Why don't these lines have the same thickness? PIXI.JS - pixi.js

Let me ask you a question about PIXI.js. In Chrome, these lines looks like not the same thickness, but its the same Graphics API (lineTo, moveTo). Why is that?
let boxW = 46.5;
.lineStyle(1, 0x000,1)
.moveTo(0, 0)
.lineTo(465, 0)
.lineTo(465, 465)
.lineTo(0, 465)
.lineTo(0, 0)
for (let i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
this.leftBox.moveTo(boxW * i, 0).lineTo(boxW * i, 465);

PAEz is right, it is likely anti aliasing.
When you create you Application anti-aliasing is turned off by default.
Try the below and see if it helps:
const app = new PIXI.Application({
'antialias': true,
'resolution': 2 // This may help too
// Add the view to the DOM
// ... your line code
The documentation for the Application class and its options can be found here:
As a side note, PIXI is very fast but as your application scales anti-aliasing and resolution may have performance implications.
Finally to answer your question about what anti-aliasing is, in short, its a way to smooth out jagged edges on non-rectangular shapes, though you have a series lines it could help with your situation too. Here is an article that can tell you more: https://www.gamingscan.com/what-is-anti-aliasing/


Change visible property sometimes change the center position of the view (possible bug?)

I've 3 (loader, locker and debug view) hidden views (touchEnabled and visible set to false, and zIndex to 1) above the main view (zIndex = 2).
Each 'over' view has this method:
$.debugView.show = function() {
$.debugView.touchEnabled = $.debugView.visible = true;
$.debugView.zIndex = 3;
$.debugView.hide = function() {
$.debugView.touchEnabled = $.debugView.visible = false;
$.debugView.zIndex = 1;
This screen has the 3 'over' views hidden:
Now, I'm opening the 'debug view', but, SOMETIMES it seems like it changes the positions (as if the center it's on the top left corner instead of the center of the device).
Instead of the required result:
If I use the opacity instead of the visible property, it works properly.
This might be an SDK bug right?
<View id="content"/>
<View id="locker"/>
<View id="loader"/>
<View id="debugView"/>
All of these 4 views don't have width or height (so it uses the Ti.UI.FILL as default)
I have noticed this too with a completely different implementation. I had just one view that I included in a window.
Apparently the left and top calculations were not done properly if the elements is hidden.
What I did to solve the issue is to hardcode the left/top position by calculating the left position using this:
$.content.left = (Ti.Platform.displayCaps.platformWidth - 75) / 2;
Where in my case 75 is the width the element has, so that'll be bigger in your case. You can do the same for height.
Now, this is an iOS only solution. On Android you will need to take DPI into consideration calculating it.
I do think it is a bug, though this solution works perfectly for me. I recommend looking at JIRA and see if it is a known issue, and if not, raise it with a very specific explanation of the problem, preferably with a reproducible case delivered as an app. Classic would help most. And if it is not reproducible in classic it might be an alloy issue.

Chrome capture visible tab gives messy result

I have a Chrome extension, where I'm using the captureVisibleTab method of the chrome.tabs API to capture screenshots. I have tested the extension on 3 devices (Chromebooks) and I'm getting mixed results. Two of them work perfectly, but one always returns a completely malformed screenshot.
My code:
chrome.tabs.get(tabId, function (_tab) {
if (_tab.status == "complete" && _tab.active ) {
chrome.tabs.captureVisibleTab( function(dataUrl){
Any ideas what could be the issue on that one device?
Example of a bad screenshot:
I suspect that the device pixel ratio is higher on your 3rd device. This was an issue I was having with Retina displays when building a screenshot app. Basically, certain high-resolution displays have a higher ratio pixels per square inch. You're going to want to find window.devicePixelRatio and divide the context scale by that amount.
Assuming that you are using Canvas to draw the screenshot and capture it into an image, this little snippet should help show what you're going to want to do:
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = image.width;
canvas.height = image.height;
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
if(window.devicePixelRatio > 1){
context.scale(1/window.devicePixelRatio, 1/window.devicePixelRatio);
context.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
Let me know if that works for you.

NSSplitViewItem collapse animation and window setFrame conflicting

I am trying to make a (new in 10.10) NSSplitViewItem collapse and uncollapse whilst moving its containing window so as to keep the whole thing "in place".
The problem is that I am getting a twitch in the animation (as seen here).
The code where I'm doing the collapsing is this:
func togglePanel(panelID: Int) {
if let splitViewItem = self.splitViewItems[panelID] as? NSSplitViewItem {
// Toggle the collapsed state
NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup({ context in
// special case for the left panel
if panelID == 0 {
var windowFrame = self.view.window.frame
let panelWidth = splitViewItem.viewController.view.frame.width
if splitViewItem.collapsed {
windowFrame.origin.x -= panelWidth
windowFrame.size.width += panelWidth
} else {
windowFrame.origin.x += panelWidth
windowFrame.size.width -= panelWidth
self.view.window.animator().setFrame(windowFrame, display: true)
splitViewItem.animator().collapsed = !splitViewItem.collapsed
}, completionHandler: nil)
I am aware of the "Don't cross the streams" issue (from session 213, WWDC'13) where a window resizing animation running on the main thread and a core animation collapse animation running on a separate thread interfere with each other. Putting the splitViewItem collapse animation onto the main thread seems like the wrong approach and I've got a nagging feeling there's a much better way of doing this that I'm missing.
Since I am not finding any documentation on the NSSplitViewItems anywhere (yet) I would appreciate any insights on this.
I have the little test project on GitHub here if anyone wants a look.
Update The project mentioned has now been updated with the solution.
The problem is similar to the "don't cross the streams" issue in that there are two drivers to the animation you've created: (1) the split view item (2) the window, and they're not in sync.
In the example from the '13 Cocoa Animations talk, constraints were setup to result in the correct within-window animation as only the window's frame was animated.
Something similar could be tried here -- only animating the window's frame and not the split view item, but since the item manages the constraints used to (un)collapse, the app can't control exactly how within-window content animates:
Instead the split view item animation could completely drive the animation and use NSWindow's -anchorAttributeForOrientation: to describe how the window's frame is affected.
if let splitViewItem = self.splitViewItems[panelID] as? NSSplitViewItem {
let window = self.view.window
if panelID == 0 {
// The Trailing edge of the window is "anchored", alternatively it could be the Right edge
window.setAnchorAttribute(.Trailing, forOrientation:.Horizontal)
splitViewItem.animator().collapsed = !splitViewItem.collapsed
For anyone using Objective C and targeting 10.11 El Capitan.
This did the trick for me, didn't need to set AnchorAttributes.
splitViewItem.collapsed = YES;

Integrating Poilu raphael boolean operations(union,substraction) with SVG-edit

I am doing a modification of svg-edit, more specifically Mark McKays Method draw: https://github.com/duopixel/Method-Draw.
I want to use this Raphael library i found: https://github.com/poilu/raphael-boolean that allows me to perform boolean(set) operations on paths within my canvas.
Now i have implemented a button within the editor that fires up a function:
var paper = Raphael("canvas", 250, 250);
var path = paper.path("M 43,53 183,85 C 194,113 179,136 167,161 122,159 98,195 70,188 z");
path.attr({fill: "#a00", stroke: "none"});
var ellipse = paper.ellipse(170, 160, 40, 35);
ellipse.attr({fill: "#0a0", stroke: "none"});
var newPathStr = paper.union(path, ellipse);
//draw a new path element using that string
var newPath = paper.path(newPathStr);
newPath.attr({fill: "#666"});
// as they aren't needed anymore remove the other elements
Okay, upon clicking the button isnt the editor supposed to return a unioned(welded) path with an ellipse?
or am i getting this wrong?
i am figuring that something must change with the var paper = Raphael("canvas", 250, 250); line since svg-edit is using a different name for the canvas but i have no idea how to go about it.
Any help will be deeply appreciated as i have been struggling for sometime with this.
UPDATE: This library is unable to handle multi-object welding, self intersections and many other cases. It is only working if we want to perform operations on 2 simple objects. This might not be immediately relevant to the question at hand but i thought it is wise to mention it anyway.
Refer to this question if you are looking for Boolean Operations on SVG elements: Boolean Operations on SVG paths
The code you posted works in isolation, as shown here: http://jsfiddle.net/5SaR3/
You should be able to change the Raphael constructor line to something like:
var paper = Raphael(canvas);
where canvas is an object reference to the SVG element used by svg-edit.

SVG Word Wrap - Show stopper?

For fun I am trying to see how far I can get at implementing an SVG browser client for a RIA I'm messing around with in my spare time.
But have hit what appears to be a HUGE stumbling block. There is no word wrap!!
Does anyone know of any work around (I'm thinking some kind of JavaScript or special tag I don't know)?
If not I'm either going to have to go the xhtml route and start sticking HTML elements in my SVG (ouch), or just come back again in ten years when SVG 1.2 is ready.
This SVG stuff is baffling, isn't it ?
Thankfully, you can achieve some good results, but it takes more work than using the HTML 5 .
Here's a screenshot of my ASP.Net / SVG app, featuring a bit of "faked" word wrapping.
The following function will create an SVG text element for you, broken into tspan pieces, where each line is no longer than 20 characters in length.
<text x="600" y="400" font-size="12" fill="#FFFFFF" text-anchor="middle">
<tspan x="600" y="400">Here a realy long </tspan>
<tspan x="600" y="416">title which needs </tspan>
<tspan x="600" y="432">wrapping </tspan>
It's not perfect, but it's simple, fast, and the users will never know the difference.
My createSVGtext() JavaScript function takes three parameters: an x-position, y-position and the text to be displayed. The font, maximum-chars-per-line and text color are all hardcoded in my function, but this can be easily changed.
To display the right-hand label shown in the screenshot above, you would call the function using:
var svgText = createSVGtext("Here a realy long title which needs wrapping", 600, 400);
And here's the JavaScript function:
function createSVGtext(caption, x, y) {
// This function attempts to create a new svg "text" element, chopping
// it up into "tspan" pieces, if the caption is too long
var svgText = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'text');
svgText.setAttributeNS(null, 'x', x);
svgText.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', y);
svgText.setAttributeNS(null, 'font-size', 12);
svgText.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', '#FFFFFF'); // White text
svgText.setAttributeNS(null, 'text-anchor', 'middle'); // Center the text
// The following two variables should really be passed as parameters
var LINE_HEIGHT = 16;
var words = caption.split(" ");
var line = "";
for (var n = 0; n < words.length; n++) {
var testLine = line + words[n] + " ";
if (testLine.length > MAXIMUM_CHARS_PER_LINE)
// Add a new <tspan> element
var svgTSpan = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'tspan');
svgTSpan.setAttributeNS(null, 'x', x);
svgTSpan.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', y);
var tSpanTextNode = document.createTextNode(line);
line = words[n] + " ";
else {
line = testLine;
var svgTSpan = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'tspan');
svgTSpan.setAttributeNS(null, 'x', x);
svgTSpan.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', y);
var tSpanTextNode = document.createTextNode(line);
return svgText;
The logic for word-wrapping is based on this HTML5 Canvas tutorial
I hope you find this useful !
One thing I forgot to mention.
That "Workflow diagram" screen that I've shown above was originally just written using an HTML 5 canvas. It worked beautifully, the icons could be dragged, popup menus could appear when you clicked on them, and even IE8 seemed happy with it.
But I found that if the diagram became "too big" (eg 4000 x 4000 pixels), then the would fail to initialise in all browsers, nothing would appear - but - as far as the JavaScript code was concerned, everything was working fine.
So, even with error-checking, my diagram was appearing blank, and I was unable to detect when this showstopper problem was occurring.
var canvasSupported = !!c.getContext;
if (!canvasSupported) {
// The user's browser doesn't support HTML 5 <Canvas> controls.
prompt("Workflow", "Your browser doesn't support drawing on HTML 5 canvases.");
var context = c.getContext("2d");
if (context == null) {
// The user's browser doesn't support HTML 5 <Canvas> controls.
prompt("Workflow", "The canvas isn't drawable.");
// With larger diagrams, the error-checking above failed to notice that
// the canvas wasn't being drawn.
So, this is why I've had to rewrite the JavaScript code to use SVG instead. It just seems to cope better with larger diagrams.
There is also foreignObject tag. Then you can embed HTML in SVG which gives the greatest flexibility. HTML is great for document layout and has been hacked to no end to support application layout, drawing, and everything us developers want. But it's strength is word wrapping and document layout. Let HTML do what it does best, and let SVG do what it does best.
This works for most browsers FireFox, Opera, Webkit, except IE (as of IE11). :-( Story of the web ain't it?
SVGT 1.2 introduces the textArea element http://www.w3.org/TR/SVGTiny12/text.html#TextInAnArea , but it is only experimentally supported by Opera 10 at the moment. I don't know if other browsers will ever plan on implementing it, though I hope they will.
Per this document, it appears that tspan can give the illusion of word wrap:
The tspan tag is identical to the text tag but can be nested inside text tags and inside itself. Coupled with the 'dy' attribute this allows the illusion of word wrap in SVG 1.1. Note that 'dy' is relative to the last glyph (character) drawn.
The svg.js library has a svg.textflow.js plugin. It's not ultra fast but it does the trick. It even stores overflowing text in a data attribute so you can use it to create continuously flowing columns. Here the text flow example page.
An alternative method is to use Andreas Neuman's text box object.
These days, flowPara can do word wrapping, but I have yet to find a browser that supports it properly.
I've been looking for a solution about word wrapping in svg so many hours (or many days).
If you can in your app, edit your code to put some tspan, or any other method, go in it.
Text wrapping will be implement in the 1.2 version but except opera, no browser fully implement it yet (4 years, the specification are on the W3 ...).
Because I had to use some alignment settings, i couldn't use any of the code that many forum can provide (no foreign object, no carto script or anything).
If I post this message, it's just in order to be usefull to some other people when googling word wrapping svg because this post on the top result and in many case, this post doesn't help.
Here is a cool, easy and light solution :
