I'm using spark 2.3.1 and I'm performing NLTK on thousands of input files.
From input files I'm extracting unigram,bigram and trigram words and save it in different dataframe.
Now I want to save dataframes into respected file in HDFS. (every time appending output into same file )
So at the end I have three CSV file named unigram.csv, bigram.csv, trigram.csv containing result of thousands of input file.
If this scenario doesn't possible with HDFS, can you suggest it with using local disk as storage path.
File append in normal programming language is not similar to what Dataframe write mode append is. Whenever we ask Dataframe to save to a location folder it will create a new file for every append . Only way you can achieve it by,
Read the old file into dfOld : Dataframe
Combine the old and new Dataframe dfOld.union(dfNewToAppend)
combine to single output file .coalesce(1)
Write to new temporary location /tempWrite
Delete the old HDFS location
Rename the /tempWrite folder your output folder name
val spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local[*]").getOrCreate;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs._
val fs = FileSystem.get(spark.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration)
/// Write you unigram Dataframe
fs.rename(new Path(".../achyuttest.csv/part-00000..."), new Path("yourNewHDFSDir/unigram.csv")
/// Write you bigram Dataframe
fs.rename(new Path(".../achyuttest.csv/part-00000..."), new Path("yourNewHDFSDir/bigram.csv")
/// Write you trigram Dataframe
fs.rename(new Path(".../achyuttest.csv/part-00000"), new Path("yourNewHDFSDir/trigram.csv")
I am using Databricks notebook to read and write the file into the same location. But when I write into the file I am getting a lot of files with different names.
Like this:
I am not sure why these files are created in the location I specified.
Also, another file with the name "new_location" was created after I performed the write operation
What I want is that after reading the file from Azure Blob Storage I should write the file into the same location with the same name as the original into the same location. But I am unable to do so. please help me out as I am new to Pyspark
I have already mounted and now I am reading the CSV file store in an azure blob storage container.
The overwritten file is created with the name "part-00000-tid-84371752119947096-333f1e37-6fdc-40d0-97f5-78cee0b108cf-31-1-c000.csv"
df = spark.read.csv("/mnt/ndemo/nsalman/addresses.csv", inferSchema = True)
df = df.toDF("firstName","lastName","street","town","city","code")
file_location_new = "/mnt/ndemo/nsalman/new_location"
# write the dataframe as a single file to blob storage
df.write.format('com.databricks.spark.csv') \
.mode('overwrite').option("header", "true").save(file_location_new)
Spark will save a partial csv file for each partition of your dataset. To generate a single csv file, you can convert it to a pandas dataframe, and then write it out.
Try to change these lines:
df.write.format('com.databricks.spark.csv') \
.mode('overwrite').option("header", "true").save(file_location_new)
to this line
df.toPandas().to_csv(file_location_new, header=True)
You might need to prepend "/dbfs/" to file_location_new for this to work.
Here is a minimal self-contained example that demonstrate how to write a csv file with pandas:
df = spark.createDataFrame([(1,3),(2,2),(3,1)], ["Testing", "123"])
df.toPandas().to_csv("/dbfs/" + "/mnt/ndemo/nsalman/" + "testfile.csv", header=True)
I have CSV files from multiple paths that are not parent directories in s3 bucket. All the tables have the same partition keys.
the directory of the s3:
table_name_1/partition_key_1 = <pk_1>/partition_key_2 = <pk_2>/file.csv
table_name_2/partition_key_1 = <pk_1>/partition_key_2 = <pk_2>/file.csv
I need to convert these csv files into parquet files and store them in another s3 bucket that has the same directory structure.
the directory of another s3:
table_name_1/partition_key_1 = <pk_1>/partition_key_2 = <pk_2>/file.parquet
table_name_2/partition_key_1 = <pk_1>/partition_key_2 = <pk_2>/file.parquet
I have a solution is iterating through the s3 bucket and find the CSV file and convert it to parquet and save to the another S3 path. I find this way is not efficient, because i have a loop and did the conversion one file by one file.
I want to utilize the spark library to improve the efficiency.
Then, I tried:
spark.read.csv('s3n://bucket_name/table_name_1/').write.partitionBy('partition_key_1', 'partition_key_2').parquet('s3n://another_bucket/table_name_1')
This way works good for each table, but to optimize it more, I want to take the table_name as a parameter, something like:
TABLE_NAMES = [table_name_1, table_name_2, ...]
spark.read.csv('s3n://bucket_name/{*TABLE_NAMES}/').write.partitionBy('partition_key_1', 'partition_key_2').parquet('s3n://another_bucket/{*TABLE_NAMES}')
The mentioned question provides solutions for reading multiple files at once. The method spark.read.csv(...) accepts one or multiple paths as shown here. For reading the files you can apply the same logic. Although, when it comes to writing, Spark will merge all the given dataset/paths into one Dataframe. Therefore it is not possible to generate from one single dataframe multiple dataframes without applying a custom logic first. So to conclude, there is not such a method for extracting the initial dataframe directly into multiple directories i.e df.write.csv(*TABLE_NAMES).
The good news is that Spark provides a dedicated function namely input_file_name() which returns the file path of the current record. You can use it in combination with TABLE_NAMES to filter on the table name.
Here it is one possible untested PySpark solution:
from pyspark.sql.functions import input_file_name
TABLE_NAMES = [table_name_1, table_name_2, ...]
source_path = "s3n://bucket_name/"
input_paths = [f"{source_path}/{t}" for t in TABLE_NAMES]
all_df = spark.read.csv(*input_paths) \
.withColumn("file_name", input_file_name()) \
dest_path = "s3n://another_bucket/"
def write_table(table_name: string) -> None:
for t in TABLE_NAMES:
We generate and store the input paths into input_paths. This will create paths such as: s3n://bucket_name/table1, s3n://bucket_name/table2 ... s3n://bucket_name/tableN.
Then we load all the paths into one dataframe in which we add a new column called file_name, this will hold the path of each row. Notice that we also use cache here, this is important since we have multiple len(TABLE_NAMES) actions in the following code. Using cache will prevent us from loading the datasource again and again.
Next we create the write_table which is responsible for saving the data for the given table. The next step is to filter based on the table name using all_df["file_name"].contains(table_name), this will return only the records that contain the value of the table_name in the file_name column. Finally we save the filtered data as you already did.
In the last step we call write_table for every item of TABLE_NAMES.
Related links
How to import multiple csv files in a single load?
Get HDFS file path in PySpark for files in sequence file format
Using Spark I am trying to push some data(in csv, parquet format) to S3 bucket.
df.write.mode("OVERWRITE").format("com.databricks.spark.csv").options(nullValue=options['nullValue'], header=options['header'], delimiter=options['delimiter'], quote=options['quote'], escape=options['escape']).save(destination_path)
In above code piece, destination_path variable holds the S3 bucket location where data needs to be exported.
Eg. destination_path = "s3://some-test-bucket/manish/"
In the folder manish of some-test-bucket if I have several files and sub-folders. Above command will delete all of them and spark will write new output files. But I want to overwrite just one file with this new file.
Even if I am able to overwrite just contents of this folder, but sub-folder remain intact even that would solve the problem to certain extent.
How can this be achieved?
I tried to use mode as append instead of overwrite.
Here in this case subfolder name remains intact but again all the contents of manish folder and its sub-folder are overwritten.
Short answer: Set the Spark configuration parameter spark.sql.sources.partitionOverwriteMode to dynamic instead of static. This will only overwrite the necessary partitions and not all of them.
PySpark example:
sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)
sqlContext = sql.SQLContext(sc)
The file's can be deleted first and then use append mode to insert the data instead of overwriting to retain the sub folder's. Below is an example from Pyspark.
import subprocess
subprocess.call(["hadoop", "fs", "-rm", "{}*.csv.deflate".format(destination_path)])
df.write.mode("append").format("com.databricks.spark.csv").options(nullValue=options['nullValue'], header=options['header'], delimiter=options['delimiter'], quote=options['quote'], escape=options['escape']).save(destination_path)
I have Spark Dataframe with a single column, where each row is a long string (actually an xml file).
I want to go through the DataFrame and save a string from each row as a text file, they can be called simply 1.xml, 2.xml, and so on.
I cannot seem to find any information or examples on how to do this.
And I am just starting to work with Spark and PySpark.
Maybe map a function on the DataFrame, but the function will have to write string to text file, I can't find how to do this.
When saving a dataframe with Spark, one file will be created for each partition. Hence, one way to get a single row per file would be to first repartition the data to as many partitions as you have rows.
There is a library on github for reading and writing XML files with Spark. However, the dataframe needs to have a special format to produce correct XML. In this case, since you have everything as a string in a single column, the easiest way to save would probably be as csv.
The repartition and saving can be done as follows:
rows = df.count()
I would do it this way in Java and Hadoop FileSystem API. You can write similar code using Python.
List<String> strings = Arrays.asList("file1", "file2", "file3");
JavaRDD<String> stringrdd = new JavaSparkContext().parallelize(strings);
stringrdd.collect().foreach(x -> {
Path outputPath = new Path(x);
Configuration conf = getConf();
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
OutputStream os = fs.create(outputPath);
My data on HDFS is in Sequence file format. I am using PySpark (Spark 1.6) and trying to achieve 2 things:
Data path contains a timestamp in yyyy/mm/dd/hh format that I would like to bring into the data itself. I tried SparkContext.wholeTextFiles but I think that might not support Sequence file format.
How do I deal with the point above if I want to crunch data for a day and want to bring in the date into the data? In this case I would be loading data like yyyy/mm/dd/* format.
Appreciate any pointers.
If stored types are compatible with SQL types and you use Spark 2.0 it is quite simple. Import input_file_name:
from pyspark.sql.functions import input_file_name
Read file and convert to a DataFrame:
df = sc.sequenceFile("/tmp/foo/").toDF()
Add file name:
df.withColumn("input", input_file_name())
If this solution is not applicable in your case then universal one is to list files directly (for HDFS you can use hdfs3 library):
files = ...
read one by one adding file name:
def read(f):
"""Just to avoid problems with late binding"""
return sc.sequenceFile(f).map(lambda x: (f, x))
rdds = [read(f) for f in files]
and union: