Upload File as a parameter to job in Azure DevOps - azure

I have a Azure DevOps pipeline that automates user creation in salesforce. I am expecting the user details in an excel file, which is to be fed to the Azure DevOps pipeline as a pre-build parameter. However, I am not able to find a solution to it in Azure DevOps.
I had implemented this in Jenkins already using File parameter plugin in my previous projects. Does Azure DevOps has this capability?

After searching through various blogs and posts, I realized that there is no way to get this done directly in VSTS. However, I was able to get a work around for the same.
I created a VSTS User story and uploaded my attachment there
Using the Work Item ID, I used the work Item api to get the attachment ID.
Using the attachment API I was able to write a python script to download this attachment as a part of a pre-step in the Pipeline. Then this was available to use through out my automation script.

I don't think you can load a file before the build start and read the variables, but, you can add a task that read the variables from a file and put him in the beginning (the first step in your pipeline).
There are few extensions to read variable from a JSON file, for example: Json to Variable.
If you want to read from excel I think you should write a script that does it.

Using local hosted agent, you can publish artifact from local share, then move to i.e. ms-hosted agent and use it normally.
- task: DownloadFileshareArtifacts#1
filesharePath: '\\myhost\myshare\myfolder'
artifactName: 'my-artifact'
downloadPath: '$(System.ArtifactsDirectory)'
parallelizationLimit: '8'


Capture current user as variable - Azure DevOps

Background: I want to create a tag on azure resources created via bicep which is orchestrated via my azure devops pipeline(s). The tag in question I would like is the user who created them I.E the person who ran the release pipeline.
I'm not aware of any pre-defined variables that can capture the current ADO user, and I've also tried in PowerShell, however the below snippet only captures the build agent user on the microsoft hosted agent
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=currentUser;]$currentUserTemp"
This can help you get the VSID of the user who queue the pipeline:
And these are the official documents:

Azure DevOps - Automated Pipeline Creation

I'm new to Azure DevOps, and I was wondering if there was a way to automatically detected a .yml build file and create a pipeline without having to interact with the site.
I have tried creating a file called azure-pipelines.yml in the root of the repo, with no luck.
Is there anyway to automatically create pipelines? Like how Jenkins detects a Jenkinsfile?
No this is nott possible out of the box, because YAML file is not always pipeline definition. You my try to figure out if it is trully is, however you need to listen for repo changes and in fact you can do this via another pipeline ;) for instance as this:
check if commit has a new yaml file added
verify if the file is pipeline
create a pipeline using azure cli (for instance)
However, this would be quite a lot of work and then you need to create such pipeline in every repo you want to have this detection enabled.

Is it possible to edit the YAML of a release pipeline?

I'm working on my first Azure DevOps Services release pipeline. I've got a secret in a variable group in the Azure DevOps | Library area. I've been struggling with getting to that secret so I can use it in the release pipeline. I see by this article Add & use variable groups on Microsoft's Docs that I must add that in the variables section of the YAML file. However, I've not seen any way to edit the release pipeline YAML file. I can view it, but there appears to be all. If there's a way of editing the YAML file, how do I get to it?
You should be able to do that, earlier To enable YAML release pipeline, you need to activate Multi-stage YAML pipelines in Preview features:
From the Docs,
To help make it even easier to edit and update your pipeline, we’ve
created an in-product editor with IntelliSense smart code completion,
and an easy task assistant
From the documentation you're pointing at.
If you're using YAML pipelines, you can reference the variable group in your YAML pipeline:
- group: my-variable-group
If you're using the classic mode, you can link the variable group to your pipeline through the UI:

Updating Set of Values in ARM Templates Automatically

I have an ARM template, which I will be using it to deploy resources (Mentioned as in Azure Portal) via Azure DevOps Pipeline. These ARM templates were created using my Dev Subscription. If I need to use this same ARM template to move to production, I need to manually update the subscription id etc in the ARM template and then run the respective pipelines. Is there any way to automate this manual updation process in ARM template.
I have tried using File Transform Agent job available under Azure DevOps Release pipeline. But since the values are available inside nested loops of ARM templates, it failed. Is there any PowerShell script that will be suitable for this process of updating values.
I don't want to manually update the ids under the ARM Template. Instead, I want to update it automatically.
Set Json Property task might help to set the property with specific value.
First in the marketplace search for "set Json property" task and install it for your organization.
Then you can set the property path and the value accordingly. check here for detail usage
Instead of hard coding in ARM templates you can use parameters file. For dev and prod you can have separate files and while deploying pass ARM Template along with parameter file whichever is required.
You can use AKV (Azure Key Vault) to access your subscription details in parameter file
subscription().subscriptionid will get you the details

How do i identify my AzureDevOps id for a pipeline in ADO Pipelines?

So I am attempting to create a downstream project trying to use an artifact stored in azure pipeline artifact to build. I am using the task
It talks about the need for a pipelineId, not really sure where to find out the id for my other pipeline. Is there any easy way, its supposed to be a ~4 digit number according the documentation.
Go to the target pipeline you want -> Edit.
Check the URL. There you have the pipeline id.
I'm sorry I could not find a proper way to refer this without hardcoding.
There is an existing open issues on the pipeline ID.
The doc which you mentioned doesn't provide much information about pipelineID.
As per microsoft
pipelineId appears to be BuildId, and not the build definition id. It
needs the actual instance id of where the artifact is associated. I
was able to make this work by referencing a release variable tied to
the artifact alias. My alias is named "artifacts" and using
$(RELEASE_ARTIFACTS_ARTIFACTS_BUILDID) did the trick. So the format
If you were trying to consume in a build and not a release pipeline
you would need to somehow get the value of $(Build.BuildId)
I hope as this matures there are plans to make pipeline artifacts
published from a build automatically in release, just like they are
when using the old Build Artifacts. Currently for me that is not
happening so I am forced to manually add this step to my release
pipeline and associate it with the build pipeline.
I was facing the same problem in my azure devops pipelines, I don't know if it applies the same way for you, but here is my solution to do it :
There is the function az pipeline show that gives you the id of a pipeline with its name:
pipelineInfo=$(az pipelines show --name "$Pipeline_to_find")
id=$(echo "$pipelineInfo" | python -c "import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)['id'])")
#export this var to be used in any other task of your pipeline
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=id;]$id"
You can get pipeline ID from a pipeline directly from portal.
Go Azure Pipeline
Now select the pipeline you want the ID from and choose “Edit”
Once in EDIT PIPELINE mode, click the dotted menu and select “TRIGGERS”
Now, click on “variables” tab
Here you will see a variable — system.definitionId which is aka PipelineId
There are two IDs you may need to know in Azure Pipelines.
Build Pipeline ID / Definition ID: This is the ID of the Pipeline not a particular run of the pipeline. You can get it via System.DefinitionId
Build Record ID / Build ID: This is the ID for a particular run/record of your pipeline run. You can access it in your pipeline as Build.BuildId
In your case, you will need to use the Build.BuildId since you are trying to get the artifact from a particular run of a pipeline.
Reference: Predefined Azure Pipeline Variables
The following command uses Azure CLI (with DevOps extension) and jq to get the pipeline id in Bash shell:
az pipelines show --name <PIPELINE_NAME> | jq -r .id
If you want to use this inside an Azure Pipeline, you need to use an Azure CLI task and probably install jq on the run agent.
See ultimatom's answer for how to set the id as a variable in the pipeline.
