JHipster external navigation with Angular - jhipster

For me very basic navigation is not working with newly generated jHipster app.
I have 2 html pages in the root: index.html and network.html
Here is how I would like to redirect to network.html:
<a href="/network.html">
<button type="submit"
class="btn btn-info btn-sm">
<fa-icon icon="project-diagram"></fa-icon>
<span class="d-none d-md-inline">Network</span>
Unfortunately this doesn't work and I get 404 Not Found.
Can you please advise how to make external navigation working with JHipster? I have tried all examples from How to redirect to an external URL from angular2 route without using component? and nothing works

You have to modify src/main/java/{your-package}/config/WebConfigurer.java and add a resource handler for your static file. By default, all routes are redirected to index.html, which is how most SPA applications work.


Why are my Razor pages nav links not working using the default pipeline and configuration

I have several links in this base razor project. For some reason my links stopped working. Here is an example:
<a class="nav-link text-dark" asp-controller="Contato" asp-action="Contato">Contato</a>
My project layout is pretty simple:
When I run the project and click on the non working link it goes to this url:
However, when I navigate to the correct URL it works fine:
I did not change any routing in the program.cs and use the default pipeline stuff:
Any help in this routing issue?
There are no controllers or actions in a Razor Pages app - only pages. Therefore your anchor tag helpers should use the asp-page attribute:
<a class="nav-link text-dark" asp-page="/Contato">Contato</a>

Netlify honeypot attribute missing on deployment

I have a django website that I'm using the django_distill app to generate a static site which I'm deplying to netlify. I've decided to add a bot protection field to a form (https://docs.netlify.com/forms/spam-filters/#honeypot-field ). When I run the site locally I see
<form data-netlify="true" name="consultdocs" netlify-honeypot="BOTFIELD" action="/contact/" id="form" method="post" novalidate="novalidate"> <input type="hidden" name="csrfmiddlewaretoken" value="rdKh4K2zu9T96aEUO9exSv3QCAm5w">
<input id="id_BOTFIELD" name="BOTFIELD" type="hidden">
When I deploy to netlify:
<form name="consultdocs" action="/contact/" id="form" method="post" novalidate="novalidate"><input type="hidden" name="form-name" value="consultdocs"> <input type="hidden" name="csrfmiddlewaretoken" value="GNnbYgQu6vLduSpWEswAVXfEx">
<input id="id_BOTFIELD" name="BOTFIELD" type="hidden">
I no longer see the :
attribute. Does netlify remove this?
In short: Yes, netlify removes this field.
I thought initially it's because of the missing data-prefix but netflify removes it independently if it's used with data-netlify="true" data-netlify-honeypot="BOTFIELD OR just netlify="true" netlify-honeypot="BOTFIELD.
I did a quick isolation test to ensure django is not doing some magic. So I simply used two static html files and pushed them to netlify:
https://gallant-edison-bf9c5f.netlify.com/index.html (w/o data attribute)
https://gallant-edison-bf9c5f.netlify.com/index2.html (w/ data attribute)
In both cases it disappears. You can check the respective source code for both files here:
I assume that netlify is parsing your HTML code during deployment and is adjusting it. Additionally netflify already checks if a specific post is a potential bot and drops those requests for you. So they need to do something with those fields.
Hope this answers your question.

Why is my download link requiring control click to download?

I am running a pretty basic node.js server to host a site, and all of a sudden this week one of my download links started to just redirect to the index.html page instead of downloading the pdf it points to if you just click on the file. a control+click will download the file, but that is not normal behavior from what I understand with chrome.
The button is generated as so:
<button type="button" name="button">
<a href="../images/a-manill-resume.pdf" download>Downloadable Resume</a>
Try setting the download attribute
<button type="button" name="button"><a download="../images/a-manill-resume.pdf">Downloadable Resume</a></button>

How to create Angularjs layout templates

I am creating a node.js web application where I am using Yeoman angular scaffolding for client side.
I have an index.html which has all the javascript files included to load.
What i want to do is have a header file that will contain users name using model binding. These need to be included in all pages.
How can i achieve this?
You need to use ng-include directive to include partials.
Your index page would be structure something like
<div id='header' ng-include='/partials/header'/>
<div ng-view />

Post Form Form Theme to Custom Controller in Orchard CMS

How to Post Form in View Folder of my Custom Theme .The Senerio is I want to Post my Custom Form data.the form is in footer view of my Custom Theme ..So i had to post the data to Controller then save it into db but my question is how to Post Form data form theme view to my controller .The Controller resides in my Custom Module
In Orchard, there is a default route that uses the module name as the area. So you should be able to post to your custom controller using a url like this: /ModuleName/ControllerName/Method
So without using the html form helpers, it would be something like this...
<form action='/ModuleName/ControllerName/Action' method='POST'>
<input name="someValue" type="text" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
