What is the purpose of `Build branch filters` in Continuous deployment trigger? - azure

A build pipeline can be tied to only 1 source branch.
In release pipeline, we configure an artifact by selecting the source build pipeline. So a release artifact can be tied to only 1 build pipeline.
What is the purpose of Build branch filters in Continuous deployment trigger?

Let say that your code base was updated. You want deploy only if build was made over specific branch (example develop).
In that scenario Build Branch Filter looks fairly redundant... but what if:
You want to trigger new deployment for every latest artifact, built from each feature branch to get them tested. You have to filter for feature/*.
You want to trigger new deployments if your release branches are updated, but some of them are deprecated and you need to filter them out. I that scenario specify one include filter release/* and second exclude filter release/old*.
Anyway.. in most of the cases the filter and the branch name (in artifact) will match each other. Still sometimes it can be heady to trigger deployment from multiple branches or filter something out.
In regards to your comment, I uploaded part of the yaml build. In fact one build can create artifacts from all branches in repository if you want.
- feature/*
- bugfix/*
- release/*
- develop
- master
- experimental/*


MultiStage Pipeline triggers from more than one branch

I have a pipeline in Azure DevOps that is triggering from more than just the branch I have specified in the yaml file. I am using bitbucket cloud for my repository.
At first I had the trigger set like this:
- development
Then I changed it to this:
- development
It is still triggering from 2 other branches besides development. When I look at the branches tab on the pipeline it has development and the other 2 branches it's triggering from. I also don't have any triggers set in the UI.
Any ideas? Thanks.
Have you updated the YAML file in the correct branch? The branch the pipeline definition is derived from?
As a workaround you could try to add the excludes clause in your YAML trigger to ignore those other two branches.
- development
- PBI123
- PBI456
A note on the Branches tab, this is a summary of the pipeline runs that have already been executed, it is not a listing of the branches what will be executed by the pipeline.
I hope this helps resolve your issue.
Ok after looking into it some more I believe this solves it:
pr: none
As long as the PR has that in it. It shouldn't trigger.

Azure DevOps Build Pipeline triggers on pull request

I have a .Net project that uses the Azure DevOps pipelines. The setup is that I have a build pipeline that creates an artifact. The artifact then automatically gets published through the release pipeline. This is working perfectly.
The problem is after I turned on the policy Build Validation, pull requests now triggers the build pipeline which then triggers the release pipeline. So every pull requests gets published. The build step is correct, but the release should not happen. The pre-deployment trigger "Pull request deployment" is disabled.
What I did to try to solve this is that I added a condition to the build step where the artifact gets created. So pull requests does not create artifacts, while merges does. This also works as intended. However, the release pipe still gets triggered, but this time without an artifact (which fails the pipe).
Release pipe triggers on pull requests, settings for this behavior is off. WTD?
My CI/CD settings:
Your release triggers on any of your builds and branches (PR also has a branch). You have to add the branch filter: Continuous deployment triggers. Restrict your filter with the master branch or any other. Also, you can define 2 build definitions:
A pipeline to validate your pull requests without linked releases.
CI pipeline that triggers a release.
Additionally, I think, this is a bug. Because the PR trigger is not enabled. Let's check dev community comments: https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/1292039/release-pipelines-ignore-pull-request-settings.html
What we have here is that we've set up build pipelines tied to YAML files stored in the repository, together with source code. And release pipelines have their Source set up to each of the build pipelines.
This is part of the Master Build:
batch: false
- master
And this is part of the Pull Request Build:
trigger: none
- master
We have Release pipelines for each of the Source builds, having Pull Request triggers enabled in one of them only, but you can have only one for your master artifacts, so PRs won't be published.

How to re-use artifacts from different pipeline in Azure

I have 2 pipelines in 2 different repositories:
lib.yml in repo.git produces a re-usable library artifact A (needs multiple stages on different nodes for that) and also has a stage that runs autotests after A has been produced.
app.yml in app.git builds and tests an application that needs A to build.
In app.yml I want to integrate A without duplicating lib.yml. I was told that templates are a solution, but I am not so sure. Multiple stages of lib.yml must run before I can consume the desired artifact. Using job templates would only complicate both pipelines and create a dependency on pipeline internals. app.yml should not know how lib.yml builds A.
After consulting the docs I think that a pipeline resource is closer to what I need. But I do not fully understand how it works. Let us assume we want artifact A from lib.yml on branch B.
Will app.yml use the latest available artifact A of branch B or will it kick lib.yml on B?
Is there a way to tell app.yml: use the latest A of lib.yml for branch B if available, otherwise run lib.yml on B and wait for A to become ready?
You, you are right - resource pipelines should do a job for you.
And to run app.yml you should have sth like this:
- pipeline: hadar
source: kmadof.hadar
- B
and use just:
- download: hadar
to get latest artifact from pipeline of branch B.
You can also select pipeline running your app.yaml manual and select artifact:
And - download: hadar also gets correct artifact.
app.yml will use latest available artifact A of branch B.
If you want to app.yaml trigger lib.yaml and then get artifact from lib.yaml it would be difficult and not possible using out of the box functionality. So there is no out fo the box way to have app.yaml trigger un lib.yaml and waiting for artifacts from lib.yaml. And if your app yaml will be triggered by an other trigger than resoure pipeline trigger it will use latest available artifact A of branch B.

How to automatically trigger releases in Azure Devops, from multiple branches, using multiple artifacts

Say you have a build and its corresponding release definition on Azure Devops.
Generally, the way it's used is like:
Repository "A" changes -> Build repo "A" -> Release to a given environment
Within this scenario (using only one build artifact), it's easy to trigger deployments (after successful build) for different branches.
But, say you also have a release definition with multiple build artifacts (from different repos), and you want to, changes coming from branch "dev" you want to deploy to environment "Development", but if changes come from branch "hotfix" you want to deploy to environment "Staging".
Something like this
You can play with branch filters on the specific environment and artifact filters on the artifact triggers.
The above scenario works very well for "dev" changes when you define your build artifacts to use "dev" as default branch.
But if you make changes on Repo A (branch hotfix), but not in Repo B, the build artifacts for that release will come from different branches, hence the "artifacts will not meet requirements", cause all changes must come from hotfix branch in order to trigger the deployment.
In my opinion, the "Default Version" of the Build Artifact itself, makes this confusion for the pipeline.
See this image example
That being said, how can we trigger a deployment into "Staging" environment if only one of the triggered changes come from the branch "hotfix" ?
The way I can see, when that happens, "Staging" environment never "meets the artifacts requirements", cause other artifacts will use version from "dev" as it's the default source branch.
Has anyone worked with a similar scenario ?
Thanks for reading my question.
According to your scenario, the best solution at present is to create two release pipelines to deploy separately, because Artifact A and Artifact B have no dependencies.
In the Continuous deployment trigger of the build artifact, you can set Build branch filters to include the dev and hotfix branches.
Then enable Artifact filters in the Pre-deployment conditions of the stage to set the build branch artifact conditions that trigger the deployment.
Artifact filters: Select artifact condition(s) to trigger a new deployment. A release will be deployed to this stage only if all artifact conditions match.

Azure Devops - How to force a CI to be triggered on new branch, or work with Release branches?

It used to be the case that Azure DevOps would run a new CI build when you pushed a new branch to Origin. My company relied on this, as we would issue releases by creating a release/* branch off of develop which would trigger a build and a subsequent release into our testing environment. If everything passed UAT/QA, we would deploy the that same build into production.
Our Build Pipelines are both Classic UI and have two Branch filters, develop and release/*. The one product in question has two build pipelines - one for the Webjob and one for the API, and as such each pipeline has a Path filter (to, or not to, include the Webjob folder). Creating a release/* branch does not trigger either CI pipeline.
Our Release Pipeline looks like the following, where DEV is triggerd on artifacts produced from develop and TEST->PROD is triggered on artifacts built from release/* -
This allows us to have a release environment where we iteratively make changes to get it ready, while we simultaneously make changes to develop for the next release. This is a common Gitflow model.
The Problem
Now that Azure no longer triggers a build on branch creation, I'm forced to manually run a build on Release in order to trigger the build and subsequent TEST deployment depicted in the image above.
What can I do to have automated builds and deployments in Azure while maintaining Gitflow?
I was also stuck not knowing why my TEST build wouldn't trigger. This post helped explain why. More searching found the way to resolve it. Simple as removing any path checks from your TEST build.
From the linked documentation:
If your pipeline has path filters, it will be triggered only if the new branch has changes to files that match that path filter.
If your pipeline does not have path filters, it will be triggered even if there are no changes in the new branch.
Behavior of triggers when new branches are created
Not sure if you are using YAML or not but using the GUI you can add a 'path' filter for Continuous Integration and set the build to run anytime a path contains 'release'.
YAML pipelines are configured by default with a CI trigger on all branches.
YAML pipelines are configured by default with a CI trigger on all branches.
When defining pipelines using YAML and defining a repository resource (repo for shorthand). A new pipeline run gets triggered when a commit has occurred. You can further configure the trigger to ONLY act on certain branches.
CI triggers - MSDN
Repo triggers
Example (All branches by default):
- repo: self
clean: true
vmImage: 'ubuntu-20.04'
- task: CMake#1
displayName: 'Generate Makefile'
workingDirectory: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
cmakeArgs: '-B$(Agent.BuildDirectory) -H.'
- task: Bash#3
displayName: 'Build project'
workingDirectory: $(Agent.BuildDirectory)
targetType: 'inline'
script: 'make -j4'
Limit to release branches (add trigger to repository resource):
trigger: # Optional; Triggers are enabled by default
branches: # branch conditions to filter the events, optional; Defaults to all branches.
- release/*
