SSRS layout and column visibility - layout

I have about 40 columns that I need to hide/display based on certain conditions. At any given time there would not be more than 10 columns( do not know which ones) that could get displayed. I need to make sure that the report is rendered in letter paper size, though in landscape orientation. I have added all the columns to the table and have set the can grow to True. Despite it when I run the report I get the data that I want a about 2 extra blank pages. Any suggestions why those are displayed and also if there is a way to control this? The report runs off of a stored procedure.

Why don't you try to set all columns at 1mm width with CanGrow=True?


Excel - How to split values of 70 items equally into 6 groups

So I'm trying to create an Excel sheet to split the values of 70 items into six groups.
For reference, this is to divide my grandma's estate evenly for her six children. I have approx. 70 items and their appraised values in an Excel sheet, but not sure the best way to go about this. I was hoping to use Solver, but haven't been able to figure it out.
Ideally I could make it so people could pick specific items that they want and run the Excel sheet again to re-balance all the values.
So set this up, based on a thrown together set of values.
Each sumproduct is held to be <= to the (total value / 6)-10. You may want to reduce this to 5 or 2 etc but the smaller you go the harder it is to solve due to the values of the items.
I have done this for 30 items, there is a limit to the number of variables in the Solver - if you hit that then you might consider pairing items, or manually setting some will help, see below.
You might want to add something for sentimental value - I will leave you to consider that.
As for manually setting some items then you can set those items to one, move them to the top or bottom and remove them from the Solver variable cells - that way they won't get changed, but they still need to be included for the value. If the values are similar then they can be taken out if the differences are ignored by the parties.
So, edited the model, see below. Note that 1 item is not allocated. This could be addressed by changing the constraint controlling cells J9:J38 but it comes down to the difficulty of finding an exact solution and that is also why the 10 can be adjusted...

Hidden column when exporting to Excel from SSRS despite using points

Like many people, I have trouble sometimes with exporting to Excel from SSRS: hidden or split columns appear. Up to now, I have found that using multiples of 18 points works very well. However, I have found an exception to this rule.
If I create a tablix with one column 864 (12 x 72) points wide and a second column 72 points wide, I get a hidden column C. If, instead, the first column of my tablix is 936 (13 x 72) points wide, and the second column is still 72 points wide, I do not get any hidden columns.
I've looked in the .rdl file and there's nothing hidden in there like headers or footers. My page width is 210mm. I tried changing it to 150mm just to see if there was any difference but there wasn't.
Changing the second column of the first report to 73pt (so it's now 864pt and 73pt) eliminates the hidden column C. So does changing the second column to 25mm. So I may just have to fiddle with the column widths, but I would like to know why the rule of using multiples of 18 points doesn't work in this situation.
Screenshot added at the request of niktrs:
You can see that column N is hidden. It has zero width.
I found that editing the RDL file in Notepad, and towards the end of the Tablix section, changing the line <Width>330.2mm</Width> to 936pt worked. That is, there is no longer a hidden column C when exporting. As 936/72 * 25.4 = 330.2, I don't know why Report Builder didn't convert the measurement in mm to an exact number of points, but I don't mind, as I now have a report that exports correctly. I also found that right at the end of the RDL file, there is a line <rd:ReportUnitType>Mm</rd:ReportUnitType>. Changing 'Mm' to 'Point' seems to enable me to type measurements in using points and have Report Builder store them as points instead of converting them to mm.

Excel chart's data is in Days, can I show the Series Data Lables in Months

My chart's range data ("A1:E6") looks is in the screen-shot below:
And this is my current Projects Timeline chart (Type Stacked-Bar):
As you can see, my Series Data Labels are in the same format as my Range, which is days.
Question: is there a way (without VBA) to format the Data Labels to be in months ?
For instance, for Project 3, Stage 1 (brown bar), instead of 90, it will display 3.
Is there a way to "out-smart" the screen below:
You can use helper columns in your data to calculate the desired value you want to show in the labels, i.e. divide by 30 to arrive at the approximate month value for any given number of days.
Then, depending on your Excel version and/or preference and/or need for backwards compatibility, you can either
manually edit each data label, hit F2 to edit the data label, type a = sign and then click the cell that has the calculated month value. Repeat for each data label, or
if that sounds too tedious, download and install the free XY Chart Labeler tool by Rob Bovey, which automates the steps above. You can share the file with people who don't have the tool, since all label references will end up hard-coded. The tool just helps reduce the manual labour to link labels to the cells. Or
with Excel 2013 or higher, use the formatting option in the Data Labels side panel to use "Values from cells" and select the cells where the converted values are. This feature is not backwards compatible and will show placeholder text instead of the labels if the file is opened in Excel versions earlier than XL 2013.
Edit: By the way, the formatting section that you highlighted in your screenshot is for formatting the numbers that the label shows. A format can only change the display of a value, but not perform a calculation, like convert number of days into number of months. So, the format approach is a dead end from the get-go.

Would like to limit the number of elements in a Pivot Chart filter

I am creating a pivot table with a corresponding pivot chart in VBA.
I have filtered the data in the table to show only the top 5 values and the chart also only displays the top five values. However, if you click the field filter button on the chart, every value is there and checked by default (even though only five are visible).
The problem comes when I want to remove one of the top five from the chart (due to the fact that it is so large it is suppressing the visibility of the other data). If I unselect that item, suddenly every other item becomes visible instead of just the other four items like I would like. I realize this is because all the items are checked in the filter.
What I would like to know is why they are all checked by default even though only five are visible and if there is a workaround for this issue (can the filter only show the top five or at least only have the top five checked)?

XML to Excel column width is not staying fixed

I am converting xml to Excel via XSLT 1.0. I have assigned the columns and rows a fixed value and removed the auto adjustment of width/height.
<Column ss:StyleID="s180" ss:AutoFitWidth="0" ss:Width="112.5"/>
<Row ss:AutoFitHeight="0" ss:Height="15" ss:StyleID="s67">
However this doesn't seem to actually be happening. I have varying reports from users that conflict with my own machine. Of course the mysterious conversion factor from XSLT's ss:width and Excel's width applies.
User 1 - 38.09
User 2 - 20.82
My Machine - 20.74
User 1 - 14.50
User 2 - 15.15
My Machine - 15.00
I've searched as many query strings as I can think of trying to understand why the set value I have isn't being adhered to. I've even checked the page setup, but I'm not fitting to the page and the scale is a set value as well.
As far as I read this the Excel document should always maintain the same width/height, but that isn't being seen when deployed.
Any help would be welcome!
Per this forum message
You are correct, column width measurement is an odd-ball in Excel. 1
increment of column width is equal to the width of the zero character of the
font used by the Normal style for a workbook. So a column of width 10 would
fit exactly 10 zero characters in the font specified by the Normal style.
So it appears you don't have complete control over what column width units mean.
