Understanding cats effect `Cancelable ` - scala-cats

I am trying to understand how cats effect Cancelable works. I have the following minimal app, based on the documentation
import java.util.concurrent.{Executors, ScheduledExecutorService}
import cats.effect._
import cats.implicits._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
object Main extends IOApp {
def delayedTick(d: FiniteDuration)
(implicit sc: ScheduledExecutorService): IO[Unit] = {
IO.cancelable { cb =>
val r = new Runnable {
def run() =
val f = sc.schedule(r, d.length, d.unit)
// Returning the cancellation token needed to cancel
// the scheduling and release resources early
val mayInterruptIfRunning = false
override def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] = {
val scheduledExecutorService =
for {
x <- delayedTick(1.second)(scheduledExecutorService)
_ <- IO(println(s"$x"))
} yield ExitCode.Success
When I run this:
❯ sbt run
[info] Loading global plugins from /Users/ethan/.sbt/1.0/plugins
[info] Loading settings for project stackoverflow-build from plugins.sbt ...
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/ethan/IdeaProjects/stackoverflow/project
[info] Loading settings for project stackoverflow from build.sbt ...
[info] Set current project to cats-effect-tutorial (in build file:/Users/ethan/IdeaProjects/stackoverflow/)
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /Users/ethan/IdeaProjects/stackoverflow/target/scala-2.12/classes ...
[info] running (fork) Main
[info] ()
The program just hangs at this point. I have many questions:
Why does the program hang instead of terminating after 1 second?
Why do we set mayInterruptIfRunning = false? Isn't the whole point of cancellation to interrupt a running task?
Is this the recommended way to define the ScheduledExecutorService? I did not see examples in the docs.
This program waits 1 second, and then returns () (then unexpectedly hangs). What if I wanted to return something else? For example, let's say I wanted to return a string, the result of some long-running computation. How would I extract that value from IO.cancelable? The difficulty, it seems, is that IO.cancelable returns the cancelation operation, not the return value of the process to be cancelled.
Pardon the long post but this is my build.sbt:
name := "cats-effect-tutorial"
version := "1.0"
fork := true
scalaVersion := "2.12.8"
libraryDependencies += "org.typelevel" %% "cats-effect" % "1.3.0" withSources() withJavadoc()
scalacOptions ++= Seq(

you need shutdown the ScheduledExecutorService, Try this
Resource.make(IO(Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor))(se => IO(se.shutdown())).use {
se =>
for {
x <- delayedTick(5.second)(se)
_ <- IO(println(s"$x"))
} yield ExitCode.Success

I was able to find an answer to these questions although there are still some things that I don't understand.
Why does the program hang instead of terminating after 1 second?
For some reason, Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor() causes things to hang. To fix the problem, I had to use Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(new Thread(_)). It appears that the only difference is that the first version is equivalent to Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(Executors.defaultThreadFactory()), although nothing in the docs makes it clear why this is the case.
Why do we set mayInterruptIfRunning = false? Isn't the whole point of cancellation to interrupt a running task?
I have to admit that I do not understand this entirely. Again, the docs were not especially clarifying on this point. Switching the flag to true does not seem to change the behavior at all, at least in the case of Ctrl-c interrupts.
Is this the recommended way to define the ScheduledExecutorService? I did not see examples in the docs.
Clearly not. The way that I came up with was loosely inspired by this snippet from the cats effect source code.
This program waits 1 second, and then returns () (then unexpectedly hangs). What if I wanted to return something else? For example, let's say I wanted to return a string, the result of some long-running computation. How would I extract that value from IO.cancelable? The difficulty, it seems, is that IO.cancelable returns the cancelation operation, not the return value of the process to be cancelled.
The IO.cancellable { ... } block returns IO[A] and the callback cb function has type Either[Throwable, A] => Unit. Logically this suggests that whatever is fed into the cb function is what the IO.cancellable expression will returned (wrapped in IO). So to return the string "hello" instead of (), we rewrite delayedTick:
def delayedTick(d: FiniteDuration)
(implicit sc: ScheduledExecutorService): IO[String] = { // Note IO[String] instead of IO[Unit]
implicit val processRunner: JVMProcessRunner[IO] = new JVMProcessRunner
IO.cancelable[String] { cb => // Note IO.cancelable[String] instead of IO[Unit]
val r = new Runnable {
def run() =
cb(Right("hello")) // Note "hello" instead of ()
val f: ScheduledFuture[_] = sc.schedule(r, d.length, d.unit)

You need explicitly terminate the executor at the end, as it is not managed by Scala or Cats runtime, it wouldn't exit by itself, that's why your App hands up instead of exit immediately.
mayInterruptIfRunning = false gracefully terminates a thread if it is running. You can set it as true to forcely kill it, but it is not recommanded.
You have many way to create a ScheduledExecutorService, it depends on need. For this case it doesn't matter, but the question 1.
You can return anything from the Cancelable IO by call cb(Right("put your stuff here")), the only thing blocks you to retrieve the return A is when your cancellation works. You wouldn't get anything if you stop it before it gets to the point. Try to return IO(f.cancel(mayInterruptIfRunning)).delayBy(FiniteDuration(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS)).void, you will get what you expected. Because 2 seconds > 1 second, your code gets enough time to run before it has been cancelled.


SwtichToContext does not return to original thread

I'm working with an API that can only access its objects on the main thread, so I need to create a new thread to be used for my GUI and then swap back to the original thread for any lengthy calculations involving the API.
So far I have the following code:
[<EntryPoint; STAThread>]
let main _ =
Debug.WriteLine($"[{Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}] - Inital thread")
let initCtx = SynchronizationContext.Current
let uiThread = new Thread(fun () ->
let guiCtx = SynchronizationContext.Current
Debug.WriteLine($"[{Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}] - New UI thread")
do! Async.SwitchToContext initCtx
Debug.WriteLine($"[{Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}] - Back to initial thread")
// Lengthy API calculation here
do! Async.SwitchToContext guiCtx
Debug.WriteLine($"[{Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}] - Back to UI thread")
} |> Async.RunSynchronously
However when I run this I get the output:
[1] - Inital thread
[4] - New UI thread
[5] - Back to initial thread
[5] - Back to UI thread
So it doesn't seem to be switching contexts the way I would expect. How can I switch back to the original thread after creating a new thread this way?
I have tried calling
SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(new DispatcherSynchronizationContext(Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher)) first to ensure that the original thread has a valid SynchronizationContext but that causes the program to exit at the Async.SwitchToContext lines without throwing any exception.
I have also tried using Async.StartImmediate instead of RunSynchronously with the same result.
If I try both of these at the same time then the program just freezes up at the Async.SwitchToContext lines instead of exiting out.

How to programmatically get log level in Pyspark

I need to know, programmatically in Pyspark, which is the log level.
I know I can set it, by doing:
# spark is a SparkSession object
But there is not an equivalent method for retrieving the log level.
Any ideas? Thanks!
I finally came up with a solution, by accessing the Spark session's JVM (py4j underneath):
def get_log_level(spark):
log_manager = spark._jvm.org.apache.log4j.LogManager
trace = spark._jvm.org.apache.log4j.Level.TRACE
debug = spark._jvm.org.apache.log4j.Level.DEBUG
info = spark._jvm.org.apache.log4j.Level.INFO
warn = spark._jvm.org.apache.log4j.Level.WARN
error = spark._jvm.org.apache.log4j.Level.ERROR
fatal = spark._jvm.org.apache.log4j.Level.FATAL
logger = log_manager.getRootLogger()
if logger.isEnabledFor(trace):
return "TRACE"
elif logger.isEnabledFor(debug):
return "DEBUG"
elif logger.isEnabledFor(info):
return "INFO"
elif logger.isEnabledFor(warn):
return "WARN"
elif logger.isEnabledFor(error):
return "ERROR"
elif logger.isEnabledFor(fatal):
return "FATAL"
return None
Most probably there is a better way for doing it.
This will return the LogLevel set in your spark session
log_manager = spark._jvm.org.apache.log4j.LogManager
logger = log_manager.getRootLogger().getEffectiveLevel()
Spark is Open Source, right?
The source code will show you many things that are not in the documentation. And the unit tests will give you hints about things not covered in tutorials.
Demo: browse the Spark project on Github and search for setLogLevel.
OK, the Github internal search usually sucks, but on a single specific keyword it's worth trying. And indeed the very 1st answer gives you this interesting snippet, from a unit test (here reset to branch 2.4):
val originalLevel = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getRootLogger().getLevel
try {
// Avoid outputting a lot of expected warning logs
} finally {
So the setLogLevel method appears to be a (very) thin wrapper around the Log4J API.
And that's exactly that:
def setLogLevel(logLevel: String) {
def setLogLevel(l: org.apache.log4j.Level) {

stop all async Task when they fails over threshold?

I'm using Monix Task for async control.
tasks are executed in parallel
if failure occurs over X times
stop all tasks that are not yet in complete status (as quick as better)
my solution
I come up the ideas that race between 1. result and 2. error counter, and cancel the loser.
Via Task.race if the error-counter get to threshold first, then the tasks would be canceled by Task.race.
on Ammonite REPL
import $ivy.`io.monix::monix:3.1.0`
import monix.eval.Task
import monix.execution.atomic.Atomic
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import monix.execution.Scheduler
//import monix.execution.Scheduler.Implicits.global
implicit val s = Scheduler.fixedPool("race", 2) // pool size
val taskSize = 100
val errCounter = Atomic(0)
val threshold = 3
val tasks = (1 to taskSize).map(_ => Task.sleep(100.millis).map(_ => errCounter.increment()))
val guard = Task(f"stop because too many error: ${errCounter.get()}")
.restartUntil(_ => errCounter.get() >= threshold)
val race = Task
.race(guard, Task.gather(tasks))
.onComplete { case x => println(x); println(f"completed task: ${errCounter.get()}") }
The outcome is depends on thread pool size !?
For pool size 1
the outcome is almost always a task success i.e. no stop.
completed task: 100 // all task success !
For pool size 2
it is very un-deterministic between success and failure and the cancelling is not accurate.
for example:
Success(Left(stop because too many error: 1))
completed task: 98
the canceling is as late as 98 tasks has completed.
the error count is weird small to threshold.
The default global scheduler get this same outcome behavior.
For pool size 200
it is more deterministic and the stopping is earlier thus more accurate in sense that less task was completed.
Success(Left(stop because too many error: 2))
completed task: 8
the larger of the pool size the better.
If I change Task.gather to Task.sequence execution, all issues disappeared!
What is the cause for this dependency on pool size ?
How to improve it or is there better alternative for stopping tasks once too many error occurs ?
What you're seeing is likely an effect of the monix scheduler and how it aims for fairness. It's a fairly complex topic but the documentation and scaladocs are excellent (see: https://monix.io/docs/3x/execution/scheduler.html#execution-model)
When you have only one thread (or few) it takes a while until the "guard" Task gets another turn to check. With Task.gather you start 100 tasks at once, so the scheduler is very busy and the "guard" cannot check again until the other tasks are already done.
If you have one thread per task the scheduler cannot guarantee fairness and therefore the "guard" unfairly checks much more frequently and can finish sooner.
If you use Task.sequence those 100 tasks are executed sequentially, which is why the "guard" task gets much more opportunities to finish as soon as needed. If you want to keep your code the way it is, you could use Task.gatherN(parallelism = 4) which will limit the parallelism and therefore allow your "guard" to check more often (a middleground between Task.sequence and Task.gather).
It seems a bit like Go code to me (using Task.race like Go's select) and you're also using side-effects unconstrained which further complicates understanding what's going on. I've tried to rewrite your program in a way that's more idiomatic and for complicated concurrency I usually reach for streams like Observable:
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import monix.eval.Task
import monix.execution.Scheduler
import monix.reactive.Observable
import scala.concurrent.duration._
object ErrorThresholdDemo extends App {
//import monix.execution.Scheduler.Implicits.global
implicit val s: Scheduler = Scheduler.fixedPool("race", 2) // pool size
val taskSize = 100
val threshold = 30
val program = for {
errCounter <- Ref[Task].of(0)
tasks = (1 to taskSize).map(n => Task.sleep(100.millis).flatMap(_ => errCounter.update(_ + (n % 2))))
tasksFinishedCount <- Observable
.mapParallelUnordered(parallelism = 4) { task =>
.takeUntilEval(errCounter.get.restartUntil(_ >= threshold))
.map(_ => 1)
errorCount <- errCounter.get
_ <- Task(println(f"completed tasks: $tasksFinishedCount, errors: $errorCount"))
} yield ()
As you can see I no longer use global mutable side-effects but instead Ref which interally also uses Atomic but provides a functional api which we can use with Task.
For demonstration purposes I also changed the threshold to 30 and only every other task will "error". So the expected output is always around completed tasks: 60, errors: 30 no matter the thread-pool size.
I'm still using polling with errCounter.get.restartUntil(_ >= threshold) which might burn a bit too much CPU for my taste but it's close to your original idea and works well.
Usually I don't create a list of tasks up front but instead throw the inputs into the Observable and create the tasks inside of .mapParallelUnordered. This code keeps your list which is why there is no real mapping involved (it already contains tasks).
You can choose your desired parallelism much like with Task.gatherN which is pretty nice imo.
Let me know if anything is still unclear :)

Akka: How to ensure that message has been received?

I have an actor Dispenser. What it does is it
dispenses some objects by request
listens to arriving new ones
Code follows
class Dispenser extends Actor {
override def receive: Receive = {
case Get =>
context.sender ! getObj()
case x: SomeType =>
In real processing it doesn't matter whether 1 ms or even few seconds passed since new object was sent until the dispenser starts to dispense it, so there's no code tracking it.
But now I'm writing test for the dispenser and I want to be sure that firstly it receives new object and only then it receives a Get request.
Here's the test code I came up with:
val dispenser = system.actorOf(Props.create(classOf[Dispenser]))
dispenser ! obj
val task = dispenser ? Get()
val result = Await.result(task, timeout)
It satisfies one important requirement - it doesn't change original code. But it is
At least 100ms seconds slow even on very high performance boxes
Unstable and fails sometimes because 100 ms or any other constant doesn't provide any guaranties.
And the question is how to make a test that satisfies requirement and doesn't have cons above (neither any other obvious cons)
You can take out the Thread.sleep(..) and your test will be fine. Akka guarantees the ordering you need.
With the code
dispenser ! obj
val task = dispenser ? Get()
dispenser will process obj before Get deterministically because
The same thread puts obj then Get in the actor's mailbox, so they're in the correct order in the actor's mailbox
Actors process messages sequentially and one-at-a-time, so the two messages will be received by the actor and processed in the order they're queued in the mailbox.
(..if there's nothing else going on that's not in your sample code - routers, async processing in getObj or addObj, stashing, ..)
Akka FSM module is really handy for testing underlying state and behavior of the actor and does not require to change its implementation specifically for tests.
By using TestFSMRef one can get actors current state and and data by:
val testActor = TestFSMRef(<actors constructor or Props>)
testActor.stateName shouldBe <state name>
testActor.stateData shouldBe <state data>

Frank Cucumber Test Case Hangs When Using "when I wait" Test

I'm using frank-cucumber to test my iOS app and have run into some problems when my test is of the following form
When I wait to see "OpenButton"
If a UIView with the accessibility label "OpenButton" never shows up, instead of timing out and reporting an error on the test after WAIT_TIMEOUT is hit, cucumber just hangs.
Since I don't see WAIT_TIMEOUT even used in the core_frank_steps.rb I wonder if this is the reason why any test case of the form "When I wait.." will just hang.
Note: core_frank_steps.rb can be found here
# Polls every 0.1s , returns true when element is present
# #param selector [String] Frankly selector e.g. view marked:''
# #param timeout [Int] seconds to wait
def wait_for_element(selector, timeout=10)
#the return value of the yield expression isn't working, so we use a closure
res = nil
wait_until(:timeout => timeout, :message => "Waited for element #{selector} to exist") {
res = element_exists(selector)
The above function helped us get around some of these wait scenarios.
