Can we use Android-Studio Translations Editor for Flutter? - android-studio

Translations editor was very good in dealing with strings and translating it to many languages. I wonder if I could use it for flutter apps.
if(yes) {
tell me how;
tell me the best way to translate texts in flutter;

now I think we couldn't use it.
so, for now, I can use excel to make CSV file of strings and use flappy_translator package to use it in a flutter app.
if there's a way to use android studio translations editor or there's a better way, please tell me.

So you want the handy Android Studio Translation Editor, however it only works with
strings.xml in a res/values folder in native Android projects, as it seems.
But I can offer you something similar. I found the Android Studio Plugin Easy i18n
Go to File->Settings->Plugins (windows) and search for the plugin.
After Installation, you can work with JSON files, I put them in assets/translations:
And added the dependency to the whole folder in my Pubspec.yaml:
- assets/translations/
And if you open the Editor via View->Tool Windows->Easy i18n, you can edit them, very similar to the Android Studio Translation Editor:
I use the values from the JSON files with the Easy Localization plugin.
Disclaimer: I don't think the authors of Easy i18n and Easy Localization are the same team, at least as I can tell. And I am in no way related to these projects/authors. This is just what worked for me. On my journey, I stumbled across this StackOverFlow post multiple times, so I thought I'd share.


What does AndroidStudio do in indexing?

As the question mentions, what happens when AndroidStudio does indexing? What is the use of indexing?
Could somebody please help me understand.
while Android studio is using InteliJ idea :
Indexing in IntelliJ IDEA is responsible for the core features of the
IDE: code completion, inspections, finding usages, navigation, syntax
highlighting, and refactorings.
It starts when you open your project, switch between branches, after
you load or unload plugins, and after large external file updates. For
example, this can happen if multiple files in your project are created
or generated after you build your project.
you can read more about IntelliJ indexing here

Can we convert an Android Studio project for Unity3D?

May be this question not fit here, but I didn't find any other medium to ask. I have a project in Android studio or eclipse, I want to open in unity.. because I don't want to rewrite again in unity.. any help or suggestion..
As i know they are two different compilers and you can't convert their projects to each other.maybe you can just copy some code if needed but work spaces are separate.
I think this can't be done, because both things are different libraries too (as one of the errors).

How to add Traditional Chinese in Translations Editor of Android Studio?

Had tried looking over several times but still can't find Traditional Chinese or zh-tw in "Add Locale" list.
It's hard to believe because this list contains a huge amount of locales, including even the locale that might not be used by anyone like "Zhuang; Chuang".
Is there a way using Android Studio to add translations of Traditional Chinese?
Open "src\main\res" directory of your project in the explorer/finder, you will see the folder "value-zh" if you added Chinese in Android studio.
Simply make a copy and rename them to:
"values-zh-rCN" for simplified Chinese
and "values-zh-rTW" for all traditional Chinese
And android studio will automatically recognise that:
See this as an example:
See more from this answer: Simplified and Traditional Chinese vs Regions

Android Studio Plugin - Show Image In Editor

I'd like to be able to display an image below a class-level javadoc in Android Studio. My assumption is that I should write a plugin to make this happen.
Does anyone know what I need to do to get an image (JPEG or PNG) to display below a class-level javadoc comment in a Java class file?
I looked into basic information about creating an IntelliJ IDEA plugin but I have no idea where to look to accomplish my task.
This is not possible in the current version of IntelliJ IDEA. The editor can display only text, and does not support embedding of non-text things such as an image file.
You can display images on hover, or in popups, or in dialogs, but not within the editor itself.
Do you want the image to show in the class' source code itself? As an aside, images in Javadocs will show when you view the formatted javadoc view the Quick documentation action (Windows/Linux: Ctrl+Q or Mac: ^J)
If you still want the image to show in the source code, then yes, you will need to write a plug-in. You can look at the Information for Plugin Developers
Setting Up the Plugin Development Environment section of this web page - - to get started. You'll have to dig through source code to try and find some ideas for how to display an image in the source code. As much as I love IntelliJ IDEA, there plug-in documentation is a bit weak. When I wrote a plug-in, I had to do a lot of looking through the IDEA code to find code that was doing things similar to what I wanted to do. I also downloaded the source code for some of the better plug-ins out there and looked through them.
Finally, you can ask for some guidance in the IntelliJ IDEA Open API and Plugin Development forum. That forum is monitored by JetBrains developers. Your best bet to getting answers in that forum is to ask very specific questions. Do not try and get someone to explain from start to finish what you need to do. As you do each step, ask questions about what you are trying to do.

Where can I find more themes for VS2012?

I have downloaded the VS2012 Theme editor but would now like to to find more themes for it. Specifically, I am after .vstheme files, but haven't been able to find any. I'm hoping to get a nice dark theme that works with the theme editor. I am not interested in settings files as used in VS2010. I write in C++ if that is relevant.
I found this site to be pretty good with a great mix of themes.
One with actual *.vstheme extension:
