Reset Many Drop Down Boxes To Null Value Excel VBA - excel

I have a sheet that has a few hundred drop down boxes. I want a button that resets them all to the null or top value when clicked. I can get it to work for individual drop downs but I can't get the syntax right to loop through a group of them. I've tried everything I can think of to append "i" onto "Drop Down" but can't get it to work.
This works fine, I don't want to write this a few hundred times:
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("sheet1").Shapes("Drop Down 260").ControlFormat.Value = 1
How do I get this to work:
For i = 1 To 260
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("sheet1").Shapes("Drop Down & i").ControlFormat.Value = 1
Next i
I've tried ("Drop Down" & " " & "i"), ("Drop Down" & " " & i), and everything else I could think of. I've exhausted Google and can't figure it out.


Commandbutton with dynamic numbers

How would I go about creating dynamic Commandbutton references? i.e. change
MANAGER.CommandButton01.Caption = Sheets("DATA").Range("C" & Rows)
(which works perfectly, but only on one button of course) - to, for example:
MANAGER.CommandButton("0" & (Rows - 2)).Caption = Sheets("DATA").Range("C" & Rows)
(this code doesn't work, but it's what I've been playing around with)
So that the Commandbutton's caption is updated depending on which line of code was edited using the MANAGER Userform.
Rows can be double digits, so the "0" will have to be replaced with just Rows after Row 11, but I haven't gotten to that stage yet.
I think what you are looking for is the reference to the Controls of the userform.
MANAGER.Controls("CommandButton" & Format(Rows-2,"00")).Caption = Sheets("DATA").Range("C" & Rows)

How do I call upon checkboxes with groupname or tag?

Am creating a form in which the user will be able to select 4 checkboxes. Blue, Green, Yellow, Red. They have to do this atleast twice, up to 5 times in total.
The Form Example
The first checkboxes are on the form, the other 4 grouped checkboxes are on multipages.
I've tried giving them a group name "Reeks" to "Reeks4", to then print their values into a single cell separated by comma.
The code I've found so far does print the values neatly, however, it grabs every available checkbox on my form instead of just from the group "Reeks".
The ways I've tried to add the groupname (or tag, named them both the same) to the code, only gives me errors.
For Each Control In Me.Controls
If TypeName(Control) = "CheckBox" Then
'If Control.GroupName = "Reeks" Then
If Control.Value Then
Reeks = IIf(Reeks <> "", Reeks & ", ", "") & Control.Caption
End If
End If
With ws
.Cells(iRow, 5).Value = Reeks
End With
Any help is welcome, but if at all possible please add comments as I only started on VBA last week.
(Side note. I also have framed checkboxes on the multipages in which the user can select the location of said colour. Side + Top view. Which will need to work the same as with the colours, but printed in different columns. )

Excel Slicer connected to a Power Pivot - Select multiple slicer items

I'm trying to make a report form that will ask what month and year you want the report to show. However, there is a specific pivot table that uses a four-year range to show trends data.
However, all the pivot tables on my workbook are connected through Power Pivot/Data Model. Using this source here, I was able to easily change slicers for single-items only.
An example that's working:
ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches("Slicer_Month2").VisibleSlicerItemsList = "[Calendar].[Month].&[" & frmGen.cbMonth.Text & "]"
But when I used a loop to replace multiple selections in the slicer, I've encountered an error after it's done looping all of the selection, with an error '28': Out of stack space.
For i = 0 To 3 Step 1
ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches("Slicer_Year").VisibleSlicerItemsList(i + 1) = "[Calendar].[Month].&[" & frmGen.txtYear.Text - 3 + i & "]"
Since there's already four that was selected on the slicer, it should have been able to replace it, which is also shown when I added the code onto the watch window. But it always show that error after the loop, even if I lower the loop count.
Is there another way of selecting multiple items in a slicer that's connected through Power Pivot?
Thanks to Damian for providing a clue to my problem, I simply had to update one of the pivot tables that's linked to the slicer and it updated the other pivots just fine.
For i = 0 To 3 Step 1
ar(i) = "[Calendar].[Year].&[" & frmGen.txtYear.Text - 3 + i & "]"
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("pg2").PivotTables("pvtPg2_SPARK").PivotFields("[Calendar].[Year].[Year]").VisibleItemsList = ar

Excel ComboBox/Control text does not show/recognize special characters when active, but does when inactive

I have run into a weird issue.
I have assigned a string value to the list of a combobox that includes a unicode character. In my case, these are triangles up/down (ChrW(&H25B2) = ▲ & ChrW(&H25BC) = ▼) to denote the ASC/DESC of the desired data sort.
Now, the problem is that Excel successfully displays the unicode character in the combobox only when the control is active (when I select or click on it). BUT, when I click away from the control or change focus it displays a question mark (?), as if I am trying to display an unknown character. The character always displays properly inside of a cell, but not a combobox. I was thinking that maybe two different fonts are being displayed depending on active status, but this has not been set, and I see no option for this in the properties. I also tried the decimal method for adding the characters (ChrW(9660) & ChrW(9650)), just in case, but that didn't change anything
What is going on here? How can I have ▲ & ▼ always display properly.
EDIT: Having learned that VBA controls are limited to ANSI characters, and can't display Unicode characters, Is there a way to display the triangles like I want despite ANSI not having triangles or up/down arrows in its character set?
See code and image below to see what I mean.
Sub PopulateSortList()
'Populate Sort Dropdown control
With Sheet1.ComboBox_Sort
.AddItem "Time - IN " & ChrW(&H25B2) 'Ascending
.AddItem "Time - IN " & ChrW(&H25BC) 'Decending
.AddItem "Time - OUT " & ChrW(&H25B2) 'Ascending
.AddItem "Time - OUT " & ChrW(&H25BC) 'Decending
.Font.Size = 11
.TextAlign = fmTextAlignLeft
.SelectionMargin = False
.ListIndex = 1
End With
End Sub

Power Query: Adding characters to a set limit across several columns/rows

Very new to PQ, and I'm pretty sure it can do what I need in this situation, but I need help figuring out how to get there.
I have a timesheet report with 20 columns covering 50 rows that will need to be formatted to a word doc for uploading into a separate system. The original data in the cells range from 0 to any negative 2 digit number (ex: "-20"), but they need to be formatted to a seven-character set ending in ".00".
0 will need to become "0000.00"
-4 will need to become "-004.00"
-25 will need to become "-025.00"
I think I should be able to use the text.insert function, but I'm not familiar enough with M Language to get it to do what I want it to do.
Any solutions/suggestions?
Here's my previous answer revisited...set up to use a function. You can just invoke the function once for each column you want to reformat. You'll just pass the name of the column you want to reformat to the function as you invoke the function each time.
Create a new blank query:
Open the new query in Advanced Editor and highlight everything in it:
Paste this over the highlighted text in the Advanced Editor:
FormatIt = (SourceColumn) =>
Base = Number.Round(SourceColumn,2)*.01,
Source = try Text.Start(Text.Range(
if Base < 7 then Text.From(Base) & "001" else
Text.From(Base),0,7),2) & Text.Range(Text.Range(
if Base < 7 then Text.From(Base) & "001" else
Text.From(Base),0,7),3,2) & "." & Text.End(Text.Range(
if Base < 7 then Text.From(Base) & "001" else
otherwise "0000.00"
...and click Done.
You'll see a new function has been created and listed in the Queries list on the left side of the screen.
Then go to your query with the columns you want to reformat (click on the name of your query that has the numbers you want to change in it, on the left side of the screen) and...
Click Invoke Custom Function
And fill out the pop-up like this:
- You can make up a different New column name than Custom.1.
- Function Query is the name of your query you are calling (the one you just created when you pasted the code)...for me, it's called Query1.
- Source Column is the column with the numbers you want to format.
...and click OK.
You can invoke this function once for each column. It will create a new formatted column for each.
You can use this formula = Text.PadStart(Text.From([Column1]),4,"0")&".00") in PQ to add new column that looks similar to your needs.
Here's an admittedly "busy" formula to do it:
= Table.AddColumn(#"Changed Type", "Custom", each Text.Start(Text.Range(if Number.Round([Column1],2)*.01 < 7 then Text.From(Number.Round([Column1],2)*.01) & "001" else Text.From(Number.Round([Column1],2)*.01),0,7),2) & Text.Range(Text.Range(if Number.Round([Column1],2)*.01 < 7 then Text.From(Number.Round([Column1],2)*.01) & "001" else Text.From(Number.Round([Column1],2)*.01),0,7),3,2) & "." & Text.End(Text.Range(if Number.Round([Column1],2)*.01 < 7 then Text.From(Number.Round([Column1],2)*.01) & "001" else Text.From(Number.Round([Column1],2)*.01),0,7),2))
It assumes your numbers that you want formatted are in Column1 to start. It creates a new column...Custom...with the formatted result.
To try it out, start with Column1 already populated and loaded into Power Query; then click the Add Column tab and then the Custom Column button, and populate the pop-up window like this:
...and click OK.
With more time, the repetitive parts could be made with variables to shorten this up a bit. This could also be turned into a function, given some time. But I don't have the time right now, so I figured I'd give you at least "something."
