App crashes with Telegram Api in Node "Too much data to fetch" - node.js

here's the problem.
I've wrote an app with tlg module. LINK GITHUB
I've developed using Mac Os and everything worked fine but when i've tried to move all the app to a new Centos 8 VM, recompiling TDlib and launcing the app, here's the response after the app crash.
[ 0][t 4][1588032092.051109791][Status.h:191][!Td]
Unexpexted Status [Error : 0 : Too much data to fetch at 8] in file
/td/td/telegram/Global.cpp at line 77
This is weird, i've never seen an error like this. Here's the Global.cpp

You probably used your app with a newer TDLib version and then came back to the old version, so the old td can't work with upgraded DB. So just stick with the new version.


NuxtJS & Firebase : upgrading to NodeJS 16 engine breaks Firestore listener (Firebase rules)

I've been using NuxtJS (v2.15.8) with Nuxt Firebase (v7.6.1), running on NodeJS engine 12 (v12.21.0 to be exact) for the web application I've been developping incrementally for the past couple of years and my web app is now quite complex.
I am trying to upgrade NodeJS to the latest LTS version (v16.13.2) and encounter one major issue after switching version of NodeJS (using nvm) and changing the package.json of my five packages from node 12 to node 16 :
package.json :
"engines": {
"node": "16",
When running exactly the wame web application after these changes, it starts correctly but Firebase Rules seem to break, with this error FirebaseError: false for 'get' # L61, false for 'get' # L268.
It is a cryptic error, but from experience and from all I could find online, it happens when a call to Firestore that gets blocked by defined Firebase Security rules). In my case, it happens on a "onSnapshot" call to listen to the changes of the currently logged in user. Some other calls to Firestore (using "get" and not "onSnapshot") seem to work fine, and the Firebase Authentication works well too.
Here is the full error stack :
loggedInUser.js?384a:65 Error listening to user changes
FirebaseError: false for 'get' # L61, false for 'get' # L268
at new n (prebuilt-306f43d8-45d6f0b9.js?23bd:188:1)
at eval (prebuilt-306f43d8-45d6f0b9.js?23bd:10426:1)
at eval (prebuilt-306f43d8-45d6f0b9.js?23bd:10427:1)
at n.onMessage (prebuilt-306f43d8-45d6f0b9.js?23bd:10449:1)
at eval (prebuilt-306f43d8-45d6f0b9.js?23bd:10366:1)
at eval (prebuilt-306f43d8-45d6f0b9.js?23bd:10397:1)
at eval (prebuilt-306f43d8-45d6f0b9.js?23bd:15160:1)
at eval (prebuilt-306f43d8-45d6f0b9.js?23bd:15218:1)
The portion of code triggerring the error is :
listenUser({ commit }, userId) {
const userRef = this.$fire.firestore.collection('users').doc(userId);
userListener = userRef.onSnapshot(function(userDoc) {
if (userDoc.exists) {
const user = userConverter.fromFirestoreData(;
commit('SET_LOGGED_IN_USER', user);
function(error) {
console.error("Error listening to user changes", error);
As soon as I revert back to Node 12, the same call works fine and isn't blocked by the Firebase rules, so the error doesn't appear.
I therefore have several questions :
Does anyone understand what's happening there ? Is there known changes in the behavior of Firebase rules directly related to the NodeJS engine ?
Do you think this issue can come from Nuxt or its Nuxt Firebase module are not working correctly under NodeJS 16 ?
It is required to also upgrade NuxtJS to a newer version or should it be possible to simply update the Node Engine ?
Is it required to update to a newer version of Firebase (modular implementation) despite the Nuxt Firebase module stating :
"This module does not support the new modular syntax from Firebase v9+. If you plan to use the new modular mode of Version 9, we advise you to implement Firebase manually as described in the following medium article. It is currently unclear when, and if, this module will support the new modular mode."
Source : their Github repo
Any help to understand what's going on here is welcome !!
Thanks a lot for your help !
Regarding your questions:
I'm unaware of what is causing this issue but there are no known changes in the behavior of Firebase Rules depending on the NodeJS version you are using.
It's hard to assess without having more information. However I deployed a sample NuxtJS app following this guide on NodeJS 16 and it worked. Additionally the error code, as you mentioned, is caused when a Firestore Rule blocks a query. Therefore I think the root cause might be in the NuxtJS firebase module.
I wasn't able to find any documentation suggesting that you need to upgrade NuxtJS when upgrading NodeJS. Additionally you mentioned that you are using version 2.15.8 of NuxtJS which according to this release notes is the latest version.
I'm unsure on further support for NuxtJS considering that statement, but according to this Firebase documentation it is recommended to upgrade to version 9.
If you decide to attempt to upgrade to firebase v9 make sure to also upgrade Nuxt Firebase module to version 8.0.0 or higher, this version provides support to the compat library so you can use Firebase v9 although still with the old syntax, more information can be found here.
Lastly, if you'd like to test if a Firebase rule is working as expected you can quickly test it using the Rules Playground.
Long story short : upgrading to Firebase v9 worked.
Before I did that, I got stuck with rules preventing me to access firestore documents as soon as I tried running the project under Node16 engine.
So I had to do the following changes :
updating Firebase to v9
implement the configuration through a plugin rather than the nuxt-firebase module
make all the required changes in my code to make use of v9 modular (I didn't try using the compat version)
Now that I use the latest version of Firebase, I tried again switching to NodeJS 16 and it runs fine, including the Firebase security rules.

LSApplicationQueriesSchemes Xcode 13 or iOS15 BUG?

I use "LSApplicationQueriesSchemes" in the project Info.plist, which contains 219 url schemes.
I use the urlscheme contained in this file to determine if an app is installed on our user's phone, which worked fine before iOS15, but recently I had a problem after submitting an app update using xcode13, when I went to check if an app was installed, it prompted me "-canOpenURL:failed for URL: "xxxx://" - error: "This app is not allowed to query for scheme xxxx".
I have added xxxx to the LSApplicationQueriesSchemes, but I still get this error, I tested changing the location or reducing the number of urlscheme included in the LSApplicationQueriesSchemes and found that The first 35 or so of the LSApplicationQueriesSchemes are working fine, and the first 35 or so after that will prompt this error. I don't know if this is a bug in xcode13 or a problem with ios15, it's still not right.
This problem only appears on phones upgraded with iOS15
Apps linked on or after iOS 15 are limited to a maximum of 50 entries in the LSApplicationQueriesSchemes key.

Bluemix node.js doesn't like "=>"

I'm new to Bluemix and node.js. I'm creating a Bluemix app that integrates with Box, but the built in Box service uses out-of-date node.js support, and I'd like to use the most recent node.js Box SDK.
I'm including this line at the top of my code
var BoxSDK = require('box-node-sdk');
But in processing this SDK, the log file throws an error on this line (line 191 of box-node-sdk/lib/api-request.js):'error', err => this.eventBus.emit('response', err));
The error is:
SyntaxError: Unexpected token =>
What do I need to do to get Bluemix's node.js to recognize this (apparently new) syntax?
After some further digging, I discovered this page in the Bluemix runtime documentation, which says:
A node version should always be specified in the package.json file. If it is not, the latest node version will be used.
I removed the engines{} section from my package.json file to force it to use the latest node version, and I've gotten past this problem. (On to my next error...)
Thanks very much to jfriend00, who gave the crucial information that led me where I needed to go!

ExpressJS, NodeJs, and MongoDB CRUD Skeleton - Mac

I have recently started working with MongoDB and had it working for a small web test with node JS However. I new my implementation wasn't following a decent MVC structure. I began searching and found this website and read through it. It's implementation look good as well as following a good MVS skeleton structure.
Express/NodeJS/MongoDB CRUD Skeleton
I got to the part where he says 'HOORAY! We've got a functioning web server that is talking to Mongo. Part 1 is accomplished." Unfortunately, I went the local host specified and it says the 'site cannot be reached'. I am still fairly new to NodeJs, Mongo and Express and cannot figure out why it is not working.
I am not sure if I have done a step wrong time and time again which I doubt or if there something is missing that is stopping me from having it working.
The part before it says:
Awesome. Now to test it's all working in the terminal type npm start and you shouldn't see any errors:
kcoleman-mbp:nodewebapp kcoleman$ npm start
> nodewebapp#0.0.1 start /Users/kcoleman/Documents/projects/nodewebapp
> node ./bin/www
That part I get the same outcome with:
nodewebApp and node./bin/www
The page says to navigate to, but the localhost usualy defaults to I didn't see any code in the page where he defines the port to
So try connecting to
Coming to nodewebApp and node./bin/www, it could be because the command might be present in pacakge.json. If you delete the nodewebApp from package.json, you won't be seeing the same in the command.

Err_connection_refused using meteor uploads

I am deploying a meteor application to a digital ocean droplet with meteor upload. Everything goes well, the application gets deployed, database works, seeding of data works etc. But there is one problem i can't seem to be able to solve.
I use the meteor-uploads package ( for file uploads. Locally everything goes well, the file gets uploaded, finished callback gets called etc. But once I have deployed the application to the server it keeps giving me on of these errors, :
POST http://*ip*/upload net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
POST http://*ip*/upload net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE
POST http://*ip*/upload net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET
Any ideas are welcome, I have searched all over for a solution but none seems to fit my problem. I also installed to a fresh droplet but that didn't help. In none of my browsers (Mac Chrome, safari & firefox) does it work, on my phone (Android 5.0) I get the same errors. I am using the newest Meteor version
On local host you don't need to set the environmental variables, but the host services provides you should.
Check this tutorial to see how to put the environment variables.
Because the file-upload needs a startup-server-configuration, like this.
Meteor.startup(function () {
tmpDir: process.env.PWD + '/.uploads/tmp',
uploadDir: process.env.PWD + '/.uploads/',
checkCreateDirectories: true //create the directories for you
But im not sure if putting this on a startup will work on digital ocean, like i say you you enter it, run printing and check if the /.uploads/ exists
