Can't signin into microsoft account - azure

I didn't have any problems before with signin into ms account, but now I can't get access to any account (to my account and even to new accounts) from any browser on my pc (but can signin from other pc, so, I know for sure - my account is active and havn't been blocked).
How it works (or, actually, doesn't):
1. Open
2. click on "Sign in to Azure DevOps"
3. enter email and press enter
4. after few seconds and few requests (and few redirects), browser shows signin page again
1. Open
2. enter email and press enter
3. after few seconds and few requests (and few redirects), I retrieve page "Sign-in failed. Sorry, we had some trouble signing you in, Click 'Try again' to try again."
Other details:
OS: Windows (maybe it happend after latest windows update, I'm not sure)
No installed antivirus or security software (just windows defender)
Browsers: Chrome, Edge on chromium, Firefox, Opera
It happened one week ago, and I still can't signin
There is no failed responses (4xx or 5xx), and no errors in console, so I really dont know how to fix it, maybe someone can help me with this problem
Importang thing: If I change network from my home wifi to another, I can signin there, so problem somewhere in wifi/router

Check to see what's under Credential Manager and, if the account is there, clear it out.
To go there, simply open Start and type credential manager.
You should be good to go.


Unwanted CSRF validation on Liferay 7.3 LoginPortlet

After a user performs a login using the portal LoginPortlet the login does not succeed and a WARN was printed to the log:
User 0 is not allowed to access URL http://localhost:8080/web/guest/login and portlet com_liferay_login_web_portlet_LoginPortlet: User 0 did not provide a valid CSRF token for com.liferay.portlet.SecurityPortletContainerWrapper
After a second login afterwards, the login was ok. The issues only occurs if the login page was opened some minutes and the auth token gets invalidated. This is basically fine, but the portal config portlet.add.default.resource.check.whitelist has an exclude for LoginPortlet. But this whitelist seems not avoid the unwanted check. Are there any other places how the avoid CSRF checking for LoginPortlet?
I could not reproduce this issue, I used this server for testing:
Liferay Community Edition Portal 7.3.5 CE GA6
Here are my steps, please let me know what I should change to experience the issue:
I extracted this zip file to my ubuntu linux pc:
Started the server and completed the 1st time setup
I re-started the server and visited localhost:8080 in an Opera browser
Waited 7 minutes
I clicked on "Sign in" in the upper right corner
Waited again 5 minutes
I entered my credentials
I could log on successfully, there were no errors about CSRF
A couple of suggestions:
A. Do a search for CSRF in:
and see if you can find a property that solves your issue
Such properties can be:
B. Maybe you can try to set up something like this in your
C. You can do a search in Liferay Jira, for example this ticket talks about something similar:

To sign in, use a web browser to open the page and enter Device Code

Note: Answering my own question to help others in the future.
On a Linux machine in a PuTTY session I have installed the Azure CLI.
When I attempt to login:
az login
I keep getting prompted to:
To sign in, use a web browser to open the page and enter...
I copy / paste the Device Code so I know its correct but it doesn't work, what's going on?
When you copy the Device Code, it creates a ^C line in the console and that seems to kill the Az Login call.
The trick is to type the Device Code manually into the website, see here:

Code Rally Login Error

I am getting an error saying I am not logged in to the server when attempting to submit my vehicle to the contest server. When I bring up the server list it shows that I am Online and logged in using my userid.
When I test the connection it is successful.
Unable to submit vehicle (after 10-15 minutes)
Unable to enter ChrisHanksCarOne on NA Contest Service
You need to login to the server before continuing to race. In the Code Rally Developer View choose the server list, right-click on the server and click login.
Sounds like the OAuth login hasn't worked properly, and the Eclipse plugin hasn't detected that. To fix log out from the server and login again (you can do this from the servers window or through the bottom of the enter race window). You should be asked to authenticate with Google, Facebook or Twitter - use the account you registered with on InfoQ and it should work (if not let me know and I can look into it further).

sign up google merchant account

I need some advice on setting up merchant account in google.
When I try to set up merchant account, account signing up page shows me an error.
The error code is shown as "An error occurred {"type":"PLATFORM_ERROR", "payload":"0"}"
I've tried to resolve this issue with Google support team, but they keep sending me general information and manual..
Please give me suggestions on this issue. (I already finished developing my commercial application, but can't set the price because of this issue. )
Thanks in advance.
I had the same issue.
What I did to resolve it was to flush the browser cookies, history and cache. After that, I opened a new browser tab and logged in to my Google Wallet account (the one I set up previously to BUY apps on the play store). As I was logging in, I noticed there was some error but it quickly resolved itself - I successfully logged in and could see what I previously bought.
After that, I closed and re-opened my Google Dev Console, and tried to setup a Merchant Account again and it worked.
I experienced the same problem and I finish solved changing my address length, uou can't use more than 64 characters. see
clear cache and everything by using ctl+alt+delete
keep only one tab
Select proper product type , I selected Computer software its worked for me
Do sign out and login in wallet google
I found the solution.
You just have to let the VAT number empty during registration, fill it later.
It worked for me.
I got the payload error as well, what resolved my problem was changing my PO Box address to a physical address. Google chat support figured it out.

Have you ever seen as i have checked session behaviour in ? Please help?

Yesterday morning i open gmail account in Internet Exlorer second tab. I checked my mail and closed that tab (not browser).
Then at the time of evining i again open second tab of browser and enetr, it automatically redirect me at my email account without asking login.
I shocked and i thought i should remain browser open for whole night and today open gmail in second tab , it behave similar means without login screen it redirect in my gmail account.
Then i closed that tab and open another browser session and enter gmail i again surprised that i redirect me login page. At the same time i open second tab of first browser and it automatically redirect me at mail account page.
What i councluded by this behaviour is that might be gmail server keep my browser id at their server so that whenever i eneter on second tab of first browser, it automatically redirect me at gmail account. I don't know i am right or not?
Please clear me this concept? What happens with my session at gmail server when i closed my browser tab?
As per my opinion it should automatically logout me but why this doesn't happened?
You probably ticked the option "stay signed in" the last time you logged in. Go back to gmail, click log out, and log in again, making sure that option is not ticked. Close the tab, come back in an hour, and open gmail again. You should be at the login screen this time.
