I created a keyvault and secrets from the MS docs and confirmed that I can list the keyvault and secrets from an Azure CLI session. When somebody else granted my access to another keyvault in our Azure tenant, I am not able to list that vault from the Azure CLI.
The CLI command I am using is : 'az keyvault list'
I have compared the individual policies applied in two vaults, and have 'owner' role access to both. I can see the vaults and secrets when I use a browser to navigate to the azure portal.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions on what I should check.
I suppose the keyvault is in another subscription in your Azure AD tenant, in Azure CLI, you could just use az keyvault list to list the keyvaults in the default subscription, if you want to do operations in another subscription, you need to set the subscription with it.
Navigate to the keyvault which you want to list in the portal, copy the Subscription ID like below.
Then run the command below before you list the keyvaults.
az account set --subscription <Subscription ID>
az keyvault list
In my case, my login had expired, but unlike with other commands, I did not get a warning to that effect. It simply returned the [] empty list.
Renewing my login with az login allowed az keyvault list to work.
In my case I had to go to the subscription / RG where the key-vault was and give the user / service principal the Reader role. You can do that by clicking on the subscription/RG and then selecting "Access Control (IAM)" on the left side. And then add the role assignment. Instructions - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/role-based-access-control/role-assignments-portal?tabs=current
I am testing an environment where I have the credentials of a service principal of an application. My next step is to identify the objects owned by the application or the resources that the app can access.
I could get similar details for an AD user through the cli command
ad signed-in-user list-owned-objects
Running the same command when signed-in with the credentials of the sp results in the following error
Resource not found for the segment 'me'.
My use-case is to enumerate the SP account to understand its access rights in the subscription. Can someone help me out with the right set of azure cli commands.
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got below results:
I created one service principal with Storage Blob Data Contributor role at storage account scope like below:
az ad sp create-for-rbac --role "Storage Blob Data Contributor" --name <spname> --scopes /subscriptions/<subID>/resourceGroups/<rgname>/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/<storaccname>
Now I logged in to Azure account successfully using above service principal credentials:
az login --service-principal -u appID -p password --tenant tenantID
When I ran the same command to get the resources that the app can access, I got same error as below:
az ad signed-in-user list-owned-objects
To list RBAC roles assigned to a service principal, you can make use of below command:
az role assignment list --assignee <service_principal_ID> --all
If your use case is to list all the resources/objects a service principal can access/own, currently there is no command available particularly for that.
To know more in detail, you can check below reference:
For a given Azure AD Service Principal, Get a list of the Azure Objects and Rights by AlfredoRevilla-MSFT
Using one session of an azure sandbox which lasts for 4 hours. Once one session gets expired, I've created a new sandbox to continue practicing exercises from the Azure portal.
After execuing command: az account set --subscription "Concierge Subscription" I am getting below error:
However, In Azure portal there is just one "Concierge Subscription". How can I close other subscription of the same name?
I think is it just the local cache of AZ cli that is not refreshed. The new subscriptions keeps adding, without removing the expired one.
Run az account list --refresh, this will remove the expired ones.
The --subscription parameter accepts either the Name or ID of a given subscription.
You can get navigate to Subscriptions blade on Azure Portal to get the Subscription ID of the current active Sandbox subscription, and then set that subscription to be the current active subscription using:
az account set -s <subscription-id>
Azure CLI Command reference: az account
For a azure keyvault connection in Power Automate I am using an app registration. Users of a PowerApp I made can't seem to get secrets from the azure key vault unless I give them access to the keyvault. I was hoping adding the users to the acces policies in the keyvault would be enough.
Is there a way to let users get secrets in a PowerApp (through Power Automate) without giving them full access to the keyvault?
I am trying to do something similar as this
You could grant them the "get" permission only on secrets:
az keyvault set-policy --name myvault --secret-permissions get --upn <user ID/email>
However, a better approach might be to run your application as a service principal (or have middleware service that does - really depends on why users need access to the secrets) and it contact Key Vault directly. That service principal should be given minimal rights - basically the same command as above, except using --spn instead of --upn.
I am using Terraform cloud and I don't want to use permanent keys in it. So, is there any to create a temporary keys in Azure Cloud(like we can create in AWS).
When you are authenticating to Azure Cloud via Azure service principal, by default, the Az CLI command will get a password for this service principal with a one-year expiration date.
az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/<subscription_id>"
from your comments, in fact you want to get this password to expire in a short time. You can use az ad app credential reset to append or overwrite an application's password or certificate credentials.
For example, reset the application password with the following Az CLI commands.
az ad app credential reset --id <appId> --password <sp_password> --end-date 2020-08-13T11:59:59+00:00
For more information, you could read the Relationship between application objects and service principals
By creating a ServicePrincipal in AzureAD you're also able to assign a LifetimePolicy (tokenLifetimePolicies). This way you're able to have an "end of life" for the token.
Here's also a short how to on creating a new ServicePrincipal.
Alternatevily you could use this new preview feature: Configurable token lifetimes in Microsoft identity platform (Preview).
As it is a preview feature you're not supposed to use it in production environments.
Currently im trying to create dynamic environments via AzureDevops.
One of these steps to achieve this is to take a copy of our production databases and place them in a temp resource group (Production Subscription) and then move the sql server and associated databases to our non-production subscription. From here we then create the web apps and deploy code.
When i run this via Az Cli i am able to move the resources with the following
SQLSERVERID=$(az resource show -g $RSGNAMETEMP -n $SQLSERVERNAME --resource-type "Microsoft.Sql/servers" --query id --output tsv)
az resource move --destination-group $RSGNAME --ids $SQLSERVERID --destination-subscription-id $SANDBOXSUBSCRIPTIONID
However when i run this via AzureDevops i get the following error
ERROR: The client (...) with object id (...) has permission to perform action on scope however, it does not have permission to perform action (...) on the linked scope(s).
I believe this problem is happening when you configure the AZ Cli step in AzureDevops you select the Subscription from the drop down list. The account / service principal only has access rights to that specific subscription and not to multiple. Is it possible to configure a service principal (that can be used in AzureDevops) that can connect to multiple subscriptions?
Yes, just go to Azure portal, navigate to the desired subscription blade, go to Access Control, press + sigh at the top and add your principal as a contributor to the subscription.
to find service principal name use this:
Click Manage link in the Azure Subscription field in your VSTS job, it will navigate you to a new blade. Click Manage Service Principal there. It will take you to the application page in Azure AD. After that you can copy name under Managed application in local directory field and use that name to grant it Key Vault permissions.