How to populate Dynamics 365 lookups with text value from Azure Logic App? - azure

I am creating an Azure Logic app which takes data from an external source and populates Dynamics 365.
In the Dynamics 365 entity, I have 4 lookup fields which I need to populate. But from the external source, I am getting data in text format, which means I need to search value for lookup fields by text instead of Guid.
I am doing this by creating an Azure function but want to know if there is any possibility to achieve this with no code customisation? External data source can only send text as Dynamics 365 guids are not synced with source.

You can directly search using your logic app itself. There is an CDS connector step as "get Records", wherein you can filter query and match it based on your text criteria.
It can be you might get more than 1 record, ex: Account name: ABC company can be double in your crm.
you might want to narrow it down to fetch the desired result.
Once you get your Record you can use record and it's guid to fill your Lookup Field.
Refrence to get Records
Here is latest Microsoft Doc for fetching record in logic apps


Secure filtering in Power BI Embedded

Currently I have the following scenario. I have a report in Power BI which reads from a dataset which has data of all companies. In my ASP .NET MVC application the user will select the company for which to display the report and with Power BI Embedded the application filters the report by the ID of the company through the embed config defined in JS (filter parameters passed from server).
I am using app owns data approach where I have a master account and the embed token is generated for the master account.
The user accessing the report does not have access rights to all companies and this is being handled server-side. With this approach however, the user can easily alter the embed config in JS and display the report for a company which he is not authorized to access.
I looked into row-level security and I found the following approach where there exists a role for every company and the embed token is generated for that particular company. This would be an ideal approach but in my scenario the companies are not pre-defined and can be created any time. Therefore, I would need to create a role per company. This however cannot be achieved programmatically as Power BI does not provide means to automate role creation.
The only approach I can think of is to clone a report for each new company and create a dataset specific to that report which will only have the data for that particular company. Then the generated embed token will only be valid for that particular report.
Has anyone also experienced this dilemma? Any suggestions what I should do in such scenario?
You still can use RLS, but without roles per company. Use USERPRINCIPALNAME() DAX function to find out which user is viewing the report. In the database make a table to specify which company can be seen by which user and add it to your model. Then use RLS to filter this table to only the row (or rows) where user is current one (here is where USERPRINCIPALNAME() comes into play), and let the relationship between this table and your data tables to filter out what should not be seen. This way there will be no JavaScript filters at all, so nothing can be changed by some malicious user.
See Using the username() or userprincipalname() DAX function.

Extracting azure AD users by createdDateTime using graph API

I need to extract users created for last 6 months for the first time and for the subsequent runs its going to be delta. I used Microsoft Graph API for extracting user by using using createdDateTime filter.But Its throwing an error.$filter=CreatedDateTime ge '2019-04-26T21:15:12Z'.
Is there a way of extracting users based on last modified date
I just have confirmed with Azure support engineer that filter is not supported on the createdDateTime property for the API groups.
The workaround is to fetch the full user collection and filter out locally.

Multi User Application - Using Excel, Access and Sharepoint

I have to create a multi user application, in which as per the parameters provided by user a report will be published in excel format. I need some help in figuring out that whether an integration of excel, ms access and sharepoint is possible? Something like - I can keep all my data in ms access and put an excel in sharepoint so that all the user can use it. Parameters selected by users will go and fetch data in ms access and then publish data and on the basis of that pivots will also be created.
Kindly let me know if something like this possbile and if it then what all steps i have to follow and what can be the challenges

How to access Entity views via Javascript in Microsoft CRM

I have a custom page where I'm pulling entities via the ODATA rest url like this:
http:/[myCRMURL]/AccountSet?$filter=SomeColumn eq 'SomeValue'
I also have some Views declared under the entity in addition to the build in views:
Account Advanced Find View
Account Associated View
Account Lookup View
Active Accounts
Inactive Accounts
Is there a way via the ODATA rest API that I can pull the list of views for an entity? My google-foo is completely failing me today.
If so is there a way to apply one of those filters via the REST API? Something like AccountSet?$viewId=[the GUID of the view]
You can query the views via the Rest API by hitting the UserQuerySet and the SavedQuerySet. That will allow you to retrieve the information for the views like the columns, fetchXml, view name, etc. However once you retrieve that view you will then either need to execute the fetchXml via the SOAP endpoint, or translate the filter criteria into the OData query yourself.

Custom column using MOSS Search Service

We are using out of the box MOSS search web service to retrieve meta data of the documents. We are able to retrieve the document name, document link, author, last modified person, last modified dates of the documents in SharePoint. There are some custom columns added in some document libraries in SharePoint. We would like to retrieve the data in the custom columns.
Can any one please let us know if its possible to retrieve the data from custom columns using MOSS search web service? Is there a configuration change required to be made in SharePoint?
Yes, you must do some additional setup if you want your custom columns to be crawled (you're talking about /_vti_bin/Search.asmx right?).
You will need to set up Managed Properties through your Shared Services provider in Central Admin.
Central Admin -> [your SSP] -> Search Administration -> Metadata properties
Then you'll create a new Managed Property.
Things to note:
A custom column won't show up to add as a managed property until an incremental crawl runs
After creating a new managed property, a full crawl is required to populate it with data
