I wish to execute the following query:
SELECT value,occurredAt,venueName FROM Transaction_by_card WHERE card = 1234123412341234
and expect a few hundred results for each card, as is your regular credit card bill.
I was thinking about modelling the table like:
(card int, occurredAt timestamp, venueName text, value int PRIMARY KEY (card,timestamp) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY occurredAt desc)
Is that the best model for my use case?
Well just make sure that your total records per card should be less than 100 mb (kind of thumb rule in Cassandra) but i would prefer much less value than this.
If you assume that your result size can be more you can do time based baucketing
For example a month based bucket will look like
(card int, occurredAt timestamp, year int, month int, venueName text, value int PRIMARY KEY ( (card, year, month) timestamp) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY occurredAt desc)
month:04 and year 2020 will be derived from occurredAt timstampp.
Let's say I have a table schema that has a timestamp for the event:
CREATE TABLE event_bucket_1 (
event_source text,
event_year int,
event_month int,
event_id text,
event_time timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY ((event_source, event_year, event_month), event_id)
My question is: Can I skip adding the event_year and event_month columns and replace it with some kind of function like year(event_time) and month(event_time)? The thinking is that event_year, event_month are both duplication of information from event_time.
No, it is not possible. But, from my understanding, you want to query based on year and month, right? You can accomplish this by replacing the event_year and event_month by event_time in your compound key and use query time ranges:
SELECT * FROM event_bucket_1 where event_source='source' and event_time > '2018-06-01 00:00:00' and event_time < '2018-07-01 00:00:00';
No, the partition key needs to be static, and AFAIK, can't be evaluated at.
You can try to open a ticket as an improvement for future versions at https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/Dashboard.jspa
Seems to be a good use case and would fit more scenarios.
I have a device table (say 'device' table) which has the static fields with current statistics and I have another table (say 'devicestat' table) which has the statistics of that device collected for every one minute and sorted by timestamp like below.
Example :
"partitionId" text,
"deviceId" text,
"name" text,
"totalMemoryInMB" bigint,
"totalCpu" int,
"currentUsedMemoryInMB" bigint,
"totalStorageInMB" bigint,
"currentUsedCpu" int,
"ipAddress" text,
primary key ("partitionId","deviceId"));
CREATE TABLE devicestat(
"deviceId" text,
"timestamp" timestamp,
"totalMemoryInMB" bigint,
"totalCpu" int,
"usedMemoryInMB" bigint,
"totalStorageInMB" bigint,
"usedCpu" int
primary key ("deviceId","timestamp"));
currentUsedMemoryInMB & currentUsedCpu => Hold the most recent statistics
usedMemoryInMB & usedCpu => Hold the most and also old statistics based on time stamp.
Could somebody suggest me the correct approach for the following concept?
So whenever I need static data with the most recent statistics I read from device table, Whenever I need history of device staistical data I read from the devicestat table
This looks fine for me, But only problem is I need to write the statitics in both table, In case of devicestat table It will be a new entry based on timestamp but In case of device table, we will just update the statistics. What is your thought on this, Does this need to be maintained in only the single stat table or Is it fine to update the most recent stat in device table too.
in Cassandra the common approach is to have a table(ColumnFamily) per query. And denormalization is also a good practice in Cassandra. So it's ok to keep 2 column families in this case.
Another way to get the latest stat from devicestat table is make data be DESC sorted by timestamp:
CREATE TABLE devicestat(
"deviceId" text,
"timestamp" timestamp,
"totalMemoryInMB" bigint,
"totalCpu" int,
"usedMemoryInMB" bigint,
"totalStorageInMB" bigint,
"usedCpu" int
primary key ("deviceId","timestamp"))
so you can query with limit 1 when you know deviceId
select * from devicestat where deviceId = 'someId' limit 1;
But if you want to list last stat of devices by partitionId then your approach with updating device table with latest stat is correct
I have a table with timestamps in a 15 min interval. It's possible to aggregate or group by hour and the load field being the average?
Theres a post on materialized views. You can use it to create a copy of data batched by hour. Then use the average aggregate functions on load. I think CASSANDRA-11871 Is what your looking for though, which has all its dependancies in group by has recently been completed but hasnt been worked on yet.
Kinda just guessing on your schema but something like (disclaimer not really tested):
ref_equip text,
ptd_assoc text,
date timestamp,
date_hour bigint,
load float,
PRIMARY KEY ((ref_equip, ptd_assoc), date)
WHERE ref_equip IS NOT NULL AND ptd_assoc IS NOT NULL
PRIMARY KEY ((ref_equip, ptd_assoc), date_hour, date);
where date_hour is just the timestamp with hour resolution, meaning divide by 1000*60*60 (epoc is ms) when doing insert. Can then select average
SELECT avg(load) FROM load_by_hour WHERE ref_equip='blarg' AND ptd_assoc='blargy' AND date_hour = 410632;
Alternatively something that may just be better to begin with is to store you data, partitioned by hour:
ref_equip text,
ptd_assoc text,
date timestamp,
date_hour bigint,
load float,
PRIMARY KEY ((ref_equip, ptd_assoc, date_hour), date)
I have a table Foo in cassandra with 4 columns foo_id bigint, date datetime, ref_id bigint, type int
here the partitioning key is foo_id. the clustering keys are date desc, ref_id and type
I want to write a CSQL query which is the equivalent of the SQL below
select min(foo_id) from foo where date >= '2016-04-01 00:00:00+0000'
I wrote the following CSQL
select foo_id from foo where
foo_id IN (-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807)
and date >= '2016-04-01 00:00:00+0000';
but this returns empty results.
Then I tried
select foo_id from foo where
token(foo_id) > -9223372036854775808
and token(foo_id) < 9223372036854775807
and date >= '2016-04-01 00:00:00+0000';
but this results in error
Unable to execute CSQL Script on 'Cassandra'. Cannot execute this query
as it might involve data filtering and thus may have unpredictable
performance. If you want to execute this query despite performance
unpredictability, use ALLOW FILTERING.
I don't want to use ALLOW FILTERING. but I want the minimum of foo_id at the start of the specified date.
You should probably denormalize your data and create a new table for the purpose. I propose something like:
CREATE TABLE foo_reverse (
year int,
month int,
day int,
foo_id bigint,
date datetime,
ref_id bigint,
type int,
PRIMARY KEY ((year, month, day), foo_id)
To get the minimum foo_id you would query that table by something like:
SELECT * FROM foo_reverse WHERE year = 2016 AND month = 4 AND day = 1 LIMIT 1;
That table would allow you to query on a "per day" basis. You can change the partition key to better reflect your needs. Beware of the potential hot spots you (and I) could create by selecting an appropriate time range.
i have a cassandra table like:
CREATE TABLE sensor_data (
sensor VARCHAR,
timestamp timestamp,
value float,
PRIMARY KEY ((sensor), timestamp)
And and aggregation table.
CREATE TABLE sensor_data_aggregated (
sensor VARCHAR,
aggregation VARCHAR /* hour or day */
timestamp timestamp,
min_timestamp timestamp,
min_value float,
max_timestamp timestamp,
max_value float,
avg_value float,
PRIMARY KEY ((sensor, aggregation), timestamp)
Is there a possibility of any trigger, to fill the "sensor_data_aggregated" table automaticly on insert, update, delete or "sensor_data" table?
My current solution whould be to write an custom trigger, with second commit log.
And an application that read and truncate this log peridicly to generate the aggregated data.
But i also found information that the datastax ops center can do this but no instruction how to do that?
What will be the best solution how to to this?
You can implement your own C* trigger for that, which will execute additional queries for your aggregation table after each row insert into sensor_data.
Also, for maintaining min/max values you can use CAS and C* lightweight transactions like
update sensor_data_aggregated
set min_value=123
and aggregation='bar'
and ts='2015-01-01 00:00:00'
if min_value>123;
using a bit updated schema ('timestamp' is a reserved keyword in cql3, you cannot use it unescaped):
CREATE TABLE sensor_data_aggregated (
sensor text,
aggregation text,
ts timestamp,
min_timestamp timestamp,
min_value float,
max_timestamp timestamp,
max_value float,
avg_value float,
PRIMARY KEY ((sensor, aggregation), ts)