
I agree with #Nanashi that putting the price thresholds in a separate table and using vlookup is a better solution. That would make it possible to change the price points without having to edit multiple formulae.
But to just get your formula working, try this: =if(g10="","",if(g10=1,9,if(g1<=6,8,if(g10<=10,7,6))))
Notice that:
You don't need (and probably don't want) quotes around your numeric
The order of tests is important. In your original, the test for g10>=11 is never reached because it is in the else part of the g10>5 function.
A properly constructed table of quantities and pricing coupled with a VLOOKUP formula would be the best way to go and eases future pricing changes. But for the sake of diversity, your straightforward pricing structure could also be handled by the following:
In the formula, "G10>5" should be "G10<=10". Otherwise, when it gets to 11, it still meets the G10>5 criteria.
