Countifs for longer range - excel

I am currently using Countifs to add up an amount of registrants that have a gender criteria and birth year criteria.
This works and shows me the amount of males born in 1990. I’m currently running this formula in sheet2. Every day or two I’ll import the registrations and the range will grow past row 90. Is there a way to write the formula that will adjust the result when I paste in new registrants?
Currently I can’t extend the formula past 90th row. And with all the birth years, it’s be great if I didn’t have to edit the formula manually every time I update the list.

There are at least 4 ways to do it:
Use "N:N" and "F:F" instead of "N4:N90" and "F4:F90". It will refers to the whole column.
Formula: =countifs(sheet1!N:N,”male”,sheet1!F:F,”1990”)
Use VBA (I'm not going to explain that now because I guess it's not what you want)
Use Dynamic Named Range like explained here
It applies to range without empty values (the height of the range is based on the number of values in the column and adding them to the row of the first row of your range (offset base).
We don't know how your registrant records on sheet1 look. I guess that on column A you have a record ID or something else that it's not empty until the table ends. While on column N and F you can have empty values (e.g. registrant year or gender is not mandatory).
So you have to create a named range 'Genders' that will refers to =OFFSET($N$1,0,0,COUNTA($A:$A),1) if you have not an header row. If you have one header row you have to start the offset from N2, etc. =OFFSET($N$2,0,0,COUNTA($A:$A),1).
You have to do the same thing for the birth year and use these named ranges in your formula, like:
Formula: =countifs(Genders,"male",BirthYears,"1990")
Convert the range of records to a table, selecting it and going to Insert-->Table. You'll be able to use table field names in the formula (Solution based on Ron Rosenfeld' comment)


Trying to correctly duplicate formulas keeping same cell range but adjusting date ranges

I'm trying to help someone with an Excel spreadsheet of sales figures. I hope this explanation is clear. She has a worksheet for each category of items she sells, such as clothing, shoes, furniture, &c. Each worksheet has a column, G, for Date Sold, and the data is in Date format.
On a summary worksheet, she wants to aggregate and analyze the data, and one thing she was doing manually was counting the number of sales of each category for each month (sometimes zero).
I helped her write a formula to pull the count from the clothing worksheet, for the month of March 2019 into a cell on the summary worksheet:
This correctly yields 5. Cool. But that is just one month, and we need twelve for each year, for multiple years, and we have six categories. So we'd rather not hard-code each formula every time we need a count.
When we tried to copy the formula into cells below (for April, May, etc), hoping it would adjust the dates, it wrongly adjusted the cell range to G4:G503. The cell range shouldn't change; the months should advance, but they did not change.
We've been trying different suggestions we found online, such as naming the range G3:G502 but it didn't like that. We got an error.
We both (obviously) have a limited knowledge of Excel. Please let me know what we're doing wrong OR if there is a better way to approach this, and how to do it step by step. Please ask any questions if my explanation is not clear.
Using your formula I would adjust it as follows:
Note the addition of the $ to the cell reference. This keeps either the column or row from change when a cell is copied.
Row(1:1) will return 1 in the first cell it it entered into and as it is copied down will increase by 1. Therefore it is important not to copied it down more than 12 rows from its initial entry point.
Note the year in the date is hard coded. Alternatively the year could be placed be place in a cell and a reference to that cell could be used in place of the hard coded year. That way in subsequent years, you would just change the value in the cell instead of changing your value in the hard coded formula.
Note this solution assumes January for the first cell and months following sequentially to December for the 12th cell.
I my system is configured to use , as separators instead of ; so it is possible I may have made a mistake with those in my edits.
Alternatively you could look at COUNTIFS. It is similar to COUNTIF but requires all entries to be TRUE for an entry to be counted.

Excel - SUM Daily results based on given date range

thank you for taking a minute to help me!
I have 3 sheets, 3 of them with daily data of users, vehicles, and population which is steady, all of them have the same structure:
D column is location and the rest are daily results. Results change every 14 days, that's why for each location you are seeing the same data.
And there's a 4th, where I want to concentrate results from the previous sheets based on data and location - location is D column:
I want to set both start and end date and based on that, sum daily results by location. For example, suppose that Inicio - Start date is 01/03/2020 and Termino - End Date is 05/03/2020, in the second image, where I highlight SUM HERE it should appear 227,340 for 001-L1 Dr. Galvez N.
I already tried SUMIF, SUMIFS, SUMPRODUCT but it doesn´t seem to work.
Any ideas?
What didn't work with SUMPRODUCT? Try this - the result is correct:
I tried to adjust the ranges to your example, but change them if necessary.
I have developed this formula for you (001). Please take a look.
[E5] =SUMIFS(INDEX(Counts1,MATCH($D5,Stops1,0),0),Dates1,">=" & $E$2,Dates1,"<=" & $F$2)
The formula is designed for cell E5 of your fourth sheet. $D5, $E$2 and $F$2 are all on this sheet.
Counts1 is a named range on Sheet1, comprising all the passenger counts, starting from column E, up to the last day of the month and, vertically, from row 4 to as many rows as there are stations.
Stops1 is another named range on Sheet1 D4:[end of column].
Dates1 is a third named range on Sheet1, starting from E2:[end of row]. I would suggest you set up these named ranges to adjust dynamically to the actually used areas of the sheet.
Now, INDEX(Counts,MATCH($D5,Stops,0),0) defines all cells in the row of Counts where the Stop is equal to D5. Of course, this reference changes as you copy the formula down.
SUMIFS takes that range, extracts and sums up the numbers you are interested in.
Now, if you need to extract the same numbers by the same system from 3 different sheets you simply repeat the formula 3 times, concatenating the results with plus signs. That leaves you with the task to set up 9 ranges instead of only 3, each group of 3 on one of your source sheets. By the system I have implied above you would name them Count2, Count3 etc.
That leaves the question of your dates. They must be true dates. Text strings that look like dates won't do. (I guess you know that :-). In the test sheet I set up I entered =DATE(2020,3,1) in E2, [F2]=E2+1 and copied from F2 to the right.

Trying to reference data in variable rows after matching specific cell in excel

In Excel I'm trying to paste in weekly time card reports and then reference the bottom line of each section which contains the yellow highlighted text string in column B (report contains 15-20 sections with variable row differences).
Without using VBA, is there a way to identify an employee ID (Column A), then calculate how many rows below that ID that the last text string cell is located in column B (Highlighted in yellow in the example). Then use that row difference to offset the INDEX formula to grab correct row from the table.
I was using INDEX/MATCH to find the employee ID and then trying to offset the row return per employee manually when I realized that the different job codes rendered that formula inaccurate.
I had used this to reference the proper columns with the offset for one of the weeks, but each week varies. The "+17" at the end of the below formula is where I need the variable row difference to grab the yellow highlighted cell.
Thanks in advance, hopefully I provided the right info to answer the question if there is a solution!
after a revamp of the thought process, the following formula will return the information corresponding to as specific employee and their tax information which is stored in column B in a cell with "EFURTA" in it. No other cell in B within the employee block can contain "EFURTA". If that happens only the first occurence will be returned.
Assuming your data is layed out per the image below, the following formula will return the information you are looking for:
Adjust the ranges to suit your data.
If you just want the row number, just grab the aggregate part of the formula and drop the index.

Selecting a range based on the reference of one cell

I have an excel file. I don't want to write any VBA code, as I don't necessarily want to run a macro for the process to work; I want it to automatically update information as I change one cell (the "Date" cell on the second sheet/photo).
So, basically I have a tracker that I will use to determine for any given date, how many tasks do I have issued to each company (military companies for context). It'll help me understand who has the least amount of tasks in general and what percentage of every company is dished out to tasks. I have a tracker of those issued tasks that looks like this:
My next tab looks like this:
It uses a COUNTIF (COUNTIF(all cells in that day's column on the first sheet/photo except the header, "Company's name")) to determine how many tasks any company has within that day; that's the "RAW" number. The "PERCENT" divides the "RAW" number by how many total people they have in the company; it already works as needed. My goal is to type in a date into the cell beneath "Date" and have the cells to the right of "RAW" automatically inform me for that date typed in. The "PERCENT" already does its magic.
I just don't know how to have the "RAW" cells' formula reference all cells underneath a date on the first sheet/photo after typing that date into "Date" on the second sheet/photo. I was considering an offset, but I'm not sure how to offset a range from the formula of another cell: A2:1000 if the formula of another cell [Date] references A1, and have those RAW cells reference change to DC2:1000 if that Date cells value or reference changes to DC1.
Use MATCH to find the date in the row of dates and insert this into OFFSET, as the COLUMNS argument, to say how many COLUMNS to the right you need to move, to count over the correct range for the selected date.
Say you had your selected date is in Sheet1!D2:
And your companies' tasks in sheet2, with the dates from column B1 onwards, and company HHC spans rows A2:A7:
You want to find the column containing the selected date using:
=MATCH(Sheet1!D2,Sheet2!1:1,0)-1) 'returns 9
The adjustment of minus one is that dates actually start in column B not A in row 1.
You know HHC spans Sheet2!A2:A7, in this example, and you now know you want to move 9 columns to the right of this to do your count.
Using OFFSET and the columns argument (9) yields Range J2:J7
Inserting this into your COUNTIF, as the source range, with "HHC" as the criteria:
This is then the formula that would go in cell Sheet1!C1 next to RAW.
The same principles apply to your other companies. Define the start range for the company, use MATCH to determine the number of columns to OFFSET by, and then wrap it all in a COUNTIF.
A match being found depends on:
Date being present in search range;
That dates are of the same datatype in both sheets (i.e. dates in both sheets or strings in both sheets).

Excel using COUNTIFS Function to create a Punchcard

In my data source I have a column that contains the Dates of occurrences and a Column that contains the Hour of the same occurrences.
With this, the goal is to obtain a punchcard plot (maybe the bubble chart will be the most appropriate)
The intermediate structure has the weekday(Sunday-Saturday) as rows (A2:A8), and the hours (8-22) as Columns (B1:P1), as each column must have the occurrence count for a week day in an hour.
With this said, I tried to use the COUNTIFS function, using the following approach, for the cell B2:
However, Excel is not computing the value, finding a problem on the formula, having also tried using the Insert Formula Option.
place the following in B2
you will need to convert the , to match the ; on your system
In your range A2:A8 enter a known date for monday such as 2017/08/20. Then select A2:A8 and apply custom formatting for the number format and set it to ddd. This will display the day of the week in text but keep the value in the cell a number.
Adjust the ranges to suit your data.
Copy the formula to fill in your table.
