Seperating ConnectionString from source control and be able to perform integrating testing in Azure CI/CD pipeline - azure

I've a WebAPI project and I'm using Azure CI/CD pipeline to deploy it in azure. The project contains unit testing and integration testing. And for integration testing it needs to access database. But since I don't want to check in my connectionstring to source control, the build pipeline will always fail.
So, the question is what solutions/features or workaround exist that can help me accomplish this scenario?

You can use token replace task to feed your config file with connection string. For that you need to install and add token replace task
and for this configuration:
you need to have such appsettings.json
"ConnectionStrings": {
"BloggingDatabase": "#{ConnectionString}#"
and in your pipeline please variable ConnectionString:
You can also use variable groups with Azure KeyVault. For that appeoach please check this blog post.

Azure Key Vault is a good place to securely store secrets such as db server credentials; this keeps them out of source control.
The general approach is:
in advance, save the db server password as a keyvault secret
in the pipeline, get the db server password using the Azure Key Vault task; it is now available as a secret variable in the pipeline
use the db server password in subsequent tasks; either directly, or by substituting into app settings as described in Krzysztof Madej's answer


SqlPackage.exe deploy DACPAC with always encrypted and Key vault

I am trying to deploy a DACPAC using Azure Release pipeline.
Following are the methods which I used
Using Azure SQL DACPAC task - While using this approach, as part of additional properties following set of params are passed for deployment
AzureKeyVaultAuthMethod:ClientIdSecret /ClientId:'$(SERVICEPRINCIPALID)' /Secret:'$(SERVICEPRINCIPALKEY)'. On enabling diagnostics log, getting following error:
SqlPackage build version - 16.0.6161.0
Using a power-shell script - While using the power-shell script in order to do the DACPAC deployment, I am getting the following error.
Failed to decrypt a column encryption key. Invalid key store provider name: 'AZURE_KEY_VAULT'. A key store provider name must denote either a system key store provider or a registered custom key store provider. Valid system key store provider names are: 'MSSQL_CERTIFICATE_STORE', 'MSSQL_CNG_STORE', 'MSSQL_CSP_PROVIDER'. Valid (currently registered) custom key store provider names are: . Please verify key store provider information in column master key definitions in the database, and verify all custom key store providers used in your application are registered properly.
Logs attached here
SqlPackage build version - 15.0.5472.2
As a pre-requisite before deploying the DACPAC, using a power-shell script I am creating the keys and then inserting them to DB. Contents of the script below.
All the deployments are happening through a service principal and it has admin level access on all the resources in the Azure AD.
Am I missing any steps here before the deployment of DACPAC through release pipeline.

How safe/protect Azure service principal secret

My deploy task using PowerShell script, which use Service Principal for connection to Azure KeyVault for pull secret. Secret (password) store in PowerShell script's code as plain text. Maybe there is another solution how to minimize token viewing.
And also i use powershell inline mode (not separate script) with Azure DevOps Secret Variable in deploy task, but this solution difficult to support (script has several different operations, so you have to keep many versions of the script).
Script is store in Git repository, anyone who has access to it will be able to see the secret and gain access to other keys. Perhaps I don't understand this concept correctly, but if keys cannot be stored in the code, then what should I do?
I devops you can use variable groups and define that the variables is pulled directly from a selected keyvault (if the service principal you have selected have read/list access to the KV) LINK.
This means that you can define all secrets in keyvault, and they would be pulled before any tasks happens in your yaml. To be able to use them in the script you can define them as a env variable or parameter to your script and just reference $env:variable or just $variable, instead of having the secret hardcoded in your script.

Configure Self hosted integration runtime for ADF v1

I have installed self hosted IR on my PC and am trying to use it in my ADF (SQL Server to Azure SQL DB) pipeline. When i run the pipeline it fails with the below error.
InvalidParameter,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=The value of the property 'msiAuthenticator' is invalid: 'The required property is not specified. Parameter name:
I think you can try the copy tool UI and set up it again.
did you use the encrypted credential for your linked service, what authentication type did you use ? to know your scenario, I need more information.

'Failed to encrypt sub-resource payload' error when attempting CI/CD

We are trying to setup CI/deployment with DevOps using the documentation provided here: We are using a shared IR that has been set up in the target environment prior to deployment.
The release succeeds if the deployment mode setting is set to validation only, but fails when incremental or complete is selected. We get the following error when using override template parameters:
2018-09-21T17:07:43.2936188Z ##[error]BadRequest: {
"error": {
"code": "BadRequest",
"message": "Failed to encrypt sub-resource payload
Please make sure your shared IR is online when doing the deployment, otherwise you may meet this problem because self-hosted IR will be used to encrypt your payload.
If you confirm the above action is done and you still have this error, please share the request activity ID to us and we can do some further investigation.
Make sure that you've entered the right connection string into your parameters JSON for any linked services you are using. This fixed the error for me although I don't have a full CI/CD environment with IR established.
I can solve it using the Azure Key Vault.
I added the connection string as a Secret.
In the connection string I also included the authentication data (username and password).
The limitation of this approach is that the possibility of passing the parameters is lost.
For example: dynamic values such as the name of the database or the user.
I would request you to look into the connection string for the respective Linked Service for which you have attached IR. For my ASQL based Linked service I had to use something like this , simple server name would not suffice and you will get "message": "Failed to encrypt sub-resource payload
"typeProperties": {
"connectionString": "Integrated Security=False;Encrypt=True;Connection Timeout=30;Data;Initial Catalog=\"#{split(linkedService().LS_ASQL_SERVERDB,';')[1]}\""
I override parameter because of the connection string was secure. Use dummy value of(username, password, connection string) if You don't have original ones and then deploy.
The IR already being running doesn't make sense when doing a full deployment of an ADF instance. The IR key is generated within the instance of ADF you deploy, meaning you've created circular logic: you cannot deploy IR until the deployment of ADF is complete, but you can't complete the deployment of ADF until the IR is deployed.
So far our answer has been to let the arm template fail at this point, which is after the IR registration in the template so the IR key is then generated. We use that to deploy the IR, then re-run the template and it succeeds... it's stupid and hacky and there has to be a more sane way to do this than intentional failure/retry.

Deploy Azure web app with private credentials via Git

I would like to deploy my Node.js app via GitHub to Azure.
I intend to make the app open source, thus no private info would be published in the repo; however, I still need to push the necessary credentials, API keys, etc. for the app to connect to other services.
How can I deploy the app without resorting to the private Git endpoint, and then awkward copy-pasting between the repos?
Typically you'll want to utilize an npm module like nconf to load environment variables from either a file or environment variables.
config.json is just a JSON document listing your key:value pairs. You'll want to add config.json to your .gitignore file to ensure you don't share your credentials publically.
Within the Azure Portal, you'll want to add your credentials as key:value pairs under Application Settings.
Note: You may be wondering what will happen if config.json is not found. nconf will simply move on to the next chained option. You could continue to chain config options together as in the following code snippet:
var nconf = require('nconf');
// Create nconf environtment
.file({ file: 'config.json' }) // Committed to repo; public settings
.file({file: 'local_config.json'}) // Not committed to repo; private or dev environment settings
Persistent data can be stored under d:\home, so I would recommend placing your private customizations there. If they need to be applied to the site in some way, you should do this by writing a deployment hook.
Set configuration as environment variables found in the "App Settings" section under Settings->Application Settings. Rationale here.
Your issue seems to be continuous deployment for Web App via Git from GitHub repo.
So I think #Dark Falcon 's answer is correct.
Azure continuous deployment support GitHub just need to do OAuth authentication in Azure Portal.
Find out the link "set up deployment from source control" at Azure WebApp Dashboard page and do it step by step, as the pictures below.
There is some blogs and vedio tutorials for details of helping you.
The blog explains how to use continuous deployment support for repo hosted on GitHub
You also can follow these vedio tutorials to try to do it, as the references below.
Best Regards.
