what im trying to do:
change table data if value is like the passed criteria
Sub editTableData(tableName As String, rw As Integer, col As Integer, str As String)
Sheet1.ListObjects(tableName).Range(rw, col).value = str
End Sub
Call editTableData("statement", 20, 6, "Why did this work?")
End Sub
03/19/2020, WAL-MART SUPERCENTER, 67.07, blank, blank, "Why did this work?"
but when called here:
Function categorize(criteria As String) As Double
Dim statement As listobject, statementNames As Range, statementCategory As Range, statementCredit As Range, name As Range
Set statement = Sheet1.ListObjects("statement")
Set statementNames = Sheet1.ListObjects("statement").ListColumns("Name").DataBodyRange
Set statementCategory = Sheet1.ListObjects("statement").ListColumns("Category").DataBodyRange
Set statementCredit = Sheet1.ListObjects("statement").ListColumns("Credit").DataBodyRange
'---this is the part that matters:--------------------------------
For Each name In statementNames
If name.value Like criteria + "*" Then
Call editTableData(statement.name, name.row, statementCategory.column, statement.name)
categorize = categorize + statementCredit(name.row, statementCredit.column).value
End If
End Function
it gets to the method, it passes editTableData("statement", 20, 6, "statement") as String, int, int, String respectively (so the same data) but it just stops working and i dont know why.
anything enlightening would be nice, here is the table that i am using this table to call the formula as well:
a picture of the table
Here is the debug photos:
in the method (reference locals window for values):
in the method
and when I press F8 Again this time, it crashed...
No error message, none of the other cells above or below were changed so its just not working at all. if it were an index problem that would be easy enough to fix
I have a workbook full of product codes and names. Contained within a form are various text boxes where a user can enter a code and its corresponding label will update with the name found in the workbook. Each text box runs the following sub when changed
Private Sub FindItem(x As Long)
Dim Name As Variant
Name = Application.VLookup(AddStockForm.Controls("Code" & x).Text, Sheet1.Range("B:C"), 2, False)
If IsError(Name) Then
AddStockForm.Controls("Name" & x).Caption = "Unknown Code"
AddStockForm.Controls("Name" & x).Caption = Name
End If
End Sub
The sub takes the user input in the target box (e.g. Code1) and finds the corresponding name and writes it to the label (e.g. Name1). HOWEVER, the product codes are either strings, alphanumeric and plain text, OR numbers. For stupid reasons beyond my control, some codes have to be numbers, others have to contain letters.
This code works PERFECTLY for any code with a character in it (MYCODE or 500A) but not numbers, it writes "Unknown code" for any number, and they are in the lookup range. I have searched around stackoverflow and answers suggest declaring as variants, I've done this, even by assigning Controls().Text as a variant before using it in VLookup. I suspect the problem is
AddStockForm.Controls("Code" & x).Text
is a string. But I cannot convert to an INT because the user input might be a number or string.
Any ideas?
One thing you can do is to create a separate function which has the separate parts you want to do. In this instance, we are checking the input value first. If this is numerical we want to try doing the lookup as a string, then as a number if that fails. If the input value is not numerical we can go ahead and do the lookup as normal.
Public Function lookupStringOrInt(inputValue As Variant, tableArray As Range, colIndexNum As Long, Optional rangeLookup As Boolean) As Variant
If IsNumeric(inputValue) Then
lookupStringOrInt = Application.IfError(Application.VLookup(inputValue & "", tableArray, colIndexNum, rangeLookup), Application.VLookup(inputValue * 1, tableArray, colIndexNum, rangeLookup))
lookupStringOrInt = Application.VLookup(inputValue, tableArray, colIndexNum, rangeLookup)
End If
End Function
You can then call this in your code with the line
name = lookupStringOrInt(AddStockForm.Controls("Code" & x) & "", Sheet1.Range("B:C"), 2, False)
If the value you are looking for does not exist, the function will return 'Error 2042'. You can choose to handle this however you like.
Im writing an If+Or function and would like to use several cell references for the different Logicals in the function, instead of writing each logical statements in the original if+or function. Any ideas of how to solve this? Hope im not too unclear here..
As example: instead of writing =If(or(A1=A2,A3=A4),A1,0) I would like to write out all different logical values in a list of cells, and the just write the original if+or formula like this: =IF(OR(B1),A1,0) where B1 contains the text "A1=A2,A3=A4"
Thanks for any help on this!
You can use the INDIRECT function.
For example, if the value in cell A6 is 10, INDIRECT("A6") = 10.
So basically you can write INDIRECT("A6")=INDIRECT("A7") instead of the A1=A2 condition in your IF formula.
If you want to have "A1=A2" in one cell, you can use LEFT and RIGHT.
Here is an example: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/157tRicA55TFKKOi86yYBQScnjaQE6fYxaCHFdZx4uUM/edit?usp=sharing
PS: this solution is for Google Sheets so the solution might differ a little if you're using Excel but that should work for Excel too.
You CANNOT Have It All
Instead of using =IF(OR(B1),A1,0) you have to use
e.g. =IFOR(B1,A1) (I prefer "" instead of 0, sorry)
or =IFOR(B1,A1,0) if you (prefer 0 instead of ""),
or change the ElseValue in the declaration to 0,
then you can use =IFOR(B1,A1) to get 0.
Function IFOR(IfOrCell As Range, ThenCell As Range, _
Optional ElseValue As Variant = "", _
Optional SplitDelimiter As String = ",") As Variant
Dim arrIfOr As Variant
Dim iIfOr As Integer
Dim blnIfOr As Boolean
'The Array: The Split
If InStr(IfOrCell.Value2, SplitDelimiter) = 0 Then Exit Function
arrIfOr = Split(IfOrCell.Value2, SplitDelimiter)
'An Additional Split Introducing the Boolean
For iIfOr = LBound(arrIfOr) To UBound(arrIfOr)
If InStr(arrIfOr(iIfOr), "=") <> 0 Then
If Range(Split(arrIfOr(iIfOr), "=")(0)).Value2 _
= Range(Split(arrIfOr(iIfOr), "=")(1)).Value2 Then
blnIfOr = True
Exit For
End If
End If
If blnIfOr = True Then
IFOR = ThenCell.Value2
IFOR = ElseValue
End If
End Function
i have created user defined function to calculate football match results.
My Root Function looks that:
Function calculatePoints(personTypes As Range, matchesResults As Range) As Integer
calculatePoints = getAllPersonPoints(personTypes, matchesResults)
End Function
getAllPersonPoints function:
Private Function getAllPersonPoints(personTypes As Range, matchesResults
AsRange) As Integer
Dim x As Long
Dim y As Long
Dim isTheSurest As Boolean
getAllPersonPoints = 0
For x = 1 To personTypes.Rows.Count
For y = 1 To personTypes.Columns.Count
isTheSurest = isTheSurestResult(personTypes.Cells(x,
getAllPersonPoints = getAllPersonPoints +
getPoints(matchesResults.Cells(x, y).Value, personTypes.Cells(x, y).Value,
Next y
Next x
End Function
When i am trying to call this function by setting manually parameters: personTypes range and matchesResults ragne - everythink works fine.
But when i am trying to call it from sheet i got #VALUE error in selected cell.
But at function form there is correct result:
A have been trying to debug return value and always i got correct value. I have problem only with error in return cell.
Any ideas ?
The issue is that DisplayFormat object does not work with UDF's
See MSDN article
The usual solution to this is to evaluate the Conditional Format conditions to determine which one is active. For example, see cpearson.com
I resolved problem by code:
personTypes.Cells(x, y).Interior.ColorIndex
instead of:
This solution works.
I'm writing a few VBA functions for work and ran into a problem that should be easy to solve, but somehow I can't manage to, despite my best attempts at finding an answer here and on Google. I wrote a function that should give me the range between two strings in a column:
Function FindRng(StartRng As String, EndRng As String) As Variant
Dim TopOfRange As Single
Dim BottomOfRange As Single
TopOfRange = WorksheetFunction.Match(StartRng, Sheets("InfCom").Range("B:B"), 0)
BottomOfRange = WorksheetFunction.Match(EndRng, Sheets("InfCom").Range("B:B"), 0)
FindRng = Range(Sheets("InfCom").Cells(TopOfRange, 2), Sheets("InfCom").Cells(BottomOfRange, 2))
End Function
So if the inputs A and B are on rows 100 and 105, it should return B100:B105. When I test this by adapting the code to read FindRng = Range(...).Address, I indeed get $B$100:$B$105.
However, when I then input the result of FindRng into a customized Index Match function, I get an error. The function is as follows:
Function subsetPBPC(rngReturn As Range, LookupValueH As Variant, TopOfRange As String, BottomOfRange As String, LookupValueV As Variant) As Variant
subsetPBPC = sPBPC(rngReturn, LookupValueH, FindRng(TopOfRange, BottomOfRange), LookupValueV)
End Function
The problem is that it seems to read the output of FindRng not as a range, but as the content of that range: when I use the Evaluate Formula tool on FindRng embedded in another formula, it shows the output of FindRng as {A,B,C,D,E} instead of $B$100:$B$105, where A to E are the contents of the cells in the range. I have the feeling the solution is really simple, but I don't see it. The functions underlying the customized Index Match function have been tested and all work like a charm.
Set instead of let. Let assigns the value of an expression to a variable. Set assigns an object reference to a variable. You want to return a reference to the range object, not return the value produced by the range object's default property.
In VBA writing
FindRng = Range(...)
is implicitly writing
Let FindRng = Range(...)
However you want
Set FindRng = Range(...)
Edit 1:
It is quite important to understand the difference between an object reference and a value in VBA. This is a similar concept to passing arguments by value or by reference. Hopefully these two links help some:
The Let statement on MSDN
The Set statement on MSDN
Edit 2:
Oh, and I guess I should touch on default properties! Some objects like range have default properties. If you treat the range as a value instead of an object, it uses the default property instead of throwing an error because it's an object not a value. In the case of range the default property is Value. So if you say A = Range("A1") what you're actually saying is Let A = Range("A1").Value when you might mean Set A = Range("A1"). So you're getting the value contained in the cell A1, instead of a range object representing that cell.
Picking up that your current code should both
use Set as per AndADM's commnet
dimension SetRng as a Range rather than Variant
you can simplify your function as below (which may save time if you are calling it repetitively)
Also, you could test for this range being Nothing (if your two strings werent found), whereas you current code will error out if either string is missing.
Function SetRng(str1 As String, str2 As String) As Range
With Sheets("infCom").Columns(2)
Set SetRng = Range(.Find(str1, , xlValues, xlWhole), .Find(str2, , xlValues, xlWhole))
End With
End Function
I have a piece of code that does not seem to do what it is expected to do. VBA Arrays are mutable by all means, but it seems that when they are stored into a Dictionary as values of some keys, they are not mutable anymore. Any ideas?
Sub foo()
Dim mydict As New Dictionary
mydict.Add "A", Array(1, 2, 3)
MsgBox mydict("A")(1)
''# The above shows 2, which is fine
mydict("A")(1) = 34
MsgBox mydict("A")(1)
''# The above also shows 2, which is not fine
End Sub
It seems you'll need yet to set another var to update the array value.
mArray = mydict.Item(1)
mArray(1) = 34
mydict.Item(1) = mArray
I created a Procedure to solve the same issue, so I could keep it as a "oneliner":
Private Sub pReplaceDicArray(Dic As Object, kEy As Variant, Element As Integer, NewValue)
Dim tempArray As Variant
tempArray = Dic(kEy)
tempArray(Element) = NewValue
Dic(kEy) = tempArray
End Sub
' call as:
' Call mReplaceDicArray(Dic, "A", 1, 8)
I would have written this answer as a comment to Mr. Irizarry's answer, but I'm not allowed. Anyway.... I tried writing that last line of code (below) to assign the array to the first item of the dictionary, but it didn't work. The array in that item remained as it was before.
mydict.items(1) = mArray
Based on what I read elsewhere, it seems to have to do with the instance of the dictionary you're calling upon. I changed it to the following line and it worked.
mydict(mydict.keys(1)) = mArray
I'm still not sure why that is the case, but there it is.
Copy the Array and update the value:
mydict("A") = Array(mydict("A")(0), 34, mydict("A")(2))